Dr Stephen Joseph

sj22423@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 878417
GB.2.62, Colchester Campus
Dr. Stephen Joseph is a (Researcher) Lecturer of Nursing in the School of Health and Social Care. I have a clinical background in adult and mental health nursing in the Australian states of Victoria and Queensland, including acute inpatient, emergency responses, community care teams, case management settings, and young people’s mental health. I also coordinated a mental health support charity in south London. My lecturing work in the United Kingdom and Australia include nursing, health and social care, leadership and management, and research skills at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I also successfully provided supervision for Master dissertations in health and social care, and advice to doctoral students. My research used a variety of quantitative and qualitative tools to investigate service user perspectives on their mental health experiences. I have also worked in community participatory research, and on a major NIHR School of Social Care Research (SSCR) commissioned study into socially oriented approaches to recovery in mental health for minority ethnic communities in the United Kingdom My research interests include but not limited to: 1. Parity of esteem in healthcare and policy and practice implications 2. No health without mental health and its implication for nursing and social care 3. The tension between care and control in mental health 4. Health disparities, including ethnic minority ambits 5. Psycho-socio-cultural investigations into health and wellbeing 6. LMIC health and wellbeing 7. Community participatory and service user led research 8. Leadership and management in healthcare I am open to PhD supervision. Please contact me to discuss your interest.
PhD Health & Social Care Royal Holloway University of London,
Postgraduate Diploma of Nursing Science in Mental Health La Trobe University,
Master of Nursing Science (MNSc) University of Melbourne,
Master of Business Administration (MBA) London South Bank University,
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) University of Queensland,
University of Essex
Lecturer (Research), University of Essex (10/1/2022 - present)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Fundamentals of Behavioural Sciences (HS182)
Research Activity (HS717)
Person-Centred Care 1 (HS184)
Journal articles (8)
Inga, K., Tobutt, C., Joseph, S. and Tõnu, J., Training Motivational Interviewing for Practitioner Proficiency: An exploratory study in Estonia. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research
Joseph, S. and Keating, F., (2023). The role of locus of control in mental health nursing and other healthcare interventions in the UK. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 12 (2), 1-7
Joseph, S., (2023). Transforming leaders to agents of change: evaluating a healthcare leadership training programme. British Journal of Healthcare Management. 29 (12), 1-10
Joseph, S., (2021). Locus of control: the impact on self-leadership and effectiveness in healthcare teams. British Journal of Healthcare Management. 27 (8), 1-5
Southby, K., Keating, F. and Joseph, S., (2021). The Meanings of Mental Health Recovery for African and Caribbean Men in the UK. International Journal of Mens Social and Community Health. 4 (1), e83-e95
Joseph, S. and Keating, F., (2021). Self-control and Mental Health? Exploring Perceptions of Control from the Experiences of Black and Minority Communities. Advanced Journal of Social Science. 8 (1), 145-163
Joseph, S. and Keating, F., (2021). Improving Mental Health Outcomes for Black and Minority Ethnic Communities: A Quantitative Study into Perception of Control. Advanced Journal of Social Science. 8 (1), 37-53
Williamson, R., Lauricella, K., Browning, A., Tierney, E., Chen, J., Joseph, S., Sharrock, J., Trauer, T. and Hamilton, B., (2014). Patient factors associated with incidents of aggression in a general inpatient setting. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 23 (7-8), 1144-1152
Books (1)
Joseph, S., (2021). Controlling my life?: How to Achieve Positive Mental Health Outcomes for Minority Ethnic Communities from Their Own Perspectives. Exceller Books. 978-9390746811
Book chapters (1)
Southby, K., Keating, F. and Joseph, S., (2022). Mental health recovery through coproduction: African and Caribbean men's experiences in the United Kingdom. In: Coproduction: towards equality in mental healthcare. Editors: Raffay, J., Bryant, D., Fisher, P., McKeown, M., Mills, C. and Thornton, T., . PCCS Books. 1915220033. 9781915220035
Conferences (3)
Joseph, S., Exploring the relationship between Locus of Control and the perception of the quality of mental health care experienced by Black and Minority Ethnic Community in the United Kingdom
Joseph, S., Exploring the Importance of Using Phenomenology of Temporality in perception of control to aid improvement in mental health outcomes – a trajectory findings
Joseph, S., Exploring the Importance of Using Phenomenology of Temporality in perception of control to aid improvement in mental health outcomes – a trajectory findings
Reports and Papers (2)
Vidovic, D., Sloane, J., Khedri, Z., Starling, T., Reinhardt, YG., Joseph, S., Loakthar, A. and Brookes, L., Experiences and perceptions of co-production in the health and social care sector
Keating, F., Joseph, S., Southby, K. and Fisher, P., (2019). Socially oriented approaches to recovery for African and Caribbean men
Thesis dissertation (1)
Joseph, S., Exploring the relationship between Locus of Control and the perception of the quality of mental health care experienced by African and Caribbean service users
Grants and funding
Exploring the impact of stroke on the mental health of older service users and their use of support services in some of the most deprived areas of Southend-on-Sea
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
A Typology of Completed Suicides in Essex using Coroner Data
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
A Typology of Completed Suicides in Essex using Coroner Data
Essex County Council