Professor Peter Hulme

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Colchester Campus
Peter Hulme retired in 2015 after teaching in the Department for 40 years.
BA Spanish (Leeds 1970)
PhD Literature (Essex 1976)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Literature, history, and anthropology of the Caribbean
postcolonial studies
travel writing
literature and the environment
Current research
The Tropics in New York: Race and Imperialism in Print Culture, 1919-1928
W. A. Domingo: A Revolutionary Life
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Creative Writing
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/11/2021

Degree subject: Creative Writing
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/6/2019

Degree subject: Literature
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/2/2016

Degree subject: Literature
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/5/2015

Degree subject: Literature
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/3/2015

Degree subject: Literature
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/8/2013

Degree subject: Literature
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/3/2012

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 5/10/2011
Journal articles (9)
Hulme, P., Stormy Weather: Misreading the Postcolonial Tempest. Early Modern Culture. 1 (3)
Hulme, P., (2023). That Unexpected Margin of Capital. New West Indian Guide, 1-6
Hulme, P., (2021). Monuments and Promise: Maya Ruins and the Death of Felipe Carrillo Puerto. Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World. 9 (7)
Hulme, P., (2019). Joel’s Revolutionary Table: New York and Mexico City in Turbulent Times. Comparative American Studies: An International Journal. 15 (3-4), 117-145
Hulme, P., (2013). W. Adolphe Roberts and Jamaica. Jamaica Journal. 34 (3), 14-23
Hulme, P., (2011). Abject in Patagonia: stories from the Wager. Studies in Travel Writing. 15 (2), 135-156
Hulme, P., (2008). Graham Greene and Cuba: Our man in Havana. New West Indian Guide. 82 (3-4), 185-210
Hulme, P., (2000). Islands and roads: Hesketh Bell, Jean Rhys and Dominica's Imperial Road. The Jean Rhys Review. 11 (2), 23-51
Hulme, P., (1993). Making sense of the native Caribbean. New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids. 67 (3-4), 189-220
Books (6)
Hulme, P., (2019). The Dinner at Gonfarone's Salomón de la Selva and His Pan-American Project in Nueva York, 1915-1919. Liverpool University Press. 1786943220. 9781786942005
Hulme, P., (2015). W. Adolphe Roberts, These Many Years: An Autobiography. University of the West Indies Press. 978-9766405113
Weaver-Hightower, R. and Hulme, P., (2014). Postcolonial Film: History, Empire, Resistance. Routledge. 978-0-415-71614-7
Hulme, P., (2011). Cuba's Wild East: A Literary Geography of Oriente. Liverpool University Press. 9781846317484
Hulme, P. and McDougall, R., (2007). Writing, travel, and empire: in the margins of anthropology. I.B. Tauris. 9781845113049
Hulme, P., (1986). Colonial Encounters: Europe and the Native Caribbean, 1492-1797. Methuen. 0416418600
Book chapters (15)
Hulme, P., (2015). Seeing for Themselves: US Travel Writers in Early Revolutionary Cuba. In: Politics, Identity, and Mobility in Travel Writing. Editors: Cabañas, MA., Dubino, J., Salles-Reese, V. and Totten, G., . Routledge. 287- 307. 978-1-13-882345-7
Fumagalli, MC., Hulme, P., Robinson, O. and Wylie, L., (2013). Introduction. In: Surveying the American Tropics: A Literary Geography from New York to Rio. Editors: Fumagalli, MC., Hulme, P., Robinson, O. and Wylie, L., . Liverpool University Press. 1- 20. 9781846318900
Hulme, P., (2011). Message in a bottle: The geography of the Cuban revolutionary struggle. In: Literature, Geography, Translation: Studies in World Writing. Editors: Alvstad, C., Helgesson, S. and Watson, W., . Cambridge Scholars Press. 221- 238. 9781443830102
Hulme, P., (2010). Abject in Patagonia: stories from the Wager. In: Patagonia: myths and realities. Editors: Peñaloza, F., Wilson, J. and Canaparo, C., . Peter Lang. 27- 56. 9783035300383
Hulme, P., (2009). Sunny Tropic Scenes: US travellers in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. In: American Travel and Empire. Editors: Castillo, S. and Seed, D., . Liverpool University Press. 149- 173. 9781846311802
Hulme, P., (2009). Expanding the Caribbean. In: Perspectives on the ?Other America?: Comparative Approaches to Caribbean and Latin American Culture. Editors: Niblett, M. and Oloff, K., . Rodopi. 29- 49. 9789042027046
Hulme, P., (2008). Under the Cuban Flag: Notions of indigeneity at the end of the nineteenth century. In: Displacements and Transformations in Caribbean Cultures. Editors: Paravisini-Gebert, L. and Romero-Cesareo, I., . University Press of Florida. 49- 76. 9780813032184
Hulme, P., (2008). Deep maps: travelling on the spot. In: Travel Writing, Form, and Empire: The Poetics and Politics of Mobility. Editors: Kuehn, J. and Smethurst, P., . Routledge. 132- 147. 9780415962940
Hulme, P., (2007). Oriente: towards a literary geography. In: Caribbean Interfaces. Editors: Lieven, DH., . Rodopi. 153- 168. 9789042021846
Hulme, P., (2007). The seeds of revolt: George Lamming and "The Tempest". In: The Locations of George Lamming. Editors: Schwarz, B., . Macmillan. 112- 131. 9781405067829
Hulme, P., (2005). Beyond the straits: Postcolonial allegories of the globe. In: Postcolonial Studies and Beyond. Editors: Loomba, A., Kaul, S., Bunzl, M., Burton, A. and Esty, J., . Duke University Press. 41- 61. 9780822335115
Hulme, P., (2005). French Accounts of the Native Caribbean. In: The Garifuna: A Nation Across Borders: Essays in Social Anthropology. Editors: Palacio, JO., . Cubola Books. 21- 42. 9789768161130
Hulme, P., (2005). Dominica and Tahiti: Tropical islands compared. In: Tropical Visions in an Age of Empire. Editors: Driver, F. and Martins, L., . Chicago University Press. 77- 90. 9780226164717
Hulme, P., (2003). Black, yellow, and white on St Vincent: Moreau de Jonnès's Carib ethnography. In: The Global Eighteenth Century. Editors: Nussbaum, FA., . Johns Hopkins University Press. 182- 194. 9780801868658
Hulme, P., (2002). Patagonian cases: travel writing, fiction, history. In: Seuils & Traverses: Enjeux de l?�criture du voyagem, vol. II. Editors: Borm, J., . Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique / Presses Universitaires de Rennes. 223- 237. 2901737552
Reports and Papers (2)
Hulme, P., Africa Undraped: The Vandercooks and the Herskovitses in Suriname and Harlem
Hulme, P., The Naked City: New York Modernism 1845 / 1919 / 1947
Other (6)
Hulme, P., Alongside Harlem: Dorothy Scarborough in New York,University of Essex
Hulme, P., Music and the New Negro: Spirituals, Folk-Songs, and the Blues,University of Essex
Hulme, P., Serialising the Ex-Colored Man,University of Essex
Hulme, P., (2021).A History of the Word 'Tom-Tom' in English (to 1932),University of Essex
Hulme, P., (2017).The Liberal Club and its Jamaican Secretary,University of Essex
Hulme, P., (2002).Shakespeare's Spanish "Tempest: Colonial Sources, Postcolonial Readings,University of Essex