Dr Banthita Hunt

banthita.hunt@essex.ac.uk -
JT.12A, Colchester Campus
Dr Banthita Hunt successfully completed her Ph.D. at the University of Bedfordshire in 2017. “Poverty Reduction and Tourism in Bulon Island Thailand. Dr Banthita Hunt also completed her MSc degree in tourism and marketing management at Bournemouth University in 2001 and her BA in International Business of China from Princeof Songkla University Thailand in 2009. Dr Banthita Hunt previously worked as a lecturer at the Prince of Songkla University Thailand, where she developed her experience and knowledge in the field of tourism and hospitality from an Asia perspective. Previous research: “The Adaptation of Community-Based Tourism in Response to COVID-19", in Yao Noi Island , Thailand “Pro-Poor Tourism to Enhance Local Sustainable Development in Le Led Community” “Guidelines for Development of Cultural Tourism” in Songkhla Thailand Research interests include: - Tourism development - Tourism and poverty reduction - Tourism and gender - Eco-Tourism - Destination planning - Community-Based tourism
PhD. University of Bedfordshire, (2017)
MSc Bournemouth University, (2011)
BA Prince of Songkla University, (2009)
Other academic
Lecturer, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University (1/6/2010 - 4/1/2023)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Foundations of Tourism (EG129)
Management in International Hospitality (EG207)
Continual Professional Development (EG223)
Contemporary Issues in the International Tourism and Hospitality Industry (EG225)
Contemporary Issues in the Event Industry (EG228)
Management in International Hospitality (EG324)
Continual Professional Development (EG401)
Luxury Marketing Management (EG704)