Professor Philip Hancock

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Philip Hancock is a Professor of Work and Organisation at Essex Business School, University of Essex, UK. His research interests include the work of critical schools of organisation theory, organisational aesthetics, the spatial and architectural management of work, emotional and aesthetic labour, the historical and contemporary organisation of Christmas, and the intersubjective importance of recognition within the workplace. Philip began working in the NHS before taking a CNAA degree in Social Sciences at Trent Polytechnic, Nottingham (UK). After completing an MA in Philosophy and Social Theory at the University of Warwick (UK), he studied part-time for a PhD at Keele University (UK), completing his thesis entitled 'Aesthetics and Organization: A Critical Engagement' in 2004. He held academic positions at University College Scarborough (UK) and Glasgow Caledonian University (UK), where he taught sociology and philosophy, and then the University of Warwick (UK), where he rose to Reader in Organisational Behaviour. He joined the University of Essex as a full professor in 2011. In addition, he has held a visiting professorship at the University of Lapland (Finland) and has been a Visiting Fellow at the University of Sydney (Australia). He has published widely on his research in academic peer-reviewed journals, including the Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management Studies, Work, Employment and Society, Organization, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Culture and Organization, Critical Sociology, Sociological Review, and the Journal of Organizational Change Management amongst others. He is the author of 'Organizing Christmas' (Routledge), co-author of 'Work, Organization and Postmodernism: A Critical Introduction' (Sage), and a co-editor of 'The Body, Culture and Society' (Open University), 'The Management of Everyday Life' (Palgrave), and 'Understanding Corporate Life' (Sage), as well as having contributed chapters to numerous edited books. Philip has been a guest editor for several journals, a stream convenor at conferences such as CMS and GWO and is, or has been, a member of the editorial and review boards of several international journals, including the Academy of Management Review, Work, Employment and Society, Organization, Organization Studies and Human Relations. His work on the organisation of Christmas has been reported on by the Sunday Times, The Guardian, the BBC, ABC and a host of international news agencies and outlets. He has also regularly contributed to publications such as The Conversation on issues related to his research interests. Philip is always happy to receive enquiries from potential PhD students considering research in one of his areas of interest and expertise. My office hours for students during the 2025 Spring term are Thursdays from 3.30 p.m. to 5.30 pm. Outside of these hours, please email me, and we can arrange a meeting either by Zoom or in person.
BA (Hons) Social Sciences - CNAA Nottingham Trent University,
PG Dip Research Methods University of Derby,
MA Philosophy and Social Theory University of Warwick,
PGCPCE (HE) University of Warwick,
PhD Management Keele University,
University of Essex
Head of Management Subject Group, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/9/2011 - 1/1/2015)
EBS Acting Deputy Dean (Education), Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/1/2014 - 31/12/2014)
EBS Director of Postgraduate Research, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/1/2016 - 31/8/2016)
Head of Management, Marketing and Organisation Subject Group, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/9/2016 - 31/8/2017)
Head of Organisation Studies and HRM Subject Group, Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/9/2017 - 27/12/2019)
Head of Organisation Studies and HRM Subject Group, Essex Business School, University of Essex (3/8/2020 - 19/8/2022)
Other academic
Part-Time Lecturer – Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, Dept of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University (4/10/1993 - 5/8/1994)
Lecturer – Applied Social Studies, Dept of Social Studies, University College Scarborough (4/9/1995 - 31/8/1997)
Lecturer – Sociology and the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Dept of Social Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University (1/9/1997 - 31/12/2003)
Lecturer – Organisational Behaviour, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick (1/1/2003 - 30/6/2006)
Associate Professor – Organisational Behaviour, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick (1/7/2006 - 30/9/2009)
Associate Professor (Reader) - Organisational Behaviour, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick (1/10/2009 - 31/12/2010)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
The Colonisation of Everyday Life Through Managerial Discourse and Practice
Critical Social Theory (Marxist and Post-Marxist) and Organisation
Critical Approaches to Recognition at Work and in the Labour Market
The Uses and Abuses of Organisational Culture, Art, Aesthetics and Symbolism
The Management and Lived Experience of Organisational Space and Architecture
The Organisational and Economic Dimensions of Christmas and Other Festivities
Vintage Production, Consumption, and its Organisation
Conferences and presentations
Garcia-Rosell, JC & Hancock, P. 2016 'You Cant Eat Rudolph!Laplands Reindeer - Between Carnal Cultivation and Magical Symbolism'.Submission toThe 34th Standing Conference on Organizational SymbolismThe Animal, University of Upsalla, Sweden.
Uppsala, Sweden, 2016
Hancock, P. (2016) 'A Necessary Invention: Christmas, Work and Organization'. Paper presented to the Hull University Business School Seminar Series, Hull University, UK.
Hull, United Kingdom, 2016
Hancock, P & Tyler, M. (2015) 'Recognition and Meaning at Work'. Paper presented to WORK:2015, Turku School of Economics, Turku, Finland.
Turku, Finland, 2015
Hancock, P. (2015) Purity and Abjection in the Christmas Arctic. Paper presented to the MTI Seminar Series, University of Lapland, Finland.
Rovaniemi, Finland, 2015
Hancock, P. (2015) Organizing Christmas. Guest Lecture presented at Newcastle University Business School, University of Newcastle, UK.
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 2015
Hancock, P. (2015) Zat You Santa Claus? Becoming the Biggest Brand in the World. Paper presented to Business, Marketing and Management Research Seminar Series, Bangor Business School, Bangor University, UK.
Bangor, United Kingdom, 2015
Hancock, P. (2013) 'Father Christmas Do Not Touch Me: Recognition, Work and Sexuality'. Paper presented to the Work, Employment and Society Conference, Warwick Business School, Coventry, UK.
Coventry, United Kingdom, 2013
Hancock, P. (2011) 'The Greatest Story Ever Sold: Transfiguration and the Santa Claus Labour Process'. Paper presented to The Standing Conference on Management and Organizational Inquiry, Philadelphia, USA.
Philadelphia, United States, 2011
Hancock, P. (2010) Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas Visual Narratives and the Organizational Nexus. Paper presented to SCOS XXIIX Vision, Lille, France.
Lille, France, 2010
Hancock, P. 7 Spicer, A. (2009) Organizing Places of Learning: Pedagogical Space and the New Spirit. Paper presented to The Standing Conference on Management and Organizational Inquiry, Orlando, USA.
Orlando, United States, 2009
Hancock, P. (2009) Christmas as Organizational Nexus. Paper presented to the ARCIO Seminar Series, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.
Bristol, United Kingdom, 2009
Hancock, P. (2009) Organizing Christmas: Bringing JOY to the World. Paper presented to the Essex Management Centre Seminar Series, University of Essex, UK.
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2009
Hancock, P. (2008) Organizing Christmas: Bringing JOY to the World. Paper presented to Organizing Christmas: A Festive Symposium, Warwick Business School, Coventry, UK.
Coventry, United Kingdom, 2008
Hancock, P. & Spicer, A. (2008) Creating an Image of Business in the New Library'. Paper presented to Imagining Business: Reflecting On The Visual Power Of Management, Organizing and Governing Practices, Said Business School, Oxford, UK.
Oxford, United Kingdom, 2008
Hancock, P. (2008) Architecture, Design, and the Constitution of the New Model Worker'. Paper presented to the Workshop on Architecture and Social Architecture: Disturbing Notions of Structure in Organizations, Brussels, Belgium
Brussels, Belgium, 2008
Hancock, P. (2008) The Sleeper Awakes: Organization, Consumption and the Value of Sleep. Paper presented to the Centre for Culture, Organisation and Markets Seminar Series, Keele University, UK.
Newcastle-under-Lyme, United Kingdom, 2008
Hancock, P., Williams, S., Boden, S. and Tyler, M. (2007) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go': Sleep, Organization and the Everyday. Paper presented to the 23rd EGOS Colloquium 'Beyond Waltz - Dances of Individuals and Organization, Vienna, Austria.
Vienna, Austria, 2007
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M. (2007) One Iron In The Fire? Posters, Popular Media and Organization. Paper presented to Aesthesis and Organizations in the Popular Media, University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
Sydney, Australia, 2007
Hancock, P. (2007) The Sleeper Awakes: Organization and the Value of Sleep. Paper presented to the Discipline of Work and Organisational Studies Seminar Series, University of Sydney, Australia.
Sydney, Australia, 2007
Hancock, P. (2007) Were Definitely Not in Cambuslang Anymore: AKA Shona Comes to Babel. Paper presented to the Leicester Management School Seminar Series, University of Leicester, UK.
Leicester, United Kingdom, 2007
Hancock, P. & Tyler, M. (2006) Mass Mediated Managerialism and the Colonization of the Everyday. Paper presented to the 22nd EGOS Colloquium The Organizing Society, Bergen, Norway.
Bergen, Norway, 2006
Hancock, P. (2006) The Organisation of Aesthetics in an Aesthetic Economy. Paper presented to the 3rd Art of Management and Organisation Conference, Akademia Pedagogiczna, Krakow, Poland.
Krakow, Poland, 2006
Hancock, P. (2006) Sleep, Work and Organization. Paper presented to the ESRC Sleep and Society Seminar Series, University of Warwick, UK.
Coventry, United Kingdom, 2006
Hancock, P. (2006) Management of Everyday Life. Paper presented to the Reflecting on Organisation Theory Seminar Series, University of Lancaster, UK.
Lancaster, United Kingdom, 2006
Hancock, P. (2005) Fear and (Self)Loathing in Coleridge Close: Management in Crisis in the 1970's Sitcom. Paper presented to Towards a Cultural Studies of Organisation Conference, Leicester, UK
Leicester, United Kingdom, 2005
Hancock, P. (2005) The Aesthetic Mediation of Organizational Space-Time?: A Critical Semiotic. Paper presented to the 4th International Critical Management Studies Conference, Cambridge, UK
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2005
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M. (2005) Women, Managerial Knowledge and Change Management: A Critique Based on Simone de Beauvoir. Paper presented to the 5th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations, Rhodes, Greece.
Rhodes, Greece, 2005
Hancock, P. (2004) The Iron Rose: Mackintosh and the Psychodynamics of Organizational Design. Paper presented to the 2nd Art of Management and Organization Conference, ESCP-EAP European School of Management, Paris, France.
Paris, France, 2004
Cohen, L., Hancock, P. & Tyler, M. (2004) The Office in Focus: Aesthetics, Photography and Organizational Abjection. Paper presented to the 2nd Art of Management and Organization Conference, ESCP-EAP European School of Management, Paris, France.
Paris, France, 2004
Hancock, P. (2004) Phenomenology and the Embodiment of Ethics. Paper presented to the 2nd Art of Management and Organization Conference, ESCP-EAP European School of Management, Paris, France.
Paris, France, 2004
Hancock, P. (2003) Embodied Ethics and Organizational Intersubjectivity. Paper presented to The Aesthetics, Art and Management : Towards New Fields of Flow Second EIASM Workshop on Aesthetics ad Organization, Nice, France.
Nice, France, 2003
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M. (2003) The Tyranny of Corporate Slenderness: Understanding Organizations Anorexically. Paper presented to SOCS XXI: Organizational Wellness, Cambridge, UK, July.
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2003
Hancock, P. (2001) Documenting Corporate Aesthetics. Paper presented to the ESRC Critical Management Studies Research Seminar on New Organizational Thinking, Manchester, UK
Manchester, United Kingdom, 2001
Hancock, P. (1999) The Management of Everyday Life. Paper presented to the 1st International Critical Management Studies Conference, Manchester, UK
Manchester, United Kingdom, 1999
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M. (1998) The Look of Love: Gender, Work and Organization of Aesthetics. Paper presented to the 16th International Labour Process Conference, Manchester, UK.
Manchester, United Kingdom, 1998
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M. (1998) Flight Attendants and The Management of Gendered Organizational Bodies. Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association, Edinburgh, UK.
Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1998
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M. (1998) Creating Heavenly Bodies: Corporeal Management of the Female Flight Attendant. Paper presented to the University of Portsmouth Gender in Employment Research Group Seminar, Portsmouth, UK.
Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 1998
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M. (1997) Managing Subjectivity and The Dialectic of Self-Consciousness: Hegel and Organizational Theory. Paper presented to the 1st International Organization Conference on Modes of Organizing, Warwick, UK.
Warwick, United Kingdom, 1997
Hancock, P. (1995) Modernity/Postmodernity: Power and the Human Resource Complicity. Paper presented to the 2nd European Conference for Sociology, Budapest, Hungary.
Budapest, Hungary, 1995
Hancock, P. (1995) Citizenship or Vassalage? Organizational Life and the New Middle Ages. Paper presented to the Ideas of Community Conference, Bristol, UK.
Bristol, United Kingdom, 1995
Hancock, P. and Webb, S. (1995) Labour Process Theory as the Politics of Paradox. Paper presented to the EGOS 12th Colloquium, Istanbul, Turkey.
Istanbul, Turkey, 1995
Hancock, P. and Webb, S. (1995) Textures of Human Resource Management or How To Play Pinball With a Bouncer and a Geisha Girl. Paper presented to the 13th International Labour Process Conference, Blackpool, UK.
Blackpool, United Kingdom, 1995
Hancock, P. (1994) The Critical Realism of Roy Bhaskar. Presented to The University of Derby Social Sciences Research Seminar Series, Derby, UK,
Derby, United Kingdom, 1994
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Management, Society and New Forms of Work (BE435)
Organisational Identities (BE494)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Management
Degree type: Master of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/8/2023

Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/6/2018

Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/3/2018

Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/6/2016
Journal articles (34)
Hancock, P., (2025). Media Review: Organization, Culture and the Power of Imagination. Organization Studies
Hancock, P., (2024). Employee Recognition Programmes: An Immanent Critique. Organization. 31 (2), 381-401
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M., (2024). Live performers’ experiences of precarity and recognition during Covid-19 and beyond. Work, Employment and Society. 38 (6), 1569-1590
Hancock, P., Tyler, M. and Godiva, M., (2021). Thursday Night and a Singalong ‘Sung Alone’: The Experiences of a Self-employed Performer During the Pandemic. Work, Employment and Society. 35 (6), 1155-1166
Hancock, P. and Tucker, D., (2020). Recognition and change: Embracing a mobile policing initiative. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 33 (5), 965-977
Hancock, P., (2020). Organizational Magic and the Making of Christmas: On Glamour, Grottos and Enchantment. Organization. 27 (6), 797-816
Duffy, K., Hancock, P. and Tyler, M., (2017). Still Red Hot? Postfeminism and Gender Subjectivity in the Airline Industry. Gender, Work and Organization. 24 (3), 260-273
Hancock, P., (2016). Recognition and the Moral Taint of Sexuality: Threat, Masculinity and Santa Claus. Human Relations. 69 (2), 461-481
Cutcher, L., Dale, K., Hancock, P. and Tyler, M., (2016). Spaces and Places of Remembering and Commemoration. Organization. 23 (1), 3-9
Hancock, P., (2016). A Christmas Carol: A Reflection on Organization, Society, and the Socioeconomics of the Festive Season. Academy of Management Review. 41 (4), 755-765
Hancock, P., Sullivan, K. and Tyler, M., (2015). A Touch Too Much: Negotiating Masculinity, Propriety and Proximity in Intimate Labour. Organization Studies. 36 (12), 1715-1739
Hancock, P., (2013). ‘Being Santa Claus’: The Pursuit of Recognition in Interactive Service Work. Work, Employment and Society. 27 (6), 1004-1020
Hancock, PG., (2013). 'Being Santa Claus': the pursuit of recognition in interactive service work. Work, Employment & Society. 27 (6), 1001-1020
Hancock, P. and Jewkes, Y., (2011). Architectures of incarceration: The spatial pains of imprisonment. Punishment & Society. 13 (5), 611-629
Hancock, P. and Spicer, A., (2011). Academic architecture and the constitution of the new model worker. Culture and Organization. 17 (2), 91-105
Hancock, P. and Rehn, A., (2011). Organizing Christmas. Organization. 18 (6), 737-745
Chugh, S. and Hancock, P., (2009). Networks of aestheticization: the architecture, artefacts and embodiment of hairdressing salons. Work, Employment and Society. 23 (3), 460-476
Hancock, P., (2009). Book Review: K. Dale and Gibson Burrell The Spaces of Organization and the Organization of Space: Power Identity and Materiality at Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, £28.99 pbk (ISBN: 0230572685), xvi + 328 pp. Work, Employment and Society. 23 (2), 389-390
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M., (2008). Beyond the Confines: Management, Colonization and the Everyday. Critical Sociology. 34 (1), 29-49
Hancock, P., (2008). Embodied Generosity and an Ethics of Organization. Organization Studies. 29 (10), 1357-1373
Hancock, P., (2008). Fear and (Self) Loathing in Coleridge Close: Management in Crisis in the 1970s Sitcom. Organization. 15 (5), 685-703
Zhongyuan Zhang, Spicer, A. and Hancock, P., (2008). Hyper-Organizational Space in the Work of J. G. Ballard. Organization. 15 (6), 889-910
Hancock, P., (2008). Cultures of sleep: organization and the lure of dormancy. Culture and Organization. 14 (4), 411-424
Hancock, P., (2008). Critical Management Studies: An Introduction. Critical Sociology. 34 (1), 9-14
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M., (2007). Un/doing Gender and the Aesthetics of Organizational Performance. Gender, Work & Organization. 14 (6), 512-533
Hancock, P., (2006). The spatial and temporal mediation of social change. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 19 (5), 619-639
Carr, AN. and Hancock, P., (2006). Space and time in organizational change management. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 19 (5), 545-557
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M., (2005). Gibson Burrell: Diabolical Architect. The Sociological Review. 53 (1_suppl), 46-62
Hancock, P., (2005). Uncovering the Semiotic in Organizational Aesthetics. Organization. 12 (1), 29-50
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M., (2004). ‘MOT Your Life’: Critical Management Studies and the Management of Everyday Life. Human Relations. 57 (5), 619-645
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M., (2001). Managing Subjectivity and the Dialectic of Self-Consciousness: Hegel and Organization Theory. Organization. 8 (4), 565-585
Hancock, P., (2001). Another View. Management Learning. 32 (4), 535-538
Hancock, P., (1999). Baudrillard and the Metaphysics of Motivation: A Reappraisal of Corporate Culturalism in the Light of the Work and Ideas of Jean Baudrillard. Journal of Management Studies. 36 (2), 155-175
Hancock, PG., (1997). Citizenship or Vassalage? Organizational Membership in the Age of Unreason. Organization. 4 (1), 93-111
Books (7)
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M., (2024). Performing Artists and Precarity Work in the Contemporary Entertainment Industries. Palgrave Macmillan. 3031661184. 9783031661181
Hancock, P., (2023). Organizing Christmas. Routledge. 1317269608. 9781317269601
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M., (2009). The Management of Everyday Life. Palgrave. 9780230524798
Hancock, P. and Spicer, A., (2009). Understanding Corporate Life. SAGE Publications Ltd. 1412923832. 9781412923842
Carr, A. and Hancock, PG., (2009). Work and Organization: The Aesthetic Dimension. ISCE Publishing. 978-0981703251
Hancock, P. and Carr, A., (2003). Art and Aesthetics at Work. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 0230554644. 9781349428663
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M., (2001). Work, Postmodernism and Organization A Critical Introduction. SAGE. 1847876463. 9781847876461
Book chapters (14)
García-Rosell, J-C. and Hancock, P., (2024). Meet, Greet and Eat: Farmed Animals as Dark Tourism Attractions. In: Critical Theories in Dark Tourism: Issues, Complexities and Future Directions. Editors: Sharma, N., Martini, A. and Timothy, D., . De Gruyter. 89- 105
García-Rosell, J-C. and Hancock, P., (2022). Working Animals, Ethics and Critical Theory. In: Animals and Business Ethics. Editors: Thomas, N., . Palgrave Macmillan. 91- 110. 978-3-030-97142-7
Hancock, P. and Tyler, M., (2019). When the shoe is on the Other foot. In: Gender, Embodiment and Fluidity in Organization and Management. Routledge. 25- 41
Hancock, PG. and Tyler, M., (2018). Make Do and Mend? Working Postfeminism and Vintage. In: Postfeminism and Organization. Editors: Lewis, P., Benschop, Y. and Simpson, Y., . Routledge. 181- 196
Hancock, PG., (2011). Aesthetics. In: Key Concepts in Critical Management Studies. Editors: Tadajewski, M., Maclaran, P., Parsons, E. and Parker, M., . Sage Publications Ltd. 11- 15. 9781849205696
Hancock, PG., (2011). Dialectics. In: Key Concepts in Critical Management Studies. Editors: Tadajewski, M., Maclaran, P., Parsons, E. and Parker, M., . Sage Publications Ltd. 100- 104. 9781849205696
Hancock, PG., (2011). Organizational Change: The Aesthetic Dimension. In: The Routledge Companion to Organizational Change. Editors: Boje, D., Burnes, B. and Hassard, J., . Routledge. 521- 534. 9780415556453
Hancock, PG., (2009). Aesthetics and Aestheticization. In: Understanding Corporate Life. Editors: Hancock, PG. and Spicer, A., . Sage Publications Ltd. 46- 63. 9781412923842
Hancock, PG., (2009). Management and Colonization in Everyday Life. In: The Management of Everyday Life. Editors: Hancock, PG. and Tyler, M., . Palgrave Macmillan. 1- 20. 9780230524798
Hancock, PG., Williams, S. and Boden, S., (2009). Managing Sleep? The Colonization of Everyday/Night Life. In: The Management of Everyday Life. Editors: Hancock, PG. and Tyler, M., . Palgrave Macmillan. 74- 91. 0230524796
Hancock, PG., (2008). Functionalism. In: International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies. Editors: Clegg, SR. and Bailey, JR., . Sage. 529- 531. 9781412915151
Hancock, PG. and Tyler, M., (2008). Emotion at Work. In: Contemporary Human Resource Management. Editors: Redman, T. and Wilkinson, A., . FT/Prentice Hall. 472- 491. 9780273716334
Hancock, PG., (2008). Communicative Action. In: International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies. Editors: Clegg, SR. and Bailey, JR., . Sage. 9781412915151
Hancock, PG. and Tyler, M., (2007). It's All Too Beautiful: Emotion and Organization in the Aesthetic Economy. In: The Emotional Organization: Passions and Power. Editors: Fineman, S., . Wiley-Blackwell. 202- 217. 9781405160308
Conferences (1)
Tyler, M. and Hancock, P., Performing During/After Lockdown: A Study of the Impact of Covid-19 On Live Performers in the UK
Reports and Papers (1)
Tyler, M., Hancock, P., Klich, R., Maples, H. and Unger, C., Cultural Freelancers Study 2024
Grants and funding
Crafting Creativity: An Evaluation of The Theatre Artists Fund
Theatre Artists Fund
Creating an equitable and sustainable future for freelance / self-employed workers in the entertainment industry
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
Evaluation ACE Freelance Study of Cultural Workforce
Arts Council England
Performing during/after lockdown: A study of the impact of COVID-19 on live performers in the UK
British Academy
Affective labour at Christmas: performing Santa Claus
The British Academy
Academic support hours:
You can find details of Academic Support hours on the EBS UG and PG information page on Moodle or by calling EBS Student Services on 01206873911