
Dr Casper Hoedemaekers

EBS - Organisation Studies and Human Resource Management
Dr Casper Hoedemaekers
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 874767

  • Location

    EBS.3.92, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    You can find details of Academic Support hours on the EBS UG and PG information page on Moodle or by calling EBS Student Services on 01206873911



Much of my research is aimed at studying individuals at work, how their work activities are shaped, managed and controlled, and how this impacts on their lives. Previous research has focused on performance management in public sector organisations, and more recently on the management and self-management of freelance work. I have drawn on social theory and psychoanalysis (notably that of Jacques Lacan) to conceptualise the ways in which everyday discourses and images influence taken-for-granted assumptions and routines in the workplace and outside of it. At the moment, I am running a research project that is focused on the labour process and context of freelance work, which involves research in the Netherlands, UK and Germany. Other research has focused on financialisation and higher education, strategies of deliberate controversy in advertising and journalism, and the labour of musicians, among other things. I am currently working on a research project that traces the discursive and stylistic influence of behaviouralpsychology on management.

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Management and the Cultural Industries (BE418)

  • Management Psychology (BE434)

  • Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management (BE486)

  • Dissertation in Accounting (BE980)

  • Dissertation in Marketing (BE981)

  • Dissertation (BE982)

  • Applied Project (BE986)

  • Dissertation in Management (BE988)

  • Dissertation in Finance (BE989)

  • Experiencing Organisations: Reflexivity and Analysis (PA910)

  • Research Project : Business Administration (BE932)

  • Research Project - Marketing (BE933)

  • Research Project - International Business and Entrepreneurship (BE934)

  • Research Project - International Business and Finance (BE941)

  • Research Project � Business Administration and Supply Chain Management (BE943)

  • Research Project: Business and Analytics (BE945)

Previous supervision

Jasper Finkeldey
Jasper Finkeldey
Thesis title: Social Movements At the Fossil Fuel Frontier in South Africa
Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/7/2019
Jana Patey
Jana Patey
Thesis title: Workplace Friendship and Anxiety: Organizational Insight Through the Psychodynamic Exploration of Interpersonal Relationships.
Degree subject: Management
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/7/2019
Jan Wilcox
Jan Wilcox
Thesis title: The Incredibles: Investigating What It Is Like to be a Portfolio Worker.
Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/7/2019
Will Rhodri Lewis
Will Rhodri Lewis
Thesis title: Reframing Strategic Inertia: The Politics of Innovation and the Case of Gm Biotechnology
Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/7/2017
Francisco Javier Valenzuela Diaz
Francisco Javier Valenzuela Diaz
Thesis title: Public Servant Identity At Work in Chilean State Bureaucracy: A Lacanian Interpretation.
Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/9/2016


Journal articles (14)

Hoedemaekers, C., (2021). "Selling themselves": conceptualising key features of freelance work experience. Culture and Organization. 27 (5), 345-364

Hoedemaekers, C., (2019). The fantasy of control: Behaviourist transgressions of neoliberal subjectivity. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. 24 (3), 303-322

Hoedemaekers, C., (2018). Creative work and affect: Social, political and fantasmatic dynamics in the labour of musicians. Human Relations. 71 (10), 1348-1370

Hoedemaekers, C., (2016). 'Work hard, play hard': Fantasies of nihilism and hedonism between work and consumption. Ephemera : Theory and Politics in Organization. 16 (3), 61-94

Beverungen, A., Hoedemaekers, C. and Veldman, J., (2014). Charity and finance in the university. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 25 (1), 58-66

Cederstr�m, C. and Hoedemaekers, C., (2012). On dead dogs and unwritten jokes: Life in the university today. Scandinavian Journal of Management. 28 (3), 229-233

Beverungen, A., Dunne, S. and Hoedemaekers, C., (2012). The financialisation of business ethics. Business Ethics: A European Review. 22 (1), 102-117

Hoedemaekers, C., (2011). Viral marketing and imaginary ethics, or the joke that goes too far. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. 16 (2), 162-178

Hoedemaekers, C., (2010). 'Not even semblance': exploring the interruption of identification with Lacan. Organization. 17 (3), 379-393

Hoedemaekers, C. and Keegan, A., (2010). Performance Pinned Down: Studying Subjectivity and the Language of Performance. Organization Studies. 31 (8), 1021-1044

Hoedemaekers, C., Dunne, S. and Beverungen, A., (2009). Editorial Introduction: The University of Finance. ephemera theory & politics in organization. 9 (4), 261-271

Hoedemaekers, C., (2009). Traversing the empty promise: management, subjectivity and the Other's desire. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 22 (2), 181-201

Hoedemaekers, C., (2008). Towards a sinthomatology of organization?. ephemera theory & politics in organization. 8 (1), 58-78

Hoedemaekers, C., (2007). Bringing Back the Subject. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 20 (1), 145-150

Book chapters (4)

Hoedemaekers, C., (2024). Lacan. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Organizational Psychology. Editors: Bal, PM., . Edward Elgar. 358- 360. 9781803921761

Hoedemaekers, C., (2023). Between market and craft: understanding the specific challenges of freelance work. In: Handbook on Precarious Work. Editors: Hudson, M. and Piccoli, B., . Edward Elgar

Hoedemaekers, C., (2015). Commons and Organization: Potentiality and expropriation. In: The Routledge Companion to Philosophy in Organization Studies. Editors: Willmott, H., Mir, R. and Greenwood, M., . Routledge. 978-0-415-70286-7

Hoedemaekers, C. and Ybema, S., (2015). All of me: art, industry and identity struggles. In: Organising Music Theory, Practice, Performance. Editors: Beech, N. and Gilmore, C., . Cambridge University Press (CUP). 9781107040953

Grants and funding


Augmented Engagement in Sustainable Cooperative Music Production

University of Essex (ESRC IAA)

+44 (0) 1206 874767


EBS.3.92, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

You can find details of Academic Support hours on the EBS UG and PG information page on Moodle or by calling EBS Student Services on 01206873911