Dr Ewa Kruszewska

e.kruszewska@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873421
4SB.4.2, Colchester Campus
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Tort Law (LW201)
French Administrative Law (LW206)
Company Law (LW225)
Legal Research Skills (LW254)
Legal Research (LW360)
Journal articles (5)
Kruszewska, E. and Cabrelli, D., Monopsony in Labour Markets: The Corporate Law Contribution. Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 1-42
Kruszewska, E., The Vanke-Baoneng Takeover Battle: Decoding China’s Corporate Regime Governing Directors Conduct in Takeovers. European Business Law Review
Kruszewska, E., Target Board’s Conduct and Shareholders Rights in the Context of Hostile Takeovers in China: A Case Study of Vanke v Baoneng.. SSRN Electronic Journal
Kruszewska, E., (2021). Employees’ interests in the context of takeovers in Europe. Company Lawyer. 42 (5), 149-159
Kruszewska, E., (2019). Impact of Certain Merger Control Provisions on Hostile Takeover Activities in China. Hong Kong Law Journal. 49 (1), 91-120