Dr Sebastian Halder

s.halder@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872906
1NW.3.12, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
My Academic Support Hours are Fridays 14:00-16:00. If you wish to contact me to arrange a meeting outside of these hours, please do so via email.
I received my MSc degree in Bioinformatics from the University of Tübingen, Germany in 2006 and my PhD in Computer Science from the same institution in 2011. From 2002 to 2006 as a student and from 2006 to 2012 I worked in the group of Prof. Niels Birbaumer in particular on brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) for communication with persons with severe motor impairments. During this time I worked on the online processing of electroencephalography (EEG) data, the design of new communication paradigms and the analysis of electrocorticography (ECoG) and functional magnetic resonance data (fMRI) with a focus on clinical applications. Since then I have held positions at the University of Würzburg in Germany (Prof. Dr. Andrea Kübler), the National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities in Japan (Prof. Dr. Kenji Kansaku) and the University of Oslo in Norway (Prof. Dr. Johan F. Storm). My research interests include auditory BCIs for communication, the neural mechanisms of learning with BCIs, the neural signature of pain and disorders of consciousness. Currently I am a Senior Lecturer in Brain-Computer Interfacing at the University of Essex, UK.
PhD University of Tübingen,
MSc Bioinformatics University of Tübingen,
University of Essex
Senior Lecturer, University of Essex (1/10/2022 - present)
Lecturer, University of Essex (7/1/2019 - 30/9/2022)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Brain-Computer Interfaces
Conferences and presentations
Workshop proposal
BCI Meeting 2025, International BCI Meeting, 3/6/2025
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Object-Oriented Programming (CE152)
Neuroimaging and Brain Stimulation Technologies (CE225)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/6/2024
Publications (2)
Ziebell, P., Pfeiffer, M., Tröger, W., Halder, S., Giesler, T., Kübler, A. and Eidel, M., (2024). Persistent tactile P3 in long-term brain-computer interface home use by a patient in locked-in state
Pfeiffer, M., Ziebell, P., Tröger, C., Tröger, W., Halder, S., Giesler, T., Kübler, A. and Eidel, M., (2024). A comparison of state-of-the-art signal classification algorithms in a locked-in end-user with a tactile P300 based BCI in long-term home-use
Journal articles (50)
Matran-Fernandez, A. and Halder, S., Cinematic Memories: EEG-Based Decoding of Recall Using Naturalistic Stimuli. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems
Valentini, E., Halder, S. and Romei, V., (2024). The independence and predictivity of resting pain-free slow alpha frequency as a biomarker of pain: A reply to Mazaheri et al.. NeuroImage. 296, 120681-120681
Huggins, JE., Krusienski, D., Vansteensel, MJ., Valeriani, D., Thelen, A., Stavisky, S., Norton, JJS., Nijholt, A., Müller-Putz, G., Kosmyna, N., Korczowski, L., Kapeller, C., Herff, C., Halder, S., Guger, C., Grosse-Wentrup, M., Gaunt, R., Dusang, AN., Clisson, P., Chavarriaga, R., Anderson, CW., Allison, B., Aksenova, T. and Aarnoutse, E., (2022). Workshops of the eighth international brain–computer interface meeting: BCIs: the next frontier. Brain-Computer Interfaces. 9 (2), 1-33
Han, Y., Ziebell, P., Riccio, A. and Halder, S., (2022). Two sides of the same coin: adaptation of BCIs to internal states with user-centered design and electrophysiological features. Brain-Computer Interfaces. 9 (2), 102-114
Valentini, E., Halder, S., McInnerney, D., Cooke, J., Gyimes, IL. and Romei, V., (2022). Assessing the specificity of the relationship between brain alpha oscillations and tonic pain. NeuroImage. 255, 119143-119143
Halder, S., Juel, BE., Nilsen, AS., Raghavan, LV. and Storm, JF., (2021). Changes in measures of consciousness during anaesthesia of one hemisphere (Wada test). NeuroImage. 226, 117566-117566
Cunha, JD., Perdikis, S., Halder, S. and Scherer, R., (2021). Post-adaptation effects in a motor imagery brain-computer interface online coadaptive paradigm. IEEE Access. 9, 41688-41703
Ziebell, P., Stümpfig, J., Eidel, M., Kleih, SC., Kübler, A., Latoschik, ME. and Halder, S., (2020). Stimulus modality influences session-to-session transfer of training effects in auditory and tactile streaming-based P300 brain–computer interfaces. Scientific Reports. 10 (1), 11873-
Halder, S., Leinfelder, T., Schulz, SM. and Kübler, A., (2019). Neural mechanisms of training an auditory event-related potential task in a brain-computer interface context. Human Brain Mapping. 40 (8), 2399-2412
Halder, S., Takano, K. and Kansaku, K., (2018). Comparison of Four Control Methods for a Five-Choice Assistive Technology. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 12, 228-
Hammer, EM., Halder, S., Kleih, SC. and Kübler, A., (2018). Psychological Predictors of Visual and Auditory P300 Brain-Computer Interface Performance. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12 (MAY), 307-
Käthner, I., Halder, S., Hintermüller, C., Espinosa, A., Guger, C., Miralles, F., Vargiu, E., Dauwalder, S., Rafael-Palou, X., Solà, M., Daly, JM., Armstrong, E., Martin, S. and Kübler, A., (2017). A multifunctional brain-computer interface intended for home use: An evaluation with healthy participants and potential end users with dry and gel-based electrodes. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 11 (MAY), 286-
Halder, S., Takano, K., Ora, H., Onishi, A., Utsumi, K. and Kansaku, K., (2016). An evaluation of training with an auditory P300 brain-computer interface for the Japanese Hiragana syllabary. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 10 (SEP), 446-
Baykara, E., Ruf, CA., Fioravanti, C., Käthner, I., Simon, N., Kleih, SC., Kübler, A. and Halder, S., (2016). Effects of training and motivation on auditory P300 brain–computer interface performance. Clinical Neurophysiology. 127 (1), 379-387
Halder, S., Käthner, I. and Kübler, A., (2016). Training leads to increased auditory brain–computer interface performance of end-users with motor impairments. Clinical Neurophysiology. 127 (2), 1288-1296
Käthner, I., Kübler, A. and Halder, S., (2015). Rapid P300 brain-computer interface communication with a head-mounted display. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 9 (MAY), 207-
Halder, S., Pinegger, A., Käthner, I., Wriessnegger, SC., Faller, J., Pires Antunes, JB., Müller-Putz, GR. and Kübler, A., (2015). Brain-controlled applications using dynamic P300 speller matrices. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 63 (1), 7-17
Simon, N., Käthner, I., Ruf, CA., Pasqualotto, E., Kübler, A. and Halder, S., (2015). An auditory multiclass brain-computer interface with natural stimuli: Usability evaluation with healthy participants and a motor impaired end user. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8 (JAN), 1039-
Pinegger, A., Faller, J., Halder, S., Wriessnegger, SC. and Müller-Putz, GR., (2015). Control or non-control state: that is the question! An asynchronous visual P300-based BCI approach. Journal of Neural Engineering. 12 (1), 014001-014001
Käthner, I., Kübler, A. and Halder, S., (2015). Comparison of eye tracking, electrooculography and an auditory brain-computer interface for binary communication: a case study with a participant in the locked-in state. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 12 (1), 76-
Pasqualotto, E., Matuz, T., Federici, S., Ruf, CA., Bartl, M., Olivetti Belardinelli, M., Birbaumer, N. and Halder, S., (2015). Usability and Workload of Access Technology for People With Severe Motor Impairment. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 29 (10), 950-957
Miralles, F., Vargiu, E., Dauwalder, S., Solà, M., Müller-Putz, G., Wriessnegger, SC., Pinegger, A., Kübler, A., Halder, S., Käthner, I., Martin, S., Daly, J., Armstrong, E., Guger, C., Hintermüller, C. and Lowish, H., (2015). Brain Computer Interface on Track to Home.. The Scientific World Journal. 2015 (1), 623896-
Martens, S., Bensch, M., Halder, S., Hill, J., Nijboer, F., Ramos-Murguialday, A., Schoelkopf, B., Birbaumer, N. and Gharabaghi, A., (2014). Epidural electrocorticography for monitoring of arousal in locked-in state. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8 (OCT), 861-
Bensch, M., Martens, S., Halder, S., Hill, J., Nijboer, F., Ramos, A., Birbaumer, N., Bogdan, M., Kotchoubey, B., Rosenstiel, W., Schölkopf, B. and Gharabaghi, A., (2014). Assessing attention and cognitive function in completely locked-in state with event-related brain potentials and epidural electrocorticography. Journal of Neural Engineering. 11 (2), 026006-026006
Käthner, I., Wriessnegger, SC., Müller-Putz, GR., Kübler, A. and Halder, S., (2014). Effects of mental workload and fatigue on the P300, alpha and theta band power during operation of an ERP (P300) brain–computer interface. Biological Psychology. 102 (1), 118-129
Halder, S., Ruf, CA., Furdea, A., Pasqualotto, E., De Massari, D., van der Heiden, L., Bogdan, M., Rosenstiel, W., Birbaumer, N., Kübler, A. and Matuz, T., (2013). Prediction of P300 BCI Aptitude in Severe Motor Impairment. PLoS ONE. 8 (10), e76148-e76148
Zickler, C., Halder, S., Kleih, SC., Herbert, C. and Kübler, A., (2013). Brain Painting: Usability testing according to the user-centered design in end users with severe motor paralysis. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 59 (2), 99-110
Soekadar, SR., Born, J., Birbaumer, N., Bensch, M., Halder, S., Murguialday, AR., Gharabaghi, A., Nijboer, F., Schölkopf, B. and Martens, S., (2013). Fragmentation of Slow Wave Sleep after Onset of Complete Locked-In State. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 09 (09), 951-953
De Massari, D., Ruf, CA., Furdea, A., Matuz, T., van der Heiden, L., Halder, S., Silvoni, S. and Birbaumer, N., (2013). Brain communication in the locked-in state. Brain. 136 (6), 1989-2000
Halder, S., Varkuti, B., Bogdan, M., Kübler, A., Rosenstiel, W., Sitaram, R. and Birbaumer, N., (2013). Prediction of brain-computer interface aptitude from individual brain structure. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7 (APR 2013), 105-
Halder, S., Hammer, EM., Kleih, SC., Bogdan, M., Rosenstiel, W., Birbaumer, N. and Kübler, A., (2013). Prediction of Auditory and Visual P300 Brain-Computer Interface Aptitude. PLoS ONE. 8 (2), e53513-e53513
Ruf, CA., De Massari, D., Furdea, A., Matuz, T., Fioravanti, C., van der Heiden, L., Halder, S. and Birbaumer, N., (2013). Semantic Classical Conditioning and Brain-Computer Interface Control: Encoding of Affirmative and Negative Thinking. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 7 (7 MAR), 23-
De Massari, D., Matuz, T., Furdea, A., Ruf, CA., Halder, S. and Birbaumer, N., (2013). Brain–computer interface and semantic classical conditioning of communication in paralysis. Biological Psychology. 92 (2), 267-274
Käthner, I., Ruf, CA., Pasqualotto, E., Braun, C., Birbaumer, N. and Halder, S., (2013). A portable auditory P300 brain–computer interface with directional cues. Clinical Neurophysiology. 124 (2), 327-338
Lulé, D., Noirhomme, Q., Kleih, SC., Chatelle, C., Halder, S., Demertzi, A., Bruno, M-A., Gosseries, O., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Schnakers, C., Thonnard, M., Soddu, A., Kübler, A. and Laureys, S., (2013). Probing command following in patients with disorders of consciousness using a brain–computer interface. Clinical Neurophysiology. 124 (1), 101-106
Ramos-Murguialday, A., Schürholz, M., Caggiano, V., Wildgruber, M., Caria, A., Hammer, EM., Halder, S. and Birbaumer, N., (2012). Proprioceptive Feedback and Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Based Neuroprostheses. PLoS ONE. 7 (10), e47048-e47048
Hammer, EM., Halder, S., Blankertz, B., Sannelli, C., Dickhaus, T., Kleih, S., Müller, K-R. and Kübler, A., (2012). Psychological predictors of SMR-BCI performance. Biological Psychology. 89 (1), 80-86
Furdea, A., Ruf, CA., Halder, S., De Massari, D., Bogdan, M., Rosenstiel, W., Matuz, T. and Birbaumer, N., (2012). A new (semantic) reflexive brain–computer interface: In search for a suitable classifier. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 203 (1), 233-240
Zickler, C., Riccio, A., Leotta, F., Hillian-Tress, S., Halder, S., Holz, E., Staiger-Sälzer, P., Hoogerwerf, E-J., Desideri, L., Mattia, D. and Kübler, A., (2011). A Brain-Computer Interface as Input Channel for a Standard Assistive Technology Software. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience. 42 (4), 236-244
Murguialday, AR., Hill, J., Bensch, M., Martens, S., Halder, S., Nijboer, F., Schoelkopf, B., Birbaumer, N. and Gharabaghi, A., (2011). Transition from the locked in to the completely locked-in state: A physiological analysis. Clinical Neurophysiology. 122 (5), 925-933
Halder, S., Agorastos, D., Veit, R., Hammer, EM., Lee, S., Varkuti, B., Bogdan, M., Rosenstiel, W., Birbaumer, N. and Kübler, A., (2011). Neural mechanisms of brain–computer interface control. NeuroImage. 55 (4), 1779-1790
Münßinger, JI., Halder, S., Kleih, SC., Furdea, A., Raco, V., Hösle, A. and Kübler, A., (2010). Brain Painting: First Evaluation of a New Brain–Computer Interface Application with ALS-Patients and Healthy Volunteers. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 4 (NOV), 182-
Mugler, EM., Ruf, CA., Halder, S., Bensch, M. and Kubler, A., (2010). Design and Implementation of a P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface for Controlling an Internet Browser. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 18 (6), 599-609
Lee, S., Halder, S., Kübler, A., Birbaumer, N. and Sitaram, R., (2010). Effective functional mapping of fMRI data with support‐vector machines. Human Brain Mapping. 31 (10), 1502-1511
Kleih, SC., Nijboer, F., Halder, S. and Kübler, A., (2010). Motivation modulates the P300 amplitude during brain–computer interface use. Clinical Neurophysiology. 121 (7), 1023-1031
Blankertz, B., Sannelli, C., Halder, S., Hammer, EM., Kübler, A., Müller, K-R., Curio, G. and Dickhaus, T., (2010). Neurophysiological predictor of SMR-based BCI performance. NeuroImage. 51 (4), 1303-1309
Halder, S., Rea, M., Andreoni, R., Nijboer, F., Hammer, EM., Kleih, SC., Birbaumer, N. and Kübler, A., (2010). An auditory oddball brain–computer interface for binary choices. Clinical Neurophysiology. 121 (4), 516-523
Furdea, A., Halder, S., Krusienski, DJ., Bross, D., Nijboer, F., Birbaumer, N. and Kübler, A., (2009). An auditory oddball (P300) spelling system for brain‐computer interfaces. Psychophysiology. 46 (3), 617-625
Nijboer, F., Sellers, EW., Mellinger, J., Jordan, MA., Matuz, T., Furdea, A., Halder, S., Mochty, U., Krusienski, DJ., Vaughan, TM., Wolpaw, JR., Birbaumer, N. and Kübler, A., (2008). A P300-based brain–computer interface for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Clinical Neurophysiology. 119 (8), 1909-1916
Halder, S., Bensch, M., Mellinger, J., Bogdan, M., Kübler, A., Birbaumer, N. and Rosenstiel, W., (2007). Online Artifact Removal for Brain-Computer Interfaces Using Support Vector Machines and Blind Source Separation. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2007, 1-10
Book chapters (1)
Kleih, SC., Kaufmann, T., Zickler, C., Halder, S., Leotta, F., Cincotti, F., Aloise, F., Riccio, A., Herbert, C., Mattia, D. and Kübler, A., (2011). Out of the frying pan into the fire—the P300-based BCI faces real-world challenges. In: Progress in Brain Research. Elsevier. 27- 46. 9780444538154
Conferences (30)
Tates, A., Matran-Fernandez, A., Halder, S. and Daly, I., (2024). Wavelet packet decomposition to extract frequency features from speech imagery
Sultana, M., Jain, O., Halder, S., Matran-Fernandez, A., Nawaz, R., Scherer, R., Chavarriaga, R., Millan, JDR. and Perdikis, S., (2024). Evaluating dry EEG technology out of the lab
Matran-Fernandez, A. and Halder, S., (2024). Data-driven detection of memory encoding from EEG in an audiovisual task
Halder, S., Matran-Fernandez, A., Nawaz, R., Lopes da Silva, M., Bertoni, T., Noel, J-P., Jöhr, J., Serino, A., Diserens, K., Scherer, R. and Perdikis, S., (2024). To repeat or not to repeat? Erp-based assessment of the level of consciousness - a case study
Constantin, MG., Demarty, C-H., Fosco, C., Herrera, AGSD., Halder, S., Healy, G., Ionescu, B., Matran-Fernandez, A., Kiziltepe, RS., Smeaton, AF. and Sweeney, L., (2024). Overview of The MediaEval 2023 Predicting Video Memorability Task.
Sweeney, L., Constantin, MG., Demarty, C-H., Fosco, C., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Halder, S., Healy, G., Ionescu, B., Matran-Fernandez, A., Smeaton, AF. and Sultana, M., (2023). Overview of The MediaEval 2022 Predicting Video Memorability Task
Han, Y., Valentini, E. and Halder, S., (2023). Validation of Cross-Individual Pain Assessment with Individual Recognition Model from Electroencephalogram.
Han, Y., Valentini, E. and Halder, S., (2022). Classification of Tonic Pain Experience based on Phase Connectivity in the Alpha Frequency Band of the Electroencephalogram using Convolutional Neural Networks.
Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Constantin, MG., Demarty, C-H., Fosco, C., Halder, S., Healy, G., Ionescu, B., Matran-Fernandez, A., Smeaton, AF., Sultana, M. and Sweeney, L., (2022). Experiences from the MediaEval Predicting Media Memorability Task
Sweeney, L., Constantin, MG., Demarty, C-H., Fosco, C., Herrera, AGSD., Halder, S., Healy, G., Ionescu, B., Matran-Fernandez, A., Smeaton, AF. and Sultana, M., (2022). Overview of The MediaEval 2022 Predicting Video Memorability Task.
Sweeney, L., Matran-Fernandez, A., Halder, S., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Smeaton, A. and Healy, G., (2021). Overview of the EEG Pilot Subtask at MediaEval 2021: Predicting Media Memorability
Savran Kiziltepe, R., Constantin, MG., Demarty, C-H., Healy, G., Fosco, C., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Halder, S., Ionescu, B., Matran-Fernandez, A., Smeaton, AF. and Sweeney, L., (2021). Overview of The MediaEval 2021 Predicting Media Memorability Task
Kiziltepe, RS., Constantin, MG., Demarty, C-H., Healy, G., Fosco, C., Herrera, AGSD., Halder, S., Ionescu, B., Matran-Fernandez, A., Smeaton, AF. and Sweeney, L., (2021). Overview of The MediaEval 2021 Predicting Media Memorability Task.
Sweeney, L., Matran-Fernandez, A., Halder, S., Herrera, AGSD., Smeaton, AF. and Healy, G., (2021). Overview of the EEG Pilot Subtask at MediaEval 2021: Predicting Media Memorability.
Hintermüller, C., Vargiu, E., Halder, S., Daly, J., Miralles, F., Lowish, H., Anderson, N., Martin, S. and Edlinger, G., (2015). Brain Neural Computer Interface for Everyday Home Usage
Victorino, J., Noirhomme, Q., Lule, D., Kleih, SC., Chatelle, C., Halder, S., Demertzi, A., Bruno, M-A., Gosseries, O., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Schnakers, C., Thonnard, M., Soddu, A., Kubler, A., Laureys, S. and Gomez, F., (2015). Improving EEG-BCI analysis for low certainty subjects by using dictionary learning
Pinegger, A., Deckert, L., Halder, S., Barry, N., Faller, J., Kathner, I., Hintermuller, C., Wriessnegger, S., Kubler, A. and Muller-Putz, GR., (2014). Write, read and answer emails with a dry ‘n’ wireless brain-computer interface system
Kaethner, I., Halder, S., Wriessnegger, SC., Mueller-Putz, GR. and Kuebler, A., (2013). Effects of mental workload during operation of a visual P300 brain-computer interface
Sannelli, C., Dickhaus, T., Halder, S., Hammer, E-M., Müller, K-R. and Blankertz, B., (2010). On Optimal Channel Configurations for SMR-based Brain–Computer Interfaces
Ramos, A., Soares, ES., Agostini, M., Broetz, D., Benkner, B., Rea, M., Halder, S., Caria, A., Soekader, S. and Birbaumer, N., (2009). AFFERENT FEEDBACK INFLUENCES FOR AN ON-LINE BCI FOR STROKE REHABILITATION
Kleih, SC., Halder, S., Furdea, A., Kotchoubey, B. and Kuebler, A., (2009). THE EFFECT OF MOTIVATION IN BCI PERFORMANCE
Kübler, A., Furdea, A., Halder, S., Hammer, EM., Nijboer, F. and Kotchoubey, B., (2009). A Brain–Computer Interface Controlled Auditory Event‐Related Potential (P300) Spelling System for Locked‐In Patients
Ramos, A., Halder, S. and Birbaumer, N., (2009). Proprioceptive feedback in BCI
Ramos, A., Halder, S. and Birbaumer, N., (2009). Proprioceptive Feedback in BCI
Kuebler, A., Nijboer, F., Furdea, A., Halder, S. and Birbaumer, N., (2008). Brain-computer interfaces in the locked-in syndrome
Reports and Papers (1)
Valentini, E., Halder, S., McInnersey, D., Cooke, J. and Romei, V., (2019). Assessing the specificity of the relationship between brain alpha oscillations and tonic pain
Grants and funding
PaiNeuro: Towards objective PAIn measurement using NEUROphysiological signals
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Exploring the Use of Neurofeedback for Alleviating Perimenopausal Symptoms
The Royal Society
To use the latest data science and machine learning techniques to intelligently automate our Internal Audit processes and develop a new AI-driven analysis service as a premium product within our range.
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Academic support hours:
My Academic Support Hours are Fridays 14:00-16:00. If you wish to contact me to arrange a meeting outside of these hours, please do so via email.