Tanya Hend

th20126@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
- My reaserch thesis
Im Tanya Hend, a psychodynamic psychotherapist with over 20 years of experience working with care leavers in various settings. Recently, I completed my Masters in Psychodynamic Counselling ad psychotherapy at the University of Essex. I am now currently in my second year of a Professional Doctorate in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Counselling at Essex. Drawing from my personal experiences and extensive professional background, I founded TspaceTherapy Ltd. to provide crucial support to care leavers and foster carers. Through partnerships with fostering agencies, Im able to offer tailored support to those navigating complex life transitions.
Masters psychodynamic psycotherapy and counseling University of Essex (2023)
Research and professional activities
The engagement of Looked after Children and Care Leavers in Psychodynamic Clinical work whilst in the transitional phase between 16- 25 years old: the formation of a Psychodynamic framework.
This research addresses the psychological needs of Looked After Children (LAC) and Care Leavers (CL) aged 16 to 25 during their transition to adulthood, focusing on the complexities of psychodynamic clinical work within this demographic. The study aims to establish a psychodynamic framework tailored to the unique challenges faced by LAC and CL, exploring issues of disengagement and premature therapy termination. Drawing on 24 years of experience and personal insight from the care system, the re
Supervisor: Dr Debbie Wright