Ben Hall

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 874377
5N.7.17, Colchester Campus
- Contacting the University of Essex Press Office
- Finding a research expert
- Speaking to the media
- Interview requests
- Corporate Communications
- University Spokespeople
- Media Relations
- Media training
- External communications
Our corporate communications team runs our press office. Our role is to promote the profile and reputation of the University including our institutional research strengths, ambitions and impact. We look for opportunities to use the news agenda to tell our story and highlight our work across the world. We support individual researchers to build their profile through media coverage, relevant training and their own social media presence. We also look to increase engagement with University stakeholders through our communications. I worked as a journalist and online editor from 1999 to 2009, before moving to the University as a communications officer. I've been Head of Corporate Communications since 2017.
+44 (0) 1206 874377
5N.7.17, Colchester Campus
Working pattern:
If your query is urgent you can call our office mobile on 07867 977728.