Dr Marija Jovanovic

marija.jovanovic@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Thursdays 10-11am (via Zoom)
I joined Essex Law School in December 2019 having completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the National University of Singapore and a DPhil, MPhil and MJur programmes at the University of Oxford. My research interests include: human trafficking and modern slavery, the intersection between criminal justice and human rights, and the protection of human rights in the private sphere, especially in the context of international business, trade and global value chains. Beyond academic research, I have consulted a range of international and non-governmental organizations including: the Council of Europe, UNODC, USAID, CIDA, The AIRE Centre, and more. In addition to my teaching at Essex Law School, I have taught Law and Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government, the University of Oxford, a well as European Human Rights Law at the Faculty of Law, the University of Oxford. I have acted as Senior Associate Editor of the Asian Journal of International Law since 2018. I am interested in supervising doctoral projects on human trafficking and modern slavery and the role of different legal frameworks such human rights law, labour law, criminal law, or business regulation, in both supressing and facilitating these practices.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Foundations of Human Rights (HU100)
Human Rights for Corporate and Commercial Lawyers (LW946)
Current supervision
Journal articles (3)
Jovanovic, M., (2020). The Essence of Slavery: Exploitation in Human Rights Law. Human Rights Law Review. 20 (4), 674-703
Jovanovic, M., (2020). International Law and Regional Norm Smuggling: How the EU and ASEAN Redefined the Global Regime on Human Trafficking. American Journal of Comparative Law. 68 (4), 801-835
Jovanovic, M., (2017). The Principle of Non-Punishment of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings: A Quest for Rationale and Practical Guidance. Journal of Trafficking and Human Exploitation. 1 (1), 41-76
Books (1)
Jovanovic, M., (2023). State Responsibility for Modern Slavery in Human Rights Law A Right Not to Be Trafficked. Oxford University Press. 0192867083. 9780192867087
Book chapters (1)
Jovanovic, M., (2021). The Business Sector and the Rights to Work and Just and Favorable Conditions of Work. In: The Cambridge Companion to Business & Human Rights Law. Editors: Bantekas, I. and Stein, MA., . Cambridge University Press
Grants and funding
Modern Slavery PEC Commissioned Research Project Draft Brief � Legal Analysis of compatibility of new modern slavery legislation in the UK with the UK�s human rights obligations
Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law / British Inst of International & Comparative Law
Legal Analysis of compatibility of new modern slavery legislation in the UK with the UK�s human rights obligations
Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law / British Inst of International & Comparative Law
Survivors of Modern Slavery in Prisons: The Blind Spot of the UK Anti-Slavery Regime
Arts and Humanities Research Council
Academic support hours:
Thursdays 10-11am (via Zoom)