Dr Fiona Hughes

fhughes@essex.ac.uk -
5B.109, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
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Fiona Hughes studied at Edinburgh as an undergraduate and at Tübingen, Germany (where she held the Stevenson Research Scholarship), and Merton College, Oxford as a graduate student. She was a Junior Research Fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford and lecturer at the universities of Edinburgh and York. She has written articles on Kant, Nietzsche and philosophical aesthetics.
MA Edinburgh
DPhil Oxford
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Phenomenology (French and German)
Current research
The relationship between Kants epistemology and aesthetics
Merleau-Ponty`s development of Husserl`s phenomenology
Nietzsches critique of the foundations of value
The relationship between art and philosophy
Fiona is author of Kants Aesthetic Epistemology: Form and World (Edinburgh University Press) June 2007and The Reader's Guide to Kant's Critique of Judgement (Continuum Press) November 2009.
Liminality in philosophy and prehistoric art
Conferences and presentations
Kant and Contemporary Art
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, online conference, 9/2020
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Beyond the BA: Building Career and Employability Readiness (CS207)
Beyond the BA: Preparing for Life as a Graduate (CS307)
Death, God and the Meaning of Life (PY113)
Kant's Revolution in Philosophy (PY500)
Phenomenology and Existentialism (PY949)
Dissertation: Western Marxism (PY956)
Dissertation: Social and Political Thought (PY970)
Dissertation: Continental Philosophy (PY981)
Dissertation: Critical Social Theory (PY983)
Dissertation: MA Philosophy (PY984)
Dissertation: Philosophy and Art History (PY985)
Western Marxism and Translation Dissertation (PY912)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/4/2018

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/6/2015
Journal articles (15)
Hughes, F., (2024). ‘Making-remote’ as an alternative to realism in late Palaeolithic cave art: Representations of the human at the threshold of appearance. British Journal of Aesthetics. 64 (3), 279-296
Hughes, F., (2024). ‘La liminalité dans l’art rupestre’. Cahiers Critiques de Philosophie. 29 (Hiver), 269-288
Hughes, F., (2021). Relief and the Structure of Intentions in Late Palaeolithic Cave Art. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 79 (3), 285-300
Hughes, F., (2021). The Temporality of Contemporaneity and Contemporary Art: Kant, Kentridge and Cave Art as Elective Contemporaries. Kantian Review. 26 (4), 583-602
Hughes, F., (2017). Reversibility and chiasm: false equivalents? An alternative approach to understanding difference in Merleau-Ponty’s late philosophy. British Journal for the History of Philosophy. 25 (2), 356-379
Hughes, F., (2013). A Passivity Prior to Passive and Active: Merleau-Ponty's Re-reading of the Freudian Unconscious and Looking at Lascaux. Mind. 122 (486), 419-450
Hughes, F., (2009). Aesthetics and Cognition in Kant's Critical Philosophy edited by Rebecca Kukla. European Journal of Philosophy. 17 (3), 455-460
Hughes, F., (2006). Taste as Productive Mimesis. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology. 37 (3), 308-326
Hughes, F., (2006). On Aesthetic Judgement and our Relation to Nature: Kant's Concept of Purposiveness. Inquiry. 49 (6), 547-572
Hughes, F., (2006). Kant’s Phenomenological Reduction?. Études Phénoménologiques. 22 (43), 163-192
Hughes, F., (2004). Review of Malcolm Budd The Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature’. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. 2004
Hughes, F., (2002). Nietzsche's Janus Perceptions and the Construction of Values. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology. 33 (2), 116-137
Hughes, F., (2001). Nietzsche Contra Fukuyama: millenarianism and the end of the human?. Concordia
Hughes, F., (1998). Forgetful all too Forgetful: Nietzsche and the Question of Measure. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology. 29 (3), 252-267
Hughes, F., (1995). Review of Kant's Lectures on Logic and Theoretical Writing 1755-1770 [new translation by Cambridge University Press]. Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain. 16 (2), 14-18
Books (2)
Hughes, F., (2009). The Reader's Guide to Kant's Critique of Judgement. Continuum Press. 9780826497673
Hughes, F., (2007). Kant's aesthetic epistemology: Form and world. Edinburgh University Press. 9780748621224
Book chapters (14)
Hughes, F., (2024). On the Thresholds of Sense: Brazilian Rock Art as Liminal and Animate. In: Contemporary Aesthetics: Dialogues through Art, Culture and Media: Keynote Speeches from the 22nd International Congress of Aesthetics. Editors: Proença, F., Santos, J., Rocha, R. and Duarte, R., . ABRE - Associação Brasileira de Estética. 33- 67. 978-85-60537-09-9
Hughes, F., (2023). The playful negotiation of interests: Kant in conversation with Fried and Winnicott.. In: Disinterested Pleasure and Beauty: Perspectives from Kantian and Contemporary Philosophy. Editors: Berger, L., . de Gruyter. 183- 210. 9783110727548
Hughes, F., (2023). Analytic of the beautiful. In: The Kantian Mind. Editors: Baiasu, S. and Timmons, M., . Routledge. 212- 223. 9781003406617
Hughes, F., (2017). Feeling the Life of the Mind: Mere Judging, Feeling, and Judgment. In: The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Editors: Altman, MC., . Springer. 381- 405. 9781137546562
Hughes, F., (2014). Um potencial político no juízo estético reflexionante: Kant, Hannah Arendt e “Pequena esparta”, de Ian Hamilton Finlay [A political potential in aesthetic reflective judgement: Kant, Hannah Arendt and Ian Hamilton Finlay’s “Little Sparta”]. In: Gosto, interpretação e crítica. Vol. 1. Editors: Freitas, V., Duarte, R., Cecchinato, G. and Vieira da Silva, C., . Relicário. 77- 100. 978-85-66786-04-0
Hughes, F., (2013). Style in communication: The Hip Swing of Hélio Oiticica's Parangolés. In: Style in Theory: Between Literature and Philosophy. Editors: Callus, I., Corby, J. and Lauri-Lucente, G., . Bloomsbury Academic. 187- 215. 9781441128935
Hughes, F., (2011). Alan Montefiore’s Concern for the Paradoxical in the Human. In: Life and Philosophy: Essays to honour Alan Montefiore on his 85th Birthday. Editors: Audard-Montefiore, C. and Bunnin, N., . FEP Publishers. 75- 81. 978-0957081208
Hughes, F., (2008). The Liminal Bridge between Displacement and Aesthetics. In: Estéticas do Deslocamento: Discurso filosófico, Teoria Critica, Linguagens artísticas. Editors: Duarte, R. and Kangussu, I., . -
Hughes, F., (2005). Multimedia-Kultur und das "Intersensorische". Kritisches Potenzial bei Maurice Merleau-Ponty und in aktuellen Kunstwerken [Multi-media Culture and the Intersensorial: Critical potential in Merleau-Ponty and in Contemporary Art]. In: Bildklangwort. Editors: Friedrich, T. and Dommaschk, R., . LIT Verlag Münster. 177- 203. 9783825881115
Hughes, F., (2001). The Aesthetic Space Between Mimesis and Expression [O Espaço Estética entre a Mímesis e a Expressão]. In: Mímesis E Expressão. Editors: Duarte, R. and Figueiredo, V., . Editora Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. 49- 84
Hughes, F., (2001). Nietzsche contra Fukuyama: Jahrtausendwende und das Ende des (Allzu)Menschlichen?. In: Nietzsches Labyrinthe: Perspektiven zur Ästhetik, Ethik und Kulturphilosophie. Editors: Schweppenhäuser, G. and Gleiter, JH., . Bauhaus-Universitätsverlag. 128- 149. 978-3-86068-149-7
Hughes, F., (1999). Philosophies of Life and Understanding 'Introduction'. In: The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia of Continental Philosophy. Editors: Glendinning, S. and Hughes, F., . Edinburgh University Press. 9780748607839
Hughes, F., (1999). Três dimensðes espaciais na estética de Kant [Three Dimensions of Space in Kant's Aesthetics]. In: Kant - Critica E Estetica Na Modernidade. Editors: Pradilla Cerón, I. and Reiss, P., . Editora Senac. 133- 168. 857359067X. 9788573590678
Hughes, F., (1998). The Technic of Nature: What is Involved in Judging?. In: Kants Ästhetik / Kant's Aesthetics / L'esthétique de Kant. Editors: Parret, H., . DeGruyter. 176- 191. 3110129302. 9783110129304