Dr Anyarath Kitwiwattanachai

akitwi@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872099
4.126A, Colchester Campus
I started my career at Essex Pathways Department since October 2008 as a tutor in Economics. In 2009, I became a module leader teaching IA106 Introduction to Economics for foundation year student. From October 2024, I will involve in teaching a new module IA130 Economic Foundations and Effective Management. My passion has always been teaching. I continuously seek opportunities to improve my teaching methods, helping students understand and enjoy learning economics by engaging them with real-life examples. Over the years, I have taken various roles in the department, such as Frontrunner Supervisor, Senior Tutor, Course Director, Departmental Disability Liaison Officer (DDLO). These experiences have taught me how these roles are interconnected in supporting students. Currently, apart from teaching responsibility, I also take a role of a Director of Education. This allows me to collaborate with colleagues both within and outside the department to deliver high quality of education, great student experience and student success.
PhD in Economics, University of Nottingham, UK, 2008
MSc in International Economics, University of Birmingham, UK,2001
BSc in Economics with first class honour, Kasetsart University, Thailand, 1999
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Applied General Equilibrium Modelling
International Economics
Trade Theory
Trade Policy
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Economic Foundations and Effective Management (IA130)
Journal articles (3)
Kitwiwattanachai, A., (2020). Capturing Student Voice through Midterm Feedback: A Case Study in Foundation Year Economics Module. Journal of the Foundation Year Network. 2, 91-100
Kitwiwattanachai, A. and Demirkan-Jones, N., (2018). Impact of Change in Student Demographics on Foundation Year Pathway Courses: A Case of Business and Economics Pathways. The Journal of the Foundation Year Network. 1
Kitwiwattanachai, A., Nelson, D. and Reed, G., (2010). Quantitative impacts of alternative East Asia Free Trade Areas: A Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) assessment. Journal of Policy Modeling. 32 (2), 286-301