Lee Hansen

l.hansen@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873362
5S.4.22, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Academic support hours – Spring Term: Thursdays 9.00 – 10.00 am via Zoom meeting
Lee Hansen is a Senior Lecturer at the Essex Law School and Human Rights Centre, University of Essex. Prior to joining the University of Essex, he was based at LawWorks, a national pro bono charity where he provided consultancy to support solicitors firms and law schools in England and Wales in their pro bono and clinical activities (2013-16). In that role he helped to set up new pro bono legal advice clinics in a variety of contexts and settings eg. libraries, homeless shelters, law schools, advice agencies, court or tribunal based duty schemes and virtual clinics such as those using web-conferencing technology. Lee has extensive experience in the community legal sector in Australia. As the Principal Solicitor at a community legal centre in Sydney, serving the local community and offering a statewide practice for LGBTI communities, Lee undertook advice and casework on behalf of these communities including the conduct of matters in the areas of discrimination, vilification, police complaints, broadcasting complaints and victim support and compensation in relation to hate crime and transphobic violence (2011- 12). Furthermore, Lee supervised and practiced in specialist projects assisting transgender clients, LGBTI persons experiencing domestic violence and sex workers. He also founded a free legal outreach clinic at Twenty10 a specialist youth support service for young people of diverse genders, sexualities and sexes. Prior to this Lee was based at a community legal centre in NSW specialising in welfare benefits law. He was appointed there to the positions of Principal Solicitor (2011-12) and Litigation Solicitor (2010- 11). He was a member of the Australian Law Reform Commissions Expert Panel on Family Violence and Social Security informing the ALRCs recommendations to its final report on Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws—Improving Legal Frameworks (February 2012). Prior to this Lee was based with a community legal centre providing specialist advice and assistance to residential, rooming house and caravan park tenants and residents (2008-10). Lee had the conduct of a number of cases before the Victorian Civil & Administrative Tribunal and appeals before the Supreme Court of Victoria involving novel applications of the Charter of Human Rights to eviction action by public housing authorities.
Master of Laws, University of Melbourne
Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, College of Law (Australia)
Bachelor of Laws, University of Melbourne
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Human Rights in Consumer Law and Practice
LGBT+ Rights
Social Welfare Law
Pedagogy of Clinical Legal Education
Unfair Contract Terms
Conferences and presentations
Building Reflective Practice into an Extracurricular Law Clinic – Challenges and Opportunities
GAJE-IJCLE-SAULCA Worldwide Conference December 2022, Justice Education: Building Resilience and Strong Connections in Times of Global Challenges, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 12/12/2024
A Case for the Ambitious Use of Giving Voice to Values Throughout Legal Education
10th ENCLE/ 21st IJCLE Conference, Clinical Legal Education: the creation of knowledge through transformative experience, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22/7/2024
Community and Connectedness in Clinical Legal Education: Before, During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic
Outreach Clinics in areas of Deprivation
European Network for Clinical Legal Education and International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference 2019, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4/7/2019
Simulate for Justice: Using Client Simulations to Maximise a Clinic’s Social Justice Impact
6th Annual Conference of the European Network for Clinical Legal Education, Turin, Italy, 21/9/2018
New Frontiers for Student Law Clinics and Clinical Legal Education
Invited presentation, LawWorks Student Pro Bono Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom, 11/11/2017
Human Rights Clinics
Invited presentation, LawWorks Student Pro Bono Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom, 11/11/2017
(Just) Doing It Twenty Years On Revisiting Kasky v Nike for Sustainable Development and Human Rights (co-author Dr Renginee Pillay)
Consumers as Sustainable Market Actors Conference, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 6/7/2017
Support Available for University Law Clinics
Conference of the Clinical Legal Education Organisation on the Marginalisation of Clinic,, Preston, United Kingdom, 1/6/2016
Tracing the Impact of Same Sex Law Reform on Social Security Recipients, National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) Conference, Hobart, October 2011
National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) Conference, Hobart, Australia, 2011
Balancing Human Rights Against Other Rights panellist at the Law Institute of Victoria Human Rights and Administrative Law Conference, October 2009
Has the Charter of Human Rights Made a Difference for Tenants in Victoria? Australasian Residential Tenancies Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, September 2009
Queensland, Australia, 2009
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Law, Policy and Ethics (HS651)
Social Work and Human Rights (HS656)
Foundations of the Law of Obligations (LW108)
Career Development Learning Part 2 (LW211)
Justice (LW234)
Legal Ethics and Justice (LW352)
Civil Dispute Resolution (LW367)
Journal articles (1)
Hansen, L. and Pillay, RG., (2024). Filling the Accountability Gap: Misleading Conduct Law in Business and Human Rights. Human Rights Law Review. 24 (4)
Book chapters (6)
Hansen, L., (2020). Signposting and Referrals. In: The Clinical Legal Education Handbook. Editors: Thomas, L. and Johnson, N., . University of London Press. 106- 116. 9781911507161
Hansen, L., (2020). Provision of Debt Advice by University Law Clinics. In: The Clinical Legal Education Handbook. Editors: Thomas, L. and Johnson, N., . University of London Press. 208- 218. 9781911507161
Hansen, L., (2020). Effective Mobilisation of Social Welfare Law Advice in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 217- 227. 978-1-5272-6632-2
Fisher-Frank, E., Hansen, L., Harwood, J., Lindsey, J. and Tallodi, T., (2020). Access to Justice: A Discussion. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 205- 206. 978-1-5272-6632-2
Hansen, L., (2020). Client Care and Taking on New Clients. In: The Clinical Legal Education Handbook. Editors: Thomas, L. and Johnson, N., . University of London Press. 85- 96. 9781911507161
Hansen, L., (2012). Social Security Entitlements. In: The Law Handbook : Your Practical Guide to the Law in New South Wales. Editors: Bassam, S. and Gardiner, D., . Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited. 9780455229393
Academic support hours:
Academic support hours – Spring Term: Thursdays 9.00 – 10.00 am via Zoom meeting