Evgeny Iakovlev
Senior Lecturer
Department of Economics

5.406, Colchester Campus
PhD University of California, Berkeley,
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5.406, Colchester Campus
PhD University of California, Berkeley,
Kueng, L. and Yakovlev, E., (2021). The Long-Run Effects of a Public Policy on Alcohol Tastes and Mortality. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 13 (1), 294-328
Yakovlev, E., (2018). Demand for Alcohol Consumption in Russia and Its Implication for Mortality. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 10 (1), 106-149
Komarova, T., Nekipelov, D. and Yakovlev, E., (2018). Identification, data combination, and the risk of disclosure. Quantitative Economics. 9 (1), 395-440
Gokmen, G. and Yakovlev, E., (2018). War and well-being in transition: Evidence from two natural experiments. Journal of Comparative Economics. 46 (3), 788-799
Tatiana, K., Denis, N., Ahnaf, AR. and Evgeny, Y., (2017). K-anonymity: A note on the trade-off between data utility and data security. Applied Econometrics. 48, 44-62
Yakovlev, E. and Zhuravskaya, E., (2013). THE UNEQUAL ENFORCEMENT OF LIBERALIZATION: EVIDENCE FROM RUSSIA'S REFORM OF BUSINESS REGULATION. Journal of the European Economic Association. 11 (4), 808-838
Guriev, S., Yakovlev, E. and Zhuravskaya, E., (2010). Interest group politics in a federation. Journal of Public Economics. 94 (9-10), 730-748
Slinko, I., (2005). Laws for Sale: Evidence from Russia. American Law and Economics Review. 7 (1), 284-318
Guriev, SM., Yakovlev, E. and Zhuravskaya, EV., Interest Group Politics in a Federation