Professor Michael Halewood

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6.354, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Friday 1-2 or email for an appointment.
Michael joined Essex in 2007 having completed his PhD and taught at Goldsmiths College, University of London. His research addresses the relationship of philosophy to social theory, with emphasis on the work of A. N. Whitehead and John Dewey. He has written three monographs, and published articles and chapters on the philosophical aspects of topics such as Alzheimer's disease, psychedelics and social class. He is an Associate Editor of the Whitehead Publication Project. This project has a contract with Edinburgh University Press to produce a new critical edition of the complete works of A. N. Whitehead. It will also produce digital versions of Whitehead's works, letters, lecture notes etc. He is also an International Academic Advisor for the Whitehead Research Project.
BA (Bham)
MA (London)
PhD (London)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Sociology as a Moral Science
Relativism and Relativity
Conferences and presentations
The Categoreal Scheme
Invited presentation, Whitehead’s Footnotes. A Workshop, Wuppertal, Germany, 3/7/2024
Whitehead on the Importance of Character. Some thoughts on the Extensive Continuum
Keynote presentation, 13th International Whitehead Conference, Munich, Germany, 28/7/2023
Reality as Process. An outline of A. N. Whitehead's Metaphysics
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Bath Royal Literary Institution, Bath Royal Literary Institution, Bath, United Kingdom, 3/9/2019
Unsocial Life presented at 10th International Whitehead Conference, Pomona College, California, June 5th 2015.
Claremont, United States, 2015
Death, Entropy, Creativity and Perpetual Perishing: Some thoughts from Whitehead and Stengers presented at Alternative Futures: Trans/Post-humanism and the transformation of the Lifecourse at the University of Cardiff, 6th May 2015.(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2015
Speculating Materiality - A Dialogue between Michael Halewood and Tomislav Medek. March 29th 2014. Lures of speculation Festival, Tanzquartier, Vienna.(public lecture)
Vienna, Austria, 2014
Durkheim Approaches the Social. May 8th 2014, University of Turku, Finland(Invited lectures and keynotes)
Turku, Finland, 2014
Durkheims Philosophy of the Social, May 9th 2014, University of Helsinki, Finland.(Invited lectures and keynotes)
Helsinki, Finland, 2014
Do those diagnosed with Alzheimers disease lose their souls? Keynote lecture at a symposium Concerning Relations: Sociologies of Conduct, Care and Affect held at the University of Exeter, November 28-9th, 2014.(Invited lectures and keynotes)
Exeter, United Kingdom, 2014
The Inhumanity of Symbolism presented at a conference on Whitehead and Symbolism held at Claremont Graduate University, California, December 5th, 2014.(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
Claremont, United States, 2014
The Emotive Philosophies of A. N. Whiteheads. September 26th 2013. A lecture as part of the retrospective on the work of Siah Armajani at Parasol Unit Foundation for Contemporary Art. ( (public lecture)
A Cosmopolitical Proposal? Stengers on Proposals and Propositions; Paper given at a workshop on Isabelle Stengers: Constructivism in Practice, St Catherines College, Oxford, May 10th 2013.(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
Oxford, United Kingdom, 2013
On Equal Temperament. Tuning the natural and the social. Presentation at Departmental Seminar, Department of Geography, University of Bristol, March 5th 2013.(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
Bristol, United Kingdom, 2013
There is no meaning to creativity apart from its creatures. Presented at a Unit of Play Seminar A bid for novelty: conceptions of creativity at Goldsmiths, University of London, Jan 10th 2013.(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
London, United Kingdom, 2013
The Social Life of Propositions. Presented at Chromatiques whiteheadiennes , May 19th 2012 at the Foundation Biermans-Lapôtre (Cité Universitaire, Paris).(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
Paris, France, 2012
The Social Life of Propositions. Presented at Life, Process and Philosophy a conference organized by the Finland Academy of Science, Helsinki, Finland, May 11-12, 2012, Helsinki, Finland.(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
Helsinki, Finland, 2012
The Body as Process. Presented at Negotiating Subjectivities -A One-Day Symposium Exploring Photography, Health & The Body,5th November 2011, Goldsmiths, University of London.(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
London, United Kingdom, 2011
On Equal Temperament. Tuning, Modernity and Compromise. Presented at the annual conference of the Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, September 22-5, 2011, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
Waterloo, Canada, 2011
A Culture of Thought: A. N. Whiteheads challenge to modernity. April 30th 2010. Institute of Advanced Social Research, Tampere, Finland. (Invited lectures and keynotes)
Tampere, Finland, 2010
What is Sociology? What does A. N Whitehead offer Sociology today?. April 28th 2010, University of Turku, Finland.(Invited lectures and keynotes)
Turku, Finland, 2010
A Culture of Thought: A. N. Whiteheads challenge to modernity. April 27th 2010, University of Turku, Finland.(Invited lectures and keynotes)
Turku, Finland, 2010
Facts as Social Things. Presented at Metaphysics and Things. New Forms of Speculative Thought, December 2-4, 2010, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California.(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
Claremont, United States, 2010
On Any and Some in Process and Reality presented at The Becoming of Whiteheads Process and Reality in his later works Université de Liège, Belgium, November 25-26, 2010.(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
Liège, Belgium, 2010
Conformation, Time and Actuality. Presented at the annual conference of the Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 28th-21st 2010.(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
Indiana, United States, 2010
Language, the Body and the Problem of Signification. Presented at Becomings, Misplacements, Departures: Butler and Whitehead as Catalysts for Contemporary Thought, December 3-5, 2009, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California.(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
Claremont, United States, 2009
John Dewey and the Metaphysics of Possession. Presented to the Philosophy Graduate Workshop at Essex University, November, 12th 2009.(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2009
Marx on Possession. Presented at a seminar organized by the Groupe DÉtudes Constructivistes, June 12th 2009 at the Université Libre de Bruxelles(Invited conference and seminar presentations)
Brussels, Belgium, 2009
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Power and Agency in a Global World (SC201)
Rethinking Modernity (SC301)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/10/2024

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/8/2023

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/6/2022

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/8/2020

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/7/2018
Journal articles (14)
Halewood, M., (2023). “Class is always a matter of morals”: Bourdieu and Dewey on Social Class, Morality, and Habit(us).. Cultural Sociology. 17 (3), 373-389
Halewood, M., (2018). A Question of Faith? Stengers and Whitehead on Causation and Conformation. Sub-Stance. 47 (1), 80-95
Halewood, M., (2016). Do those diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease lose their souls? Whitehead and Stengers on persons, propositions and the soul. The Sociological Review. 64 (4), 786-804
Halewood, M., (2015). On equal temperament. History of the Human Sciences. 28 (3), 3-21
Halewood, M., (2015). Death, Entropy, Creativity and Perpetual Perishing: Some Thoughts from Whitehead and Stengers. Social Sciences. 4 (3), 655-667
Halewood, M., (2012). On natural‐social commodities. The form and value of things. The British Journal of Sociology. 63 (3), 430-450
Halewood, M., (2011). Olli Pyyhtinen, Simmel and ‘The Social’. Acta Sociologica. 54 (3), 307-310
Halewood, M., (2011). Cosmopolitics I. RADICAL PHILOSOPHY (168), 46-48
Halewood, M., (2011). Science, Concepts, and the Social Environment. Theory of Science. 33 (1), 21-42
Halewood, M. and Michael, M., (2008). Being a Sociologist and Becoming a Whiteheadian. Theory, Culture & Society. 25 (4), 31-56
Halewood, M., (2008). Introduction to Special Section on A.N. Whitehead. Theory, Culture & Society. 25 (4), 1-14
Halewood, M., (2005). A.N. Whitehead, Information and Social Theory. Theory, Culture & Society. 22 (6), 73-94
Halewood, M., (2005). On Whitehead and Deleuze: The Process of Materiality. Configurations. 13 (1), 57-76
Halewood, M., (2005). Marx and whitehead: Process, dialectics and the critique of capitalism. RADICAL PHILOSOPHY (129), 47-49
Books (5)
Halewood, M., (2020). Language and Process Words, Whitehead and the World. Edinburgh University Press. 1474449107. 9781474449106
Faber, R., Halewood, M. and Davis, AM., (2019). Propositions in the Making Experiments in a Whiteheadian Laboratory. Rowman & Littlefield. 1793612579. 978-1-7936-1256-4
Halewood, M., (2014). Rethinking the Social Through Durkheim, Marx, Weber and Whitehead. Anthem Press. 9781783083688
Faber, R., Halewood, M. and Lin, D., (2012). Butler on Whitehead: On the Occasion. Lexington Books. 9780739172773
Halewood, M., (2011). A. N. Whitehead and Social Theory. Anthem Press. 9780857287960
Book chapters (19)
Halewood, M., (2024). Whitehead, Dewey, Metaphysics, Aesthetics, Experience and Our World(s).. In: More-Than-Human Aesthetics Ventures Beyond the Bifurcation of Nature. Editors: Wilkie, A. and Sehgal, M., . Bristol University Press. 978-1529227789
Halewood, M., (2022). Making Your Soul Visible. In: Philosophy and Psychedelics. Bloomsbury
Halewood, M., (2022). Making Your Soul Visible. In: Philosophy and Psychedelics Frameworks for Exceptional Experience. Editors: Sjöstedt-Hughes, P. and Hauskeller, C., . Bloomsbury. 95- 106. 9781350231610
Halewood, M., (2019). Knowing Whitehead?. In: Propositions in the Making Experiments in a Whiteheadian Laboratory. Editors: Faber, R., Halewood, M. and Davis, AM., . Rowman & Littlefield. 9781793612564
(2017). Speculative Research. In: Speculative Research: The Lure of Possible Futures. Editors: Wilkie, A., Savransky, M. and Rosengarten, M., . Routledge. 52- 64. 9781138688360
Halewood, M., (2017). The inhumanity of symbolism. In: Rethinking Whitehead's Symbolism: Thought, Language, Culture. 81- 95
Halewood, M., (2014). Facts as Social Things. In: The Allure of Things. Process and Object in Contemporary Philosophy. Editors: Faber, R. and Goffey, A., . Bloomsbury Academic. 123- 141. 9781472533685
Halewood, M., (2014). The Order of Nature and the Creation of Societies. In: The Lure of Whitehead. Editors: Gaskill, N. and Nocek, AJ., . University of Minnesota Press. 360- 378. 9780816679966
Halewood, M., (2013). Reality, eternality, and colors: Rimbaud, whitehead, stevens. In: Theopoetic Folds: Philosophizing Multifariousness. 15- 29
Halewood, M., (2013). Reality, Eternality, and Colors. In: Theopoetic Folds. Fordham University Press. 15- 29
Halewood, M., (2012). Language, the Body and the Problem of Signification. In: Butler on Whitehead: On the Occasion. Editors: Faber, R., Halewood, M. and Lin, D., . Lexington Books. 145- 164. 9780739172773
Halewood, M., (2011). Butler and Whitehead on the (Social) Body. In: Secrets of Becoming: Negotiating Whitehead, Deleuze, and Butler. Editors: Faber, R. and Stephenson, AM., . Fordham University Press. 107- 126. 9780823232086
Halewood, M., (2010). Badiou, Whitehead and the Politics of Metaphysics. In: Event and Decision: Ontology and Politics in Badiou, Deleuze, and Whitehead. Editors: Faber, R., Kripps, H. and Pettus, D., . Cambridge Scholars Press. 170- 191. 9781443819268
Halewood, M., (2010). FACT, VALUES, INDIVIDUALS, AND OTHERS: TOWARDS A METAPHYSICS OF VALUE. In: Beyond Metaphysics?. BRILL. 227- 247. 9789042031210
(2009). Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson. In: Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson: Rhizomatic Connections. Editors: Robinson, K., . Palgrave Macmillan UK. 45- 60. 9781349355419
Halewood, M., (2009). Sociology, Societies, and Sociality. In: Applied Process Thought II: Following a Trail Ablaze. Editors: Dibben, MR. and Newton, R., . Ontos Verlag. 298- 316. 9783868380347
(2009). Applied Process Thought II. In: Applied Process Thought II: Following a Trail Ablaze. Editors: Dibben, M. and Newton, R., . DE GRUYTER. 293- 318. 9783110327878
Halewood, M., (2009). XIII. Sociology, Societies and Sociality. In: Applied Process Thought II. DE GRUYTER. 293- 318. 9783110327878
Halewood, M., (2009). Language, Subjectivity and Individuality. In: Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 45- 60. 9781349355419
Other (1)
Halewood, M., (2011).John Dewey sur la Possession : l?Exp�rience, la Co-appartenance et la philosophie adverbiale,Vrin
Academic support hours:
Friday 1-2 or email for an appointment.