Professor Roger Hawkins

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Colchester Campus
Now retired, he studied French and Linguistics at the Universities of Edinburgh and Cambridge, and taught French language and French linguistics at the University of Sheffield before coming to Essex in 1989. His main interests are in second language acquisition research, particularly syntax. His books include Second language syntax: a generative introduction (Blackwell), Approaches to second language acquisition (Multilingual Matters) and French Grammar and Usage (Hodder) (the latter two co-authored with Richard Towell). He has been one of the editors of the journals Second Language Research (Sage) and the Journal of French Language Studies (Cambridge).
MA University of Edinburgh,
PhD Cambridge,
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Applied Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/2/2017

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/1/2017

Degree subject: Applied Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/5/2016

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/12/2015

Degree subject: Applied Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/11/2015

Degree subject: Applied Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/3/2015

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/8/2014

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/7/2014

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 14/2/2014

Degree subject: Applied Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/9/2013

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/4/2013

Degree subject: Applied Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/1/2013

Degree subject: Applied Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/6/2011

Degree type: Master of Research
Awarded date: 7/10/2009
Journal articles (22)
HAWKINS, R., ALTHOBAITI, M. and MA, YI., (2014). Eliminating grammatical function assignment from hierarchical models of speech production: Evidence from the conceptual accessibility of referents. Applied Psycholinguistics. 35 (4), 677-707
Hawkins, R., Althobaiti, M. and Ma, Y., (2014). Eliminating grammatical function assignment from hierarchical models of speech production: Evidence from the conceptual accessibility of referents. Applied Psycholinguistics. 35 (4), 677-707
Hawkins, R., (2012). Knowledge of English verb phrase ellipsis by speakers of Arabic and Chinese. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism. 2 (4), 404-438
Hawkins, R. and Casillas, G., (2008). Explaining frequency of verb morphology in early L2 speech. Lingua. 118 (4), 595-612
Hawkins, R., (2008). Can innate linguistic knowledge be eliminated from theories of SLA?. Lingua. 118 (4), 613-619
Hawkins, R., (2008). Current emergentist and nativist perspectives on second language acquisition. Lingua. 118 (4), 445-446
Hawkins, R., (2008). The nativist perspective on second language acquisition. Lingua. 118 (4), 465-477
Hawkins, R., (2008). Editorial: Current emergentist and nativist perspectives on second language acquisition. Lingua. 118 (4), 445-446
Hawkins, R., (2008). Commentary: Can innate linguistic knowledge be eliminated from theories of SLA?. Lingua. 118, 613-619
Hawkins, R., (2007). The Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy: Lame Duck or Dead Duck in Theories of SLA?. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 29 (02), 345-349
Hawkins, R. and Hattori, H., (2006). Interpretation of English multiple wh-questions by Japanese speakers: a missing uninterpretable feature account. Second Language Research. 22 (3), 269-301
Hawkins, R., Al-Eid, S., Almahboob, I., Athanasopoulos, P., Chaengchenkit, R., Hu, J., Rezai, M., Jaensch, C., Jeon, Y., Jiang, A., Leung, YI., Matsunaga, K., Ortega, M., Sarko, G., Snape, N. and Velasco-Z�rate, K., (2006). Accounting for English article interpretation by L2 speakers. EUROSLA Yearbook. 6, 7-25
Towell, R. and Hawkins, R., (2004). Empirical Evidence and Theories of Representation in Current Research into Second Language Acquisition: Introduction. Transactions of the Philological Society. 102 (2), 131-137
Hawkins, R., (2001). The theoretical significance of Universal Grammar in second language acquisition. Second Language Research. 17 (4), 345-367
Hawkins, R. and Chan, CY-H., (1997). The partial availability of Universal Grammar in second language acquisition: the ‘failed functional features hypothesis’. Second Language Research. 13 (3), 187-226
TOWELL, R., HAWKINS, R. and BAZERGUI, N., (1996). The Development of Fluency in Advanced Learners of French. Applied Linguistics. 17 (1), 84-119
Towell, R., Hawkins, R. and Bazergui, N., (1993). Systematic and Nonsystematic Variability in Advanced Language Learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 15 (4), 439-460
Hawkins, R., (1989). Do second language learners acquire restrictive relative clauses on the basis of relational or configurational information? The acquisition of French subject, direct object and genitive restrictive relative clauses by second language learners. Interlanguage studies bulletin (Utrecht). 5 (2), 156-188
Hawkins, R., (1987). Markedness and the acquisition of the English dative alternation by L2 speakers. Interlanguage studies bulletin (Utrecht). 3 (1), 20-55
Hawkins, R., (1985). Errors in the use of French past participles by foreign speakers and their implications for a model of morphology. Lingua. 67 (2-3), 171-188
Hawkins, R., (1981). On ‘Generating indirect objects in English’: a reply to Allerton. Journal of Linguistics. 17 (1), 1-9
Hawkins, R., (1981). Towards an account of the possessive constructions: NP's N and the N of NP1. Journal of Linguistics. 17 (2), 247-269
Books (8)
Hawkins, R. and Towell, R., (2015). French Grammar and Usage. 4th Edition. Routledge. 978-1-13-885111-5
Hawkins, R. and Towell, R., (2010). French Grammar and Usage [3rd edition]. Hodder Education. 9780340991244
Hawkins, R., Towell, R. and Lamy, M., (2010). Practising French grammar: a workbook [2nd edition]. Hodder Education. 9780340991251
Garc�a Mayo, MDP. and Hawkins, R., (2009). Second Language Acquisition of Articles Empirical findings and theoretical implications. John Benjamins. 978 90 272 5310 1
Hawkins, R., (2001). Second language syntax: a generative introduction. Wiley-Blackwell. 978-0631191841
Hawkins, R. and Towell, R., (1997). French grammar and usage, 1st edition. Arnorld. 9780844216324
Hawkins, R., Towell, R. and Lamy, M., (1997). Practising French grammar: a workbook, 1st edition. Routledge. 9780340598306
Towell, R. and Hawkins, R., (1994). Approaches to second language acquisition. Multilingual Matters. 9781853592348
Book chapters (4)
Garc�a Mayo, MDP. and Hawkins, R., (2009). Introduction: the interest of article acquisition for theories of SLA. In: Second Language Acquisition of Articles Empirical findings and theoretical implications. Editors: Garc�a Mayo, MDP. and Hawkins, R., . John Benjamins. 1- 10. 978 90 272 5310 1
Hawkins, R., (2009). Second language acquisition of morphosyntax. In: The New Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Editors: Ritchie, WC. and Bhatia, TK., . Emerald Group Publishing. 211- 236. 9781848552401
Hawkins, R., (2009). Statistical learning and innate knowledge in the development of second language proficiency: evidence from the acquisition of gender concord. In: Issues in second language proficiency. Editors: Benati, AG., . Continuum. 63- 78. 9780826435156
Hawkins, R., Casillas, G., Hattori, H., Hawthorne, J., Husted, R., Lozano, C., Okamoto, A., Thomas, E. and Yamada, K., (2008). The semantic effects of verb raising and its consequences in second language grammars. In: The role of formal features in language acquisition. Editors: Liceras, J., Zobl, H. and Goodluck, H., . Lawrence Erlbaum. 328- 351. 978-0-8058-5354-4
Reports and Papers (3)
Hawkins, R., (2007). Emergent and innate sources of knowledge in the early L2 acquisition of English verbal morphology
Hawkins, R., (2000). Persistent selective fossilisation in second language acquisition and the optimal design of the language faculty
Hawkins, R., (1994). Accusative case assignment in French second language acquisition