
Professor John Hanley

Emeritus Professor
Department of Psychology
Professor John Hanley



Professor Rick Hanley was appointedas aChair in Neuropsychology in our Department in October 1998. From 1988 until 1998, he was a lecturer, and then a senior lecturer at the University of Liverpool. Before that he was a lecturer in psychology at the University of Northumbria. Professor Rick Hanleyhas degrees in psychology from the University of Lancaster and the University of Dundee, and a PGCE from Jordanhill College, Glasgow.

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Disorders of reading, writing, memory, and face processing

Open to supervise

Learning to read in different writing systems

Open to supervise

Speech production

Open to supervise

Tip-of-the-tongue states

Open to supervise

Effects of irrelevant speech on memory

Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Previous supervision

Yue Shen
Yue Shen
Thesis title: Lexical Organisation in Chinese Spoken Word Production: Evidence From Studies of Homophones.
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/6/2019
Maryse Maroun
Maryse Maroun
Thesis title: Diacritics and the Resolution of Ambiguity in Reading Arabic.
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/5/2018
Tamara Batchelor
Tamara Batchelor
Thesis title: The Feeling of Knowing for Names of Faces
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 29/5/2018
Jason Cooke
Jason Cooke
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 22/11/2016
Andreas Sotiropoulos
Andreas Sotiropoulos
Thesis title: Surface and Phonological Developmental Dyslexia Among Greek University Students in Both Greek and English
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/7/2015
Rachel Cooper
Rachel Cooper
Thesis title: Own-Group Biases in Face and Voice Recognition: Perceptual and Social-Cognitive Influences
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/7/2015
Devon Wybrow-Miller
Devon Wybrow-Miller
Thesis title: Subtypes of Developmental Dyslexia
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/8/2014
Rachel Elizabeth Grenfell-Essam
Rachel Elizabeth Grenfell-Essam
Thesis title: Examining the Similarities Between Immediate Serial Recall and Immediate Free Recall: The Effects of List Length and Output Order
Degree subject: Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/3/2013


Journal articles (99)

Cousins, R., Pettigrew, A., Ferrie, O. and Hanley, JR., (2021). Understanding the role of configural processing in face emotion recognition in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neuropsychology. 15 (S1), 8-26

Hanley, JR. and Young, AW., (2019). ELD revisited: A second look at a neuropsychological impairment of working memory affecting retention of visuo-spatial material. Cortex. 112, 172-179

Maroun, M. and Hanley, JR., (2019). Are alternative meanings of an Arabic homograph activated even when it is disambiguated by vowel diacritics?. Writing Systems Research. 11 (2), 203-211

Hanley, JR. and Bourgaize, J., (2018). Similarities between the irrelevant sound effect and the suffix effect. Memory and Cognition. 46 (6), 841-848

Hanley, JR. and Sotiropoulos, A., (2018). Developmental surface dysgraphia without surface dyslexia. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 35 (5-6), 333-341

Maroun, M. and Hanley, JR., (2017). Diacritics improve comprehension of the Arabic script by providing access to the meanings of heterophonic homographs. Reading and Writing. 30 (2), 319-335

Hanley, JR. and Sotiropoulos, A., (2017). Lexical decision performance in developmental surface dysgraphia: Evidence for a unitary orthographic system that is used in both reading and spelling.. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 34 (3-4), 144-162

Hanley, JR., (2017). Is there just one dyslexic reader? Evidence for the existence of distinct dyslexic sub-groups.. Current Developmental Disorders Reports. 4 (4), 101-107

Sotiropoulos, A. and Hanley, JR., (2017). Developmental surface and phonological dyslexia in both Greek and English.. Cognition. 168, 205-216

Hanley, JR., Cortis, C., Budd, M-J. and Nozari, N., (2016). Did I say dog or cat? A study of semantic error detection and correction in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 142, 36-47

Wybrow, DP. and Hanley, JR., (2015). Surface developmental dyslexia is as prevalent as phonological dyslexia when appropriate control groups are employed. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 32 (1), 1-13

Dulay, KM. and Hanley, JR., (2015). Stress errors in a case of developmental surface dyslexia in Filipino. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 32 (1), 29-37

Jansari, A., Miller, S., Pearce, L., Cobb, S., Sagiv, N., Williams, AL., Tree, JJ. and Hanley, JR., (2015). The man who mistook his neuropsychologist for a popstar: when configural processing fails in acquired prosopagnosia.. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 9 (JULY), 390-

Hanley, JR., (2014). Accessing stored knowledge of familiar people from faces, names and voices: a review.. Frontiers in bioscience (Elite edition). 6 (1), 198-207

Hu, Z., Hanley, JR., Zhang, R., Liu, Q. and Roberson, D., (2014). A conflict-based model of color categorical perception: evidence from a priming study.. Psychonomic bulletin & review. 21 (5), 1214-1223

Hanley, JR., Hunt, RP., Steed, DA. and Jackman, S., (2013). Concreteness and word production. Memory & Cognition. 41 (3), 365-377

Budd, M-J., Hanley, JR. and Nozari, N., (2012). Evidence for a Non-Lexical Influence on Children’s Auditory Repetition of Familiar Words. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 41 (4), 253-266

Hanley, JR. and Shah, N., (2012). The irrelevant sound effect under articulatory suppression is a suffix effect even with five-item lists. Memory. 20 (5), 415-419

Hanley, JR. and Hayes, A., (2012). The irrelevant sound effect under articulatory suppression: Is it a suffix effect?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 38 (2), 482-487

Hanley, JR. and Roberson, D., (2011). Categorical perception effects reflect differences in typicality on within-category trials. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 18 (2), 355-363

Richard Hanley, J., (2011). Why are names of people associated with so many phonological retrieval failures?. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 18 (3), 612-617

Hanley, JR., (2011). An appreciation of Bruce and Young's (1986) serial stage model of face naming after 25 years. British Journal of Psychology. 102 (4), 915-930

Budd, M-J., Hanley, JR. and Griffiths, Y., (2011). Simulating children’s retrieval errors in picture-naming: A test of Foygel and Dell’s (2000) semantic/phonological model of speech production. Journal of Memory and Language. 64 (1), 74-87

Kikutani, M., Roberson, D. and Hanley, JR., (2010). Categorical Perception for Unfamiliar Faces. Psychological Science. 21 (6), 865-872

Pitts, B. and Hanley, JR., (2010). Reading strategies in English by adults whose first language is Spanish. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 22 (4), 596-611

Loizidou-Ieridou, N., Masterson, J. and Hanley, JR., (2010). Spelling development in 6-11-year-old Greek-speaking Cypriot children. Journal of Research in Reading. 33 (3), 247-262

Hanley, JR. and Damjanovic, L., (2009). It is more difficult to retrieve a familiar person's name and occupation from their voice than from their blurred face. Memory. 17 (8), 830-839

Douklias, SD., Masterson, J. and Hanley, JR., (2009). Surface and phonological developmental dyslexia in Greek. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 26 (8), 705-723

Hanley, JR. and Nickels, L., (2009). Are the same phoneme and lexical layers used in speech production and comprehension? A case-series test of Foygel and Dell's (2000) model of aphasic speech production. Cortex. 45 (6), 784-790

Roberson, D., Hanley, JR. and Pak, H., (2009). Thresholds for color discrimination in English and Korean speakers. Cognition. 112 (3), 482-487

Roberson, D. and Hanley, JR., (2009). Only half right: comment on Regier and Kay. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 13 (12), 500-501

Garrido, L., Eisner, F., McGettigan, C., Stewart, L., Sauter, D., Hanley, JR., Schweinberger, SR., Warren, JD. and Duchaine, B., (2009). Developmental phonagnosia: A selective deficit of vocal identity recognition. Neuropsychologia. 47 (1), 123-131

Br�dart, S., Barsics, C. and Hanley, JR., (2009). Recalling semantic information about personally known faces and voices. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 21 (7), 1013-1021

Roberson, D. and Hanley, JR., (2009). Relatively speaking: what is therelationship between language and thought in the color domain?. Glimpse. 2.3, 68-77

Roberson, D., Pak, H. and Hanley, JR., (2008). Categorical perception of colour in the left and right visual field is verbally mediated: Evidence from Korean. Cognition. 107 (2), 752-762

HANLEY, JR. and CHAPMAN, E., (2008). Partial knowledge in a tip-of-the-tongue state about two- and three-word proper names. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 15 (1), 156-160

Kikutani, M., Roberson, D. and Hanley, JR., (2008). What’s in the name? Categorical perception for unfamiliar faces can occur through labeling. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 15 (4), 787-794

Baron, R., Richard Hanley, J., Dell, GS. and Kay, J., (2008). Testing single‐ and dual‐route computational models of auditory repetition with new data from six aphasic patients. Aphasiology. 22 (1), 62-76

Hanley, JR. and Roberson, D., (2008). Do Infants see cololurs differently. Sciencific American

Damjanovic, L. and Hanley, JR., (2007). Recalling episodic and semantic information about famous faces and voices. Memory & Cognition. 35 (6), 1205-1210

Roberson, D. and Hanley, JR., (2007). Color Vision: Color Categories Vary with Language after All. Current Biology. 17 (15), R605-R607

Lyons, F., Kay, J., Hanley, JR. and Haslam, C., (2006). Selective preservation of memory for people in the context of semantic memory disorder: Patterns of association and dissociation. Neuropsychologia. 44 (14), 2887-2898

Richard Hanley, J., Dell, GS., Kay, J. and Baron, R., (2004). Evidence for the involvement of a nonlexical route in the repetition of familiar words: A comparison of single and dual route models of auditory repetition. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 21 (2-4), 147-158

Spencer, LH. and Hanley, JR., (2004). Learning a transparent orthography at five years old: reading development of children during their first year of formal reading instruction in Wales. Journal of Research in Reading. 27 (1), 1-14

Humphrey, N. and Richard Hanley, J., (2004). The role of orthographic analogies in reading for meaning: evidence from readers with dyslexia. Journal of Research in Reading. 27 (3), 265-280

Hanley, R., Masterson, J., Spencer, L. and Evans, D., (2004). How long do the advantages of learning to read a transparent orthography last? An investigation of the reading skills and reading impairment of Welsh children at 10 years of age. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A. 57 (8), 1393-1410

Haslam, C., Kay, J., Hanley, JR. and Lyons, F., (2004). Biographical Knowledge: Modality-Specific or Modality-Neutral?. Cortex. 40 (3), 451-466

Hanley, JR. and Bakopoulou, E., (2003). Irrelevant speech, articulatory suppression, and phonological similarity: A test of the phonological loop model and the feature model. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 10 (2), 435-444

Spencer, LH. and Hanley, JR., (2003). Effects of orthographic transparency on reading and phoneme awareness in children learning to read in Wales. British Journal of Psychology. 94 (1), 1-28

Lyons, F., Hanley, JR. and Kay, J., (2002). Anomia for Common Names and Geographical Names with Preserved Retrieval of Names of People: A Semantic Memory Disorder. Cortex. 38 (1), 23-35

Mycroft, R., Hanley, JR. and Kay, J., (2002). Preserved access to abstract letter identities despite abolished letter naming in a case of pure alexia. Journal of Neurolinguistics. 15 (2), 99-108

Kay, J. and Hanley, JR., (2002). Preservation of memory for people in semantic memory disorder: Further category-specific semantic dissociation. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 19 (2), 113-133

Hanley, JR., Kay, J. and Edwards, M., (2002). Imageability effects, phonological errors, and the relationship between auditory repetition and picture naming: Implications for models of auditory repetition. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 19 (3), 193-206

Haslam, C., Kay, J. and Hanley, JR., (2002). Selective Loss and Preservation of Biographical Knowledge: Implications for Representation. Neurocase. 8 (3), 169-193

Hanley, JR., Davies, ADM., Downes, JJ., Roberts, JN., Gong, QY. and Mayes, AR., (2001). Remembering and knowing in a patient with preserved recognition and impaired recall. Neuropsychologia. 39 (9), 1003-1010

Richard Hanley, J. and Peters, S., (2001). Allograph errors and impaired access to graphic motor codes in a case of unilateral agraphia of the dominant left hand. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 18 (4), 307-321

Kay, J., Hanley, JR. and Miles, R., (2001). Exploring the Relationship Between Proper Name Anomia and Word Retrieval: A Single Case Study. Cortex. 37 (4), 501-517

Wagstaff, GF., Parkes, M. and Hanley, JR., (2001). A comparison of posthypnotic amnesia and the simulation of amnesia through brain injury. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy. 1 (1), 67-78

Richard Hanley, J. and Turner, JM., (2000). Why are Familiar-Only Experiences More Frequent for Voices than for Faces?. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A. 53 (4), 1105-1116

Cousins, R., Hanley, JR., Davies, ADM., Turnbull, CJ. and Playfer, JR., (2000). Understanding memory for faces in Parkinson’s disease: the role of configural processing. Neuropsychologia. 38 (6), 837-847

Hanley, JR., Baker, GA. and Ledson, S., (1999). Detecting the Faking of Amnesia: A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Three Different Techniques for Distinguishing Simulators from Patients with Amnesia. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 21 (1), 59-69

Kay, J., (1999). PERSON-SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND KNOWLEDGE OF BIOLOGICAL CATEGORIES. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 16 (2), 171-180

HANLEY, J. and KAY, J., (1998). Proper Name Anomia and Anomia for The Names of People: Functionally Dissociable Impairments?. Cortex. 34 (1), 155-158

Hanley, JR., Smith, ST. and Hadfield, J., (1998). I Recognise you but I Can't Place you: An Investigation of Familiar-only Experiences during Tests of Voice and Face Recognition. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A. 51 (1), 179-195

Hanley, JR. and Kay, J., (1998). NOTE: DOES THE GRAPHEMIC BUFFER PLAY A ROLE IN READING?. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 15 (3), 313-318

Craigie, M. and Hanley, JR., (1997). Putting faces to names. British Journal of Psychology. 88 (1), 157-171

Kay, JRHJ., (1997). An Effect of Imageability on the Production of Phonological Errors in Auditory Repetition. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 14 (8), 1065-1084

Hanley, JR., Reynolds, CJ. and Thornton, A., (1997). Orthographic analogies and developmental dyslexia. British Journal of Psychology. 88 (3), 423-440

Huang, HS. and Hanley, JR., (1997). A Longitudinal Study of Phonological Awareness, Visual Skills, and Chinese Reading Acquisition among First-graders in Taiwan. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 20 (2), 249-268

Craigie, M. and Hanley, JR., (1997). Putting faces to names. British Journal of Psychology. 88 (1), 157-171

Hanley, JR., Reynolds, CJ. and Thornton, A., (1997). Orthographic analogies and developmental dyslexia. British Journal of Psychology. 88 (3), 423-440

Hanley, JR. and McDonnell, V., (1997). Are Reading and Spelling Phonologically Mediated? Evidence from a Patient with a Speech Production Impairment. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 14 (1), 3-33

Hanley, JR., (1997). Reading and Spelling Impairments in Undergraduate Students with Developmental Dyslexia. Journal of Research in Reading. 20 (1), 22-30

Hanley, JR., (1997). Does Articulatory Suppression Remove the Irrelevant Speech Effect?. Memory. 5 (3), 423-431

Cousins, R., (1996). The Effect of Environmental Context on Recall and Category Clustering Scores Following Relational and Individual Item Processing: A Test of the Outshining Hypothesis. Memory. 4 (1), 79-90

Hanley, JR. and Kay, J., (1996). Reading speed in pure alexia. Neuropsychologia. 34 (12), 1165-1174

Hanley, JR. and Peters, S., (1996). A Dissociation Between the Ability to Print and Write Cursively in Lower-Case Letters. Cortex. 32 (4), 737-745

Huang, HS. and Hanley, JR., (1995). Phonological awareness and visual skills in learning to read Chinese and English. Cognition. 54 (1), 73-98

Hanley, JR. and Gard, F., (1995). A dissociation between developmental surface and phonological dyslexia in two undergraduate students. Neuropsychologia. 33 (7), 909-914

Young, AW., Aggleton, JP., Hellawell, DJ., Johnson, M., Broks, P. and Hanley, JR., (1995). Face processing impairments after amygdalotomy. Brain. 118 (1), 15-24

Baker, GA., Hanley, JR., Jackson, HF., Kimmance, S. and Slade, P., (1993). Detecting the faking of amnesia: Performance differences between simulators and patients with memory impairment. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 15 (5), 668-684

Craigie, M. and Hanley, JR., (1993). Access to visual information from a name is contingent on access to identity-specific semantic information. Memory. 1 (4), 367-391

Hanley, JR. and Kay, J., (1992). Does letter-by-letter reading involve the spelling system?. Neuropsychologia. 30 (3), 237-256

Perfect, TJ. and Hanley, JR., (1992). The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon: Do experimenter-presented interlopers have any effect?. Cognition. 45 (1), 55-75

Hanley, JR., Hastie, K. and Kay, J., (1992). Developmental Surface Dyslexia and Dysgraphia: An Orthographic Processing Impairment. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A. 44 (2), 285-319

Hanley, JR., Young, AW. and Pearson, NA., (1991). Impairment of the Visuo-Spatial Sketch Pad. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A. 43 (1), 101-125

Dewick, HC., Hanley, JR., Davies, ADM., Playfer, J. and Turnbull, C., (1991). Perception and memory for faces in Parkinson's disease. Neuropsychologia. 29 (8), 785-802

Kay, J. and Hanley, R., (1991). Simultaneous Form Perception and Serial Letter Recognition in a Case of Letter-by-letter Reading. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 8 (3-4), 249-273

Hanlly, JR., Dewick, HC., Davies, ADM., Playeer, J. and Turnbull, C., (1990). Verbal fluency in parkinson's disease. Neuropsychologia. 28 (7), 737-741

Hanley, JRJ., Pearson, NA. and Howard, LA., (1990). The Effects of Different Types of Encoding Task on Memory for Famous Faces and Names. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A. 42 (4), 741-762


Hanley, JR., Young, AW. and Pearson, NA., (1989). Defective recognition of familiar people. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 6 (2), 179-210

Hanley, JR. and Cowell, ES., (1988). The effects of different types of retrieval cues on the recall of names of famous faces. Memory & Cognition. 16 (6), 545-555

Hanley, JR. and Broadbent, C., (1987). The effect of unattended speech on serial recall following auditory presentation. British Journal of Psychology. 78 (3), 287-297

Hanley, JR., (1987). Semantic heuristics, syntactic analysis, and case-role assignment. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 16 (4), 329-334

Hanley, JR. and Morris, P., (1987). The Effects of Amount of Processing on Recall and Recognition. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A. 39 (3), 431-449

Hanley, JR. and Thomas, A., (1984). Maintenance rehearsal and the articulatory loop. British Journal of Psychology. 75 (4), 521-527

Richard Hanley, J., (1984). Duaal processes in recognition and in recognition failure. Memory & Cognition. 12 (6), 575-580

Hanley, JR. and Morris, N., (1982). Time estimation as a function of recall: a test of Ornstein's theory of temporal judgement. Current Psychology. 2 (1-3), 45-53

Book chapters (11)

Hanley, JR., (2022). Agraphia. In: Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience, 2nd edition. Elsevier. 532- 540. 9780128216361

Hanley, JR., (2021). Agraphia. In: Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience: Volumes 1-3, Second edition. V2-532-V2-540

Hanley, JR., (2014). Retrieval Failures for the Names of Familiar People. In: Tip-of-the-Tongue States and Related Phenomena. Cambridge University Press. 50- 74. 9781107035225

Hanley, JR., (2010). Difference in reading ability between children attending Welsh and English-speaking primary schools in Wales. In: Reading and Dyslexia in Different Orthographies. Editors: Brunswick, N., McDougall, S. and de Mornay Davies, P., . Psychology Press. 87- 107. 978-1-84169-712-3

Roberson, D. and Richard Hanley, J., (2010). Relatively Speaking. In: Words and the Mind. Oxford University Press. 183- 198. 9780195311129

Hanley, JR., (2010). English is a Difficult Writing System for Children to Learn: Evidence from Children Learning to Read in Wales. In: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Learning to Read; Culture, Cognition and Pedagogy. Editors: Hall, K., Goswami, Harrison, C., Ellis, S. and Soler, J., . Routledge. 117- 129. 978-0-415-56123-5

Hanley, JR. and Kay, J., (2010). Neuropsychological assessment and treatment of disorders of reading. In: The Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology (Second Edition). Editors: Gurd, J., Kischka, U. and Marshall, J., . Oxford University Press. 296- 322. 9780199234110

Hanley, JR., (2008). Learning to Read in Chinese. In: The Science of Reading: A Handbook. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 316- 335. 9781405114882

(2007). Memory in the Real World. In: Memory in the Real World: Third Edition. Editors: Cohen, G. and Conway, MA., . Psychology Press. 107- 140

(2006). THE COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY OF MEMORY. In: Theoretical Aspects of Memory. Routledge. 248- 282

(2006). The case study method in cognitive neuropsychology. In: Psychological Research. Routledge. 267- 278

Conferences (2)

Gong, QY., Montaldi, D., Mayes, AR., Aggleton, J., Hanley, JR. and Roberts, N., (2001). A new efficient and unbiased method for estimation of fornix and hippocampal volume on co-axial MR images

Hanley, JR., Davies, ADM., Downes, JJ. and Mayes, AR., (1994). Impaired recall of verbal material following rupture and repair of an anterior communicating artery aneurysm

Grants and funding


Perceptions of Unfamiliar faces

Economic & Social Research Council



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