Ahang Kareem

ahang.kareem@essex.ac.uk -
2S2.5.26, Colchester Campus
Ahang Abdullah Kareem is currently a Research Officer in the School of Health and Social Care, working on the ESNEFT and University of Essex collaboration project. Closing the Gap: Addressing Inequalities in Stroke Care in East Suffolk and North Essex (CoastGEM). The primary aim of this project is to identify limitations in stroke care across the care pathway and address inequalities in care provision across the East Suffolk and North Essex area. Ahang has worked extensively with United Nations organisations, international development agencies, and government bodies. She has valuable professional experience in community health and empowerment, public health emergency response, and health and nutrition programs, she has contributed to public health initiatives and disease control programs, including surveillance and monitoring of infectious diseases like COVID-19 in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region. Her work in diverse humanitarian and resource-limited settings includes leading collaborative projects between the Ministry of Health in Iraqi Kurdistan and United Nations organisations. She led a UNICEF-Iraq project on infant and young child feeding counselling among internally displaced people, which provided critical education, support, and resources to mitigate the impacts of displacement on child health and nutrition. She also led a project with the International Organisation of Migration (IOM) to implement community-based surveillance for COVID-19 among displaced populations, focussing on early warning systems, timely detection, case isolation, contact tracing, and monitoring within internally displaced persons (IDP) camps.
Level 7 in Biomedical Science: Biochemistry, Physiology, and Anatomy London Metropolitan University,
Master of Public Health Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
BSc in Community Health Sulaimani Polytechnic University,
University of Essex
Member of the Stroke Care Inequalities Project, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (23/10/2023 - present)
Other academic
Research Officer, Interdisciplinary Research and Practice Division, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (23/10/2023 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Nutrition and Health Program Development
Public Health emergency preparedness and response
Cancer Surveillance and Epidemiology
Community Health and Empowerment in Humanitarian Settings
Measuring and Addressing Inequalities in Health Systems Performance
Journal articles (2)
ABDULLAHI, KO., MUHAMMAD, FM., HOLAKOUIENAIENI, K., KHOSRAVI, A., LODHI, FS., KAREEM, AA., KAMALI, ASMA., SABAHAT, H., SAEED, SN. and HOSSEINI, MA., Prevalence of Malnutrition and its Related Factors among Pre-School (2-6 Years) Children in the Neighborhood of Chahestaneha, Bandar-Abbas, Iran. Iranian Journal of Public Health
Kareem, A., (2015). Assessing the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Students Regarding Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak Kourosh HOLAKOUIE-NAIENI,1,* Alireza AHMADVAND,1 Owais RAZA,2 Abraham ASSAN,3 Adel Hussein ELDUMA,2 Alieu JAMMEH,3 Aram Salih Mohammed Amin KAMALI,3 Ahang Abdullah KAREEM,3 Fatima Mahmud MUHAMMAD,3 Hasnain SABAHAT,3 Kabir Ozigi ABDULLAHI,3 Raeed Ahmad SAEED,3 and Sami Najmaddin SAEED3. Iranian Journal of Public Health
Conferences (2)
Wolfe,, C., Abou Ammar, L., Slebei, M., Abdullah, A., Nadim, Y., Dhari, A., Khurshid, C., Shawkat, S., Chipman, C., Ghusayni, N. and Kareem, A., Establishing community-based surveillance for COVID-19 and other priority diseases among internally displaced populations in Iraq the American Public Health Association, in Atlanta Antalya, USA, November 12-15, 2023.
Kareem, A., Establishment Population-Based Cancer Registries in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region as a Middle-income Group Geneva Health Forum,
Reports and Papers (2)
Kareem, A., Naska, A. and Wadi, F., Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling among internally displaced people UNICEF Iraq.
Kareem, A., (2023). Piloting community-based surveillance among internally displaced populations in Iraq in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Thesis dissertation (2)
Kareem, A., Establishment of Population-Based Cancer Registries in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region as a Middle-Income Group: Stakeholders' Perceptions.
Kareem, A., Prevalence of Obesity and its Related Factors Among Sulaymaniyah University Students