Iman Jana

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 874024
EBS.3.48, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Monday: 2pm - 3pm Tuesday: 3pm - 5pm By appointment only, please email for appointment
Iman Jana is a Lecturer in Marketing at Essex Business School. Prior to this, he was an Assistant Lecturer and fixed-term teacher at Essex Business School. He recently completed his Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Essex. He holds an MBA in International Business. He is an Associate fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA). His research interests lie within the domain of consumer behaviour. Specifically, his research interests include Consumer resistance to innovation and Customer Engagement. He also has 3 years of corporate work experience in a CSR-Implementation Agency in India where he was involved in executing and managing research and survey projects.
PhD University of Essex,
MBA Amity University,
BTech The NorthCap University,
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Consumer behaviour
Context: Smart product/services, digital technologies
Consumer resistance to innovation
Customer engagement
International Marketing
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Introduction to Marketing (BE501)
Marketing Management (BE511)
Digital and Data-Driven Marketing (BE888)
Conferences (3)
Jana, I., Liu, H. and Malhotra, N., (2022). Consumer Resistance to Innovation: A Systematic Literature Review
Jana, I., Malhotra, N. and Liu, H., (2022). Investigating Negative Word of Mouth as a Consequence of Consumer Resistance to Innovation: Moderating Effects of Consumer Characteristics
Jana, I., Malhotra, N. and Liu, H., (2022). Investigating negative word of mouth as a consequence of consumer resistance to innovation : Moderating effects of consumer characteristics
Thesis dissertation (1)
Jana, I., (2022). Understanding the mechanism of consumer resistance to innovation : the moderating role of consumption values
Academic support hours:
Monday: 2pm - 3pm Tuesday: 3pm - 5pm By appointment only, please email for appointment