Dr Kanamik Kani Khan

k.khan@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 876357
2S2.5.22, Colchester Campus
Dr Kanamik is a Lecturer in Social Work at the University of Essex and a registered social worker in England. He teaches BA and MA modules and supervises BA and MA dissertations and students on placements. He was previously a lecturer at the Eastern Institute of Technology, Aotearoa New Zealand. He holds a PhD in social work from Massey University, Aotearoa New Zealand, and an MPhil in public administration from the University of Bergen, Norway. He earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. His research interests are socio-economic issues, sustainable development, human rights, healthcare, mental health, gender and sexuality, and social work issues.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Social Work Massey University, (2021)
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Practice (PG CHEP) University of Essex, (2023)
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Public Administration University of Bergen, (2017)
Master's of Social Sciences (MSS) in Social Welfare University of Dhaka, (2014)
Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSS) in Social Welfare University of Dhaka, (2013)
University of Essex
Lecturer in Social Work, School of Health & Social Care, University of Essex (1/3/2021 - present)
Lecturer in Social Work, School of Education & Social Sciences, Eastern Institute of Technology (22/6/2020 - 12/2/2021)
Marker, School of Social Work, Massey University (1/7/2019 - 31/7/2020)
Researcher Associate, BRAC University (1/10/2019 - 29/1/2020)
Other academic
Academic Offence Adjudicator, University of Essex (26/8/2021 - present)
Full-time Doctoral Students’ Representative, Doctoral Research Committee (DRC), Massey University (1/4/2019 - 30/6/2021)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Introduction to Sociological and Psychological Frameworks (HS190)
Lifespan Development (HS193)
Professional Skills 1 (HS194)
Legislation, Regulation and Ethics for Practice (HS292)
Research Perspectives (HS392)
Law, Policy and Ethics (HS651)
Life Span Development (HS653)
Rights Based Research and Dissertation (HS657)
Global Social Work (HS658)
Social Work Dissertation (HS659)
Book chapters (3)
Khan, KK. and Reza, MM., (2023). Social Research: Definitions, Types, Nature, and Characteristics. In: Principles of Social Research Methodology. Editors: Islam, MR., Khan, NA. and Baikady, R., . Springer. 29- 41. 9811955247. 9789811955242
Khan, KK., (2022). Survival of an older Bangladeshi lesbian experiencing intersectional vulnerability. In: HIV, Sex and Sexuality in Later Life. Policy Press. 159- 173. 9781447361978
Khan, KK., (2021). Undercover fieldwork: A queer experience of healthcare in Bangladesh. In: Field Guide for Research in Community Settings: Tools, Methods, Challenges and Strategies. Editors: Islam, MR., Khan, NA., Bakar Ah, SHA., Wahab, HA. and Hamidi, MB., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 978 1 80037 631 1
Grants and funding
Evaluation - ECC ARPSM Role
Essex County Council
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