Dr Marios Koutsias

mkouts@essex.ac.uk -
4SB.4.10, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Wednesday 11:00-12:00
Marios Koutsias is a graduate of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. After his LLB, he completed an LLM in European Community Law at the University of Essex and an MA in Politics at Kings College, London. He practiced as a lawyer on Greek Law and European Union Law both in Thessaloniki, Greece and in Brussels at the offices of the European Commission. He is a qualified lawyer and member of the Thessaloniki Bar Association, Greece. He was awarded his PhD entitled Consumer Protection and Global Trade in the Digital Environment: The Case of Data Protection with an AHRC scholarship by the University of Essex. He is now a Lecturer in EU Commercial Law at the University of Essex after having been employed as a Research Assistant at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary College, London for three years where he participated in major research projects. He has co-authored three books entitled Company Law in the New Europe by Edward Elgar Publishers, The Nature of Corporate Governance: The Significance of National Cultural Identity by Edward Elgar Publishers and he is the co-author of one of the leading textbooks in the field of company law (Company Law by Palgrave with Professor Janet Dine); he is a Specialist Contributor to Gore Brown on EU Company Law publications.
LLB Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
LLM in EU Law, University of Essex
MA in Politics and International Relations, King's College, London
PhD in Law, University of Essex
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Company Law
Corporate Governance
Comparative Company Law
European Union Law with a special emphasis on the Internal Market
Privacy and Data Protection
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Company Law (LW225)
Law of the European Union (LW302)
Final Year Research Project (LW304)
Introduction to the Law of the European Union (LW430)
Industry Placement (LW811)
Data Protection Law in the Digital Age (LW656)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/1/2024

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/12/2023

Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/3/2021

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/11/2020

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/2/2017

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/12/2016

Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/7/2016
Journal articles (9)
Koutsias, M., (2025). Privacy and data protection in the UK and in the EU: a long history of divergence even during the UK’S EU membership. Brexit should not bring a divorce with the EU privacy regulatory regime so as to protect trade and human rights in the UK. European Business Law Review. 36 (1), 103-132
Koutsias, M. and Dine, J., (2019). "The Three Shades of Tax Avoidance of Corporate Groups: Company Law, Ethics and the Multiplicity of Jurisdictions involved”.. European Business Law Review. 30 (1), 149-182
Koutsias, M., (2019). Exit Britain Enter the Stakeholders: Could Brexit end the cultural wars within the European Union Company Law and give birth to a truly “European Company”?. European Business Law Review. 30 (6), 881-908
Koutsias, M., (2017). Shareholder Supremacy in a Nexus of Contracts: A Nexus of Problems. Business Law Review. 38 (4), 136-146
Koutsias, M., (2017). The Fallacy of Property Rights' Rhetoric in the Company Law Context: From Shareholder Exclusivity to the Erosion of Shareholders' Rights. International Company and Commercial Law Review. 28 (6), 217-233
Koutsias, M., (2015). The Insolvency Regulation and the Centre of Main Interest in the European Union: Are They Victims of the Company Law Conflicts within the Union?. European Company Law. 12 (5), 223-233
Koutsias, M. and Willett, C., (2012). The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive in the UK. Erasmus Law Review. 5 (4), 237-251
Koutsias, M., (2012). The International Reach of European Union Data Protection Law and the United States: Is International Trade in a "Safe Harbour"?. International Trade Law and Regulation. 2
Koutsias, M., (2012). Privacy and Data Protection in an Information Society: How reconciled are the English with the European Union Privacy Norms?. Computer and Telecommunications Law Review. 8
Books (5)
Koutsias, M. and Dine, J., (2020). Company Law (Ninth Edition). Red Globe Press. 978-1352010008
Dine, J. and Koutsias, M., (2014). Company Law [8th edition]. Palgrave Macmillan. 9780230362079
Dine, J. and Koutsias, M., (2013). The Nature of Corporate Governance: The Significance of National Cultural Identity. Edward Elgar. 9781845427009
Dine, J. and Koutsias, M., (2009). Company Law. Palgrave Macmillan. 1352010003. 9780230579149
Dine, J., Koutsias, M. and Blecher, M., (2007). Company law in the New Europe: The EU acquis, comparative methodology and model law
Book chapters (3)
Koutsias, M., (2016). Economic Actors and Legal Certainty. Comparing Company Law. Editors: du Marais, B. and Marrani, D., . Intersentia. 9781780682983
Koutsias, M., (2015). Corporate domicile and residence. In: Research Handbook on EU Private International Law. Edward Elgar Publishing. 344- 378. 9781781954546
Koutsias, M. and Willett, C., (2014). Implementation, Approximation and Harmonization: UK implementation of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive. In: The European Unfair Commercial Practices Directive Impact, Enforcement Strategies and National Legal Systems. Editors: van Boom, W., Garde, A. and Akseli, O., . Ashgate. 21- 44. 978-1-4724-2340-5
Reports and Papers (1)
Dine, J. and Koutsias, M., (2013). Chapter 1: The Nature of Corporate Governance: The Significance of National Cultural Identity
Other (1)
Stout, LA., Robé, J-P., Ireland, P., Deakin, S., Greenfield, K., Johnston, A., Schepel, H., Blair, MM., Talbot, LE., Dignam, AJ., Dine, J., Millon, D., Sjåfjell, B., Villiers, C., Williams, CA., Koutsias, M., Pendleton, A., Davis, GF., Galanis, M., Chandler, D., Keay, AR., Moore, MT., Du Plessis, JJ., Bather, AJ., Lefler, BL., Bradshaw, C., Bruner, CM., Joo, TW., Greenwood, DJH., Clarke, T., Johnson, L., Mulazzi, F., Lipton, M., Liao, C., Johnson, R., Beck, A., Markel, G., Currie, W., Partnoy, F., Peklar, LF., da Silveira, ADM., Sitbon, O., González-Cantón, C., Chanteau, J-P., Donaggio, ARF., Esser, I-M., North, G., Gramitto Ricci, SA., Tomasic, R., Pillay, RG., O'Kelly, C., Keating, C., Willmott, HC., Veldman, J. and Morrow, P., (2016).The Modern Corporation Statement on Company Law
Grants and funding
Mondaq KTP 2
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Academic support hours:
Wednesday 11:00-12:00