Dr Louis Howe

louis.howe@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873326
ESA.3.11, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Available via email.
Louis was appointed as a Lecturer in Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences at the University of Essex in June 2021, having previously held positions at Edge Hill University, University of Cumbria, and St Mary’s University. Prior to joining academia, Louis worked as a Strength and Conditioning coach for a London based university, supporting national and international athletes as part of the university’s student-athlete scholarship and performance sport programmes. Between this role and his private practice, Louis helped prepare athletes for numerous elite competitions including the British Athletics Championships, European Athletics Championships, Pan American Games, Commonwealth Games, and Olympic Games. Louis is an accredited Strength and Conditioning coach with the U.K. Strength and Conditioning Association. To date, Louis has published extensively with over 30 peer-reviewed journal articles and two book chapters, along with a Ph.D. investigating compensatory movement strategies derived from ankle dorsiflexion mobility restrictions.
PhD Edge Hill University, (2020)
MSc Sport Rehabilitation St Mary's University Twickenham London, (2014)
BSc Strength and Conditioning Sciences St Mary's University Twickenham London, (2012)
Other academic
Lecturer in Sports Therapy, Edge Hill University (3/1/2020 - 4/6/2021)
Lecturer in Sports Rehabilitation, University of Cumbria (16/1/2017 - 2/1/2020)
Lecturer in Strength and Conditioning, St Mary's University (15/9/2014 - 13/1/2017)
Graduate Assistant, St Mary's University (16/9/2013 - 12/9/2014)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Anatomy and Physiology for Sport (SE111)
Professional Skills 2 (SE201)
Evaluation of Sports and Exercise Injuries (SE218)
Injury Management and Rehabilitation (SE219)
Return to Sport (SE316)
Research Project (SE318)
Preparation for Professional Practice (SE342)
Research Project (SE740)
Preparation for Professional Practice (SE759)
Functional Anatomy and Pathophysiology (SE771)
Exercise Rehabilitation (SE772)
Return to Sport (SE774)
Research Project (SE777)
Techniques in Strength and Conditioning (SE787)
Neuromechanical basis of strength and conditioning (SE788)
Planning and Implementation of the Training Process (SE793)
Professional Development in Strength and Conditioning (SE796)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 6/10/2023
Journal articles (26)
Howe, LP., North, J., Waldron, M. and Bampouras, T., Reliability of independent kinetic variables and measures of inter-limb asymmetry associated with bilateral drop-landing performance. International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports. 7 (3), 32-47
Brogan, SP., Evans, DW., Howe, L., McManus, C., Mei, Q. and Liew, BXW., (2025). The relationship between fear of movement and ankle biomechanical strategies in a 180° change of direction task. Gait & Posture. 118, 39-44
Durrant, I., Wedatilake, T., Warren, A., Callaghan, SJ., Osguthorpe, D., Harland, A., Howe, LP. and Tallent, J., (2025). Evolution of physical characteristics from 2010 to 2022 in the England women's cricket team. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching
Harding, J., Tallent, J., Sheriff, K., McCann, C., Cortes, N., Olsson, L., Shaw, J. and Howe, L., (2025). The Reliability of Physical Performance Testing Within Elite Adolescent Pre-Professional Ballet Dancers. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science, 1089313X251325291-
Moran, J., Vali, N., Tallent, J., Howe, L., Clemente, FM., Chaabene, H. and Ramirez-Campillo, R., (2024). Evaluating the Effects of Consecutive Phases of Plyometric Jump Training on Athletic Performance in Male Soccer Players: The Effect of Training Frequency and Volume Manipulations. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 38 (6), 1082-1089
Brazier, TA., Tallent, J., Patterson, SD., Howe, LP. and Callaghan, SJ., (2024). The physical profile of female cricketers: An investigation between playing standard and position.. PLoS One. 19 (6), e0302647-e0302647
Moran, J., Raga, VC., Jones, B., Tallent, J., Howe, L., Clemente, FM., Arede, J. and Freeman, P., (2024). The identification and development of young talent in Spanish soccer academies: A 10-year multi-study follow-up. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. 19 (5), 1984-1994
Howe, LP., Bampouras, TM., North, JS. and Waldron, M., (2022). Improved Ankle Mobility After a 4-Week Training Program Affects Landing Mechanics: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 36 (7), 1875-1883
Segers, N., Waldron, M., Howe, L., Patterson, S., Moran, J., Jones, B., Kidgell, D. and Tallent, J., (2022). Slow-Speed Compared With Fast-Speed Eccentric Muscle Actions Are Detrimental to Jump Performance in Elite Soccer Players In-Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 17 (9), 1425-1431
Howe, L., S. North, J., Waldron, M. and Bampouras, TM., (2021). Restrictions in Ankle Dorsiflexion Range of Motion Alter Landing Kinematics But Not Movement Strategy When Fatigued. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 30 (6), 911-919
Uddin, N., Jeffries, O., Read, P., Howe, L., Patterson, S. and Waldron, M., (2020). Physiological Responses to Linear and Nonlinear Soccer-specific Match Simulations and Their Effects on Lower-Limb Muscle Fatigue. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 34 (11), 3232-3240
Crowe, MA., Bampouras, TM., Walker‐Small, K. and Howe, LP., (2020). Restricted Unilateral Ankle Dorsiflexion Movement Increases Interlimb Vertical Force Asymmetries in Bilateral Bodyweight Squatting. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 34 (2), 332-336
Howe, L., Bampouras, TM., North, JS. and Waldron, M., (2020). Reliability of two-dimensional measures associated with bilateral drop-landing performance. Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité. 2020-January (108), 39-47
Blagrove, RC., Howe, LP., Howatson, G. and Hayes, PR., (2020). Strength and Conditioning for Adolescent Endurance Runners. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 42 (1), 2-11
Howe, LP., Bampouras, TM., North, J. and Waldron, M., (2019). Ankle dorsiflexion range of motion is associated with kinematic but not kinetic variables related to bilateral drop-landing performance at various drop heights. Human Movement Science. 64, 320-328
Madison, G., Patterson, SD., Read, P., Howe, L. and Waldron, M., (2019). Effects of Small-Sided Game Variation on Changes in Hamstring Strength. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 33 (3), 839-845
Butterfield, J., Tallent, J., Patterson, SD., Jeffries, O., Howe, L. and Waldron, M., (2019). The validity of a head-worn inertial sensor for measurements of swimming performance. Movement & Sport Sciences-Science & Motricité. 2021-January (114), 3-8
BLAGROVE, RC., HOWE, LP., CUSHION, EJ., SPENCE, A., HOWATSON, G., PEDLAR, CR. and HAYES, PR., (2018). Effects of Strength Training on Postpubertal Adolescent Distance Runners. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 50 (6), 1224-1232
Howe, LP., Waldron, M. and Read, P., (2017). A Systems-Based Approach to Injury Prevention for the Strength and Conditioning Coach. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 39 (6), 60-69
Cushion, E., Howe, L., Read, P. and Spence, A., (2017). A Process for Error Correction for Strength and Conditioning Coaches. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 39 (6), 84-92
Howe, L., Waldron, M. and North, J., (2017). Practical Approach to Problem-Solving Movement Tasks Limited by an Ankle Dorsiflexion Restriction. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 39 (6), 25-35
Howe, LP., Read, P. and Waldron, M., (2017). Muscle Hypertrophy: A Narrative Review on Training Principles for Increasing Muscle Mass. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 39 (5), 72-81
Howe, LP., (2017). The acute effects of ankle mobilisations on lower extremity joint kinematics. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 21 (4), 775-780
Waldron, M., Whelan, K., Jeffries, O., Burt, D., Howe, L. and Patterson, SD., (2017). The effects of acute branched-chain amino acid supplementation on recovery from a single bout of hypertrophy exercise in resistance-trained athletes. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 42 (6), 630-636
Howe, LP. and Blagrove, RC., (2015). Shoulder Function During Overhead Lifting Tasks. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 37 (5), 84-96
Book chapters (2)
Howe, L. and Bishop, C., (2022). Movement screening: a systematic approach to assessing movement quality. In: Advanced Strength and Conditioning: An Evidence-based Approach. Editors: Turner, A. and Comfort, P., . Routledge. 235- 263
Howe, L. and Read, P., (2021). Movement Screening and Physical Capacity Assessments. In: The Science and Practice of Middle and Long Distance Running. Routledge. 97- 117
Grants and funding
Micro-dosing Physical Training in Dancers
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
Culford School PhD - Match Funded
Culford School
The Influence of Physcial Preparation on Skill Development
Queens Park Rangers
Optimising the Frequency of Resistance Training
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
Royal Ballet PhD Studentship
Royal Ballet School
Academic support hours:
Available via email.