
Professor Annette Jackle

Deputy Director of Understanding Society - Professor (R)
Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER)
Professor Annette Jackle



Co-Investigator and Associate Director of Innovations for Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Study, leading a programme of research and development in data collection methods (since 2015) and Professor of Survey Methodology at the University of Essex (since 2016). My research is on innovations in data collection methods. I focus on improving the scope and/or quality of survey data, by collecting additional information on respondents using tools other than survey questions. For example, linking in existing data about respondents (with their consent), asking them to use wearable or stationary sensors, or to use mobile applications for additional data collection tasks. The aim of my research is to inform best practice about how to implement such additional data collection tasks in a way that maximises participation, minimises the selectiveness of participants, and produces quality data that are fit for purpose. To achieve these aims I investigate barriers to participating in different types of additional data collection tasks, how respondents decide whether to participate, and experimentally test different aspects of fieldwork protocols.


  • PhD in Applied Social and Economic Research University of Essex, (2008)

  • MSc in Economics University of Essex, (2002)


University of Essex

  • Professor of Survey Methodology, ISER, University of Essex (1/10/2016 - present)

  • Senior Research Fellow, ISER, University of Essex (1/10/2012 - 30/9/2016)

  • Research Fellow, ISER, University of Essex (1/10/2007 - 30/9/2012)

  • Senior Research Officer, ISER, University of Essex (1/1/2003 - 30/9/2007)

Other academic

  • Professor, Sociology and History, University of Konstanz (1/4/2016 - 30/9/2016)

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Introduction to Survey Design and Management (SC970)

Previous supervision

Brendan Read
Brendan Read
Thesis title: Opportunities and Challenges in New Survey Data Collection Methods Using Mobile Apps and Images.
Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/7/2020
Iva Valentinova Tasseva
Iva Valentinova Tasseva
Thesis title: Essays on Household Incomes and Public Policies
Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/5/2019


Journal articles (31)

Jackle, A., Burton, J., Couper, MP., Crossley, TF. and Walzenbach, S., (2024). Survey Consent to Administrative Data Linkage: Five Experiments on Wording and Format. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. 12 (5), 1174-1199

Burton, J., Couper, M. and Jackle, A., (2024). The effects of placement and order on consent to data linkage in a web survey. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. 12 (5), 1212-1223

Jackle, A., Cornesse, C., Wenz, A. and Couper, MP., (2024). Measuring Expenditure with a Mobile App: Do Probability-Based and Nonprobability Panels Differ?. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. 12 (5), 1224-1253

Walzenbach, S., Burton, J., Couper, MP., Crossley, TF. and Jackle, A., (2023). Experiments on Multiple Requests for Consent to Data Linkage in Surveys. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. 11 (3), 518-540

Carrillo Tudela, C., Clymo, A., Comunello, C., Jackle, A., Visschers, L. and Zentler-Munro, D., (2023). Search and Reallocation in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the UK. Labour Economics. 81 (14582), 102328-102328

Jackle, A., Burton, J. and Couper, MP., (2023). Understanding Society: Minimizing selection biases in data collection using mobile apps. Fiscal Studies. 44 (4), 361-376

Wenz, A., Jackle, A., Burton, J. and Couper, M., (2022). The effects of personalized feedback on participation and reporting in mobile app data collection. Social Science Computer Review. 40 (1), 165-178

Jackle, A., Wenz, A., Burton, J. and Couper, MP., (2022). Increasing Participation in a Mobile App Study: The Effects of a Sequential Mixed-Mode Design and In-Interview Invitation. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. 10 (4), 898-922

Hope, S., Campanelli, P., Nicolaas, G., Lynn, P. and Jackle, A., (2022). The Role of the Interviewer in Producing Mode Effects: Results from a Mixed Modes Experiment Comparing Face-to-Face, Telephone and Web Administration. Survey Research Methods. 16 (2), 207-226

Jackle, A., Burton, J., Couper, M., Crossley, T. and Walzenbach, S., (2022). How and Why Does the Mode of Data Collection Affect Consent to Data Linkage?. Survey Research Methods. 16 (3), 387-408

Jackle, A. and Eckman, S., (2020). Is that still the same? Has that Changed? On the Accuracy of Measuring Change with Dependent Interviewing. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology. 8 (4), 706-725

Wenz, A., Jackle, A. and Couper, MP., (2019). Willingness to use mobile technologies for data collection in a probability household panel. Survey Research Methods. 13 (1), 1-22

Jackle, A., Burton, J., Couper, M. and Lessof, C., (2019). Participation in a Mobile App Survey to Collect Expenditure Data as Part of a Large-Scale Probability Household Panel: Coverage and Participation Rates and Biases. Survey Research Methods. 13 (1), 23-44

Auspurg, K. and Jackle, AE., (2017). First Equals Most Important? Order Effects in Vignette-Based Measurement. Sociological Methods & Research. 46 (3), 490-539

Jackle, A., Lynn, P. and Burton, J., (2015). Going Online with a Face-to-Face Household Panel: Effects of a Mixed Mode Design on Item and Unit Non-Response. Survey Research Methods. 9 (1), 57-70

Nicolaas, G., Campanelli, P., Hope, S., J�ckle, AE. and Lynn, P., (2015). Revisiting ?yes/no? versus ?check all that apply?: Results from a mixed modes experiment. Survey research methods. 9 (3), 189-204

Eggs, J. and Jackle, AE., (2015). Dependent Interviewing and Sub-Optimal Responding. Survey Research Methods. 9 (1), 15-29

Eckman, S., Kreuter, F., Kirchner, A., Jackle, AE., Tourangeau, R. and Presser, S., (2014). Assessing the Mechanisms of Misreporting to Filter Questions in Surveys. Public Opinion Quarterly. 78 (3), 721-733

Lugtig, PJ. and J�ckle, AE., (2014). Can I just check...? Effects of edit check questions on measurement error and survey estimates. Journal of Official Statistics. 30 (1), 45-62

J�ckle, AE., Lynn, P., Sinibaldi, J. and Tipping, S., (2013). The Effect of Interviewer Experience, Attitudes, Personality and Skills on Respondent Co-operation with Face-to-Face Surveys. Survey research methods. 7 (1), 1-15

Lynn, P., J�ckle, AE., Jenkins, SP. and Sala, E., (2012). The impact of questioning method on measurement error in panel survey measures of benefit receipt: evidence from a validation study. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (Statistics in Society). 175 (1), 289-308

J�ckle, AE., Roberts, C. and Lynn, P., (2010). Assessing the Effect of Data Collection Mode on Measurement. International Statistical Review. 78 (1), 3-20

Jenkins, SP., Lynn, P., J�ckle, AE. and Sala, E., (2008). The feasibility of linking household survey and administrative record data: new evidence for Britain. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 11 (1), 29-43

Jäckle, A. and Lynn, P., (2008). Respondent incentives in a multi-mode panel survey: Cumulative effects on nonresponse and bias. Survey Methodology. 34 (1), 105-117

J�ckle, AE., (2008). Dependent Interviewing: Effects on Respondent Burden and Efficiency of Data Collection. Journal of Official Statistics. 24 (3), 411-430

Jackle, AE. and Lynn, P., (2008). Respondent incentives in a multi-mode panel survey: cumulative effects on nonresponse and bias. Survey Methodology. 34 (4), 105-117

J�ckle, AE. and Lynn, P., (2007). Dependent interviewing and seam effects in work history data. Journal of Official Statistics. 23 (4), 529-552

Lynn, P., J�ckle, AE., Jenkins, SP. and Sala, E., (2006). The effects of dependent interviewing on responses to questions on income sources. Journal of Official Statistics. 22 (3), 357-384

Jenkins, SP., Cappellari, L., Lynn, P., J�ckle, AE. and Sala, E., (2006). Patterns of consent: evidence from a general household survey. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (Statistics in Society). 169 (4), 701-722

Roberts, C., J�ckle, AE. and Lynn, P., (2006). Causes of Mode Effects: Separating out Interviewer and Stimulus Effects in Comparisons of Face-to-Face and Telephone Surveys. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association

J�ckle, AE. and Li, CA., (2003). Firm Dynamics and Institutional Participation: A Case Study on Informality of Micro-Enterprises in Peru. Economic Development and Cultural Change. 54 (3), 557-78

Book chapters (9)

Jackle, A., Al Baghal, T., Eckman, S. and Sala, E., (2021). How to Pop the Question? Interviewer and Respondent Behaviours when Measuring Change with Dependent Interviewing. In: Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology. Editors: Lynn, P., . Wiley. 368- 398. 978-1-119-37693-4

Jackle, A., Beninger, K., Burton, J. and Couper, M., (2021). Understanding Data Linkage Consent in Longitudinal Surveys. In: Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology. Editors: Lynn, P., . Wiley. 122- 150. 978-1-119-37693-4

Jackle, A., Gaia, A., Lessof, C. and Couper, M., (2021). Improving Survey Measurement of Household Finances: A Review of New Data Sources and Technologies. In: Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology. Editors: Lynn, P., . Wiley. 337- 367. 978-1-119-37693-4

Jackle, A. and Lynn, P., (2019). Mounting Multiple Experiments on Longitudinal Social Surveys: Design and Implementation Considerations. In: Experimental Methods in Survey Research: Techniques that Combine Random Sampling with Random Assignment. Editors: Lavrakas, P., Traugott, M., Kennedy, C., Holbrook, A., De Leeuw, E. and West, B., . Wiley. 293- 308. 978-1-119-08374-0

Pudney, S. and Jackle, AE., (2012). Measuring well-being: what you ask is what you get - or is it?. In: Understanding Society: findings 2012. Editors: McFall, SL., . ISER. creators- J=E4ckle=3AAnnette_E=3A=3A. 978 1 85871 163 8

Blom, AG., Jäckle, A. and Lynn, P., (2010). The Use of Contact Data in Understanding Cross‐National Differences in Unit Nonresponse. In: Survey Methods in Multicultural, Multinational, and Multiregional Contexts. Wiley. 333- 354. 9780470177990

Lynn, P., Jackle, AE. and Blom, AG., (2010). Understanding Cross-National Differences in Unit Non-Response: The Role of Contact Data. In: Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts. Editors: Harkness, J., Braun, M., Edwards, B., Johnson, TP., Lyberg, LL., Mohler, PP., Pennell, B. and Smith, TW., . John Wiley & Sons Inc.. creators- J=E4ckle=3AAnnette_E=3A=3A. 978-0-470-17799-0

Jackle, AE., (2009). Dependent interviewing: a framework and application to current research. In: Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys. Editors: . Wiley. 93- 111. 0-470-01871-2. 978-0-470-01871-2

J�ckle, AE. and Callegaro, M., (2008). Dependent Interviewing. In: Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods. Editors: Lavrakas, P., . Sage Publications Inc.. 9781412918084

Reports and Papers (9)

Al Baghal, T., Bryson, C., Fisher, H., Hanson, T., Jessop, C., Low, H., Lynn, P., Martin, N., McKay, S., Sloan, L. and Sobolewska, M., Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 10: results from methodological experiments

Creighton, M., Dykema, J., Gaia, A., Cernat, A., Garbarski, D., Jamal, A., Kaminska, O., Keusch, F., Lynn, P., Oberski, D., Schaeffer, NC., Uhrig, SCN. and Yan, T., Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 8: results from methodological experiments

Benzeval, M., Burton, J., Crossley, T., Fisher, P., Gardiner, C., Jackle, A. and Moore, JC., (2021). High frequency online data collection in an annual household panel study: some evidence on bias prevention and bias adjustment.

Horsley, A., Beninger, K., Day, N., Dhilon, G., Burton, J., Jackle, A. and Couper, M., (2019). The acceptability and feasibility of asking monthly “lifeevent” questions in between waves of a panel study

Lynn, P., Jackle, A., Al Baghal, M. and Burton, J., (2018). Understanding Society the UK Household Longitudinal Study Innovation Panel, Waves 1-10, User Manual Version 1.0

Lynn, P., Jackle, A., Gaia, A., Al Baghal, M. and Burton, J., (2017). Understanding Society the UK Household Longitudinal Study Innovation Panel, Waves 1-9, User Manual

Allum, N., Auspurg, K., Blake, M., Booker, CL., Crossley, TF., d'Ardenne, J., Fairbrother, M., Iacovou, M., Jackle, AE., Kaminska, O., Lynn, P., Nicoletti, C., Oldfield, Z., Pudney, S., Schnettler, S., Uhrig, SCN., Winter, J. and Al Baghal, T., (2014). Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 6: results from methodological experiments

Burton, J., Laurie, H., Uhrig, SCN., Bryan, ML., Desousa, C., Fumagalli, L., Jackle, A., Knies, G., Lynn, P., Nandi, A., Platt, L., Pudney, S., Rabe, B., Sacker, A., Sala, E., Taylor, MP., Wolke, D., Bottazzi, R., Crossley, T. and O'Dea, C., (2008). Understanding Society. Some preliminary results from the Wave 1 Innovation Panel

Jäckle, AE. and Li, CA., (2003). Firm Dynamics and Institutional Participation: A Case Study on Informality of Micro-Enterprises in Peru

Grants and funding


Survey Data Collection Methods Collaboration: Securing the Future of Social Surveys

Economic and Social Research Council

Why are respondents less likely to consent to data linkage in web than in-person interviews, and what can we do to increase informed consent in web?

Economic and Social Research Council

Do we still need nonresponse follow-ups to web surveys of the UK general population? An analysis of cost-quality trade-offs

Economic and Social Research Council


Survey Data Collection Methods Collaboration: Securing the Future of Social Surveys

Economic and Social Research Council

Understanding Society Waves 17-22

Economic and Social Research Council

Understanding Society Waves 17-22

Economic and Social Research Council


ITT - Household Expenditure Survey Review - CCS Framework Agreement RM6018

Office for National Statistics


Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Survey Waves 13-15

Economic and Social Research Council

ESS Smart Surveys - piloting four official statistics themes (Consumption, time-use, health, living conditions and environment)

CBS - Statistics Netherlands



Economic and Social Research Council

CBS grant proposal consultancy

CBS - Statistics Netherlands


Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Study Wave 12

Economic and Social Research Council


Applied economics and econometrics: Methodological issues with linked survey and administrative data

Leverhulme Trust

Understanding and improving data linkage consent in surveys

Nuffield Foundation

Understanding Household Finance through Better Measurement

Economic and Social Research Council


Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Study: Waves 9-11

Economic & Social Research Council


Understanding Household Finance through Better Measurement

Economic & Social Research Council


Support of Dependent Interviewing

IAB Nuremberg


Leverhulme Visiting Professorship

Leverhulme Trust



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