Dr Shamsul Karim

mskarim@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1702 328392
GB 3.14, Southend Campus
PhD Entrepreneurship Aston University, (2013)
University of Essex
Undergraduate Selector, Essex Business School, Southend Campus, University of Essex (2/10/2017 - present)
Other academic
Academic Adviser, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (20/12/2021 - present)
Research and professional activities
Conferences and presentations
A Resource-based Perspective On ICT Use And Firm Performance: A Meta-analysis Investigating The Role Of Cross Country ICT Infrastructure
33rd British Academy of Management Conference 2019: Building and Sustaining High Performance Organisations in Uncertain Times, Aston University, Birmingham, 3/9/2019
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Strategic Entrepreneurship (BE220)
Creating and Managing the Digital Entrepreneurial Organisation (BE253)
Professional and Academic Development (BE905)
Research Project : Business Administration (BE932)
Research Project - Marketing (BE933)
Research Project - International Business and Entrepreneurship (BE934)
Research Project - International Business and Finance (BE941)
Research Project � Business Administration and Supply Chain Management (BE943)
Research Project: Business and Analytics (BE945)
Research Methods (BE955)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Entrepreneurship
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/3/2025

Degree subject: Entrepreneurship
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/8/2024

Degree subject: Entrepreneurship
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/4/2024

Degree subject: Entrepreneurship
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/6/2021

Degree subject: Entrepreneurship
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/3/2019
Journal articles (6)
Karim, S., Kwong, C., Shrivastava, M. and Tamvada, JP., (2023). My Mother-in-Law Doesn’t Like It: Resources, Social Norms, and Entrepreneurial Intentions of Women in an Emerging Economy. Small Business Economics: an international journal. 60 (2), 409-431
Afrahi, B., Blenkinsopp, J., Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, JC. and Karim, MS., (2022). Work disengagement: A Review of the Literature. Human Resource Management Review. 32 (2), 100822-100822
Karim, MS., Nahar, S. and Demirbag, M., (2022). Resource-Based Perspective on ICT Use and Firm Performance: A Meta-analysis Investigating the Moderating Role of Cross-Country ICT Development Status. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 179, 121626-121626
Karim, MS., Sena, V. and Hart, M., (2022). Developing Entrepreneurial Career Intention in Entrepreneurial University: The Role of Counterfactual Thinking. Studies in Higher Education. 47 (5), 1023-1035
Brynin, M., Karim, M. and Zwysen, W., (2019). The value of self-employment to ethnic minorities. Work, Employment and Society. 33 (5), 846-864
Karim, MS., (2017). Counterfactual Thinking and Entrepreneurial Career Intention. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2017 (1), 15900-15900
Conferences (5)
Karim, M., Fernandez de Arroyabe, JC. and Afrahi, B., Work disengagement: a systematic review of the evidence
Karim, MS. and Nahar, S., (2019). Factors Influencing Business Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in SMEs in Bangladesh
Karim, M. and Kwong, C., (2019). Resource Availability, Social Norms, and the Development of Entrepreneurial Intention Amongst Women in Bangladesh
Karim, M., Afrahi, B. and Fernandez de Arroyabe, JC., (2018). Entrepreneurs' emotional disengagement from business
Afrahi, B., Karim, M. and Fernandez de Arroyabe, JC., (2018). Effect of entrepreneurs’ emotional disengagement on entrepreneurial exit strategies
Reports and Papers (3)
Hart, M., Levie, J. and Karim, M., (2012). Closing the Generational Start-up Gap’, RBS Inspiring the Enterprise, RBS Group, UK
Karim, M. and Hart, M., (2012). GEM Bangladesh Monitoring Report 2011
Marlow, S., Hart, M., Levie, J. and Karim, M., (2012). Women in Enterprise: A Different Perspective
Grants and funding
Accelerating Women�s Enterprise
European Commission