
Dr Esin Küçük

Essex Law School
Dr Esin Küçük



Esin’s research interest centres on EU constitutional law and asylum law, with a particular focus on EU solidarity. Her work explores the theoretical foundations and normative frameworks of European solidarity, encompassing both its broad application across the EU and its specific pertinence to asylum law and border management. Currently, Esin is authoring a monograph entitled ‘European Integrated Border Management and Solidarity: The Limits of Protection Responsibility,’ scheduled for release by Hart Publishing in 2025. This forthcoming book is set to provide an exhaustive and cohesive analysis of asylum and immigration management within the EU framework, scrutinising the role of solidarity. It aims to shed light on the historical development, current state, and prospective future of this key concept. Esin’s academic contributions have been featured in renowned journals such as the European Law Journal, the German Law Journal, and the International and Comparative Law Quarterly. Her research has been cited by Advocate Generals at the Court of Justice of the EU and in official reports from European Union Institutions. Prior to joining Essex Law School, Esin was a lecturer in European law at Lancaster University. Previous to this, Esin taught European law at King’s College London, where she was also awarded a PhD in law. Esin was a visiting research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, Germany, and at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary, University of London. Esin is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a qualified lawyer in Türkiye. She is affiliated with the UK Association of European Law and the British Association of Comparative Law. Esin has been a recipient of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Grant for University Academics and Scientists. She was also awarded the King’s College London Graduate School Scholarship, a comprehensive award that covered full tuition and maintenance for her PhD studies at the School of Law.

Research and professional activities

Research interests

EU Constitutional Law

EU Asylum and Immigration Law

Refugee protection regime in Türkiye

Constitutional aspects of economic governance of the EU

Temporary Protection Practices

Use of AI in migration management

Solidarity and responsibility sharing in the EU

Constitutional principles and values

EU Constitutional Review

Comparative Constitutional Law

Conferences and presentations

EU’s Externalised Smart Borders: Türkiye as a Case Study

ICON-S Annual Conference, EI University, Madrid, 9/7/2024

Temporary Protection Directive: A Pathway or Barrier to Asylum in the EU?

Invited presentation, Workshop, Who, What and How Much Does Temporary Protectıon Protect? Temporary Protection Regime from a Comparative Perspective, 9/12/2023

Solidarity as a constitutional principle of EU law: Building a house of cards?

Conference, ICON S 2023 Italian Chapter, 13/10/2023

Solidarity: Bridging the Gap between Law and Society?

Invited presentation, Conference, ‘Ties That Bind’, 27-28 April 2023, 27/4/2023

Lecture: European Solidarity: A Hybrid Principle of EU law

Invited presentation, Jean Monnet Seminar on Advanced Issues of EU Law, Challenges of Solidarity Resurfacing in the EU, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25/4/2023

Solidarity as a Fundamental Principle of EU Law

Invited presentation, Workshop, Solidarity in EU Law after the Budget Conditionality Cases, 25/11/2022

Temporary Protection Directive: Testing new frontiers?

Workshop, Workshop on EU Solidarity, Colchester, 6/5/2022

Solidarity in Refugee Protection: The Social Limits of Asylum Law

Invited presentation, Workshop, Law, Solidarity and the EU Crises, Sweden, 29/11/2021

Solidarity between the Member States as a General Principle of EU Law

Conference, ICON-S 2021 Mundo Conference, 6/7/2021

Fairness in Sharing Asylum Responsibilities in the EU

Invited presentation, Workshop, Solidarity in EU Refugee and Asylum Policy, London, United Kingdom, 7/6/2021

Member State Solidarity in the Context of the Mediterranean Refugee Crisis

Invited presentation, Cambridge Festival of Ideas - Solidarity in the European Union: Quo Vadis?, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 25/10/2018

Solidarity and Fairness in Sharing Responsibilities: More than window dressing?

Conference, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 7/4/2016

Fiscal Solidarity in the EU: A question between law, economics and politics

Conference, 5/4/2016

Refugee Protection in the EU: Mutual Trust v. Fundamental Rights

Invited presentation, Summer School, Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe, Bertinoro, Italy, 15/6/2015

An inquiry into the Limits of Solidarity in the EU: A Constitutional Perspective

Invited presentation, Workshop, Scope of Justice in post-Crisis Europe, London, United Kingdom, 19/9/2014

Turkey as a Party of Readmission Agreements

Invited presentation, Conference, Conference on Current Developments Regarding Asylum Seekers and Refugees, 8/5/2010

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Legal Research Skills (LW254)


Journal articles (8)

Kucuk, E. and Kuskonmaz, E., (2025). Solidarity at the intersection of data sharing and data protection: A normative analysis. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law. 31 (6), 728-747

Küçük, E., (2023). Temporary Protection Directive: Testing New Frontiers?. European Journal of Migration and Law. 25 (1), 1-30

Küçük, E., (2023). Solidarity in the EU: What Is In A Name?. Nordic Journal of European Law. 6 (2), 1-28

Gerner-Beuerle, C. and Küçük, E., (2021). Consistency and coherence in adjudicating the ecb's unconventional monetary policy. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 70 (4), 859-893

Küçük, E., (2016). The Principle of Solidarity and Fairness in Sharing Responsibility: More than Window Dressing?. European Law Journal. 22 (4), 448-469

Küçük, E., (2016). Solidarity in EU Law. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law. 23 (6), 965-983

Gerner-Beuerle, C., Küçük, E. and Schuster, E., (2014). Law Meets Economics in the German Federal Constitutional Court: Outright Monetary Transactions on Trial. German Law Journal. 15 (2), 281-320

Küçük, E., (2008). Türkiye’nin Taraf Olduğu Geri Kabul Anlaşmaları. İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi. 2, 99-99

Books (2)

Küçük, E., (2025). European Integrated Border Management and Solidarity: The Limits of Protection Responsibility. Hart Publishing

Küçük, E., Biondi, A. and Dagilytė, E., (2018). Solidarity in EU Law: Legal Principle in the Making. Edward Elgar Publishing. 1783477776. 9781783477777

Book chapters (3)

Kucuk, E., (2025). Promoting solidarity through law: Prospects and challenges.. In: Law and the Ties that Bind (forthcoming). Editors: Amaya Navarro, A., Michelon, C. and Walker, N., . Oxford University Press

Biondi, A., Dagilyte, E. and Küçük, E., (2018). Introduction: European solidarity-what now?. 1- 12

Küçük, E., (2018). Solidarity in EU law: An elusive political statement or a legal principle with substance?. In: Solidarity in EU Law: Legal Principle in the Making. 38- 60

Reports and Papers (1)

Kucuk, E. and Gerner-Beuerle, C., (2024). Comments in respect to Call for Inputs on the Use of Artificial Intelligence and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Other (5)

Kucuk, E., (2025).Blog post: Protection of Displaced Ukrainians: Just How Temporary Is ‘Temporary’?

Kucuk, E., (2024).Blog post: The Judicialisation of the Principle of Solidarity in EU Law and the Role of the European Court of Justice, UK Association for European Law

Kucuk, E., (2022).Blog Post: The odd couple: Free choice of asylum and temporary protection,EU Law Analysis

Kucuk, E., (2015).Blog post: The interests of refugees should not be forgotten in the attempt to distribute them fairly across the EU,LSE European Politics and Policy Blog

Kucuk, E., (2011).Book review: International Immigration to Turkey: Social Conditions and Individual Experiences, Barbara Pusch & Tomas Wilkoszewski (eds.). Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law. 25,Elsevier

Grants and funding


Preparedness and Adaptation for People Displaced Across Borders in the Context of Climate Change and Disasters

British Academy



4SB.6.8, Colchester Campus

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