Prof Michael Hough

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Colchester Campus
Research in my group seeks to understand the relationship between protein function, structure and dynamics, with a particular focus on metal-containing enzymes, enzymes in biotechnology and heme sensor proteins. We work in close collaboration with scientists at synchrotron radiation and XFEL facilities in the field of structural biology method development. A major current interest is in serial crystallography at XFEL and synchrotron beamlines including SACLA (Japan) and Diamond Light Source. We apply this to produce room temperature structures of radiation sensitive proteins free of the effects of radiation damage. We are studying time-resolved structural biology by this approach. Our work also encompasses protein bochemistry, molecular biology and a range of biophysical approaches. Biography: BSc (Hons) Physics 1995 PhD Structural Biology 1999 Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (FRSB) Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC) and Member of the Institute of Physics (MInstP) Member of the Biochemical Society, the British Crystallographic Association and the Inorganic Biochemistry Discussion Group of the RSC. Google Scholar page ORCID Research Gate: Twitter: Current Group Members Karl Skeels: BBSRC CASE PhD student (jointly supervised with Dr Whitby) - Using synthetic biology to forward engineer napthenic acid catabolic pathways in Pseudomonads for use as biotechnological tools in NA biormediation - funded by BBSRC Hannah Adams: PhD student (part time) Structure and function of cytochrome c' from Methylococcus capsulatus Bath. Ali Ebrahim: PhD student - 'Methods and Instrumentation for Collection and Validation of Damage-Free Protein Structures in Defined Redox States. - Joint Essex / Diamond Light Source studentship. Former group members Dr Demet Kekilli: Postdoctoral researcher - Enzyme Catalysis in Action: 3D Movies of X-ray Induced Chemical Reactions in protein Crystals - funded by the Leverhulme Trust - Demet moved to a PSI-FELLOW position the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland in May 2017. Dr Sam Horrell: Postdoctoral researcher - Dynamics of Electron and Proton Transfer Chemistry in Copper and Hybrid Copper-Haem Enzymes - funded by BBSRC - Sam moved to the University of Hamburg / DESY, Germany in April 2017. Tadeo Moreno Chicano: PhD student - Enzyme Catalysis in Action: 3D Movies of X-ray Induced Chemical Reactions in protein Crystals - funded by the Leverhulme Trust, now at the IBS Institute, Grenoble
PhD Structural Biology Daresbury Laboratory and De Montfort University,
Other academic
Industrial Placements Officer (IPO), School of Biological Sciences, School of Life Sciences (31/8/2019 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Serial crystallography using XFEL and synchrotron radiation
We use the latest X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) facilities including SACLA in Japan to produce crystal structures of metalloproteins without the effects of radiation damage that can compromise interpretation of structures determined by conventional synchrotron X-ray crystallography. We particularly apply this method to high valent states of Fe and Cu proteins relevant to enzyme mechanisms and to pursue time-resolved structural biology.
X-ray crystallography of Metalloproteins
We determine high resolution X-ray crystal structures of metalloproteins to establish their functional mechanisms. We combine this with single crystal spectroscopy of the crystals to validate redox and ligand states in the structures.
MSOX Crystallography
We are developing a new method to determine sequences of crystal structures of metalloproteins, where the X-rays used to determine structures are also used to drive redox reactions within those crystals to access catalytic intermediate states. This is combined with advanced computational simulation of the enzymes (quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics) and single crystal spectroscopies to fully characterise such mechanisms.
Cytochromes and Gas Sensors
We are characterising the interaction of nitric oxide and carbon monoxide to cytochromes c', proteins which are analogous to mammalian gas sensors involved in vasodilation. This work combines structural biology, kinetics and spectroscopy.
Development of in vivo biosensors for use in plants
Engineering of advanced in vivo biosensors (collaboration with Prof Phil Mullineaux, Dr Richard Strange, Dr Phillipe Laissue and Dr Greg Brooke).
Environmental enzymology studies of napthenic acid metabolism in oil sands wastewaters (collaboration with Dr Corinne Whitby)
Development of genetic probes based on GFP for non-invasive detection and quantification of reactive oxygen species and antioxidants in subcellular compartments
Fluorescent protein biosensors are showing great promise in allowing the real time, spatial and quantitative detection of specific small molecules in living cells. We are using these biosensors to communicate with cancer cells to investigate signalling events in different sub-cellular compartments. We aim to use this knowledge to identify therapeutic vulnerabilities in cancer cells and use this for therapeutic gain.
Methanotrophic cytochromes and their role in the nitrogen cycle
Structural biology and Biochemistry of cytochromes P460 and cytochromes c prime -beta from methanotrophic microorganisms
Serial Crystallography at XFELs and synchrotrons
XFEl and synchrotron serial crystallography at room temperature. Damage free structures and time-resolved crystallography
Conferences and presentations
Fixed Target Serial Crystallography at Synchrotron and XFEL beamlines
Invited presentation, Diamond MX User Meeting 2019, East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 8/1/2019
Serial Crystallography (pump-n-probe)
Invited presentation, Diamond-II Workshop, Diamond Light Source, Didcot, United Kingdom, 10/9/2018
Time and sample efficient fixed targetserial crystallography ofmetalloenzymes using XFEL andsynchrotron beamlines
Invited presentation, MRC-KHIDI UK-Korea Research Symposium, Diamond Light Source, Harwell Campus, Didcot, United Kingdom, 16/8/2018
Many Structures from One Crystal (MSOX): A versatile approach to characterising redox enzyme reactions in protein crystals
Invited presentation, CCP4 Study Weekend 2018, East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 11/1/2018
9th International Meeting on X-ray Damage to Biological Crystalline Samples, Lund, Sweden, 9-11th March 2016.
Lund, Sweden, 2016
12th International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron Radiation, Stanford, USA, 21-24th August 2016
Stanford, United States, 2016
30th European Crystallographic Meeting, Basel, Switzerland, 28 August-1 September 2016.
Basel, Switzerland, 2016
The British Biophysical Society biennial meeting New horizons and emerging biomedical challenges for biophysics, July 6-8th Liverpool
Work on the ENCATS project was presented to the public at Daresbury Laboratorys Open week on 7-9th July.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Placement Report (BS834)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Biochemistry
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/6/2024

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/2/2024

Degree subject: Biochemistry
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 29/6/2023

Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 13/7/2022

Degree subject: Biochemistry
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/2/2022

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 21/6/2021

Degree subject: Biochemistry
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 4/5/2021

Degree subject: Molecular Medicine: Medical Microbiology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 16/7/2020

Degree subject: Biochemistry
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/7/2020

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/4/2019

Degree subject: Biochemistry
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/6/2015
Publications (1)
Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Reeder, B., Brooke, GN., Hough, MA., Laissue, PP. and Mullineaux, PM., (2024). A novel glutathione peroxidase-based biosensor disentangles differential subcellular accumulation of H2O2 and lipid hydroperoxides
Journal articles (90)
Adams, HR., Fujii, S., Pfalzgraf, HE., Smyth, P., Andrew, CR. and Hough, MA., (2025). Cytochromes P460 and c′-β: exploiting a novel fold for multiple functions. JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
Roger, M., Leone, P., Blackburn, NJ., Horrell, S., Chicano, TM., Biaso, F., Giudici-Orticoni, M-T., Abriata, LA., Hura, GL., Hough, MA., Sciara, G. and Ilbert, M., (2024). Beyond the coupled distortion model: structural analysis of the single domain cupredoxin AcoP, a green mononuclear copper centre with original features. Dalton Transactions. 53 (4), 1794-1808
Thompson, AJ., Sanchez-Weatherby, J., Williams, LJ., Mikolajek, H., Sandy, J., Worrall, JAR. and Hough, MA., (2024). Efficient in situ screening of and data collection from microcrystals in crystallization plates. Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology. 80 (4), 279-288
Bolton, R., Machelett, MM., Worrall, JAR., Hough, MA. and et al., (2024). A redox switch allows binding of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions in the cyanobacterial iron-binding protein FutA from Prochlorococcus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121 (12), e2308478121-
Sandy, J., Mikolajek, H., Thompson, AJ., Sanchez-Weatherby, J. and Hough, MA., (2024). Crystallization and <em>In Situ</em> Room Temperature Data Collection Using the Crystallization Facility at Harwell and Beamline VMXi, Diamond Light Source. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2024 (205)
Rose, SL., Ferroni, FM., Horrell, S., Brondino, CD., Eady, RR., Jaho, S., Hough, MA., Owen, RL., Antonyuk, SV. and Hasnain, SS., (2024). Spectroscopically Validated pH-dependent MSOX Movies Provide Detailed Mechanism of Copper Nitrite Reductases. Journal of Molecular Biology. 436 (18), 168706-168706
Fujii, S., Wilson, MT., Adams, HR., Mikolajek, H., Svistunenko, DA., Smyth, P., Andrew, CR., Sambongi, Y. and Hough, MA., (2024). Conformational rigidity of cytochrome c'-α from a thermophile is associated with slow NO binding. Biophysical Journal. 123 (16), 2594-2603
Jaho, S., Axford, D., Gu, D-H., Hough, MA. and Owen, RL., (2024). Use of fixed targets for serial crystallography. Methods in Enzymology. 709, 29-55
Hough, MA., Prischi, F. and Worrall, JAR., (2023). Perspective: Structure determination of protein-ligand complexes at room temperature using X-ray diffraction approaches. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 10, 1113762-
Adams, HR., Svistunenko, DA., Wilson, MT., Fujii, S., Strange, RW., Hardy, ZA., Vazquez, PA., Dabritz, T., Streblow, GJ., Andrew, CR. and Hough, MA., (2023). A heme pocket aromatic quadrupole modulates gas binding to cytochrome c'-β: Implications for NO sensors.. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 299 (6), 104742-104742
Mikolajek, H., Sanchez-Weatherby, J., Sandy, J., Gildea, RJ., Campeotto, I., Cheruvara, H., Clarke, JD., Foster, T., Fujii, S., Paulsen, IT., Shah, BS. and Hough, MA., (2023). Protein-to-structure pipeline for ambient-temperature in situ crystallography at VMXi. IUCrJ. 10 (4), 420-429
Agirre, J., Atanasova, M., Bagdonas, H., Ballard, CB., Baslé, A., Beilsten-Edmands, J., Borges, RJ., Brown, DG., Burgos-Mármol, JJ., Berrisford, JM., Bond, PS., Caballero, I., Catapano, L., Chojnowski, G., Cook, AG., Cowtan, KD., Croll, TI., Debreczeni, JÉ., Devenish, NE., Dodson, EJ., Drevon, TR., Emsley, P., Evans, G., Evans, PR., Fando, M., Foadi, J., Fuentes-Montero, L., Garman, EF., Gerstel, M., Gildea, RJ., Hatti, K., Hekkelman, ML., Heuser, P., Hoh, SW., Hough, MA., Jenkins, HT., Jiménez, E., Joosten, RP., Keegan, RM., Keep, N., Krissinel, EB., Kolenko, P., Kovalevskiy, O., Lamzin, VS., Lawson, DM., Lebedev, AA., Leslie, AGW., Lohkamp, B., Long, F., Malý, M., McCoy, AJ., McNicholas, SJ., Medina, A., Millán, C., Murray, JW., Murshudov, GN., Nicholls, RA., Noble, MEM., Oeffner, R., Pannu, NS., Parkhurst, JM., Pearce, N., Pereira, J., Perrakis, A., Powell, HR., Read, RJ., Rigden, DJ., Rochira, W., Sammito, M., Sánchez Rodríguez, F., Sheldrick, GM., Shelley, KL., Simkovic, F., Simpkin, AJ., Skubak, P., Sobolev, E., Steiner, RA., Stevenson, K., Tews, I., Thomas, JMH., Thorn, A., Valls, JT., Uski, V., Usón, I., Vagin, A., Velankar, S., Vollmar, M., Walden, H., Waterman, D., Wilson, KS., Winn, MD., Winter, G., Wojdyr, M. and Yamashita, K., (2023). The CCP4 suite: integrative software for macromolecular crystallography. Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology. 79 (6), 449-461
Lučić, M., Wilson, MT., Pullin, J., Hough, MA., Svistunenko, DA. and Worrall, JAR., (2023). New insights into controlling radical migration pathways in heme enzymes gained from the study of a dye-decolorising peroxidase. Chemical Science. 14 (44), 12518-12534
Yoshimi, T., Fujii, S., Oki, H., Igawa, T., Adams, HR., Ueda, K., Kawahara, K., Ohkubo, T., Hough, MA. and Sambongi, Y., (2022). Crystal structure of thermally stable homodimeric cytochrome c′-β from Thermus thermophilus. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology Communications. 78 (6), 217-225
Moreno-Chicano, T., Carey, LM., Axford, D., Beale, JH., Doak, RB., Duyvesteyn, HME., Ebrahim, A., Henning, RW., Monteiro, DCF., Myles, DA., Owada, S., Sherrell, DA., Straw, ML., Šrajer, V., Sugimoto, H., Tono, K., Tosha, T., Tews, I., Trebbin, M., Strange, RW., Weiss, KL., Worrall, JAR., Meilleur, F., Owen, RL., Ghiladi, RA. and Hough, MA., (2022). Complementarity of neutron, XFEL and synchrotron crystallography for defining the structures of metalloenzymes at room temperature. IUCrJ. 9 (5), 610-624
Worrall, JAR. and Hough, MA., (2022). Serial femtosecond crystallography approaches to understanding catalysis in iron enzymes.. Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 77, 102486-102486
Lučić, M., Wilson, MT., Tosha, T., Sugimoto, H., Shilova, A., Axford, D., Owen, RL., Hough, MA. and Worrall, JAR., (2022). Serial Femtosecond Crystallography Reveals the Role of Water in the One- or Two-Electron Redox Chemistry of Compound i in the Catalytic Cycle of the B-Type Dye-Decolorizing Peroxidase DtpB. ACS Catalysis. 12 (21), 13349-13359
Horrell, S., Axford, D., Devenish, NE., Ebrahim, A., Hough, MA., Sherrell, DA., Storm, SLS., Tews, I., Worrall, JAR. and Owen, RL., (2021). Fixed Target Serial Data Collection at Diamond Light Source.. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2021 (168)
McKew, BA., Johnson, R., Clothier, L., Skeels, K., Ross, MS., Metodiev, M., Frenzel, M., Gieg, LM., Martin, JW., Hough, MA. and Whitby, C., (2021). Differential protein expression during growth on model and commercial mixtures of naphthenic acids in Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf‐5. MicrobiologyOpen. 10 (4), e1196-
Sen, K., Hough, MA., Strange, RW., Yong, C. and Keal, TW., (2021). QM/MM Simulations of Protein Crystal Reactivity Guided by MSOX Crystallography: A Copper Nitrite Reductase Case Study.. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Biophysical Chemistry, Biomaterials, Liquids, and Soft Matter. 125 (32), 9102-9114
Lučić, M., Wilson, MT., Svistunenko, DA., Owen, RL., Hough, MA. and Worrall, JAR., (2021). Aspartate or arginine? Validated redox state X-ray structures elucidate mechanistic subtleties of FeIV = O formation in bacterial dye-decolorizing peroxidases. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 26 (7), 743-761
Hough, MA. and Owen, RL., (2021). Serial synchrotron and XFEL crystallography for studies of metalloprotein catalysis. Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 71, 232-238
Stohrer, C., Horrell, S., Meier, S., Sans, M., von Stetten, D., Hough, M., Goldman, A., Monteiro, DCF. and Pearson, AR., (2021). Homogeneous batch micro-crystallization of proteins from ammonium sulfate. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology. 77 (2), 194-204
Lucic, M., Chaplin, AK., Moreno-Chicano, T., Dworkowski, F., Wilson, M., Svistunenko, D., Hough, M. and Worrall, JAR., (2020). A subtle structural change in the distal haem pocket has a remarkable effect on tuning hydrogen peroxide reactivity in dye decolourising peroxidases from Streptomyces lividans. Dalton Transactions. 49 (5), 1620-1636
Lucic, M., Svistunenko, D., Wilson, M., Chaplin, A., Davy, B., Ebrahim, A., Axford, D., Tosha, T., Sugimoto, H., Owada, S., Dworkowski, F., Tews, I., Owen, R., Hough, M. and Worrall, JAR., (2020). Serial femtosecond zero dose crystallography captures a water‐free distal heme site in a dye‐decolourising peroxidase to reveal a catalytic role for an arginine in FeIV=O formation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 59 (48), 21656-21662
Brown, BN., Robinson, KJ., Durfee, QC., Kekilli, D., Hough, MA. and Andrew, CR., (2020). Hydroxylamine Complexes of Cytochrome c': Influence of Heme Iron Redox State on Kinetic and Spectroscopic Properties.. Inorganic Chemistry. 59 (19), 14162-14170
Hough, MA., Conradie, J., Strange, RW., Antonyuk, SV., Eady, RR., Ghosh, A. and Hasnain, SS., (2020). Nature of the copper-nitrosyl intermediates of copper nitrite reductases during catalysis. Chemical Science. 11 (46), 12485-12492
Ebrahim, A., Appleby, MV., Axford, D., Beale, J., Moreno-Chicano, T., Sherrell, DA., Strange, RW., Hough, MA. and Owen, RL., (2019). Resolving polymorphs and radiation-driven effects in microcrystals using fixed-target serial synchrotron crystallography. Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology. 75 (2), 151-159
Adams, HR., Krewson, C., Vardanega, JE., Fujii, S., Moreno-Chicano, T., Sambongi, Y., Svistunenko, D., Paps, J., Andrew, CR. and Hough, MA., (2019). One fold, two functions: cytochrome P460 and cytochrome c′-β from the methanotroph Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath). Chemical Science. 10 (10), 3031-3041
Chaplin, AK., Chicano, TM., Hampshire, BV., Wilson, MT., Hough, MA., Svistunenko, DA. and Worrall, JAR., (2019). An Aromatic Dyad Motif in Dye Decolourising Peroxidases Has Implications for Free Radical Formation and Catalysis. Chemistry – A European Journal. 25 (24), 6141-6153
Straw, ML., Hough, MA., Wilson, MT. and Worrall, JAR., (2019). A histidine residue and a tetranuclear cuprous‐thiolate cluster dominate the copper loading landscape of a copper storage protein from Streptomyces lividans. Chemistry – A European Journal. 25 (45), 10678-10688
Ebrahim, A., Moreno-Chicano, T., Appleby, MV., Chaplin, AK., Beale, JH., Sherrell, DA., Duyvesteyn, HME., Owada, S., Tono, K., Sugimoto, H., Strange, RW., Worrall, JAR., Axford, D., Owen, RL. and Hough, MA., (2019). Dose-resolved serial synchrotron and XFEL structures of radiation-sensitive metalloproteins. IUCrJ. 6 (4), 543-551
Moreno-Chicano, T., Ebrahim, A., Axford, D., Appleby, MV., Beale, JH., Chaplin, AK., Duyvesteyn, HME., Ghiladi, RA., Owada, S., Sherrell, DA., Strange, RW., Sugimoto, H., Tono, K., Worrall, JAR., Owen, RL. and Hough, MA., (2019). High-throughput structures of protein–ligand complexes at room temperature using serial femtosecond crystallography. IUCrJ. 6 (6), 1074-1085
Beale, JH., Bolton, R., Marshall, SA., Beale, EV., Carr, SB., Ebrahim, A., Moreno-Chicano, T., Hough, MA., Worrall, JAR., Tews, I. and Owen, RL., (2019). Successful sample preparation for serial crystallography experiments. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 52 (6), 1385-1396
Adams, HR., Krewson, C., Vardanega, JE., Fujii, S., Moreno-Chicano, T., Sambongi, Y., Svistunenko, D., Paps, J., Andrew, CR. and Hough, MA., (2019). Correction: One fold, two functions: cytochrome P460 and cytochrome c′-β from the methanotroph Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath). Chemical Science. 10 (36), 8490-8490
Straw, ML., Chaplin, AK., Hough, MA., Paps, J., Bavro, VN., Wilson, MT., Vijgenboom, E. and Worrall, JAR., (2018). A cytosolic copper storage protein provides a second level of copper tolerance in Streptomyces lividans.. Metallomics: integrated biometal science. 2018 (10), 180-193
Hough, MA. and Wilson, KS., (2018). From crystal to structure with CCP4. Acta Crystallographica. Section d, Structural Biology. 74 (2), 67-67
Horrell, S., Kekilli, D., Sen, K., Owen, RU., Dworkowski, FSN., Antonyuk, SV., Keal, TW., Yong, CW., Eady, RR., Hasnain, SS., Strange, RW. and Hough, MA., (2018). Enzyme catalysis captured using multiple structures from one crystal at varying temperatures. IUCrJ. 5 (3), 283-292
Sen, K., Hough, M., Strange, R., Yong, C. and Keal, T., (2018). A QM/MM Study of Nitrite Binding Modes in a Three-Domain Heme-Cu Nitrite Reductase. Molecules. 23 (11), 2997-2997
Chaplin, AK., Svistunenko, DA., Hough, MA., Wilson, MT., Vijgenboom, E. and Worrall, JAR., (2017). Active site maturation and activity of the copper-radical oxidase GlxA is governed by a tryptophan residue. The Biochemical Journal. 474 (5), 809-825
Kekilli, D., Petersen, CA., Pixton, DA., Ghafoor, DD., Abdullah, GH., Dworkowski, FSN., Wilson, MT., Heyes, DJ., Hardman, SJO., Murphy, LM., Strange, RW., Scrutton, NS., Andrew, CR. and Hough, MA., (2017). Engineering proximal vs. distal heme–NO coordination via dinitrosyl dynamics: implications for NO sensor design. Chemical Science. 8 (3), 1986-1994
McCombs, NL., Moreno-Chicano, T., Carey, LM., Franzen, S., Hough, MA. and Ghiladi, RA., (2017). Interaction of Azole-Based Environmental Pollutants with the Coelomic Hemoglobin from Amphitrite ornata: A Molecular Basis for Toxicity. Biochemistry. 56 (17), 2294-2303
Kekilli, D., Moreno-Chicano, T., Chaplin, AK., Horrell, S., Dworkowski, FSN., Worrall, JAR., Strange, RW. and Hough, MA., (2017). Photoreduction and validation of haem?ligand intermediate states in protein crystals by in situ single-crystal spectroscopy and diffraction. IUCrJ. 4 (3), 263-270
Hough, MA., (2017). Choosing the optimal spectroscopic toolkit to understand protein function. Bioscience Reports. 37 (3), BSR20160378-
Sen, K., Horrell, S., Kekilli, D., Yong, CW., Keal, TW., Atakisi, H., Moreau, DW., Thorne, RE., Hough, MA. and Strange, RW., (2017). Active-site protein dynamics and solvent accessibility in nativeAchromobacter cycloclastescopper nitrite reductase. IUCrJ. 4 (4), 495-505
Horrell, S., Kekilli, D., Strange, RW. and Hough, MA., (2017). Recent structural insights into the function of copper nitrite reductases.. Metallomics. 9 (11), 1470-1482
Nilsson, ZN., Mandella, BL., Sen, K., Kekilli, D., Hough, MA., Moënne-Loccoz, P., Strange, RW. and Andrew, CR., (2017). Distinguishing Nitro vs Nitrito Coordination in Cytochrome c' Using Vibrational Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory.. Inorganic Chemistry. 56 (21), 13205-13213
Deacon, OM., Karsisiotis, AI., Moreno-Chicano, T., Hough, MA., Macdonald, C., Blumenschein, TMA., Wilson, MT., Moore, GR. and Worrall, JAR., (2017). Heightened Dynamics of the Oxidized Y48H Variant of Human Cytochrome c Increases Its Peroxidatic Activity.. Biochemistry. 56 (46), 6111-6124
Chaplin, AK., Wilson, MT., Hough, MA., Svistunenko, DA., Hemsworth, GR., Walton, PH., Vijgenboom, E. and Worrall, JAR., (2016). Heterogeneity in the Histidine-brace Copper Coordination Sphere in Auxiliary Activity Family 10 (AA10) Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenases. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 291 (24), 12838-12850
Horrell, S., Antonyuk, SV., Eady, RR., Hasnain, SS., Hough, MA. and Strange, RW., (2016). Serial crystallography captures enzyme catalysis in copper nitrite reductase at atomic resolution from one crystal. IUCrJ. 3 (4), 271-281
Brooke, GN., Gamble, SC., Hough, MA., Begum, S., Dart, DA., Odontiadis, M., Powell, SM., Fioretti, FM., Bryan, RA., Waxman, J., Wait, R. and Bevan, CL., (2015). Antiandrogens Act as Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators at the Proteome Level in Prostate Cancer Cells*. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 14 (5), 1201-1216
Chaplin, AK., Petrus, MLC., Mangiameli, G., Hough, MA., Svistunenko, DA., Nicholls, P., Claessen, D., Vijgenboom, E. and Worrall, JAR., (2015). GlxA is a new structural member of the radical copper oxidase family and is required for glycan deposition at hyphal tips and morphogenesis of Streptomyces lividans. Biochemical Journal. 469 (3), 433-444
Manole, A., Kekilli, D., Svistunenko, DA., Wilson, MT., Dobbin, PS. and Hough, MA., (2015). Conformational control of the binding of diatomic gases to cytochrome c′. JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 20 (4), 675-686
Servid, AE., McKay, AL., Davis, CA., Garton, EM., Manole, A., Dobbin, PS., Hough, MA. and Andrew, CR., (2015). Resonance Raman Spectra of Five-Coordinate Heme-Nitrosyl Cytochromes c′: Effect of the Proximal Heme-NO Environment. Biochemistry. 54 (21), 3320-3327
Hough, MA. and Andrew, CR., (2015). Cytochromes c′. RECENT ADVANCES IN MICROBIAL OXYGEN-BINDING PROTEINS. 67, 1-84
Porto, TV., Hough, MA. and Worrall, JAR., (2015). Structural insights into conformational switching in the copper metalloregulator CsoR fromStreptomyces lividans. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography. 71 (9), 1872-1878
Dworkowski, FSN., Hough, MA., Pompidor, G. and Fuchs, MR., (2015). Challenges and solutions for the analysis ofin situ,in crystallomicro-spectrophotometric data. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography. 71 (1), 27-35
Ghafoor, DD., Kekilli, D., Abdullah, GH., Dworkowski, FSN., Hassan, HG., Wilson, MT., Strange, RW. and Hough, MA., (2015). Hydrogen bonding of the dissociated histidine ligand is not required for formation of a proximal NO adduct in cytochrome c’. JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 20 (6), 949-956
Reeder, BJ. and Hough, MA., (2014). The structure of a class 3 nonsymbiotic plant haemoglobin fromArabidopsis thalianareveals a novel N-terminal helical extension. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography. 70 (5), 1411-1418
Hough, MA., Silkstone, G., Worrall, JAR. and Wilson, MT., (2014). NO Binding to the Proapoptotic Cytochrome c–Cardiolipin Complex. NITRIC OXIDE. 96, 193-209
Blundell, KLIM., Hough, MA., Vijgenboom, E. and Worrall, JAR., (2014). Structural and mechanistic insights into an extracytoplasmic copper trafficking pathway in Streptomyces lividans. Biochemical Journal. 459 (3), 525-538
Barrier, E., Braz Fernandes, FM., Bujan, M., Feiters, MC., Froideval, A., Ghijsen, J., Hase, T., Hough, MA., Jergel, M., Jimenez, I., Kajander, T., Kikas, A., Kokkinidis, M., Kover, L., Larsen, HB., Lawson, DM., Lawniczak-Jablonska, K., Mariani, C., Mikulik, P., Monnier, J., Morera, S., McGuinness, C., Müller-Buschbaum, P., Meedom Nielson, M., Pietsch, U., Tromp, M., Simon, M., Stangl, J. and Zanotti, G., (2014). The benefit of the European User Community from transnational access to national radiation facilities. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 21 (3), 638-639
Kekilli, D., Dworkowski, FSN., Pompidor, G., Fuchs, MR., Andrew, CR., Antonyuk, S., Strange, RW., Eady, RR., Hasnain, SS. and Hough, MA., (2014). Fingerprinting redox and ligand states in haemprotein crystal structures using resonance Raman spectroscopy. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography. 70 (5), 1289-1296
Rajagopal, BS., Edzuma, AN., Hough, MA., Blundell, KLIM., Kagan, VE., Kapralov, AA., Fraser, LA., Butt, JN., Silkstone, GG., Wilson, MT., Svistunenko, DA. and Worrall, JAR., (2013). The hydrogen-peroxide-induced radical behaviour in human cytochrome c–phospholipid complexes: implications for the enhanced pro-apoptotic activity of the G41S mutant. Biochemical Journal. 456 (3), 441-452
Russell, HJ., Hardman, SJO., Heyes, DJ., Hough, MA., Greetham, GM., Towrie, M., Hay, S. and Scrutton, NS., (2013). Modulation of ligand–heme reactivity by binding pocket residues demonstrated in cytochrome c' over the femtosecond–second temporal range. The FEBS Journal. 280 (23), 6070-6082
Dwarakanath, S., Chaplin, AK., Hough, MA., Rigali, S., Vijgenboom, E. and Worrall, JAR., (2012). Response to Copper Stress in Streptomyces lividans Extends beyond Genes under Direct Control of a Copper-sensitive Operon Repressor Protein (CsoR). Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287 (21), 17833-17847
Strange, RW., Hough, MA., Antonyuk, SV. and Hasnain, SS., (2012). Structural Evidence for a Copper-Bound Carbonate Intermediate in the Peroxidase and Dismutase Activities of Superoxide Dismutase. PLoS ONE. 7 (9), e44811-e44811
Doutch, J., Hough, MA., Hasnain, SS. and Strange, RW., (2012). Challenges of sulfur SAD phasing as a routine method in macromolecular crystallography. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 19 (1), 19-29
Antonyuk, SV. and Hough, MA., (2011). Monitoring and validating active site redox states in protein crystals. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics. 1814 (6), 778-784
Leferink, NGH., Han, C., Antonyuk, SV., Heyes, DJ., Rigby, SEJ., Hough, MA., Eady, RR., Scrutton, NS. and Hasnain, SS., (2011). Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in the Catalytic Cycle of Alcaligenes xylosoxidans Copper-Dependent Nitrite Reductase. Biochemistry. 50 (19), 4121-4131
Hough, MA., Antonyuk, SV., Barbieri, S., Rustage, N., McKay, AL., Servid, AE., Eady, RR., Andrew, CR. and Hasnain, SS., (2011). Distal-to-Proximal NO Conversion in Hemoproteins: The Role of the Proximal Pocket. Journal of Molecular Biology. 405 (2), 395-409
Brenner, S., Heyes, DJ., Hay, S., Hough, MA., Eady, RR., Hasnain, SS. and Scrutton, NS., (2009). Demonstration of Proton-coupled Electron Transfer in the Copper-containing Nitrite Reductases. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 284 (38), 25973-25983
Hough, MA., Eady, RR. and Hasnain, SS., (2008). Identification of the Proton Channel to the Active Site Type 2 Cu Center of Nitrite Reductase: Structural and Enzymatic Properties of the His254Phe and Asn90Ser Mutants,. Biochemistry. 47 (51), 13547-13553
Ellis, MJ., Buffey, SG., Hough, MA. and Hasnain, SS., (2008). On-line optical and X-ray spectroscopies with crystallography: an integrated approach for determining metalloprotein structures in functionally well defined states. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 15 (5), 433-439
Hough, MA., Antonyuk, SV., Strange, RW., Eady, RR. and Hasnain, SS., (2008). Crystallography with Online Optical and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopies Demonstrates an Ordered Mechanism in Copper Nitrite Reductase. Journal of Molecular Biology. 378 (2), 353-361
Paraskevopoulos, K., Hough, MA., Sawers, RG., Eady, RR. and Hasnain, SS., (2007). The structure of the Met144Leu mutant of copper nitrite reductase from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans provides the first glimpse of a protein–protein complex with azurin II. JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 12 (6), 789-796
Barrett, ML., Harvey, I., Sundararajan, M., Surendran, R., Hall, JF., Ellis, MJ., Hough, MA., Strange, RW., Hillier, IH. and Hasnain, SS., (2006). Atomic Resolution Crystal Structures, EXAFS, and Quantum Chemical Studies of Rusticyanin and Its Two Mutants Provide Insight into Its Unusual Properties,. Biochemistry. 45 (9), 2927-2939
Strange, RW., Antonyuk, SV., Hough, MA., Doucette, PA., Valentine, JS. and Hasnain, SS., (2006). Variable Metallation of Human Superoxide Dismutase: Atomic Resolution Crystal Structures of Cu–Zn, Zn–Zn and As-isolated Wild-type Enzymes. Journal of Molecular Biology. 356 (5), 1152-1162
Paraskevopoulos, K., Sundararajan, M., Surendran, R., Hough, MA., Eady, RR., Hillier, IH. and Hasnain, SS., (2006). Active site structures and the redox properties of blue copper proteins: atomic resolution structure of azurin II and electronic structure calculations of azurin, plastocyanin and stellacyanin. Dalton Transactions (25), 3067-3067
Antonyuk, S., Elam, JS., Hough, MA., Strange, RW., Doucette, PA., Rodriguez, JA., Hayward, LJ., Valentine, JS., Hart, PJ. and Hasnain, SS., (2005). Structural consequences of the familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis SOD1 mutant His46Arg. Protein Science. 14 (5), 1201-1213
Hough, MA., Ellis, MJ., Antonyuk, S., Strange, RW., Sawers, G., Eady, RR. and Samar Hasnain, S., (2005). High Resolution Structural Studies of Mutants Provide Insights into Catalysis and Electron Transfer Processes in Copper Nitrite Reductase. Journal of Molecular Biology. 350 (2), 300-309
Hough, MA., Grossmann, JG., Antonyuk, SV., Strange, RW., Doucette, PA., Rodriguez, JA., Whitson, LJ., Hart, PJ., Hayward, LJ., Valentine, JS. and Hasnain, SS., (2004). Dimer destabilization in superoxide dismutase may result in disease-causing properties: Structures of motor neuron disease mutants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 101 (16), 5976-5981
Barrett, ML., Harris, RL., Antonyuk, S., Hough, MA., Ellis, MJ., Sawers, G., Eady, RR. and Hasnain, SS., (2004). Insights into Redox Partner Interactions and Substrate Binding in Nitrite Reductase from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans: Crystal Structures of the Trp138His and His313Gln Mutants,. Biochemistry. 43 (51), 16311-16319
Strange, RW., Antonyuk, S., Hough, MA., Doucette, PA., Rodriguez, JA., Hart, PJ., Hayward, LJ., Valentine, JS. and Hasnain, SS., (2003). The Structure of Holo and Metal-deficient Wild-type Human Cu, Zn Superoxide Dismutase and its Relevance to Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Journal of Molecular Biology. 328 (4), 877-891
Hough, MA. and Hasnain, SS., (2003). Structure of Fully Reduced Bovine Copper Zinc Superoxide Dismutase at 1.15 Å. Structure. 11 (8), 937-946
Kanbi, LD., Antonyuk, S., Hough, MA., Hall, JF., Dodd, FE. and Hasnain, SS., (2002). Crystal Structures of the Met148Leu and Ser86Asp Mutants of Rusticyanin from Thiobacillus ferrooxidans: Insights into the Structural Relationship with the Cupredoxins and the Multi Copper Proteins. Journal of Molecular Biology. 320 (2), 263-275
Hough, MA., Hall, JF., Kanbi, LD. and Hasnain, SS., (2001). Structure of the M148Q mutant of rusticyanin at 1.5 Å: a model for the copper site of stellacyanin. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography. 57 (3), 355-360
Hough, MA., Strange, RW. and Hasnain, SS., (2000). Conformational variability of the Cu site in one subunit of bovine CuZn superoxide dismutase: the importance of mobility in the Glu119-Leu142 loop region for catalytic function. Journal of Molecular Biology. 304 (2), 231-241
Ockwell, DM., Hough, MA., Grossmann, JG., Hasnain, SS. and Hao, Q., (2000). Implementation of cluster analysis forab initiophasing using the molecular envelope from solution X-ray scattering. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography. 56 (8), 1002-1006
Hough, MA. and Hasnain, SS., (1999). Crystallographic structures of bovine copper-zinc superoxide dismutase reveal asymmetry in two subunits: functionally important three and five coordinate copper sites captured in the same crystal. Journal of Molecular Biology. 287 (3), 579-592
Conferences (5)
Horrell, S., Kekilli, D., Sen, K., Yong, CW., Keal, TW., Hough, MA. and Strange, RW., (2017). Multiple structures from one crystal serial crystallography (MSOX): variable temperature movies
Sen, K., Hough, MA., Yong, CW., Keal, TW. and Strange, RW., (2017). Solvent accessibility and ligand binding in AcNiR, a two domain copper nitrite reductase
Hough, MA., Kekilli, D., Horrell, S., Sen, K., Yong, C., Keal, TWK., Antonyuk, SV., Eady, RR., Hasnain, SS. and Strange, RW., (2017). MSOX crystallography and simulations to capture redox enzyme catalysis
Hough, MA., Kekilli, D., Horrell, S., Sen, K., Yong, C., Keal, TWK., Antonyuk, SV., Eady, RR., Hasnain, SS. and Strange, RW., (2014). MSOX crystallography and simulations to capture redox enzyme catalysis
Hough, M., (2006). Using project and risk management to add capability to your organisation
Grants and funding
Breaking the Cage: Transformative Time-resolved Crystallography using Fixed Targets at Synchrotrons and XFELs
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Bioimaging of dehydroascorbate and (phospho)lipid hydroperoxides: The development of fluorescent protein biosensors
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council
Development of methods and instrumentation for collection, analysis and validation of damage-free protein structures in defined redox states
Diamond Light Source Ltd
Dynamics of Electron and Proton Transfer Chemistry in Copper and Hybrid Copper-Haem Enzymes
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council
Exploring the Role of a Dihydrolipoyl Dehydrogenase in the Breakdown of Naphthenic Acids
Biochemical Society
Biomedical Vacation Scholarships - 2014 (Miss R A Black)
Wellcome Trust
Enzyme Catalysis in Action: 3D Movies of X-ray Induced Chemical Reactions in Protein Crystals
Leverhulme Trust
A novel monomeric cytochrome c' as a model for guanylate cyclase
Wellcome Trust
A Cross-Species Approach to Understanding Ligrand Binding and Discrimination Nechanisms in Cytochromes c
The Royal Society