Dr Sophie Hales

shales@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872402
EBS.3.127F, Colchester Campus
Dr Sophie Hales is a Lecturer in Organization Studies at Essex Business School. She joined the Business School in April 2019, having previously held a Senior Lectureship in Management at Anglia Ruskin University. Her research interests include gender, sexuality and the body in organizations; lived experiences of work; emotional, aesthetic and sexualised labour, and organizational space and materiality. She received her PhD from the University of Essex in 2017. Her research, which was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, focused on lived experiences of women working in the UK strip industry. Sophie has published widely on her research in leading academic peer-reviewed journals such as Organization Studies and Organization as well as contributing chapters in edited books including The Handbook of Age, Diversity and Work. She regularly presents her work at international conferences such as the Gender, Work and Organization Conference and the International Critical Management Studies Conference.
PhD Management University of Essex,
MRes Management Research University of Essex,
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching Anglia Ruskin University,
BSc Psychology University of Essex,
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Emotional, aesthetic and sexualized labour in interactive service work
Gender, sexuality and embodiment at work
Lived experiences of sexualized forms of work
Gender, sexuality and the body in work organizations
Conferences and presentations
Team based learning: Synergies with leadership development in undergraduate students
Invited presentation, TeachMeet, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 25/1/2018
Staging sexuality: Encoding, embedding and enacting lap dancing work
10th International Critical Management Studies Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 3/7/2017
Stripping it back: Encoding, embedding and embodying the lap dancing industry
Quadrangular Conference: Organizational Practices within Contemporary Landscapes, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 14/9/2015
Journal articles (4)
Hales, S. and Galbally, P., (2023). Messing up research: A dialogical account of gender, reflexivity and governance in auto-ethnography. Gender, Work and Organization. 30 (5), 1491-1512
Tyler, M. and Hales, S., (2022). Heroism and/as injurious speech: Recognition, precarity and inequality in health and social care work. Gender, Work and Organization. 29 (4), 1199-1218
Hales, S., Riach, K. and Tyler, M., (2021). Close Encounters: Intimate service interactions in lap dancing work as a nexus of ‘self-others-things’. Organization Studies. 42 (4), 555-574
Hales, S., Riach, K. and Tyler, M., (2019). Putting sexualized labour in the picture: Encoding ‘reasonable entitlement’ in the lap dancing industry. Organization. 26 (6), 783-801
Book chapters (2)
Hales, S., Galbally, P. and Tyler, M., Lost for words: Difficult conversations about ethics, reflexivity and research governance. In: Difficult Conversations: A Feminist Dialogue. Editors: Ryan-Flood, R., James-Hawkins, L. and Crowhurst, I., . Routledge
Hales, S. and Riach, K., (2016). From age diversity to embedded ageing: Exploring and addressing aged assumptions in organizational practices. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Age Diversity and Work. Editors: Parry, E. and McCarthy, J., . Palgrave Macmillan. 111- 132. 978-1-137-46779-9
Thesis dissertation (1)
Hales, S., (2016). Sliding down the pole: Lived experiences of sexuality and ageing in the lap dancing industry.
Other (1)
Hales, S., (2015).Book review: Ageing, corporeality and embodiment, C. Gilleard and P. Higgs and Fashion and age: Dress, the body and later life, J. Twigg.. Gender, Work and Organization. 22(5),Wiley