
Dr Nasser Jabbari

Department of Language and Linguistics
Dr Nasser Jabbari



I received my PhD at Texas A&M University (USA) in Curriculum and Instruction, focusing on technology-enhanced second language learning and teaching. It is more than ten years that I have been teaching in higher education across three different countries: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Iran. I have taught several undergraduate and postgraduate modules including, but not limited to, Second Language Teaching Methods, Second Language Learning Principles, Language Testing Principles, English Language Phonetics and Phonology, English for Academic and Specific Purposes, and the Use of Information and Communication Technology in Second Language Learning and Teaching. I have also supervised several undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations with various topics in TESOL and Applied Linguistics. My research interest lies at the interface between second language learning and teaching and digital technologies including different types of online social media, i.e., blogs, wikis, social networking sites (e.g., Facebook), content communities (e.g., YouTube), virtual social worlds (e.g., Second Life), and virtual game worlds (e.g., massively multiplayer online games). My research interests also include investigating sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic, and sociocultural aspects of second language learning and teaching in both naturalistic and instructional settings. My current research project focuses on second language development through playing commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs).


  • PhD in Curriculum and Instruction, TESOL Texas A&M University, (2017)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)

Robot Assisted Language Learning (RALL)

Digital Game-based Language Learning (DGBLL)

Second Language Learning/Teaching/Assessment in Virtual and Augmented Reality Contexts

Conferences and presentations

Mastering Academic Writing: Strategies for Clarity, Publication, and Research Impact

Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Writing for impact: How to make your research standout, Islamabad, Pakistan, 19/12/2024

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Work-Based Project (LA898)

  • Dissertation (LA899)

  • Foundations of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) (LG363)

  • Language Testing and Assessment (LG504)

  • Language Learning and Teaching (LG522)

  • Research Methods (LG575)

  • Project: Linguistics (LG831)

  • Group Project: Linguistics (LG832)

  • MA Dissertation (LG981)

  • Dissertation (Research) (LG994)

  • Initial Teaching Practice (LG666)

  • General English Classes for Advanced Learners (SK506)

  • Cognitive Linguistics for Second Language Learning and Teaching (LG378)


Journal articles (5)

Jabbari, N. and Peterson, M., (2023). Complexity, accuracy, and fluency improvements through massively multiplayer online gaming: a longitudinal mixed-methods case study. Language Learning Journal. 51 (4), 416-450

Jabbari, N. and Eslami Rasekh, Z., (2023). Negotiations for meaning in the context of a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Language Learning and Technology. 27 (1), 1-28

Jabbari, N. and Eslami, ZR., (2023). Negotiations for meaning in the context of a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Language Learning and Technology. 27 (1), 1-28

Jabbari, N. and Eslami, Z., (2019). Second language learning in the context of massively multiplayer online games: A scoping review. ReCALL. 31 (01), 92-113

Eslami, ZR., Jabbari, N. and Kuo, L-J., (2015). Compliment Response Behaviour on Facebook: A Study with Iranian Facebook Users. International Review of Pragmatics. 7 (2), 244-277

Books (4)

Peterson, M. and Jabbari, N., (2023). Frontiers in Technology-Mediated Language Learning. Routledge. 1003829902. 9781032497266

Peterson, M. and Jabbari, N., (2022). Digital Games in Language Learning. Routledge. 103214596X. 9781032145969

Peterson, M. and Jabbari, N., (2022). Preface

Pterson, M. and Jabbari, N., (2022). Digital Games in Language Learning: Case Studies and Applications. Routledge. 9781032145969

Book chapters (11)

Peterson, M. and Jabbari, N., Contemporary computer assisted language learning: A view from the frontiers of research. In: Frontiers in Technology-Mediated Language Learning. Editors: Peterson, M. and Jabbari, N., . Routledge. 1- 154. 9781003395218

Jabbari, N., Zarrinabadi, N. and E'shaghi, S., Motivation and affect in digital game-based language learning and teaching. In: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Editors: Lee, M. and Dara, T., . Palgrave

Jabbari, N. and Allahveysi, SP., Massively multiplayer online games and language learning and teaching. In: The Palgrave Encyclopaedias of Computer Assisted Language Learning. Editors: McCallum, L. and Tafazoli, D., . Palgrave

Peterson, M. and Jabbari, N., (2023). Contemporary computer assisted language learning. In: Frontiers in Technology-Mediated Language Learning. Routledge. 1- 6

Peterson, M. and Jabbari, N., (2022). Digital games and foreign language learning: Context and future development. In: Digital Games in Language Learning: Case Studies and Applications. Editors: Peterson, M. and Jabbari, N., . Routledge. 1- 13. 9781032145976

Peterson, M. and Jabbari, N., (2022). Digital games and foreign language learning. In: Digital Games in Language Learning. Routledge. 1- 13

Jabbari, N., (2021). Second language development in the context of massively multiplayer online games: Theoretical perspectives. In: Digital Games and Language Learning: Theory, Development and Implementation (Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching). Editors: Peterson, M., Yamazaki, K. and Thomas, M., . Bloomsbury Academic. 47- 67. 1350133000. 978-1350133006

Jabbari, N., (2021). Second language development in the context of massively multiplayer online games: Theoretical perspectives. In: Digital Games and Language Learning: Theory, Development and Implementation (Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching). Editors: Peterson, M., Yamazaki, K. and Thomas, M., . Bloomsbury Academic

Eslami, Z., Jabbari, N. and Kuo, L-J., (2019). Online compliments of Iranian Facebook users. In: From Speech Acts to Lay Understandings of Politeness: Multilingual and Multicultural Perspectives. Editors: Ogiermann, E. and Blitvich, PG-C., . Cambridge University Press. 68- 92. 9781107198050

Eslami, ZR., Jabbari, N. and Kuo, L-J., (2019). Online Compliments of Iranian Facebook Users. In: From Speech Acts to Lay Understandings of Politeness. Cambridge University Press. 68- 92

Jabbari, N., Boriack, AW., Barohona, E., Padrón, YN. and Waxman, HC., (2018). Social Networking. In: The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Editors: Liontas, JI., DelliCarpini, M. and Abrar-ul-Hassan, S., . John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. 1- 7. 9781118784235

Conferences (11)

Jabbari, N., Sandoval, S. and Waxman, HC., A Meta-Synthesis of Research Using Multiuser Virtual Environments (ie, Second Life) in Teacher Education

Jabbari, N., Boriack, AW., Barahona, E., Padrón, YN. and Waxman, HC., The Benefits of Using Social Media Environments with English Language Learners

Ribeiro, AR., Eslami, ZE. and Jabbari, N., Second language interactions in face-to-face and computer-mediated communication contexts (Educational Technology and Language Learning)

Jabbari, N. and Eslami, Z., MMORPG-mediated negotiated interactions: A study of NS-NNS and NNS-NNS conversations.

Jabbari, N., Complimenting behavior of Iranian users of Facebook

Fleming, KJ., Etchells, MJ., Sonnenburg, SL., Jabbari, N. and Waxman, HC., A Content Analysis of Current Topics and Issues in Teacher Education

Sonnenburg, SL., Whifield, JG., Jabbari, N., Lyons, LC. and Waxman, HC., A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Teacher Education Components on Student Outcomes

Eslami, ZR. and Jabbari, N., Complimenting on Facebook: Iranian versus American Facebook users

Eslami, ZR. and Jabbari, N., Exaggerated Online Compliments: Iranian Facebook Users

Jabbari, N. and Eslami, ZR., Compliments on Facebook: American and Iranian users

Jabbari, N., Variations in the complexity, accuracy, and fluency of L2 gamers’ speaking performance over time



4.342, Colchester Campus

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