Dr Mary Kennedy

mrkenn@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872933
2S2.3.11, Colchester Campus
I’m a Registered Nurse with a range of clinical, research and academic experience. In previous role within the NHS, was actively involved in service development and innovation in practice. I joined the School of Health & Social Care in 2011 with the remit to embed the National Dementia Strategy into education, clinical practice, and research. Since then, I’ve continued to develop local networks and to support service improvements to help enrich the care that people with dementia and their families receive. My other area of interest is end of life care. As well as teaching on end of life I’ve collaborated with colleagues across the University to support national campaigns; raise awareness and encourage people to talk more openly about death and dying. I have a particular interest in the role of creative arts in education and the use of storytelling to improve healthcare outcomes. In collaboration with people with lived experience and colleagues in the Technology Enhanced Learning Team I helped establish the digital storytelling project to develop learning resources to support teaching within the HSC. Having trained at the ‘Point of Care Foundation' to deliver and facilitate Schwartz Rounds in the NHS and HEI’s I’m a strong believer in the importance of providing compassionate care in healthcare and the working environment. Currently I’m the Lead for Service User Engagement in HSC and a member of the Service Users Reference Group
Professional Doctorate in Nursing University of Essex,
MSc (Mental Health Studies) University of London,
Registered Nurse - Adult University College Hospital,
Registered Nurse - Mental Health Gartnavel School of Nursing,
Registered Nurse – General (Level 2) West Lothian College of Nursing & Midwifery,
Other academic
Lead for Service User Engagement, University of Essex (2020 - 2023)
Programme Lead - Professional Doctorate, University of Essex (2021 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Schwartz Rounds in Health Professionals’ Education
Education and training through simulation: Evaluating the experience of staff after the Virtual Dementia Tour
The use of story work in an age inclusive dementia service: a participatory action research study
Joint research project between North Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (NEPT) and the University of Essex. Part funded from NEPT Legacy Trust Research Award. Researcher and PI Dr Steve Wood (UoE)
Improving Post Diagnostic Support & Quality in Dementia Services: Service Evaluation Report
Joint research project between North Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (NEPT) and the University of Essex. Project was commissioned by East of England Strategic network.
Exploring the Education and Training Needs of Mental Health Nurses Caring for Clients with Urinary Incontinence: An Action Research Study
The Effect of Incontinence on Sexuality: A Nurse Patient Perspective
The Role of Clinical Supervision in Nursing
Dementia Care
End of Life Care
Use of creative arts in health & social care
Use of narratives / storytelling in healthcare
Simulation based education
Health & well-being; emotional resilience
Researching lived experience in healthcare
Service Improvement & evaluation
Conferences and presentations
Creative Arts & Storytelling
Invited presentation, Sharing Good Practice @ Essex, 2/2021
The Arts, Education & Dementia: Time to Get Creative
Invited presentation, Dementia, Diversity and the Arts, Essex Cultural Diversity Project & The Alzheimer’s Society, 27/1/2021
Pathways for Patients with Dementia
Invited presentation, Health and Social Care e-Research Conference, Colchester, United Kingdom, 6/2020
Using technology enhanced learning in HSC
Invited presentation, Senior Staff Conference, Colchester, United Kingdom, 4/2020
Learning opportunities: Service Users Involvement
Invited presentation, Senior Staff Conference, Colchester, United Kingdom, 10/2019
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Typical Development Across the Lifespan (HS135)
Professional and Interprofessional Skills for Practice (HS140)
Person-Centred Care 1 (HS184)
Relationship Based Practice (HS188)
Relationship Based Practice (HS244)
Professional Portfolio 2 (HS994)
Professional Portfolio 1 (HS995)
Understanding Self and Others (SE120)
Issues in Biomedical Science (BS306)
Fundamentals of Behavioural Sciences (HS182)
Culture of Communication (HS134)
Occupational performance and process (HS893)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 15/9/2023

Degree subject: Nursing
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 8/7/2021

Degree subject: Health Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 14/10/2019

Degree subject: Health Care Education
Degree type: Professional Doctorate
Awarded date: 25/5/2017
Journal articles (1)
Wood, S., Kennedy, M. and Martin, P., (2017). Life story work that brought wide benefits. Journal of Dementia Care. 25 (1), 26-28
Book chapters (3)
Kennedy, M., (2018). The stress of it all: Environment & People. In: Coping and Thriving in Nursing An Essential Guide to Practice. Editors: Martin, P., . SAGE. 1526461501. 9781526461506
Kennedy, M., (2018). Collaborative Working. In: Coping and Thriving in Nursing An Essential Guide to Practice. Editors: Martin, P., . SAGE. 1526461501. 9781526461506
Kennedy, M., (2007). Vulnerable Groups: Mental Health Needs. In: Promoting Continence A Clinical and Research Resource. Editors: Getliffe, K. and Dolman, M., . Elsevier Health Sciences. 044310347X. 9780443103476
Reports and Papers (1)
Kennedy, M. and Mitchell, D., (2013). The experience of undergraduate nursing students, preceptors and academic staff members in clinical practice: An exploration of the triadic relationship
Grants and funding
Evaluation Dementia Friendly Neighbourhoods 2.0
Developing DimentiaSim � a new Proof of Concept platform supporting carers of those with dementia. An Innovate to Elevate (I2E) project
Babergh and Mid Suffolk (Innovate to Elevate Programme)
Thomas Thomas Films KTP Application (The Wayback) - Dec 2021 deadline
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Thomas Thomas Films KTP Application (The Wayback) - Dec 2021 deadline
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Evaluation of Communities 360 Dementia Friendly Projects
Patient Outcomes Project
Alzheimer's Research UK