+44 (0) 1206 876307
5.005, Colchester Campus
Professor Emil Kirchner received his BA in Economics and MA and Ph-D in Political Science and International Politics from Case Western Reserve University. He was a lecturer, senior lecturer and professor at the University of Essex and is currently a Jean Monnet Professor and Emeritus Professor at the University of Essex. He is Advisory Editor and Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of European Integration, holder of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, a Fellow of the British Academy of Social Sciences, was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the University Association of Contemporary Studies, and has held Fellowships at NATO and the European University Institute, Florence. He has been a visiting professor at universities in various European countries, the United States and China. His recent book publications are (co-editor) The European Union’s Security Relations with Asian Partners, Palgrave, 2021; (co-author) The European Union and China, Macmillan and Red Globe Press, 2019; (co-editor) EU-Japan Security Cooperation, Routledge, 2018, (co-editor) Security Relations between China and the European Union, Cambridge University Press, 2016, and (co-editor) The Palgrave Handbook on EU-Asia Relations, 2013. He has published articles in International Organization, Review of International Studies, West European Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, European Security, European Foreign Affairs Review, and Journal of European Public Policy.
BA Economics,
MA Comparative Politics,
Ph-D in International Politics all from Case Western Reserve University,
University of Essex
Lecturer, Department of Government, University of Essex (1/9/1974 - 30/9/1989)
Foundation Director of the Centre for European Studies, University of Essex (1/1/1990 - 1/1/1997)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Government, University of Essex (1/10/1989 - 30/9/1992)
Coordinator of the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, University of Essex (1999 - 2021)
Professor, Department of Government, University of Essex (1/10/1992 - 30/6/2015)
Emeritus Professor, Department of Government, University of Essex (1/7/2015 - present)
Other academic
Guest Professor, Kobe University (11/11/2015 - 23/11/2015)
Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Suffolk University (4/3/2008 - 4/5/2008)
Guest Professor, Renmin University of China (2001 - present)
Jean Monnet Professor in European Political Integration, Jean Monnet Action Programme, European Commission (1997 - present)
Research interests
German Politics
EU external relations
EU security and defence policy
EU social policy
Current research
The Shifting Security Architecture in Europe and the Asia-Pacific
Building on the EU-China, EU-Japan and EU-Asia Security Relations projects, this project will study the transformation of the US-led alliances in both Europe and the Asia-Pacific. It will place this analysis within a comparative framework by bridging the dynamics in the European and Asian-Pacific contexts. The project is headed by the University of Antwerp and will run from 2020 for three years.
Conferences and presentations
The main (security) alignments at the inter-regional, Europe-Asia, level.
Invited presentation, University of Antwerp webinar on The Shifting Alliances in Europe and Asia Pacific, Antwerp, Belgium, 22/10/2021
The Changing Context of EU-China Relations
Invited presentation, Mayis University webinar on The European Union as a Global Player, Istanbul, Turkey, 6/5/2021
Will the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment significantly alter the pattern of EU-China Relations?
Invited presentation, University of Surrey webinar on East meets West: Reviewing Post-Covid Economics, Business, Innovation and Politics,, Guildford, United Kingdom, 5/3/2021
EU-China Relations in a Changing Global Context and Brexit
Invited presentation, Talk at the People's University of Beijing, Beijing, China, 9/7/2019
EU-China Relations in a Changing Global Context and Brexit
Invited presentation, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London, United Kingdom, 15/5/2019
EU-China Relations in a Changing Global Context
Invited presentation, College of Europe international conference on EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation, European Economic and Social Committee, Bruges, Belgium, 13/5/2019
EU-China Relations in a Changing Global Context
Invited presentation, EEAS Seminar on Prospects for EU-US relations: opportunities and challenges, Brussels, Belgium, 13/5/2019
The Role of China in Transatlantic Relations
Invited presentation, The Making of European Security Policy: Challenges for the Future, Brussels, Belgium, 21/3/2019
EU-China Security Relations
Invited presentation, Kick-off conference of the Jean Monnet Network on EU-Asia Trade and Security, Berlin, Germany, 17/1/2019
The EU’s Asia Policy in the Trump era: challenges and opportunities
Invited presentation, Workshop on US-China-Europe Triangular Relations: Challenges and Opportunities for Europe, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2/11/2018
EU-Japan Security Cooperation: Trends and Prospects
UACES 48th annual conference, Bath, United Kingdom, 4/9/2018
China’s perception of the EU after Brexit and its influence on China-EU Relations
UACES 48th annual conference, Bath, United Kingdom, 4/9/2018
EU-China Relations: Performance and Prospects
ECPR conference, Hamburg, Germany, 23/8/2018
New Horizons in EU-Japan Cooperation
Invited presentation, European Union in International Affairs (EUIA) conference, Paleis der Academiën, Brussels, Belgium, 17/5/2018
EU-Japan Security Relations
Invited presentation, International Studies Association convention, San Francisco, United States, 5/4/2018
Exploring the EU’s Security Policy Towards China and Japan: What Accounts for Similarities and Differences?
Invited presentation, UACES 47th annual conference, Krakow, Poland, 5/9/2017
The European Union Global Strategy in the Context of Asian Security: Opportunities and Challenges
Invited presentation, International Symposium on "60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome: The Dilemma and Future of European Integration", Center for European/EU Studies, Beijing, China, 15/7/2017
Regional Cooperation in Global Politics
Invited presentation, Beijing, China, 14/7/2017
EU-Japan Security Cooperation
Invited presentation, European Union Studies Association conference, Miami, United States, 4/5/2017
The EU and China: Partners or Competitors in International and Regional Security?
UACES 46th annual conference, London, United Kingdom, 6/9/2016
Theoretical Debates on Regional Security Governance
Invited presentation, International Conference, Centre for European/EU Studies, Beijing, China, 14/7/2016
EU-China Security Relations: From convergence to cooperation?
Invited presentation, European Union in International Affairs (EUIA) conference, Brussels, Belgium, 12/5/2016
Convergence and cooperation between the EU and China in new insecurities and crisis management
International Studies Association convention, Panel SD 79, Atlanta, Georgia, 18/3/2016
The Impact of the Eurocrisis on EU-Latin America Relations
International Studies Association convention, Panel WA 74, Atlanta, United States, 17/3/2016
Emil J. Kirchner, Thomas Christiansen and Han Dorussen, 'EU-China Security Relations: Challenges and Opportunities for Joint Cooperation', UACES Conference, Bilbao, Spain
Bilbao, Spain, 7/9/2015
Emil J. Kirchner, 'EU-China Security Relations', Renmin University Conference, Beijing
Beijing, China, 16/7/2015
Thomas Christiansen and Emil J. Kirchner, 'The Eurozone Crisis: Danger and Opportunity for EU-China Relations', College of Europe, EU-Research Centre International Conference, Brussels
Bruges, Belgium, 4/5/2015
Emil J. Kirchner, Evangelos Fanoulis and Thomas Christiansen, “EU as an International Security Actor in the Field of Non-traditional Security “, EUSA Biennial International Conference, Boston
Boston, United States, 5/3/2015
Han Dorussen, Evangelos Fanoulis and Emil J. Kirchner, “The EU as a Regulator of Civil Security across Europe”, EUSA Biennial International Conference, Boston
Boston, United States, 5/3/2015
Evangelos Fanoulis and Emil J. Kirchner, “Non-traditional Security Issues”, ”, ISA Conference, New Orleans
New Orleans, United States, 17/2/2015
Emil J. Kirchner, "EU-China Relations and their Implications for Asian Regional Integration", paper presented at the International; Studies Association Conference, Toronto
Toronto, Canada, 26/3/2014
Emil J. Kirchner, “Debates on Regional Security Governance and Emerging Powers”, workshop on Regional Security Governance and Multi-Polarism: Burden Sharing or Free Riding?, European University Institute, Florence
Florence, Italy, 30/9/2013
Emil Kirchner, Evangels Fanoulis and Han Dorussen, "EU Civil Security at a Crossroad: National Persistence versus EU Ambitions?" Paper prepared for the 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Warsaw, Poland
Warsaw, Poland, 18/9/2013
Emil J. Kirchner and Thomas Christiansen, “The (Disjointed) Ideational Foundations of EU-China Relations”, UACES Conference, University of Leeds
Leeds, United Kingdom, 2/9/2013
Emil J. Kirchner, “Comparing security cultures in regionalism”, Symposium on Drivers of Regionalism and Integration in Europe and Asia: Comparative Perspectives, Trinity College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland, 10/7/2013
Emil J. Kirchner, Evangelos Fanoulis and Han Dorussen, ”Civil Security Systems and the EU Internal Security Strategy, ReSHAPE Annual Workshop on The EU’s Emergency Policies, University of Catania
Catania, Italy, 6/6/2013
Emil J. Kirchner and Thomas Christiansen, “The Political Dimension of EU-China Relations”, EUSA Biennial International Conference, Baltimore
Baltimore, United States, 9/5/2013
Emil J. Kirchner and Roberto Dominguez, “Regional Security Governance in Comparative Perspective”, ISA Conference, San Francisco
San Francisco, United States, 3/4/2013
Emil J. Kirchner and Roberto Dominguez, “Security Governance in a Comparative Regional Perspective”, Workshop on Putting EU Security Governance to the Test: Conceptual, Empirical and Normative Challenges, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany, 27/9/2012
Emil Kirchner, Evans Fanoulis and Han Dorussen, An Analysis of Civil Security Systems in the UK and Ireland, Paper prepared for the 2012 Annual UACES meeting, Passau, Germany
Passau, Germany, 3/9/2012
Emil J. Kirchner and Thomas Christiansen, Developments in EU-China Political Dialogue in the Global Context, Paper presented at the Annual UACES Conference, Passau
Passau, Germany, 9/2012
Emil J. Kirchner “The EU as a global player and its role in Asia”, conference on the EU in a Global Context: Implications for Non-European Regions, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Chengdu, China, 6/5/2012
Han Dorussen and Emil J. Kirchner, 'Constructing Security Communities, International Stuydies Association convention, San Diego
San Diego, United States, 1/4/2012
Emil J. Kirchner, 'Understanding Multilateralism - The Evolving Research Agenda, Global Europe Conference, MERCURY, EU4Seas and EU-GRASP, Brussels
Brussels, Belgium, 7/10/2011
Emil J. Kirchner, 'Security Governance in a Comparative Regional Perspective, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany, 29/9/2011
Emil J. Kirchner, and Roberto Dominguez, 'The Performance of Regional Security Organizations', UACES Conference, Cambridge
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 5/9/2011
Emil j. Kirchner, 'Developments in European Studies', Fudan University, Shanghai
Shanghai, China, 25/6/2011
Emil J. Kirchner and Can Berk, ‘European Energy Security Cooperation: between Amity and Enmity', Renmin University, Beijing
Beijing, China, 22/6/2011
Emil J. Kirchner, 'Political Dialogue between the EU and China', International Congress, Towards a closer association between China and the EU, Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos, Universidad San Pablo, Madrid
Madrid, Spain, 5/5/2011
Emil J. Kirchner, and Roberto Dominguez, 'The Performance of Regional Security Organizations', EUSA Conference, Boston
Boston, United States, 3/3/2011
Emil J. Kirchner, 'EU-Chinal Relations', Suffolk University, Boston
Boston, United States, 2/3/2011
Emil J. Kirchner, 'National Security Cultures', Suffolk University, Boston
Boston, United States, 1/3/2011
Emil J. Kirchner, 'CSDP Peace Operations in the Western Balkans, Salford University
Salford, United Kingdom, 28/1/2011
Emil J. Kirchner, 'EU Decision Making', presentation to a a delegation from Thailand, University of Essex
Colchester, United Kingdom, 26/1/2011
Emil J. Kirchner, 'The European View of Area Studies/European Studies', Workshop on Area Study Centres, Taj Ambassador Hotel, New Delhi
New Delhi, India, 17/1/2011
Emil J. Kirchner, 'National Security Cultures', Cambridge University
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3/11/2010
Emil J. Kirchner, 'CSDP Peace Operations in the Western Balkans', UACES Conference, Bruges
Bruges, Belgium, 6/9/2010
Emil J. Kirchner, 'CSDP Peace Operations in the Western Balkans, Conference of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C
Washington D.C., United States, 2/9/2010
Emil J. Kirchner, 'National Security Cultures', workshop at the London School of Economics
London, United Kingdom, 22/6/2010
Emil J. Kirchner, 'National Security Cultures', workshop at the European Institute for Security Studies, Paris
Paris, France, 14/4/2010
Emil J. Kirchner, 'Research on Regional and Global Governance, GARNET Roundtable, Brussels
Brussels, Belgium, 5/3/2010
Emil J. Kirchner and Can Berk, ‘European Energy Security Cooperation: between Amity and Enmity, International Studies Association Conference, New Orleans
New Orleans, United States, 17/2/2010
Journal articles (41)
Kirchner, E., (2024). Geo-economic and geopolitical developments in EU-asia security relations. Asia Europe Journal. 22 (3), 333-349
Kirchner, E., (2022). EU Security Alignments with the Asia-Pacific. Asian Affairs. 53 (3), 1-19
Kirchner, EJ. and Dorussen, H., (2021). New horizons in EU–Japan security cooperation. Asia Europe Journal. 19 (1), 27-41
Kirchner, E., (2019). China and the European Union. Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics
Dorussen, H., Kirchner, E. and Christiansen, T., (2018). Security Cooperation in EU-China Relations: Towards Convergence?. European Foreign Affairs Review. 23 (3), 287-304
Kirchner, EJ., Fanoulis, E. and Dorussen, H., (2015). Civil security in the EU: national persistence versus EU ambitions?. European Security. 24 (2), 287-303
Kirchner, E., (2015). China and the EU as Global Actors: Challenges and Opportunities for Joint Cooperation. Economic and Political Studies. 3 (1), 98-113
Dorussen, H. and Kirchner, EJ., (2014). Better a good neighbor than a distant friend: the scope and impact of regional security organizations. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific. 14 (1), 117-146
Kirchner, EJ. and Dominguez, R., (2014). Security governance in a comparative regional perspective. European Security. 23 (2), 163-178
Kirchner, E., (2013). Common Security and Defence Policy peace operations in the Western Balkans: impact and lessons learned. European Security. 22 (1), 36-54
Christiansen, T., Duke, S. and Kirchner, EJ., (2012). Understanding and Assessing the Maastricht Treaty. Journal of European Integration. 34 (7), 685-698
Kirchner, EJ., (2011). Progress and Limitations of European Foreign and Security Governance. Hogaku Kenkyu (Japanese Journal of Law, Politics and Sociology
Kirchner, EJ. and Berk, C., (2010). European Energy Security Co-operation: Between Amity and Enmity. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 48 (4), 859-880
Hough, D. and Kirchner, EJ., (2010). Germany at 60: Stability and Success, Problems and Challenges. German Politics. 19 (1), 1-8
Dorussen, H., Kirchner, EJ. and Sperling, J., (2009). Sharing the Burden of Collective Security in the European Union. Research Note. International Organization. 63 (4), 789-810
Kirchner, EJ., (2009). Thirty Years of theJournal of European Integration: Reflections and Outlook on European Integration Studies. Journal of European Integration. 31 (2), 157-161
KIRCHNER, EJ., (2006). The Challenge of European Union Security Governance*. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 44 (5), 947-968
(2006). Note from the Executive Editor. Journal of European Integration. 28 (1), 1-1
Kirchner, EJ., (2005). Security threats and institutional response. The European context. Asia Europe Journal. 3 (2), 179-197
Kirchner, E. and Sperling, J., (2002). The New Security Threats in Europe: Theory and Evidence. European Foreign Affairs Review. 7 (Issue 4), 423-452
Kirchner, E., (2001). Verso nuovimetodi di governance europea: prospective e opzioni per la Commission eeuropea. Europa/Europe. 2-3, 61-95
Kirchner, E. and Sperling, J., (2000). Will form lead to function? Institutional enlargement and the creation of a European security and defence identity. Contemporary Security Policy. 21 (1), 23-45
Kirchner, E., (2000). Perceptions on Crisis Management in EU-Japan-US Relations. Studia Diplomatica. LIV (1-2)
KIRCHNER, EJ. and SPERLING, J., (2000). Global Problems, Regional Solutions?: The Challenge of EU-US-Asian Cooperation in the Post-Cold War International System. EU Studies in Japan. 2000 (20), 91-132,335
Kirchner, E., (1999). The Contribution of the EU and other European Organisations to Inter-regional Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe. Regional Contact (14), 79-86
SPERLING, J. and KIRCHNER, E., (1998). Economic security and the problem of cooperation in post-Cold War Europe. Review of International Studies. 24 (2), 221-237
Kirchner, E., (1998). Security Co-operation in Post Cold-War Europe. Studia Europejskie (Polish Journal of European Studies. No. 2 (6)
Kirchner, E., (1998). Transactionalism and Regional Co-operation: The case of Germany and the Czech Republic. Regional Contact. 13, 226-231
Kirchner, E. and Sperling, J., (1997). The Security Architectures and Institutional Futures of Post-Maastricht Europe. Jopurnal of European Public Policy. 4 (2), 155-170
Kirchner, EJ. and Sperling, J., (1992). The future Germany and the future of NATO. German Politics. 1 (1), 50-77
Kirchner, E., (1992). Unionepolitica o egemoniatedesca’ (Political Union or German Hegemony?. Politica Internazionale. 1
Kirchner, E., (1991). British and German Perspectives on EC Unification. SEKAI. 1, 83-90
Kirchner, EJ., (1990). Genscher and what lies behind ‘Genscherism’. West European Politics. 13 (2), 159-177
Kirchner, E. and Stefanou, C., (1990). The Institutional Implications of European Integration: 1992 and Beyond
Kirchner, EJ., (1989). Has the single European act opened the door for a European security policy?. Journal of European Integration. 13 (1), 1-14
Kirchner, E., (1986). The Relationship between Interest Groups in Greece, Portugal and Spain and their European Counterparts. Revista de Ciencia Politica - Portuguese Journal of Political Science. 3
Kirchner, E., (1986). Interessenverbände im EG-System und der Integrationsprozess. Integration. 4, 156-165
Broughton, D. and Kirchner, E., (1984). Germany: The FDP in Transition--Again?. Parliamentary Affairs. 37 (2), 183-198
Kirchner, E., (1983). Background and Activities of Members of the European Parliament
KIRCHNER, E. and Williams, K., (1983). The Legal, Political and Institutional Implications of the Isoglucose Judgments 1980. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 22 (2), 173-190
Kirchner, EJ., (1980). International trade union collaboration and the prospects for European industrial relations. West European Politics. 3 (1), 124-138
Books (23)
Christiansen, T., Kirchner, E. and Tan, SS., (2021). The European Union’s Security Relations with Asian Partners. Palgrave. 9783030699659
Kirchner, EJ. and Dorussen, H., (2019). EU-Japan Security Cooperation Trends and Prospects. Routledge. 113831580X. 9781138315808
Christiansen, T., Kirchner, E. and Wissenbach, U., (2019). The European Union and China. Red Globe Press. 113730829X. 9781137308306
Kirchner, E., Christiansen, T. and Dorussen, H., (2016). Security Relations between the European Union and China: From Convergence to Cooperation?. Cambridge University Press. 1107149037. 9781316563243
Kirchner, E., Christiansen, T., Jørgensen, K. and Murray, PB., (2013). The Palgrave Handbook of EU-Asia Relations. Palgrave Macmillan. 0230378692. 9780230378698
Kirchner, E. and Dominguez, R., (2011). The Security Governance of Regional Organizations. Routledge. 9780415782357
Kirchner, EJ. and Sperling, J., (2010). National Security Cultures: Patterns of Global Governance. Routledge. 9780415777438
Kirchner, EJ. and Sperling, J., (2010). Preface
Kirchner, E. and Sperling, J., (2007). Global Security Governance. Routledge. 0415391628. 9780415391627
Kirchner, E. and Sperling, J., (2007). EU security governance. Manchester University Press. 071907469X. 9780719074691
刘文秀 and 科什纳, (2003). 欧洲联盟政策及政策过程研究. 7503640545. 9787503640544
Kirchner, E., (1999). Decentralization and Transition in the Visegrad Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Palgrave Macmillan. 033371895X. 9780333718957
Sperling, J. and Kirchner, EJ., (1997). Recasting the European Order Security Architectures and Economic Cooperation. Manchester University Press. 0719039878. 9780719039874
Newton, K., Budge, I. and Kirchner, E., (1997). The Politics of the New Europe: Atlantic to Urals. Routledge. 1317892402. 9781317892403
Bluth, C. and Kirchner, EJ., (1995). The Future of European Security. Dartmouth Publishing Group. 1855214784. 9781855214781
Kirchner, EJ., (1992). Decision Making in the European Community The Council Presidency and European Integration. Manchester University Press
Kirchner, E. and Sperling, J., (1992). The Federal Republic of Germany and NATO 40 Years After. Palgrave Macmillan
Kirchner, EJ., (1988). Liberal Parties in Western Europe. Cambridge University Press. 0521323940. 9780521323949
Kirchner, EJ., (1984). The European Parliament Performance and Prospects. Gower Publishing Company, Limited
Kirchner, EJ., (1983). Public service unions and the European Community. Gower Publishing Company
Schwaiger, K. and Kirchner, EJ., (1981). Die Rolle der europäischen Interessenverbände eine Bestandsaufnahme der europäischen Verbandswirklichkeit. Nomos Verlag
Kirchner, EJ. and Schwaiger, K., (1981). The Role of Interest Groups in the European Community. Gower Publishing Company
Kirchner, EJ., (1977). Trade unions as a pressure group in the European Community
Book chapters (32)
Toh-|Emerson, M. and Kirchner, E., EU-ASEAN Security Cooperation
Kirchner, E., EU-ASEAN Security Cooperation
Kirchner, E., EU-ASEAN Security Cooperation. European Liberal Forum. 96- 107
Kirchner, E., (2024). EU-ASEAN Security Cooperation. In: The Five-Decade Journey of EU- ASEAN Relations - Which Path For The Decades To Come?. European Liberal Forum. 96- 107
Kirchner, E., (2023). EU Security Alignments with the Asia-Pacific. In: Alliances in Asia and Europe. Routledge. 144- 162
Kirchner, E., (2021). The EU’s Asia security policy and the US factor. In: Europe in an Era of Growing Sino-American Competition. Routledge. 75- 91
Tan, SS., Christiansen, T. and Kirchner, E., (2021). Conclusion: The European Union’s Security Relations with Asia—Partners or Rivals?. In: The European Union in International Affairs. Springer International Publishing. 439- 456. 9783030699659
Kirchner, EJ., (2021). The role of China in transatlantic relations. In: The Making of European Security Policy: Between Institutional Dynamics and Global Challenges. 143- 158
Kirchner, E., Christiansen, T. and Tan, SS., (2021). The European Union’s Security Relations with Asian Partners. In: The European Union in International Affairs. Springer International Publishing. 3- 28. 303069965X. 9783030699659
Kirchner, E., (2021). The Changing Context of EU-China relations. In: The Rise of China: Fresh Insights and Observations - a collection of essays. The Paddy Ashtown Forum. 85- 92. 978-1-3999-0524-4
Kirchner, E. and Song, X., (2021). EU–China Security Relations. In: European Union in International Affairs. Springer International Publishing. 347- 367. 9783030699659
Kirchner, E., (2019). China and the European Union. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Editors: Thompson, WR., . Oxford University Press (OUP)
Kirchner, E. and Dorussen, H., (2018). New horizons in EU-Japan security cooperation?. In: EU-Japan Security Cooperation: trends and prospects. Editors: Kirchner, E. and Dorussen, H., . Routledge. 203- 220. 9781138315808
Kirchner, E., (2018). EU-Japan security cooperation in context. In: EU-Japan Security Cooperation: Trends and Prospects. Editors: Kirchner, E. and Dorussen, H., . Routledge. 9781138315808
Christiansen, T., Kirchner, E. and Dorussen, H., (2016). Against the odds: (considerable) convergence and (limited) cooperation in EU-China security relations. In: Security Relations between China and the European Union: From Convergence to Cooperation?. Editors: Kirchner, EJ., Christiansen, T. and Dorussen, H., . Cambridge University Press (CUP). 229- 247. 9781107149038
Fanoulis, E. and Kirchner, E., (2016). Nontraditional Security Issues. In: China, the European Union, and the International Politics of Global Governance. Editors: Wang, J. and Song, W., . Palgrave Macmillan US. 195- 212. 9781349555895
Kirchner, EJ., Christiansen, T. and Dorussen, H., (2015). EU-China security cooperation in context. In: Security Relations between China and the European Union. European University Institute: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. 1- 18. 9781107149038
Dorussen, H., Fanoulis, E. and Kirchner, EJ., (2015). The EU as Regulator of Civil Security across Europe. In: European Civil Security Goverance - Diversity and Cooperation in Crisis and Disaster Management. Editors: Bossong, R. and Hegemann, H., . Palgrave Macmillan. 211- 232. 9781137481108
(2013). The EU and Multilateral Security Governance. In: The EU and Multilateral Security Governance. Editors: Lucarelli, S., Van Langenhove, L. and Wouters, J., . Routledge. 107- 122
Kirchner, E. and Dominguez, R., (2013). Regional organisations in security governance. In: Regional Organisations and Security: Conceptions and Practices. Editors: Aris, S. and Wenger, A., . Routledge. 225- 243. 0415827981. 978-0415827980
Kirchner, EJ., (2011). The EU as a Regional and Global Security Provider. In: The Security Governance of Regional Organizations. Editors: Kirchner, EJ. and Dominguez, R., . Routledge. 9780415782357
Kirchner, EJ. and Dominguez, R., (2011). Performance of Regional Organizations in Security Governance. In: The Security Governance of Regional Organizations. Editors: Kirchner, EJ. and Dominguez, R., . Routledge. 1- 21. 9780415782364
Kirchner, EJ. and Dominguez, R., (2011). Regional Organizations and Security. In: The Security Governance of Regional Organizations. Editors: Kirchner, EJ. and Dominguez, R., . Routledge. 9780415782357
Dorussen, H., Kirchner, EJ. and Sperling, J., (2010). Conclusion: structure, agency and the barriers to global security governance. In: National Security Cultures: Patterns of Global Governance. Editors: Kirchner, EJ. and Sperling, J., . Routledge. 103- 123. 9780415777438
Kirchner, EJ., (2010). European Union: moving towards a European security culture?. In: National Security Cultures: Patterns of Global Governance. Editors: Kirchner, EJ. and Sperling, J., . Routledge. 131- 152. 9780415777438
Kirchner, E., (2010). EU contribution to and cooperation with multilateral organizations’. In: The EU Presence in International Organizations. Editors: . Routledge. 16- 32. 1136920374. 9781136920370
Kirchner, EJ., (2010). Germany’s Role in European and International Security: Aims versus Action. In: Rethinking Germany and Europe. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 139- 153. 9781349589241
(2010). Conclusion: Structure, agency and the barriers to global security governance. In: National Security Cultures. Routledge. 315- 330
(2009). A Global Security Triangle. In: A Global Security Triangle: European, African and Asian interaction. Editors: Bello, V. and Gebrewold, B., . Routledge. 36- 55
Kirchner, EJ. and Rasch, MB., (2009). EU threat perceptions and governance. In: A Global Security Triangle: European, African and Asian interaction. 36- 55
(2005). International Trade Union Collaboration and the Prospects for European Industrial Relations. In: Trade Unions and Politics in Western Europe. Routledge. 133- 148
Kirchner, E., (2004). Germany and the Future of European Integration. In: Germany at Fifty-five. Manchester University Press. 0719064732. 9780719064739
Reports and Papers (14)
Kirchner, EJ., Christiansen, T. and Dorussen, H., (2015). EU-China security cooperation in context. EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2015/31 (European University Institute).
Kirchner, E., (2014). Theoretical Debates on Regional Security Governance. EUI Working Papers, RSCAS 2014/40 (European University Institute).
Fanoulis, E., Kirchner, E., Dorussen, H. and Hinkkainen, K., (2014). ANVIL Deliverable 5.1: Report on EU added-value for policy stakeholders
Kirchner, E. and Dominguez, R., (2013). Security Governance in a Regional Perspective
Kirchner, E., (2013). Civil Security and the European Union: A survey of European civil security systems and the role of the EU in building shared crisis management capacities
Kirchner, E. and Sperling, J., (2007). Global Threat Perception: Elite Survey results from Canada, China, the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States
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Other (1)
Boin, A., Bossong, R., Brazova, V., Di Camillo, F., Coste, F., Dorussen, H., Ekengren, M., Fanoulis, E., Hegemann, H., Hellenberg, T., Kesetovic, Z., Kirchner, EJ., Kuipers, S., Marrone, A., Matczak, P., Nexon, E., Pettersson, Y., Rhinard, M., Samardzija, V., Szalankiewicz, D., Tessari, P., Ungaro, AR. and Visuri, P., (2014).Civil Security and the European Union: A survey of European civil security systems and the role of the EU in building shared crisis management capacities,The Swedish Institute of International Affairs