Dr Delaram Jarchi

delaram.jarchi@essex.ac.uk -
5B.534, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Thursday at 3pm, Office location: 1N1.3.2
Dr Delaram Jarchi is a Lecturer in AI and machine learning at CSEE. She received her PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering from University of Surrey in 2011. Following completion of the PhD study, she joined the Body Sensor Network group, at the Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery, Imperial College London. Her research was on wearable sensors for gait analysis applications. Before starting an academic position, she was part of the Computational Health Informatics Lab at University of Oxford and a research member of Wolfson College Oxford. Her research on accelerometry based analysis of respiratory rate has been filed as a patent application with Oxford University Innovation Ltd and licensed. Her recent research is focused on designing new algorithms and validation of commercial wearable sensors for robust estimation of physiological parameters such as heart rate, respiratory rate and blood oxygen saturation level in very unobtrusive ways. The objective of her research is to develop the next generation of smart wearables suitable for use in clinical settings. Her research is published in various IEEE journals. She is a senior member of IEEE and was an associate member of the Bio Imaging and Signal Processing (BISP) technical committee, IEEE Signal Processing Society. She is an active reviewer for various conferences and journals such as ICASSP, IEEE-JBHI (one of the 2014 best reviewers) and Sensors. She is the second author of the Body Sensor Networks & Algorithm Design book; an imprint of John Wiley & Sons Ltd published in 2020. She is a panel member of Royal Society International Exchanges committee, Editorial board member of Scientific Reports journal, Nature (guest editor for remote health monitoring), Associate editor of IEEE Transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering (TNSRE) and chair of member benefit subcommittee of membership development committee, IEEE Signal Processing Society and Associate editor for EMBC2022 and EMBC2023. If you are interested to join the group for a PhD degree, please contact Dr Delaram Jarchi delaram.jarchi@essex.ac.uk,
PhD University of Surrey,
University of Essex
Lecturer, Computer Science and Electronics, University of Essex (1/5/2019 - present)
Other academic
Lecturer, Computing, University of Kent (1/8/2018 - 30/4/2019)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Engineering Science, University of Oxford (16/10/2016 - 31/7/2018)
Senior Research Associate, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Bristol (11/7/2016 - 14/10/2016)
Research Associate, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Manchester (29/6/2015 - 28/6/2016)
Research Associate, Imperial College London (7/9/2011 - 26/6/2015)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Machine Learning (CE802)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/2/2025
Publications (2)
Ngo, D., Pham, L., Phan, H., Tran, M., Jarchi, D. and Kolozali, S., (2023). An Inception-Residual-Based Architecture with Multi-Objective Loss for Detecting Respiratory Anomalies
Ngo, D., Pham, L., Phan, H., Tran, M. and Jarchi, D., (2023). A Deep Learning Architecture with Spatio-Temporal Focusing for Detecting Respiratory Anomalies
Journal articles (26)
Sanei, S., Lee, TKM., Boukhennoufa, I., Jarchi, D., Zhai, X. and McDonald-Maier, K., (2025). Evaluating the Effect of Surrogate Data Generation on Healthcare Data Assessment. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 9 (2), 22-22
Singh, S., Anisi, MH., Jindal, A. and Jarchi, D., (2024). Smart Multimodal In-Bed Pose Estimation Framework Incorporating Generative Adversarial Neural Network. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 28 (6), 3379-3388
Boukhennoufa, I., Jarchi, D., Zhai, X., Utti, V., Sanei, S., Lee, TKM., Jackson, J. and McDonald-Maier, KD., (2023). A novel model to generate heterogeneous and realistic time-series data for post-stroke rehabilitation assessment. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 31, 2676-2687
Andreu-Perez, J., Perez-Espinosa, H., Timonet, E., Kiani, M., Giron-Perez, MI., Benitez-Trinidad, AB., Jarchi, D., Rosales, A., Gkatzoulis, N., Reyes-Galaviz, OF., Torres, A., Alberto Reyes-Garcia, C., Ali, Z. and Rivas, F., (2022). A Generic Deep Learning Based Cough Analysis System from Clinically Validated Samples for Point-of-Need Covid-19 Test and Severity Levels. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 15 (3), 1220-1232
Procházka, A., Charvátová, H., Vyšata, O., Jarchi, D. and Sanei, S., (2021). Discrimination of cycling patterns using accelerometric data and deep learning techniques. Neural Computing and Applications. 33 (13), 7603-7613
Jalali-najafabadi, F., Gadepalli, C., Jarchi, D. and Cheetham, BMG., (2021). Acoustic analysis and digital signal processing for the assessment of voice quality. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 70, 103018-103018
Jarchi, D., Kaler, J. and Sanei, S., (2021). Lameness Detection in Cows Using Hierarchical Deep Learning and Synchrosqueezed Wavelet Transform. IEEE Sensors Journal. 21 (7), 9349-9358
Jarchi, D., Andreu-Perez, J., Kiani, M., Vysata, O., Kuchynka, J., Prochazka, A. and Sanei, S., (2020). Recognition of Patient Groups with Sleep Related Disorders using Bio-signal Processing and Deep Learning. Sensors. 20 (9), 2594-2594
Jarchi, D., Charlton, P., Pimentel, M., Casson, A., Tarassenko, L. and Clifton, DA., (2019). Estimation of respiratory rate from motion contaminated photoplethysmography signals incorporating accelerometry. Healthcare Technology Letters. 6 (1), 19-26
Lee, R., Jarchi, D., Perera, R., Jones, A., Cassimjee, I., Handa, A., Clifton, DA., Bellamkonda, K., Woodgate, F., Killough, N., Maistry, N., Chandrashekar, A., Darby, CR., Halliday, A., Hands, LJ., Lintott, P., Magee, TR., Northeast, A., Perkins, J. and Sideso, E., (2018). Applied Machine Learning for the Prediction of Growth of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in Humans. EJVES Short Reports. 39, 24-28
Jarchi, D., Pope, J., Lee, TKM., Tamjidi, L., Mirzaei, A. and Sanei, S., (2018). A Review on Accelerometry-Based Gait Analysis and Emerging Clinical Applications. IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering. 11, 177-194
Jarchi, D., Salvi, D., Tarassenko, L. and Clifton, D., (2018). Validation of Instantaneous Respiratory Rate Using Reflectance PPG from Different Body Positions. Sensors. 18 (11), 3705-3705
Jarchi, D., Rodgers, SJ., Tarassenko, L. and Clifton, DA., (2018). Accelerometry-Based Estimation of Respiratory Rate for Post-Intensive Care Patient Monitoring. IEEE Sensors Journal. 18 (12), 4981-4989
Jarchi, D. and Casson, AJ., (2017). Towards Photoplethysmography-Based Estimation of Instantaneous Heart Rate During Physical Activity. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 64 (9), 2042-2053
Monajemi, S., Jarchi, D., Ong, S-H. and Sanei, S., (2017). Cooperative Particle Filtering for Tracking ERP Subcomponents from Multichannel EEG. Entropy. 19 (5), 199-199
Crewther, BT., Shetty, K., Jarchi, D., Selvadurai, S., Cook, CJ., Leff, DR., Darzi, A. and Yang, G-Z., (2016). Skill acquisition and stress adaptations following laparoscopic surgery training and detraining in novice surgeons. Surgical Endoscopy. 30 (7), 2961-2968
Jarchi, D., Lo, B., Wong, C., Ieong, E., Nathwani, D. and Yang, G-Z., (2016). Gait Analysis From a Single Ear-Worn Sensor: Reliability and Clinical Evaluation for Orthopaedic Patients. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 24 (8), 882-892
Casson, AJ., Vazquez Galvez, A. and Jarchi, D., (2016). Gyroscope vs. accelerometer measurements of motion from wrist PPG during physical exercise. ICT Express. 2 (4), 175-179
Jarchi, D. and Casson, A., (2016). Description of a Database Containing Wrist PPG Signals Recorded during Physical Exercise with Both Accelerometer and Gyroscope Measures of Motion. Data. 2 (1), 1-1
Kwasnicki, RM., Hettiaratchy, S., Jarchi, D., Nightingale, C., Wordsworth, M., Simmons, J., Yang, G-Z. and Darzi, A., (2015). Assessing Functional Mobility After Lower Limb Reconstruction. Annals of Surgery. 261 (4), 800-806
Jarchi, D., Wong, C., Kwasnicki, RM., Heller, B., Tew, GA. and Guang-Zhong, Y., (2014). Gait Parameter Estimation From a Miniaturized Ear-Worn Sensor Using Singular Spectrum Analysis and Longest Common Subsequence. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 61 (4), 1261-1273
Escudero, J., Sanei, S., Jarchi, D., Abásolo, D. and Hornero, R., (2011). Regional coherence evaluation in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease based on adaptively extracted magnetoencephalogram rhythms. Physiological Measurement. 32 (8), 1163-1180
Jarchi, D., Sanei, S., Principe, JC. and Makkiabadi, B., (2011). A New Spatiotemporal Filtering Method for Single-Trial Estimation of Correlated ERP Subcomponents. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 58 (1), 132-143
Jarchi, D., Sanei, S., Mohseni, HR. and Lorist, MM., (2011). Coupled particle filtering: A new approach for P300-based analysis of mental fatigue. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 6 (2), 175-185
Boostani, R., Dehzangi, O., Jarchi, D. and Zolghadri, MJ., (2010). An efficient pattern classification approach: Combination of weighted LDA with weighted nearest neighbor. Neural Network World. 20 (5), 621-635
Jarchi, D., Boostani, R., Taheri, M. and Sanei, S., (2009). Seizure source localization using a hybrid second order blind identification and extended rival penalized competitive learning algorithm. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 4 (2), 108-117
Books (1)
Sanei, S., Jarchi, D. and Constantinides, AG., (2020). Body Sensor Networking, Design and Algorithms. Wiley. 1119390028. 9781119390022
Conferences (40)
Shirani, S., Abdi-Sargezeh, B., Valentin, A., Alarcon, G., Jarchi, D., Bird, J. and Sanei, S., (2024). Distributed Beamforming for Localization of Brain Seizure Sources from Intracranial EEG Array
Singh, SK., Anisi, MH., Clough, S., Blyth, T. and Jarchi, D., (2023). CNN-BiLSTM based GAN for Anamoly Detection from Multivariate Time Series Data
Ngo, D., Pham, L., Phan, H., Tran, M., Jarchi, D. and Kolozali, Ş., (2023). An Inception-Residual-Based Architecture with Multi-Objective Loss for Detecting Respiratory Anomalies
Ngo, D., Pham, L., Phan, H., Tran, M., Jarchi, D. and Kolozali, S., (2023). An Inception-Residual-Based Architecture with Multi-Objective Loss for Detecting Respiratory Anomalies.
Ngo, D., Pham, L., Phan, H., Tran, M. and Jarchi, D., (2023). A Deep Learning Architecture with Spatio-Temporal Focusing for Detecting Respiratory Anomalies
Salman, O., Kampouridis, M. and Jarchi, D., (2022). Trading Strategies Optimization by Genetic Algorithm under the Directional Changes Paradigm
Long, X., Kampouridis, M. and Jarchi, D., (2022). An in-depth investigation of genetic programming and nine other machine learning algorithms in a financial forecasting problem
Ngo, D., Pham, L., Hoang, T., Kolozali, S. and Jarchi, D., (2022). Audio-Based Deep Learning Frameworks for Detecting COVID-19
Sanei, S., Took, CC., Jarchi, D. and Prochazka, A., (2020). Eeg Connectivity - Informed Cooperative Adaptive Line Enhancer for Recognition of Brain State
Jarchi, D., Prochazka, A. and Sanei, S., (2020). A New Spectrum Driven Index for the Assessment of ECG Signal Quality
Prochazka, A., Vysata, O., Kuchynka, J., Jarchi, D. and Sanei, S., (2020). Comparative Study of Deep Learning Based Sleep Scoring Methods
Jarchi, D., Sanei, S. and Prochazka, A., (2019). Detection of Sleep Apnea/hypopnea Events Using Synchrosqueezed Wavelet Transform
Jarchi, D. and Sanei, S., (2019). Derivation of Respiratory Effort from Photoplethysmography
Jarchi, D., Mahdi, A., Tarassenko, L. and Clifton, DA., (2018). Visualisation of long-term ECG signals applied to post-intensive care patients
Jarchi, D., Salvi, D., Velardo, C., Mahdi, A., Tarassenko, L. and Clifton, DA., (2018). Estimation of HRV and SpO2 from wrist-worn commercial sensors for clinical settings
Sanei, S., Geman, O., Monajemi, S., Eftaxias, K. and Jarchi, D., (2017). Cooperative learning for biomedical signal processing and recognition
Jarchi, D. and Casson, AJ., (2016). Estimation of heart rate from foot worn photoplethysmography sensors during fast bike exercise
Jarchi, D., Peters, A., Lo, B., Kalliolia, E., Di Giulio, I., Limousin, P., Day, BL. and Yang, G-Z., (2015). Assessment of the e-AR sensor for gait analysis of Parkinson;s Disease patients
Jarchi, D., Lo, B., Ieong, E., Nathwani, D. and Yang, G-Z., (2014). Validation of the e-AR Sensor for Gait Event Detection Using the Parotec Foot Insole with Application to Post-Operative Recovery Monitoring
Jarchi, D. and Yang, G-Z., (2013). Singular spectrum analysis for gait patterns
Bouarfa, L., Bembnowicz, P., Crewther, B., Jarchi, D. and Yang, G-Z., (2013). Profiling visual and verbal stress responses using electrodermal heart rate and hormonal measures
Jarchi, D., Atallah, L. and Yang, G-Z., (2012). Transition Detection and Activity Classification from Wearable Sensors Using Singular Spectrum Analysis
Makkiabadi, B., Jarchi, D. and Sanei, S., (2012). A new time domain convolutive BSS of heart and lung sounds
Kwasnicki, RM., Low, DA., Wong, C., Jarchi, D., Lo, B., Mathias, CJ., Darzi, A. and Yang, GZ., (2012). Investigating the feasibility of using objective motion data to assist the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction
Makkiabadi, B., Jarchi, D. and Sanei, S., (2011). Blind separation and localization of correlated P300 subcomponents from single trial recordings using extended PARAFAC2 tensor model
Makkiabadi, B., Jarchi, D., Abolghasemi, V. and Sanei, S., (2011). A geometrically constrained multimodal time domain approach for convolutive blind source separation
Jarchi, D., Makkiabadi, B. and Sanei, S., (2011). Instantaneous phase tracking of oscillatory signals using emd and Rao-Blackwellised particle filtering
Abolghasemi, V., Jarchi, D. and Sanei, S., (2010). A robust approach for optimization of the measurement matrix in Compressed Sensing
Jarchi, D., Makkiabadi, B. and Sanei, S., (2010). Mental fatigue analysis by measuring synchronization of brain rhythms incorporating enhanced empirical mode decomposition
Jarchi, D., Makkiabadi, B. and Sanei, S., (2010). A new spatiotemporal filtering method for single-trial ERP subcomponent estimation
Jarchi, D., Abolghasemi, V. and Sanei, S., (2009). Source localization of brain rhythms by empirical mode decomposition and spatial notch filtering
Abadi, BM., Jarchi, D. and Sanei, S., (2009). Simultaneous localization and separation of biomedical signals by tensor factorization
Jarchi, D., Makkiabadi, B. and Sanei, S., (2009). Estimation of trial to trial variability of P300 subcomponents by coupled Rao-blackwellised particle filtering
Abadi, BM., Sarrafzadeh, A., Jarchi, D., Abolghasemi, V. and Sanei, S., (2009). Semi-blind signal separation and channel estimation in MIMO communication systems by tensor factorization
Jarchi, D., Abadi, BM. and Sanei, S., (2009). Separating and tracking ERP subcomponents by constrained particle filtering
Jarchi, D., Abadi, BM. and Sanei, S., (2009). Separating and tracking ERP subcomponents by constrained particle filtering.
Jarchi, D., Taheri, M., Boostani, R. and Sanei, S., (2008). Localization of seizure sources using blind identification and a new clustering algorithm
Jarchi, D., Boostani, R. and Sanei, S., (2007). Seizure Source Selection via a Hybrid Second Order Blind Identification and Gap Statistic Algorithm
Jarchi, D. and Boostani, R., (2006). A New Weighted LDA Method in Comparison to Some Versions of LDA
Reports and Papers (1)
Andreu-Perez, J., Pérez-Espinos, H., Timone, E., Girón-Pérez, MI., Kiani, M., Benitez-Trinidad,, AB., Jarchi, D., Rosales-Pérez, A., Ali, Z., Gatzoulis, N., Reyes-Galaviz, OF., Torres-García, AA., Reyes-García, CA. and Rivas, F., (2020). A Novel Deep Learning Based Recognition Method and Web-App for Covid-19 Infection Test from Cough Sounds with a Clinically Validated Dataset
Patents (1)
Grants and funding
Exploring determinants of Mental Health Resilience in Greenstead
North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group
Soil Moisture Sense KTP Application R2_2022
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Augmented Engagement in Sustainable Cooperative Music Production
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
Lewden KTP
Academic support hours:
Thursday at 3pm, Office location: 1N1.3.2