Drew Henderson

dh18242@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
My research focuses on the characterisation of microbial communities in bioaerosols. This involves determining the abundance and diversity of airborne microbes in different environments, ranging from schools to composting sites. I am particularly interested in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and how bioaerosols facilitate its dispersal. AMR is a global public health threat, yet in the context of bioaerosols, it is generally overlooked. I work primarily on InChildHealth, a multinational Horizon Europe project dedicated to improving indoor air quality (IAQ) for children. Our primary goals are to identify the key components of IAQ in schools, homes, and on transport, as well as how they affect the health and well-being of children. I use a combination of culture-based and molecular methods to characterise bioaerosols and to develop tools for the rapid detection of airborne pathogens.
BSc Marine Biology (Including Placement) University of Essex, (2022)
PhD Microbiology University of Essex,
University of Essex
Laboratory Assistant, Life Sciences, University of Essex (1/6/2019 - 1/9/2019)
Other academic
Research Officer, Life Sciences, University of Essex (3/6/2023 - present)
Book chapters (1)
Bani, A., Randall, KC., Clark, DR., Gregson, BH., Henderson, DK., Losty, EC. and Ferguson, RMW., (2022). Mind the gaps: What do we know about how multiple chemical stressors impact freshwater aquatic microbiomes?. In: Functional Microbiomes. Editors: Bohan, DA. and Dumbrell, A., . Elsevier. 331- 377. 978-0-323-98593-2