
Dr Eirini Kartsaki

Senior Lecturer
East 15 Acting School
Dr Eirini Kartsaki



Eirini Kartsaki is a performance practitioner, writer and Lecturer in Drama at East 15 Acting School, University of Essex. She is the author of 'Repetition in Performance: Returns and Invisible Forces' published by Palgrave in 2017 and the editor of 'On Repetition: Performance, Writing and Art'. Her research comprises of work around contemporary performance, live art and feminist practice. Kartsaki has written extensively on repetition, desire and pleasure in performance. She is currently working on her second monograph entitled 'Theatres of the Weird', which investigates the weird as a possible theoretical figuration that questions normative life narratives that demand certainty and fixity, and opens the possibility of creating knowledge from a place of estrangement. Her performance practice has been presented nationally and internationally (Sadler’s Wells, V&A, The Basement, Whitechapel Gallery, Arnolfini, Soho Theatre, Palais de Tokyo, Biennale d’art contemporain de Lyon). Her full-length solo show 'Herpes' was presented at The Yard Theatre, RichMix (Steakhouse Live!), Chisenhale Dance Space, amongst other places and was supported by the Arts Council England. 'Herpes' deals with notions of compulsive reproduction and heteronormative desires and make spaces for more, better, stranger pleasures and worlds. She has been working on a wider project entitled 'NO MORE CHILDREN', which addresses the pressures women experience in the western neoliberal context to have children and consider their self-worth in relation to the logic that the compulsion towards a reproductive futurity creates. Her article ‘On Children’ in Performance Research explores some of these issues ( Kartsaki has published in journals Performing Ethos, Choreographic Practices and Performance Research. She has edited an issue of Performance Research ‘On Repetition’ (20: 5, 2015) with Theron Schmidt, and a special issue of Performing Ethos on ethics and one-to-one performance with Rachel Zerihan and Brian Lobel (3: 2, 2012). Her collaboration with Angelina Kartsaki as Tante&Tante has received the Audience’s Award (2016) at BE Festival and the Champ Libre Award (2017). In 2021 she received the Excellence in Education Award as well as the Supervisor of the Year Award. Despite everything, that was a good year.

Research and professional activities

Research interests

feminist performance and live art


Key words: repetition


Key words: weirdness

Conferences and presentations

Theatre and Performance Research Association

TaPRA 2021, 8/9/2021

‘Fear of Protrusions: Renate Bertlmann

TaPRA, Bodies in Performance Working Group, TaPra, Exeter, United Kingdom, 11/9/2019

Fear of Protrusions/ Fear of Ambivalence

Interdisciplinary Conference Borderlines VI: Performing Across the Frontiers of Fear, Leicester, United Kingdom, 13/9/2018

Circular Paths of Pleasure in Marco Berrettini’s iFeel2’

Talking Bodies: Identity, Sexuality and Representation, university of chester, 8/4/2015

Teaching and supervision

Previous supervision

Alex Anne Lyons
Alex Anne Lyons
Thesis title: Vulvaplicity: Vulvas and Identities in Contemporary Performance
Degree subject: Drama and Performance (Practice as Research)
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/8/2024


Journal articles (12)

Kartsaki, E., (2020). Rehearsals of the Weird: Julia Bardsley’s Almost the Same (feral rehearsals for violent acts of culture). Contemporary Theatre Review. 30 (1), 67-90

(2020). Correction. Contemporary Theatre Review. 30 (2), 302-302

Harries, M., (2020). Repetition in Performance: Returns and Invisible Forces. Contemporary Theatre Review. 30 (3), 410-411

Kartsaki, E., (2018). Staging Queer Feminisms: Sexuality and Gender in Australian Performance, 2005-2015. Contemporary Theatre Review. 28 (3), 417-418

Kartsaki, E., (2018). On Children. Performance Research. 23 (4-5), 16-19

(2016). On Repetition

Kartsaki, E. and Schmidt, T., (2015). Editorial : On Repetition. Performance Research. 20 (5), 1-3

Kartsaki, E., (2015). Circular Paths of Pleasure in Marco Berrettini'siFeel2. Performance Research. 20 (5), 125-131

Kartsaki, E., (2014). Intimacy Across Visceral and Digital Performanceedited by Maria Chatzichristodoulou and Rachel Zerihan. Contemporary Theatre Review. 24 (1), 123-124

Kartsaki, E., (2014). Mis-appropriation and re-appropriation: An interview with Oreet Ashery. Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance. 7 (2), 225-240

Kartsaki, E. and Zerihan, R., (2012). Slots, Slaps, Sluts and Other Cheap Thrills: Promiscuity, Desire and Labour in one-to-one Performance. Performing Ethos. 3 (2), 155-171

Kartsaki, E., (2012). Repeat repeat: Returns of performance in the work of Lone Twin Theatre. Choreographic Practices. 3 (1), 119-138

Books (5)

Kartsaki, E., (2026). Theatres of the Weird. Manchester University Press

Kartsaki, E., (2024). Obsessions of a Showwoman: Marisa Carnesky's Performance Worlds. Intellect. 9781835950104

Kartsaki, E., (2024). Obsessions of a Showwoman: The Performance Worlds of Marisa Carnesky

Kartsaki, E., (2017). Repetition in Performance Returns and Invisible Forces. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 978-1-137-43053-3

Kartsaki, E., (2016). On Repetition Writing, Performance and Art. Intellect (UK). 1783205776. 9781783205776

Book chapters (15)

Kartsaki, E., (2024). Weird Women. In: Obsessions of a Showwoman The Performance Worlds of Marisa Carnesky. Editors: Kartsaki, E., . Intellect. 144- 168. 9781835950104

Kartsaki, E., (2024). Weird Women. In: Obsessions of a Showwoman: The Performance Worlds of Marisa Carnesky. 146- 168

Kartsaki, E., (2024). Introduction: Marisa Carnesky — Sorceress, Radical School Mistress, Showwoman. In: Obsessions of a Showwoman. Intellect. 13- 17. 9781835950104

KARTSAKI, E., (2021). Staying With the Tremble. In: Entanglements of Two: A Series of Duets. Intellect Books. 74- 83. 9781789385045

Kartsaki, E., (2020). Practicing Companionship, Weird Families, Fictional Kinship. In: Mishandled Archive. Editors: Fatehi Irani, T., . LIve Art Development Agency. 9781916424395

Kartsaki, E., (2017). Introduction: Invisible Forces. In: Repetition in Performance. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 1- 19. 9781137430533

Kartsaki, E., (2017). Stein, Beckett, Rainer, and Brown. In: Repetition in Performance. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 21- 42. 9781137430533

Kartsaki, E., (2017). After Barthes. In: Repetition in Performance. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 43- 66. 9781137430533

Kartsaki, E., (2017). After Stein. In: Repetition in Performance. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 67- 94. 9781137430533

Kartsaki, E., (2016). Farewell to Farewell: Impossible Endings and Unfinished Finitudes. In: On Repetition Writing, Performance and Art. Editors: Kartsaki, E., . Intellect (UK). 195- 210. 9781783205776

Kartsaki, E., (2016). Persisting Forever: Introducing Repetition. In: On Repetition Writing, Performance and Art. Editors: Kartsaki, E., . Intellect (UK). 1- 14. 9781783205776

Kartsaki, E., (2016). Farewell to Farewell:. In: On Repetition. Intellect Books. 195- 210. 9781783205776

Kartsaki, E., (2014). Kind acts: Lone Twin Theatre. In: Reverberations across Small-Scale British Theatre: Politics, Aesthetics and Forms. 137- 154

Kartsaki, E., (2013). Kind acts: Lone twin theatre. In: Reverberations Across Small-Scale British Theatre: Politics, Aesthetics and Forms. 137- 154

Kartsaki, E., (2013). Kind Acts:. In: Reverberations across Small-Scale British Theatre. Intellect Books. 137- 154. 9781783202973

Grants and funding


Reducing re-offending through theatre practice

UOE Participatory Research Fund




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