Dr Sean Irving

sean.irving@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
Dr Sean Irving is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Essex, working on the Leverhulme Trust funded Competition and Competitiveness Project. His current research examines how republican forms of thought informed the development of radical political economy in the 19th century. He draws on this work in rethinking models of ownership, with a view to extending personal freedom. His second monograph addressing these issues, Common Power: Republicanism and Radical Political Economy, is in preparation. Sean has also worked on the history of neoliberalism and his book, Hayek’s Market Republicanism: the Limits of Liberty (2020) was published by Routledge. Other interests include the links between neoliberalism and right-wing rhetoric on immigration and the role of civilisational thinking in Anglophone conservatism.
PhD University of Manchester,
MA University of Manchester,
BA University of Cambridge,
University of Essex
Senior Research Officer, University of Essex (1/9/2020 - present)
Other academic
Lecturer, University of Manchester (1/9/2019 - 1/9/2020)
Journal articles (5)
Irving, S., (2024). Competitiveness, Civilizationism, and the Anglosphere: Kenneth Minogue’s Place in Conservative Thought. Modern Intellectual History. 21 (2), 469-488
Irving, S. and Doyle, P., (2024). Moral Economy in a time of Polycrisis. Global Persepctives. 5 (1)
Irving, S., (2021). Power, plutocracy and public finance: James M. Buchanan and the ‘Italian tradition’. Global Intellectual History. 6 (6), 956-976
Irving, S., (2020). Hayek’s neo-Roman liberalism. European Journal of Political Theory. 19 (4), 553-570
Irving, S., (2018). Limiting democracy and framing the economy: Hayek, Schmitt and ordoliberalism. History of European Ideas. 44 (1), 113-127
Books (1)
Irving, S., (2019). Hayek's Market Republicanism The Limits of Liberty. Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy. 1138390976. 9781138390973
Other (1)
Doyle, P. and Irving, S., (2024).'Morality and Political Economy', Special Edition.. Global Perspectives. 5(1)