
Dr Ewa Kruszewska

Essex Law School
Dr Ewa Kruszewska

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Tort Law (LW201)

  • French Administrative Law (LW206)

  • Company Law (LW225)

  • Legal Research Skills (LW254)

  • Legal Research (LW360)


Journal articles (5)

Kruszewska, E. and Cabrelli, D., Monopsony in Labour Markets: The Corporate Law Contribution. Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 1-42

Kruszewska, E., The Vanke-Baoneng Takeover Battle: Decoding China’s Corporate Regime Governing Directors Conduct in Takeovers. European Business Law Review

Kruszewska, E., Target Board’s Conduct and Shareholders Rights in the Context of Hostile Takeovers in China: A Case Study of Vanke v Baoneng.. SSRN Electronic Journal

Kruszewska, E., (2021). Employees’ interests in the context of takeovers in Europe. Company Lawyer. 42 (5), 149-159

Kruszewska, E., (2019). Impact of Certain Merger Control Provisions on Hostile Takeover Activities in China. Hong Kong Law Journal. 49 (1), 91-120

+44 (0) 1206 873421


4SB.4.2, Colchester Campus