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Professor Sandya Hewamanne

Department of Sociology and Criminology
Professor Sandya Hewamanne
  • Email

  • Location

    5A.342, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Monday 1.30-2.30 p.m. Tuesday 1-2 p.m.

Research interests

Gender and Sexuality

Open to supervise

Economic and Feminist Anthropology (and Sociology)

Open to supervise


Open to supervise

Human Rights

Open to supervise

Medical Anthropology

Open to supervise

South Asia

Open to supervise

Conferences and presentations

Rethinking Feminist Political Economy: Global Assembly Lines, Transformative Politics and Economic justice in South Asia

Invited presentation, Inaugural lecture- Sustainable Development Lecture Series, Oslo, Norway, 26/3/2020

Ramayana, Gender Ideals and India's Daughters

Invited presentation, Forsyth Tech Community College, USA, Public talk, 25/11/2019

Dowries in Practice: Divergent Realities of Global Production in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India

Invited presentation, Public lecture, 31/10/2019

Conning Their Way To Justice: Marginalized Actors within Sri Lanka’s Global Production Responding to Neoliberal Development

Annual Conference on South Asia, Annual Conference on South Asia, Madison, United States, 18/10/2019

Global Garment Industry in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Lecture-Bangladesh Industrial Workers Federation., Dhaka, 3/8/2019

Corporate Social Responsibility policies and Modern Slavery Act.

Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Public lecture, Melbourne, Australia, 7/5/2019

Archeology of Transitional Justice in Sri Lanka.

Invited presentation, Discussion panel- South Asia Section. Foreign Ministry of Norway., Oslo, Norway, 27/3/2019

IPSA-International Political Science Association World Congress

Invited presentation, Discussant- Panel on Beyond Borders: Intrastate and Interstate Socio-Political Movements in South Asia, IPSA-International Political Science Association World Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 25/7/2018

Global Assembly Lines and Human Rights.

Public lecture, Miri, Malaysia, 8/5/2018

Human Rights and Global Assembly Lines

Invited presentation, A lecture, Curtin University, Miri, Malaysia, 7/5/2018

Unutterable Desires- the book

Invited presentation, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting- invited round table to discuss my new ethnography, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., United States, 2/12/2017

Sri Lanka's Global Factory Workers: (Un) Disciplined Desires and Sexual Struggles in a Post Colonial Society

American Anthropological Association Meetings 2017, Washington D.C., United States, 1/12/2017

Man-power Workers of Sri Lanka: Labor recruiters and Precarity.

Invited presentation, Public lecture, Duke University and University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Durham, United States, 24/8/2017

From Global Factory Workers to Local Entrepreneurs: Former Global Factory Workers Manipulating Capital in Sri Lanka’s Villages.

Invited presentation, Moscow, Russia, 26/6/2017

Servants of Neoliberalism?: Former Global Factory Workers Manipulating Capital in Sri Lanka’s Villages. University of Kentucky. April 2017.

Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Key note speaker-South Asia Week, Lexington, United States, 13/4/2017

Unutterable Desires: Subversive Sexualities and Undisciplined Daughters in Sri Lanka. , Sri Lanka. July 2016.

Invited presentation, Public lecture, International Center for Ethnic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 13/7/2016

Don't Kill Our Dowries: Gender, Empowerment and Politics of Location

European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS) Annual Meetings, European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS) Annual Meetings, Warsaw, Poland, 22/6/2016

Migration, Stigma and Empowerment: Former Global Factory Workers Negotiating New Identities in Sri Lanka’s Villages.

Panel presentation, Migration and Gender, Barcelona, Spain, 15/7/2015