Professor David Howarth

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Monday, 9-11am
David Howarth is a Professor in the Department of Government and Co-Director of the Centre for Ideology and Discourse Analysis at the University of Essex. He is first and foremost a political theorist, whose main interests are poststructuralist theories of society and politics, focusing especially on the empirical study of political ideologies and discourses; the theoretical relationship between space, time and the political; and the intersections between identity, difference and subjectivity. He has written and co-written four research monographs, edited and co-edited five volumes of papers, penned more than 30 academic journal articles, and published over 40 essays and chapters in edited collections. His recent research has been published in academic journals such as Environment and Planning C, Political Geography, Political Studies, Journal of Environment, Policy, and Planning, and the Journal of Urban Affairs, as well as a series of book chapters in edited collections.
1990-5 PhD, University of Essex.
1986-90 MA, University of Natal. By research.
1987-8 MA, University of Essex. Ideology and Discourse Analysis. University of Essex,
1984-5 BA (Hons), University of Natal. Politics. Distinction.
Teaching and supervision
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/10/2024

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/8/2024

Degree subject: Ideology and Discourse Analysis
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 31/5/2024

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/5/2023

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/12/2022

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/3/2022

Degree subject: Ideology and Discourse Analysis
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/12/2021

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/12/2021

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 14/10/2021

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/5/2021

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/2/2021

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/12/2020

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/7/2020

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 12/1/2020

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/4/2019

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 3/10/2018

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/12/2015

Degree subject: Ideology and Discourse Analysis
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/9/2015

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/6/2015

Degree subject: Ideology and Discourse Analysis
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/6/2015

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/7/2014

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/6/2014

Degree subject: Government
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/10/2013

Degree subject: Political Theory
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/7/2013

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 22/7/2011
Journal articles (40)
Howarth, D. and Roussos, K., (2023). Radical Democracy, the Commons and Everyday Struggles during the Greek Crisis. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 25 (2), 311-327
Howarth, D., Barnett, N., Griggs, S. and Hall, S., (2022). Local Agency for the Public Purpose? Dissecting and evaluating the emerging discourses of municipal entrepreneurship in the UK. Local Government Studies. 48 (5), 907-928
Howarth, D., Brotoa, VC., Guarneros-Meza, V., Griggs, S. and Durrant, D., (2022). Infrastructures, processes of insertion and the everyday: towards a new dialogue in critical policy studies. Critical Policy Studies. 16 (1), 121-130
Howarth, D., Standring, A. and Huntly, S., (2021). Contingent, contested and constructed: a poststructuralist response to Stevens’ ontological politics of drug policy. International Journal of Drug Policy. 93, 102965-102965
Glynos, J., Howarth, D., Flitcroft, R., Love, C., Roussos, K. and Vazquez, J., (2021). Logics, discourse theory and methods Advances, challenges and ways forward. Journal of Language and Politics. 20 (1), 62-78
Griggs, S., Howarth, D. and Feandeiro, A., (2020). The Logics and Limits of ‘Collaborative Governance’ in Nantes: Myth, Ideology and the Politics of New Urban Regimes. Journal of Urban Affairs. 42 (1), 91-108
Howarth, D. and Griggs, S., (2020). Two images of Nantes as a ‘Green Model’ of Urban Planning and Governance: The ‘Collaborative City’ Versus the ‘Slow City’. Town Planning Review. 91 (4), 415-436
Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., (2019). Discourse, policy and the environment: hegemony, statements and the analysis of UK airport expansion. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning. 21 (5), 464-478
Tafon, R., Howarth, D. and Griggs, S., (2019). The politics of Estonia’s offshore wind energy programme: Discourse, power and marine spatial planning. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 37 (1), 157-176
Howarth, DR., Barnett, N. and Griggs, S., (2019). Whatever happened to Councillors? Problematising the deficiency narrative in English local politics. Political Studies. 67 (3), 775-794
Howarth, DR., (2018). Marx, discourse theory and political analysis: negotiating an ambiguous legacy. Critical Discourse Studies. 15 (4), 377-389
Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., (2018). The Airports Commission, the Dilemmas of Political Leadership and the Third Runway at Heathrow Airport. Political Quarterly. 89 (3), 434-445
Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., (2018). So Close, but so Far? The Davies Commission and the Contested Politics of UK Airport Expansion. Political Quarterly. 89 (3), 427-433
Griggs, S., Hall, S., Howarth, D. and Seigneuret, N., (2017). Characterizing and evaluating rival discourses of the ‘sustainable city’: Towards a politics of pragmatic adversarialism. Political Geography. 59, 36-46
Howarth, D. and Norval, AJ., (2016). Demands, articulation and radical democracy. Contemporary Political Theory. 15 (3), 306-312
Howarth, D., Glynos, J. and Griggs, S., (2016). Discourse, explanation and critique. Critical Policy Studies. 10 (1), 99-104
Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., (2013). 'Between a Rock and a Hard Place': The Coalition, the Davies Commission and the Wicked Issue of Airport Expansion. The Political Quarterly. 84 (4), 515-526
Benvenuto, S., Howarth, D. and Norval, AJ., (2012). On Populist Reason by Ernesto Laclau. Iride (3), 633-646
Budd, L., Griggs, S., Howarth, D. and Ison, S., (2011). A Fiasco of Volcanic Proportions? Eyjafjallaj�kull and the Closure of European Airspace. Mobilities. 6 (1), 31-40
Howarth, D., (2011). Reimagining Capitalism and Christianity Today: Articulating and Negotiating Contestable Faiths in a Minor Key. Political Theology. 12 (2), 210-225
Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., (2011). Discourse and practice: using the power of well being. Evidence & Policy. 7 (2), 213-226
Howarth, D., (2009). Power, Discourse and Policy: Articulating a Hegemony Approach to Critical Policy Studies. Critical Policy Studies. 3 (3-4), 309-335
Howarth, DR., (2008). Ethos, Agonism and Populism: William Connolly and the Case for Radical Democracy. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 10 (2), 171-193
Glynos, J. and Howarth, D., (2008). Critical Explanation in Social Science: A Logics Approach. Swiss Journal of Sociology. 34 (1), 5-35
Howarth, D. and Griggs, S., (2008). Populism, Localism and Environmental Politics: The Logic and Rhetoric of the Stop Stansted Expansion Campaign in the United Kingdom. Planning Theory. 7 (2), 123-144
Glynos, J. and Howarth, D., (2008). Structure, Agency and Power in Political Analysis: Beyond Contextualized Self-Interpretations. Political Studies Review. 6 (2), 155-169
Howarth, D., (2006). Space, Subjectivity, and Politics. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political. 31 (2), 105-134
Howarth, D. and Griggs, S., (2006). Metaphor, Catachresis and Equivalence: The Rhetoric of Freedom to Fly in the Struggle over Aviation Policy in the United Kingdom. Policy and Society. 25 (2), 23-46
Howarth, D., (2006). The method of articulation. Nederlandse Geografische Studies (344), 23-42
Howarth, D., (2004). Towards a Heideggerian Social Science: Heidegger, Kisiel and Weiner on the Limits of Anthropological Discourse. Anthropological Theory. 4 (2), 229-247
Howarth, D. and Griggs, S., (2004). A transformative political campaign? The new rhetoric of protest against airport expansion in the UK. Journal of Political Ideologies. 9 (2), 181-201
Howarth, D., (2003). Archaeology, Genealogy and Hegemony: a Reply to Mulligan. Political Studies. 51 (2), 436-440
Howarth, D., (2002). An Archaeology of Political Discourse? Evaluating Michel Foucault?s Explanation and Critique of Ideology. Political Studies. 50 (1), 117-135
Howarth, D. and Griggs, S., (2002). An Alliance of Interest and Identity? Explaining The Campaign Against Manchester Airport's Second Runway. Mobilization. 7 (1), 43-58
Howarth, D., (2002). Ethnic and Racial Identities in a Changing South Africa: The Limits of Social Science Explanation. South African Historical Journal. 46 (1), 250-274
Howarth, D., Griggs, S. and Jacobs, B., (1998). Second Runway at Manchester. Parliamentary Affairs. 51 (3), 358-369
Howarth, D., (1997). Complexities of identity/difference: Black Consciousness ideology in South Africa. Journal of Political Ideologies. 2 (1), 51-78
Howarth, D. and Norval, AJ., (1996). Editorial introduction: Politics, ethics, identity reconsidering the political. Angelaki. 1 (3), 5-11
Howarth, D., (1996). Reflections on the politics of space and time. Angelaki. 1 (1), 43-57
Howarth, D., (1991). Reflections on Ernesto Laclau'snew reflections on the revolution of our time. Politikon. 19 (1), 120-133
Books (13)
Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., (2023). CONTESTING AVIATION EXPANSION: Depoliticisation, Technologies of Government and Post-Aviation Futures. Policy Press. 1447344286. 9781447344285
Davies, JS., Blanco, I., Bua, A., Chorianopoulos, I., Cortina-Oriol, M., Feandeiro, A., Gaynor, N., Gleeson, B., Griggs, S., Hamel, P., Henderson, H., Howarth, D., Keil, R., Pill, M., Salazar, Y. and Sullivan, H., (2022). New Developments in Urban Governance Rethinking Collaboration in the Age of Austerity. 1529205824. 9781529205824
Howarth, D., (2014). Ernesto Laclau: Post-Marxism, Populism, and Critique. Routledge Taylor & Francis. 978-0-415-87087-0
Budd, L., Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., (2014). Sustainable Aviation Futures. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 978-1-78190-595-1
Howarth, DR., (2013). Poststructuralism and After. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 9781349443215
Howarth, D. and Griggs, S., (2013). The Politics of Airport Expansion in the United Kingdom: Hegemony, Policy and the Rhetoric of 'Sustainable Aviation'. Manchester University Press. 9780719076138
Howarth, D., (2013). Poststructuralism and After: Structure, Agency and Power. Palgrave Macmillan. 9781137266972
Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., (2013). The politics of airport expansion in the United Kingdom. Manchester University Press. 9780719076138
Glynos, J. and Howarth, D., (2007). Logics of Critical Explanation in Social and Political Theory. Routledge. 9780415404280
Howarth, D. and Torfing, J., (2004). Discourse Theory in European Politics. Palgrave Macmillan. 9780333968437
Howarth, D., (2000). Discourse. Open University Press. 9780335200719
Howarth, D., Norval, A. and Stavrakakis, Y., (2000). Discourse Theory and Political Analysis Identities, Hegemonies and Social Change. Manchester University Press. 0719056640. 9780719056642
Howarth, D. and Norval, AJ., (1998). South Africa in Transition: New Theoretical Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan. 9780333671566
Book chapters (37)
Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., (2022). Discourse theory. In: Handbook on Theories of Governance. 309- 322
Glynos, J. and Howarth, D., (2019). The Retroductive Cycle: The Research Process in Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis. In: Discourse, Culture and Organization: Inquiries into Relational Structures of Power. Editors: Marttila, T., . Palgrave MacMillan. 105- 125. 9783319941226
Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., (2019). The Airports Commission, Depoliticisation and the Third Runway at Heathrow Airport. In: Comparing Strategies of (De)Politicisation in Europe. Springer International Publishing. 79- 102. 9783319642352
Bua, A., Davies, J., Blanco, I., Chorianopoulos, I., Cortina-Oriol, M., Feandeiro, A., Gaynor, N., Griggs, S., Howarth, D. and Salazar, Y., (2018). The urban governance of austerity in Europe. In: The Routledge Handbook of International Local Government. Routledge. 280- 295
Howarth, D. and Griggs, S., (2016). Discourse Analysis, Social Constructivism and Text Analysis: A Critical Overview. In: Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Political Science. Editors: Keman, H. and Woldendorp, JJ., . Edward Elgar. 400- 418. 978 1 78471 081 1
Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., (2016). Discourse theory. In: Handbook on Theories of Governance. Editors: Ansell, C. and Torfing, J., . Edward Elgar. 293- 307. 9781782548492
Howarth, D., (2015). Gramsci, Hegemony, And Post-Marxism. In: Antonio Gramsci. Editors: McNally, M., . Palgrave Macmillan. 195- 213. 9781137334176
Howarth, D., (2015). Post-Marxism. In: Routledge Handbook of Interpretive Political Science. Editors: Bevir, M. and Rhodes, RAW., . Taylor & Francis Group. 126- 140. 978-0-415-65714-3
Howarth, D. and Griggs, S., (2015). Poststructuralist discourse theory and critical policy studies: interests, identities and policy change. In: Handbook of Critical Policy Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing. 111- 127. 9781783472345
Howarth, D., (2014). Antonio Gramsci (1891?1937). In: The Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Editors: Gibbons, M., . Wiley-Blackwell. 9781405191296
Howarth, D., (2014). Discourse Analysis. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research. Editors: Coghlan, D. and Brydon-Miller, M., . Sage. 274- 277. 9781849200271
Howarth, D., (2014). An Interview with Ernesto Laclau. In: Ernesto Laclau: Post-Marxism, Populism, and Critique. Editors: Howarth, D., . Routledge Taylor & Francis. 978-0-415-87087-0
Norval, AJ. and Howarth, D., (2014). Politics and the Political. In: The Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Editors: Gibbons, M., Coole, D., Ellis, E. and Ferguson, K., . John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 978-1-4051-9129-6
Howarth, D., (2014). Post-Marxist Political Theory: Discourse, Hegemony, and Signification. In: Ernesto Laclau: Post-Marxism, Populism, and Critique. Editors: Howarth, D., . Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. 978-0-415-87087-0
Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., (2014). Poststructuralism, Social Movements, and Citizen Politics. In: Handbook on Political Citizenship and Social Movements. Editors: van der Heijden, H., . Edward Elgar. 279- 307. 1 78195 469 0. 978 1 78195 469 0
Budd, L., Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., (2014). Sustainable Aviation Futures: Crises, Contested Realities and Prospects for Change. In: Sustainable Aviation Futures. Editors: Budd, L., Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., . Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 3- 35. 978-1-78190-595-1
Howarth, D., (2014). William E Connolly. In: The Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Editors: Gibbons, M., . Wiley-Blackwell. 9781405191296
Howarth, D. and Griggs, S., (2012). Phronesis and critical policy analysis: Heathrow's 'third runway' and the politics of sustainable aviation in the UK. In: Real Social Science. Editors: Landman, T., Flyvbjerg, B. and Schram, S., . Cambridge University Press. 167- 203. 0521168201. 9780521168205
Lloyd, M., (2009). 'Hate, loathing and political theory: thinking with and against William Connolly'. In: Democracy and Pluralism: The political thought of William E. Connolly. Editors: Finlayson, A., . Routledge. 114- 128. 9780415473507
Howarth, DR., (2009). Pluralizing methods: Contingency, ethics, and critical explanation. In: Democracy and Pluralism: The Political Thought of William E. Connolly. 20- 45
(2008). Political Language and Metaphor. In: Political Language and Metaphor: Interpreting and Changing the World. Editors: Carver, T. and Pikalo, J., . Routledge. 197- 211
(2007). Democratic Network Governance in Europe. In: Democratic Network Governance in Europe. Editors: Marcussen, M. and Torfing, J., . Palgrave Macmillan UK. 66- 88. 9781349544691
Howarth, D., (2006). Dorothy Smith. In: Fifty Key Sociologists: The Contemporary Theorists. Editors: Scott, J., . Routledge. 200- 204. 0415352568
Howarth, D., (2006). Claude L�vi-Strauss. In: Fifty Key Sociologists: The Contemporary Theorists. Editors: Scott, J., . Routledge. 159- 161. 978-0-415-35256-7
(2005). Discourse Theory in European Politics. In: Discourse Theory in European Politics: Identity, Policy and Governance. Editors: Howarth, D. and Torfing, J., . Palgrave Macmillan UK. 316- 349. 9781403917195
Howarth, D., (2005). Populism or Popular Democracy? The UDF, Workerism and the Struggle for Radical Democracy in South Africa. In: Populism and the Mirror of Democracy. Editors: Panizza, F., . Verso. 202- 223. 978-1859844892
Howarth, D., (2004). Applying Discourse Theory: the Method of Articulation. In: Discourse Theory in European Politics. Editors: Howarth, D. and Torfing, J., . Palgrave Macmillan. 316- 350. 9780333968437
Howarth, D., (2004). Hegemony, political subjectivity, and radical democracy. In: Laclau: A Critical Reader. Editors: Critchley, S. and Marchart, O., . Routledge. 256- 276. 0415238439
Glynos, J. and Stavrakakis, Y., (2004). Encounters of the Real Kind: sussing out the limits of Laclau's embrace of Lacan. In: Laclau: A Critical Reader. Editors: Critchley, S. and Marchart, O., . Routledge. 201- 216. 0415238439
Howarth, D. and Griggs, S., (2002). The work of ideas and interests in public policy. In: Politics and Post-structuralism: An Introduction. Editors: Finlayson, A. and Valentine, J., . Edinburgh University Press. 97- 112. 0748612963
Howarth, D., (2002). EMU, Integration Theories, and the Annoying Complexities of French Policy-making. In: The Euro: European Integration Theory and Economic and Monetary Union. Editors: Verdun, A., . Rowman & Littlefield. 179- 201
Howarth, D. and Stavrakakis, Y., (2000). Introducing discourse theory and political analysis. In: Discourse Theory and Political Analysis: Identities, Hegemonies and Social Change. Editors: Howarth, D., Norval, AJ. and Stavrakakis, Y., . Manchester University Press. 978-0719056642
Griggs, S. and Howarth, D., (2000). New environmental movements and direct action protest: The campaign against Manchester Airport's second runway. In: Discourse Theory and Political Analysis: Identities, Hegemonies and Social Change. Editors: Howarth, D., Norval, AJ. and Stavrakakis, Y., . Manchester University Press. 978-0719056642
Howarth, D., (2000). The difficult emergence of a democratic imaginary: Black consciousness and non-racial democracy in South Africa. In: Discourse Theory and Political Analysis: Identities, Hegemonies and Social Change. Editors: Howarth, D., Norval, AJ. and Stavrakakis, Y., . Manchester University Press. 978-0719056642
Howarth, D. and Norval, AJ., (1998). Introduction: Changing Paradigms and the Politics of Transition in South Africa. In: South Africa in transition: New theoretical perspectives. Editors: Howarth, D. and Norval, AJ., . Palgrave Macmillan. 9780333671566
Howarth, D., (1998). Paradigms gained? A critique of theories and explanations of democratic transition in South Africa. In: South Africa in transition: New theoretical perspectives. Editors: Howarth, D. and Norval, AJ., . Palgrave Macmillan. 9780333671566
Howarth, D., (1998). Discourse theory and political analysis. In: Research Strategies in the Social Sciences: A Guide to New Approaches. Editors: Scarbrough, E. and Tanenbaum, E., . Oxford University Press. 268- 293. 978-0-19-829238-8
Reports and Papers (2)
Warren, R., Howarth, D. and Ana, D., Bradwell B Exit Polling Research Report
Glynos, J., Howarth, D., Norval, AJ. and Speed, E., (2009). Discourse Analysis: varieties and methods
Grants and funding
Exit polling on effectiveness and reach of Bradwell B public consultation events
Collaborative Governance in Cities under Austerity: An Eight-case Comparative Study
Economic & Social Research Council
The prospects for sustainable aviation in the UK
Economic & Social Research Council
Academic support hours:
Monday, 9-11am