
Salih Kinsun

Assistant Lecturer
Department of Sociology and Criminology
Postgraduate Research Student
Department of Sociology and Criminology
 Salih Kinsun


Ask me about
  • Digital Culture and Media, Digital Labour, Flexibility, Precarity, Precarious Journalism, Economic Sociology, Labour Sociology, Digital Humanities, Digital Journalism, The Future of Media Works.


  • Master Degree Marmara University (2019)

  • International Diplomacy and Politics Marmara University (2018)

  • Television Reporting and Content Provision Istanbul Media Academy (2016)

  • Undergraduate Sertification/ Journalism Marmara University (2016)

  • Radio Programming and Hosting Marmara Radio (2014)

Research and professional activities


Media: Neoliberalism, Insecurity and Journalists' Labour

In the post-1970s period, the media industry's traditional role in the welfare state and long-established liberal economic environment began to shift, becoming the complementing and dominating culture of today's digitalisation map. In this context, media-based studies have discussed that a set of values emphasising the industrial transformation of the media within the political and social background of the neoliberal era and changes in the labour processes of journalists should be developed (...

Supervisor: Dr. Michael Bailey , Dr Stevphen Shukaitis

Research interests

Journal Article/ Classified Transformation from Proletariat to Pracariat

One of the strictest realities of social life is class structure. Therefore, Karl Marx based his analysis of social structure on the labor form of the class that constantly produces itself and its opponent. He speaks of a class structure based on material labor determined by means of production and production relations. This class is known as the proletariat. (...) Additional link:

Book Section/During Covid Pandemic; As a Public Sphere Twitter

The main aim of this book section is to stimulate the debates which is related to digital public sphere and open new gates to discuss whether public sphere has an owner or not. Additional link:

Master Thesis/The local press in Turkey:problems future development and predictions the example of Bingöl local press

Local press and especially local newspapers is the main institution that allocates the features like an advanced democracy, a working public opinion and urbanisation. The situation is just the same in the world. Especially in the countries that have an advanced democracy, the local press is not less developed than national press. Even in some countries the local press is more developed than national press. But in Anatolia, the situation was always different. (...)



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