Dr Christina Kapadocha

ckapad@essex.ac.uk -
Academic support hours
EA405-7-FY Movement EA602 Character & Scene Work EA606-G-SU MA Practical Project EA613-G-SU MFA Practical Project
I am a London-based theatre and somatic practitioner-researcher and founder of Somatic Acting Process®. My earliest artistic and professional development included studies and qualifications in classical piano and singing (Advanced Certificate-Distinction), music theatre (LCM, Level 5-Distinction), dance and literature (BA-Dissertation Distinction). My ongoing professional experience in theatre and acting practices started formally in 2005 when I began my studies at the Greek National Theatre (GNT) Drama School, which operates in tandem with the National Theatre of Greece. As a Greek-born actress, I shaped the ground of my expertise in acting as a first-class GNT Drama School graduate (Diploma in Acting). While in Greece, I performed, among others, in productions of the National Theatre of Greece and the Athens Festival. In 2010 I was awarded a full-time scholarship from the Greek State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) to advance my acting studies in the UK. I moved to London and completed my postgraduate degree in acting at East 15 Acting School (MA Acting International-Distinction). During my studies at East 15, I also got the opportunity for a residency in Bali (ISI Denpasar) and Moscow (GITIS) where I studied and performed. After my MA, I started developing an expertise in the interrelation between modern somatic movement and theatre practices through a Practice-as-Research PhD at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama (RCSSD) and my professional development as somatic movement educator (RSME, Diploma IBMT/BMC®). For these studies I was additionally awarded an Elsie Fogerty Research Degree Studentship by RCSSD. As part of my PhD and the critical investigation of actor-training pedagogies, I shaped a new actor-training approach introduced as Somatic Acting Process. I started teaching my practice and related subjects in major London-based drama schools (such as RCSSD, East 15, Mountview, Rose Bruford) and independent contexts. Since April 2018 I am a full-time Lecturer in Movement for Acting & Research at East 15 as a member of both the Movement and Research teams. As a practitioner-researcher, I focus on the investigation of embodiment processes through somatically inspired practices into theatre-performing environments and beyond. I particularly introduce new praxical (practical-theoretical) discussions on the somatic in theatre-performance and voice studies, including the edited collection Somatic Voices in Performance Research and Beyond (Routledge, 2021), several articles for international journals, blog posts and practice-research videos. For my artistic research activities, I have been awarded 2020 Outstanding Early Career Researcher in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Essex and Outstanding Research Supervisor of the Year 2023-2024. My theatre experience in the UK includes performances at the Cockpit Theatre and Roundhouse, as an independent artist and as a member of Andreas Skourtis-Performing Architectures company. I have, among others, directed and/or facilitated performances (as acting coach, movement director, embodiment/intimacy/stage fight facilitator) at the Park Theatre, Cockpit Theatre, Arcola Theatre, Theatre Royal Stratford East, Hoxton Hall, Embassy Theatre (RCSSD) and Corbett Theatre (East 15). My latest artistic-research focus is the investigation of a theatrical form that re-evaluates the dynamics between performers and non-performers/active participants through embodied dramaturgies and contemporary approaches to catharsis. I identify it as Somatic Theatre.
PhD Royal Central School of Speech and Drama,
MA in Acting East 15 Acting School, University of Essex,
BA in Acting Greek National Theatre (GNT) Drama School,
BA in Greek Literature University of Patras,
University of Essex
Lecturer in Theatre and Movement, East 15 Acting School (9/4/2018 - present)
Movement Tutor, East 15 Acting School (7/10/2014 - 9/4/2018)
Other academic
Visiting Lecturer, Rose Bruford College (6/3/2017 - 9/4/2018)
MA Tutor, Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts (1/2/2016 - 9/4/2018)
Visiting Lecturer, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama (3/6/2013 - 9/4/2018)
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Drama and Performance (Practice as Research)
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/1/2025
Journal articles (8)
Kapadocha, C., Are We Still in Touch?: Towards Inter-embodied Dramaturgies in Participatory Performance. Performance Philosophy
Kapadocha, C., (2024). I touch-I breathe-I move-I voice-I speak: Somatic logos toward social care. VOZ e CENA. 5 (1), 34-51
Kapadocha, C., (2023). Tactile renegotiations in actor training: what the pandemic taught us about touch. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training. 14 (2), 201-215
Kapadocha, C., (2021). Community as soma: Reflections on a community-conscious theatre gathering. Journal of Arts and Communities. 12 (1-2), 7-21
Kapadocha, C., (2021). Καλλιτεχνική έρευνα: μέθοδοι και κατευθύνσεις, ΙΙΙ: Σωματική μεθοδολογία στην κινησιολογική πράξη των ηθοποιών. Skenè: Journal of Theatre and Drama Studies. 12
Kapadocha, C., (2018). Towards witnessed thirdness in actor training and performance. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training. 9 (2), 203-216
Kapadocha, C., (2017). The development of Somatic Acting Process in UK-based actor training. Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices. 9 (2), 213-221
Kapadocha, C., (2016). Book review of Christina Gutekunst and John Gillett’s Voice into Acting: Integrating Voice and the Stanislavski Approach (2014), The Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1: 99-101.. The Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies. 1 (1)
Books (1)
Kapadocha, C., (2020). Somatic Voices in Performance Research and Beyond. Routledge. 9781138360600
Book chapters (4)
Kapadocha, C., (2020). Somatic logos in physiovocal actor training and beyond. In: Somatic Voices in Performance Research and Beyond. Editors: Kapadocha, C., . Routledge. 155- 168. 9781138360600
Bardi, P. and Kapadocha, C., (2020). On Voice Movement Integration (VMI) practice by Patricia Bardi: Awakening resonance in the moving body. In: Somatic Voices in Performance Research and Beyond. Editors: Kapadocha, C., . Routledge. 51- 60. 9781138360600
Kapadocha, C., (2020). Introduction: somatic voice studies. In: Somatic Voices in Performance Research and Beyond. Editors: Kapadocha, C., . Routledge. 1- 11. 9781138360600
Kapadocha, C., (2020). Beyond our somatic voices. In: Somatic Voices in Performance Research and Beyond. Editors: Kapadocha, C., . Routledge. 229- 242. 9781138360600
Conferences (30)
Kapadocha, C., Intersections 2014: The Colloquium of Performance Research Conference
Kapadocha, C., (2024). From self-care to shared care: performing touch as care in participatory theatre practice
Kapadocha, C., (2024). Somatic Voices: Commercial Paths for Somatic Performance Research
Kapadocha, C., Katsilerou, Z. and Bonnici, E., (2022). Movement and Voice Network Launch
Kapadocha, C., (2022). TaPRA 2022 PaR Gallery: Re-embodiments
Kapadocha, C., (2022). Haptic Possibilities: Interactive Re-embodiments
Kapadocha, C., (2021). Somatic invitations as method towards polyphonic research in academia and beyond
Kapadocha, C., (2021). The cinematography of artistic research: process, methods, output
Kapadocha, C., (2021). Are we still in touch?
Kapadocha, C., (2021). The digital for the somatic in PaR
Kapadocha, C., (2021). Lifelong Health and Physical Contact
Kapadocha, C., (2021). Teaching Movement Online: Experiences & Challenges
Kapadocha, C., (2021). Off touch-off balance: are we still in touch?
Attille, J. and Kapadocha, C., (2021). A Considered Cut
Kapadocha, C., (2020). Integrating brain and mind through somatic logos
Kapadocha, C., (2020). Video-online presentation: Somatic invitations to spectator-witnesses
Kapadocha, C., (2019). Whose Health and wellbeing? An educator's short monologue
Kapadocha, C., (2019). Somatic Voices in Performance Research and Beyond: A two-day praxical symposium
Kapadocha, C., (2019). Introduction to the symposium: Somatic Voices in Performance Research and Beyond
Kapadocha, C., (2019). A presentation inspired by the chapter: Somatic logos in physiovocal actor training and beyond
Kapadocha, C., (2018). Waiting for…: Somata in-between migration and stasis
Kapadocha, C., (2018). Text and Somatic Logos
Kapadocha, C., (2018). The Somatic in Theatre and Performance Research Gathering
Kapadocha, C., (2016). From each actor’s embodied logos to the text
Kapadocha, C., (2014). Intersections between embodied logos and embodied perception in a somatic approach to acting
Kapadocha, C., (2014). The ‘Basic Neurological Patterns’ in a somatic approach to acting
Kapadocha, C., (2014). Towards intersubjective dynamics in psychophysical actor training: logos and the use of metaphor
Kapadocha, C., (2014). Reenacting the Beginning: from conception of Dionysus
Kapadocha, C., (2014). Actor training and the camera: the documentation of a somatic approach to acting
Kapadocha, C., (2014). Breathing the Role: a somatic acting exploration
Media (3)
Kapadocha, C., Are We Still In Touch?. Video
Kapadocha, C., Video book launch for Somatic Voices in Performance Research and Beyond. Video
Kapadocha, C., What can be somatic in arts praxis? – a video article. Video
Thesis dissertation (1)
Kapadocha, C., (2016). Being an actor/becoming a trainer: the embodied logos of intersubjective experience in a somatic acting process
Other (4)
Kapadocha, C., (2021).Haptic possibilities: practising physical contact as part of online actor training,Theatre, Dance and Performance Training Blog
Kapadocha, C., (2020).Haptic possibilities: practising physical contact as part of physically-distanced actor training,Theatre, Dance and Performance Training Blog
Kapadocha, C., (2019).Somaticity within and beyond arts praxis: Inviting your witnessing,Theatre, Dance and Performance Training Blog
Kapadocha, C., (2016).Post-conference reflection on disseminating praxical research in actor training,Theatre, Dance and Performance Training Blog
Grants and funding
From haptic deprivation to haptic possibilities: are we still in touch?
UOE Participatory Research Fund
Impact Global Work
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
Academic support hours:
EA405-7-FY Movement EA602 Character & Scene Work EA606-G-SU MA Practical Project EA613-G-SU MFA Practical Project