
Julie Hannah

Essex Law School
 Julie Hannah
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 873879

  • Location

    4SB.6.12, Colchester Campus



Julie Hannah is a Lecturer in the School of Law, Director of the International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy based at the Human Rights Centre, and co-founder of the Centre for Mental Health, Human Rights, and Social Justice, a global research consortium. Her research focuses on the intersections between medicalisation, criminalisation and human rights. She has a particular interest in international drug control policy, mental health, and and the human rights aspects of the pursuit of social justice. From 2015-2020, Julie was the Senior Advisor to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health. Since 2012, Julie has supervised a range of projects in the Human Rights Centre Clinic, which has involved the production of research for UN human rights mechanisms, national and global networks of people who use drugs, and a range of social justice focused civil society actors. Julie previously spent a decade working in refugee protection and resettlement in the United States and Southeast Asia. She has an LLM (distinction) in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law from Essex University and BA in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia.


University of Essex

  • Lecturer, School of Law, University of Essex (1/7/2021 - present)

Other academic

  • Director, International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy (1/1/2015 - present)

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Selected Issues in Human Rights (HU300)

  • Human Rights Clinic (HU902)

  • Human Rights, Social Justice and Social Change (HU928)


Journal articles (8)

Hannah, J., Stastny, P., Lovell, A., Goulart, D., Vasquez, A. and Puras, D., Critical elements of rights-based community supports for individuals experiencing significant emotional distress: foundations and practice. Health and Human Rights: an international journal

Cosgrove, L., Montenegro, C., Yarcia, LE., D’ambrozio, G. and Hannah, J., (2024). “Reducing the Treatment Gap” Poses Human Rights Risks. Health and Human Rights. 26 (1), 129-135

Lines, R., Hannah, J. and Girelli, G., (2022). ‘Treatment in Liberty’ Human Rights and Compulsory Detention for Drug Use. Human Rights Law Review. 22 (1)

Stastny, P., Lovell, AM., Hannah, J., Goulart, D., Vasquez, A., O’callaghan, S. and Pūras, D., (2020). Crisis response as a human rights flashpoint: Critical elements of community support for individuals experiencing significant emotional distress. Health and Human Rights. 22 (1), 105-119

Chapman, A., Williams, C., Hannah, J. and Pūras, D., (2020). Reimagining the mental health paradigm for our collective well-being. Health and Human Rights. 22 (1), 1-6

Barrett, D., Hannah, J. and Lines, R., (2020). What does it mean to adopt a human rights-based approach to drug policy?. Health and Human Rights. 22 (1), 355-357

Pūras, D. and Hannah, J., (2017). Reasons for drug policy reform: prohibition enables systemic human rights abuses and undermines public health. BMJ. 356, i6586-i6586

Hannah, J., Lines, R., Schleifer, R., Barrett, D., Avafia, T. and Elliott, R., (2017). The Case for International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Control. Health and Human Rights: an international journal. 19 (1), 231-2236

Book chapters (5)

Hannah, J. and Barrett, D., Human Rights and Tobacco Control: Lessons from the International Drug Control System. In: Human Rights and Tobacco Control. Editors: Toebes, B. and Gispen, M-E., . Edward Elgar

Hannah, J., Barsky, B. and Pūras, D., Redefining International Mental Health Care in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Mental Health, Legal Capacity, and Human Rights. Editors: Stein, M., Mahomed, F., Sunkel, C. and Patel, V., . Cambridge University Press

Hannah, J. and Lines, R., (2020). Drug Control and Human Rights: From Parallel Universes to Universal Parallels. In: Research Handbook on International Drug Policy. Editors: Tinasti, K. and Bewley Taylor, D., . Edward Elgar. 225- 247. 978 1 78811 705 0

Barrett, D. and Hannah, J., (2020). Human rights and tobacco control: lessons from illicit drugs. In: Human Rights and Tobacco Control. Edward Elgar Publishing. 172- 189. 9781788974813

Hannah, J., (2019). Prioritizing Rights-based Mental Healthcare in the 2030 Agenda. In: Mental Health, International Development and the Sustainable Development Goals. Editors: Davidson, L., . Routledge. 222- 234

Reports and Papers (6)

Hannah, J. and da Silva, N., 'Human Rights, Drug Control and the UN Special Procedures: Preventing arbitrary detention through the promotion of human rights in drug control

Hannah, J. and Melkonyan, A., 'Human Rights, Drug Control and the UN Special Procedures: The prevention of torture through the promotion of human rights in drug control

Hannah, J., Human Rights, Drug Control and the UN Special Procedures: Preventing arbitrary and extra-judicial executions through the promotion of human rights in drug control

Hannah, J., Schleifer, R., Barrett, D., Lines, R. and Murphy, S., (2023). Commentary on the International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy

Hannah, J., Rubenstein, L., Buissoniere, M. and Woznick, S., (2018). The Criminalisation of Healthcare

Hannah, J., (2018). The Promotion and Protection of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights & International Drug Control: Compilation of joint submissions by the International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights 2016-2018

Grants and funding


Essex CC Consultancy - Di Cesare

Essex County Council

UNAIDS Consultancy on Drug Policy Reform

International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD)


Realising rights and securing social justice: collaboration with Brazil's Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship to embed human rights in its Housing First policy implementation

University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)


Participatory research and advocacy in action: Implementing the International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy in Latin America

Open Society Foundation


Mental health, human rights, and social justice: Developing an inclusive and global research consortium, agenda, and community of practice

Open Society Foundation

Cooperation between the University Essex (via the International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy (HRDP)) and the Swiss Confederation Department of Foreign Affairs to roll-out the International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy

Swiss Foreign Affairs Department

Human rights in action: Operationalising the International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy

Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Gmbh

University of Essex and the International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy Open Society Foundations � Global Drug Policy Program Project Budget: January 2022 to December 2023

Open Society Foundation


Cooperation between the University Essex (via the International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy (HRDP)) and the GIZ programme Global Partnership on Drug Policies and Development (GPDPD) to roll-out the International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy

Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Gmbh


Enhancing the mental health and human rights engagement and research capacity of the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health, Dr Dainius Puras

Open Society Foundation

Report on the Criminalization of Impartial Health Care

Swiss Foreign Affairs Department


International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Control (Phase 2)

United Nations Development Programme

Strengthening the development dimensions, expanding political support, and laying the foundations for dissemination of the international guidelines on human rights and drug policy

Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Gmbh


Enhancing civil society engagement and the research capacity of an UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health

Foundation to Promote Open Society

Promoting rights-based drug policy in Europe

Foundation to Promote Open Society

+44 (0) 1206 873879


4SB.6.12, Colchester Campus