
Dr Kyle Jerro

Senior Lecturer
Department of Language and Linguistics
Dr Kyle Jerro
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 872286

  • Location

    4.125, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Thursdays 3-5pm in 4.125



I am interested in semantics, syntax, and lexical semantics. In particular, I am interested in the question of possible verb meanings and how the meaning of a verb derives argument realization. My dissertation (completed in May 2016) investigated the interface between verb meaning and morphosyntax in Bantu languages, looking at the syntax and semantics of applicative and causative morphology. Other topics of interest are copular verbs, agreement, grammatical complexity, lexical semantic typology, tense/aspect, and motion predicates. I have conducted fieldwork in East Africa on three languages: Kinyarwanda (Rwanda), Lubukusu (Kenya), and Chichewa (Malawi). My pronouns are they/them/theirs


  • BA University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  • MA University of Texas at Austin

  • PhD University of Texas at Austin,


University of Essex

  • Lecturer, Language and Linguistics, University of Essex (1/9/2018 - present)

Other academic

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Texas at Austin (1/5/2016 - 30/6/2017)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Lexical Semantics

Open to supervise

Syntax-Semantics Interface

Open to supervise

Linguistic Typology

Open to supervise

Bantu languages

Open to supervise

Language Description

Open to supervise


Open to supervise

Conferences and presentations

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Careers and Employability Skills for Languages and Linguistics (LA099)

  • Semantics and Pragmatics: Meaning and Discourse (LG211)

  • Syntax: The Structure of Sentences (LG212)

  • Research methods for language and linguistics (LG213)

  • World Language Structures (LG359)

  • Forensic Linguistics (LG364)

  • Semantics and Philosophy of Language (LG476)

  • Project: Linguistics (LG831)

  • Group Project: Linguistics (LG832)

  • Research Methods (LG575)

Previous supervision

Sharaf YI Yassin
Sharaf YI Yassin
Thesis title: Agreement in Palestinian Arabic: An Lfg Perspective
Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/2/2022


Publications (1)

Gibson, H., Jerro, KJ., Namboodiripad, S. and Riedel, K., (2023). Towards a decolonial syntax: Research, teaching, publishing

Journal articles (7)

Jerro, K., (2023). The semantics of applicativization in Kinyarwanda. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 41 (4), 1425-1464

Jerro, K., (2021). Applied Objects and the Syntax–Semantics Interface. Journal of Linguistics. 57 (2), 365-403

Beavers, J., Everdell, M., Jerro, K., Kauhanen, H., Koontz-Garboden, A., LeBovidge, E. and Nichols, S., (2021). States and changes-of-state: A crosslinguistic study of the roots of verbal meaning. Language. 97 (3), 439-484

Beavers, J., Everdell, M., Jerro, K., Kauhanen, H., Koontz-Garboden, A., LeBovidge, E. and Nichols, S., (2021). States and changes of state: A crosslinguistic study of the roots of verbal meaning. Language. 97 (3), 439-484

Jerro, K., (2019). Ingestive verbs, causatives, and object symmetry in Lubukusu. Linguistic Inquiry. 50 (1), 219-232

Jerro, K., (2018). Change-of-state Paradigms and the middle in Kinyarwanda. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies. 36 (3), 235-260

Jerro, K., (2017). The causative–instrumental syncretism. Journal of Linguistics. 53 (4), 751-788

Book chapters (5)

Jerro, K., Revisiting Object Symmetry in Bantu. In: The selected proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference on African Linguistics

Jerro, K., When quantifiers agree in person: Anomalous agreement in Bantu. In: Studies in the Linguistic Sciences

Gibson, H., Jerro, K., Namboodiripad, S. and Riedel, K., (2024). Towards a decolonial syntax: Research, Teaching, Publishing. In: Decolonizing Linguistics. Editors: Charity Hudley, A., Mallinson, C. and Bucholtz, M., . Oxford University Press

Jerro, K., (2017). The Locative Applicative and the semantics of verb class in Kinyarwanda. In: Diversity in African languages: Selected papers from the 46th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Editors: Payne, DL., Pacchiarotti, S. and Bosire, M., . Language Science Press. 289- 309. 978-3-946234-71-5

Jerro, K. and Wechsler, S., (2015). Person-Marked Quantifiers in Kinyarwanda. In: Agreement from a Diachronic Perspective. Editors: Fleischer, J., Rieken, E. and Widmer, P., . Mouton De Gruyter. 147- 164. 978-3-11-039996-7

Grants and funding


Sharpening the lens: Enhancing Linguistics career projects in East Africa

British Academy

Linguistic injustice and inequality in the public domain

British Academy


Variation in Sesotho and Setswana as spoken in the Free State

British Academy

+44 (0) 1206 872286


4.125, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Thursdays 3-5pm in 4.125