Dr Nelly Joye
nelly.joye@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874557
2S2.3.02, Colchester Campus
Dr Nelly Joye is a lecturer in the Speech and Language Therapy division of the School of Health and Social Care. Nelly trained as a speech and language therapist in France and in the UK, and supported school-aged children with a range of communication needs in both countries. She has a keen interest in cross-language differences and how they impact typical and atypical development. She is also interested in the long-term impact of language difficulties on literacy and other skills. Her PhD focused on literacy in children with language needs as an indicator of their remaining language difficulties, in both French and English. She is also interested in models of care and support across contexts and agencies.
PhD UCL Institute of Education, (2019)
Bsc Speech and Language Therapy Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, (2013)
BA English University of Toulouse II - Le Mirail, (2009)
University of Essex
Lecturer, Speech and Language Therapy - Health and Social Care, University of Essex (14/12/2020 - present)
Other academic
Research Associate/Research fellow, Psychology and Human Development, UCL Institute of Education (2/4/2018 - 11/12/2020)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Long-term outcomes of children with DLD
Literacy and Language links
School-based SLT provision/service delivery models
Routes to SLT
Conferences and presentations
A cross-orthographies comparison of spelling strategies in the primary years in French and English
2nd ELN Literacy Summit, Cologne, Germany, 11/3/2025
Symposium paper: Spelling errors and strategies in typically-developing children and children with DLD in the primary years (age 5-11)
WRAB2023 - Writing Research Across Borders, Trondheim, Norway, 21/2/2023
From language to literacy and from literacy to language - Back and forth. How literacy may also tell us about language profiles
Annual Staff/Student Research e-Conference 2021, School of Health and Social Care, Colchester, United Kingdom, 22/7/2021
Investigating the spelling errors and strategies of school-aged children with DLD in French and English: what does it tell us about the language they learn and what does it tell us about their language difficulties ?
Invited presentation, Psycholinguistics seminars, University of Geneva, Psycholinguistics seminars, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 7/12/2020
Une analyse linguistique des erreurs orthographiques d’enfants du primaire : une adaptation française du POMAS (Phonological, Orthographic and Morphological Assessment of Spelling)
Invited presentation, Conférences en Lignes—Orthophonie et Recherche’, 29/10/2020
Spelling delay or disorder in children with Developmental Language Disorder? Results from a qualitative analysis of spelling errors in French and English children at the end of primary school
Invited presentation, European group on Child Language Disorders (EUCLDIS), Tel-Aviv, Israel, 6/2/2019
A linguistic analysis of misspellings in French students in year 1-5
1st ELN Summit, 1st ELN Summit, Porto, Portugal, 3/11/2018
Assessing verbal self-reports of spelling strategies: a cross-linguistic comparison of French and English strategies at the end of primary school.
1st ELN Summit, 1st ELN Summit, Porto, Portugal, 2/11/2018
The spelling errors of French children with DLD: a qualitative analysis
Child Language Symposium, Child Language Symposium, Reading, 26/6/2018
Comparing the spelling processes of French and English students with and without DLD: A cross-linguistic study at the end of primary school
Invited presentation, Research Centre for Advances in Behavioural Science, Coventry, United Kingdom, 20/6/2018
A meta-analysis of the spelling abilities of children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
Invited presentation, Human Inspired Technology Research Center, Padova, Italy, 5/6/2017
Spelling with a Language Impairment: A meta-analysis across European Languages
SIG Writing conference, SIG Writing conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 3/7/2016
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Typical Development Across the Lifespan (HS135)
Identification of Developmental Communication Abilities and Difficulties (HS231)
Practice Placement 2 (HS234)
Enhancing Communication for People with Developmental & Acquired Communication Difficulties (HS331)
Speech and Language Therapy Foundation Studies 1 (HS830)
Speech and Language Therapy - Paediatrics 1 (HS831)
Speech and Language Therapy - Paediatrics 2 (HS832)
Speech and Language Therapy - Paediatrics 3 (HS833)
Speech and Language Therapy - Paediatrics 4 (HS834)
Journal articles (8)
Benton, L., Joye, N., Sumner, E., Gauthier, A., Ibrahim, S. and Vasalou, A., (2023). Exploring how children with reading difficulties respond to instructional supports in literacy games and the role of prior knowledge. British Journal of Educational Technology. 54 (5), 1314-1331
Vasalou, A., Vezzoli, Y., Joye, N., Sumner, E., Benton, L., Herbert, E. and Gan, L., (2022). Appropriation of literacy technologies in the classroom: reflections from creative learning design workshops with primary school teachers. Journal of Research in Reading. 45 (3), 324-341
Joye, N., Broc, L., Marshall, CR. and Dockrell, JE., (2022). Spelling Errors in French Elementary School Students: A Linguistic Analysis. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 65 (9), 3456-3470
Vasalou, A., Benton, L., Ibrahim, S., Sumner, E., Joye, N. and Herbert, E., (2021). Do children with reading difficulties benefit from instructional game supports? Exploring children's attention and understanding of feedback. British Journal of Educational Technology. 52 (6), 2359-2373
Benton, L., Mavrikis, M., Vasalou, A., Joye, N., Sumner, E., Herbert, E., Revesz, A., Symvonis, A. and Raftopoulou, C., (2021). Designing for “challenge” in a large‐scale adaptive literacy game for primary school children. British Journal of Educational Technology. 52 (5), 1862-1880
Broc, L., Joye, N., Dockrell, J. and Olive, T., (2021). Capturing the Nature of the Spelling Errors in Developmental Language Disorder: A Scoping Review. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools. 52 (4), 1127-1140
Joye, N., Dockrell, JE. and Marshall, CR., (2020). The Spelling Errors of French and English Children With Developmental Language Disorder at the End of Primary School. Frontiers in Psychology. 11
Joye, N., Broc, L., Olive, T. and Dockrell, J., (2019). Spelling Performance in Children with Developmental Language Disorder: A Meta-Analysis across European Languages. Scientific Studies of Reading. 23 (2), 129-160
Book chapters (1)
Dockrell, J. and Joye, N., (2019). Communication Disorders: Neurodevelopmental Considerations. In: The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Editors: Ollendick, TH., White, SW. and White, BA., . Oxford University Press. 190- 203. 9780190634841
Thesis dissertation (1)
Joye, N., (2019). Spelling with a developmental language disorder: predictors, strategies and error patterns in French- and English-speaking students at the end of primary school