Professor Sandya Hewamanne

5A.342, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Monday 1.30-2.30 p.m. Tuesday 1-2 p.m.
Research interests
Gender and Sexuality
Economic and Feminist Anthropology (and Sociology)
Human Rights
Medical Anthropology
South Asia
Conferences and presentations
Rethinking Feminist Political Economy: Global Assembly Lines, Transformative Politics and Economic justice in South Asia
Invited presentation, Inaugural lecture- Sustainable Development Lecture Series, Oslo, Norway, 26/3/2020
Ramayana, Gender Ideals and India's Daughters
Invited presentation, Forsyth Tech Community College, USA, Public talk, 25/11/2019
Dowries in Practice: Divergent Realities of Global Production in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India
Invited presentation, Public lecture, 31/10/2019
Conning Their Way To Justice: Marginalized Actors within Sri Lanka’s Global Production Responding to Neoliberal Development
Annual Conference on South Asia, Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, United States, 18/10/2019
Global Garment Industry in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Lecture-Bangladesh Industrial Workers Federation., Dhaka, 3/8/2019
Corporate Social Responsibility policies and Modern Slavery Act.
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Public lecture, Melbourne, Australia, 7/5/2019
Archeology of Transitional Justice in Sri Lanka.
Invited presentation, Discussion panel- South Asia Section. Foreign Ministry of Norway., Oslo, Norway, 27/3/2019
IPSA-International Political Science Association World Congress
Invited presentation, Discussant- Panel on Beyond Borders: Intrastate and Interstate Socio-Political Movements in South Asia, IPSA-International Political Science Association World Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 25/7/2018
Global Assembly Lines and Human Rights.
Public lecture, Miri, Malaysia, 8/5/2018
Human Rights and Global Assembly Lines
Invited presentation, A lecture, Curtin University, Miri, Malaysia, 7/5/2018
Unutterable Desires- the book
Invited presentation, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting- invited round table to discuss my new ethnography, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., United States, 2/12/2017
Sri Lanka's Global Factory Workers: (Un) Disciplined Desires and Sexual Struggles in a Post Colonial Society
American Anthropological Association Meetings 2017, Washington D.C., United States, 1/12/2017
Man-power Workers of Sri Lanka: Labor recruiters and Precarity.
Invited presentation, Public lecture, Duke University and University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Durham, United States, 24/8/2017
From Global Factory Workers to Local Entrepreneurs: Former Global Factory Workers Manipulating Capital in Sri Lanka’s Villages.
Invited presentation, Moscow, Russia, 26/6/2017
Servants of Neoliberalism?: Former Global Factory Workers Manipulating Capital in Sri Lanka’s Villages. University of Kentucky. April 2017.
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Key note speaker-South Asia Week, Lexington, United States, 13/4/2017
Unutterable Desires: Subversive Sexualities and Undisciplined Daughters in Sri Lanka. , Sri Lanka. July 2016.
Invited presentation, Public lecture, International Center for Ethnic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 13/7/2016
Don't Kill Our Dowries: Gender, Empowerment and Politics of Location
European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS) Annual Meetings, European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS) Annual Meetings, Warsaw, Poland, 22/6/2016
Migration, Stigma and Empowerment: Former Global Factory Workers Negotiating New Identities in Sri Lanka’s Villages.
Panel presentation, Migration and Gender, Barcelona, Spain, 15/7/2015