Dr Rees Johnson

rees.johnson@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872184
4SB.4.9, Colchester Campus
I completed my PhD at the University of Manchester. My PhD, 'Situating Medical Power within the Modern (Legal) History of Assisted Death: 1936 – Present', examined the role of medical power and the way in which the preservation of medical power and authority has contextualised and re-contexualised legal developments in assisted death. My current areas of research focus on the racial and cultural contexts of assisted death reform. I am keen to hear from anyone interested in pursuing critical perspectives of medical law/medical ethics.
LLB Northumbria University,
LLM Newcastle University,
PhD University of Manchester,
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Equity and Trusts (LW202)
Medical Law (LW232)
Final Year Research Project (LW304)
Land Law (LW102)