
Dr Elif Kuskonmaz

Essex Law School
Dr Elif Kuskonmaz



Dr Elif Mendos Kuşkonmaz is a Lecturer at Essex Law School. Her research primarily concerns the relationship between privacy and states’ surveillance practices, the digitalisation of border controls, and the data-sharing practices for international cooperation in criminal matters. She provided advice to the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the UNHCR in her area of expertise. Prior to joining Essex Law School, Elif was a lecturer at the University of Portsmouth and a teaching assistant at the Queen Mary University of London. She also held visiting researcher positions at the Georgetown University Law Center (2018) and Bocconi University (2022). She previously worked as a research assistant at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and was a legal volunteer at Privacy International. Elif holds a master’s degree in Public Law from Istanbul University and an LLM in Public International Law and a PhD from the Queen Mary University of London. She is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy and a qualified lawyer in Turkey.


  • PhD in Law Queen Mary University of London,

  • LLM in Public International Law Queen Mary University of London,

  • Master's Degree in Public Law Istanbul University,

  • Bachelor of Law Istanbul University,


University of Essex

  • Lecturer, University of Essex (2023 - present)

Other academic

  • Senior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth (2021 - 2023)

  • Lecturer, University of Portsmouth (2018 - 2023)

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Queen Mary University of London (2015 - 2018)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Human Rights Law

Key words: State Surveillance, Terrorism and National Security, Government Access to Data, New Technologies, Oversight of State Surveillance, Privatisation of State Surveillance
Open to supervise

Privacy and Data Protection

Key words: Government Data Processing, Automated Decision Making Systems, Data Transfers
Open to supervise

Digitisation of Border Controls and Migration Management

Key words: Securitisation, Databases, Passenger Name Record
Open to supervise


Journal articles (15)

Kucuk, E. and Kuskonmaz, E., (2025). Solidarity at the intersection of data sharing and data protection: A normative analysis. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law. 31 (6), 728-747

Mitsilegas, V., Guild, E., Kuskonmaz, EM. and Vavoula, N., (2023). Data Retention and the Future of Large-Scale Surveillance: The Evolution and Contestation of Judicial Benchmarks. European Law Journal. 29 (1-2), 176-211

Kuskonmaz, EM., (2023). The Grand Gala of PNR Litigations: C-817/19 Ligue des droits humains v Conseil des ministers. European Constitutional Law Review. 19 (2), 294-319

Fahey, E., Guild, E. and Kuskonmaz, EM., (2023). The Novelty of EU Passenger Name Records (PNR) in EU Trade Agreements: On Shifting Uses of Data Governance in Light of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement PNR Provisions. European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration. 8 (1), 273-299

Guild, E., Allison, K., Grundler, M., Kuskonmaz, EM. and Apatzidou, V., (2022). The Schengen Borders Package: repackaging discredited proposals in new garments?. Journaal Vreemdelingenrecht. 22 (2)

Guild, E., Bigo, D. and Kuskonmaz, EM., (2021). Obedience in times of COVID-19 pandemics: a renewed governmentality of unease?. Global Discourse: An interdisciplinary journal of current affairs and applied contemporary thought. 11 (1/2)

Bigo, D., Guild, E. and Kuskonmaz, EM., (2021). Obedience in times of COVID-19 pandemics: a renewed governmentality of unease?. Global Discourse. 11 (3), 471-489

Kuşkonmaz, EM., (2021). Privacy and Border Controls in the Fight against Terrorism

Bigo, D., Ewert, L. and Kuskonmaz, EM., (2020). The interoperability controversy or how to fail successfully: lessons from Europe. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies. 6 (1-2)

Bigo, D., Ewert, L. and Kuşkonmaz, EM., (2020). The interoperability controversy or how to fail successfully: lessons from Europe. International Journal of Migration and Border Studies. 6 (1/2), 93-93

Guild, E. and Kuskonmaz, EM., (2018). EU Exclusive jurisdiction on surveillance related to terrorism and serious transnational crime: case review on Opinion 1/15. European Law Review. 43 (4)

Kuskonmaz, EM., (2018). A Nightmare on Downing Street: Brexit Reaches the CJEU. European Human Rights Law Review (2)

Kuskonmaz, EM., (2015). EU-US Counter-Terrorism Agreements for Tracking Money and Airline Passengers: A Challenge to Right to Privacy and Personal Data Protection. Queen Mary Human Rights Review. 2

Kuskonmaz, EM., (2015). The Eurodac Debate: Is It Blurring the Line Between Asylum and Fight Against Terrorism. Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul. 62

Kuskonmaz, EM., (2014). How Do Emergent Information Technologies in Counter-Terrorism Measures Affect Right to Privacy According to Article 8 of the European Convention of the Human Rights. Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul. 63

Books (1)

Kuskonmaz, EM., (2021). Privacy and Border Controls in the Fight against Terrorism: A Fundamental Rights Analysis of Passenger Data Sharing. Brill | Nijhoff. 978-90-04-43948-1

Book chapters (6)

Kuşkonmaz, EM., (2023). Independent Monitoring. In: Monitoring Border Violence in the EU. Routledge. 110- 125

Kuskonmaz, EM., (2021). Border management and technology: a challenge to the right to privacy. In: Migration, Security, and Resistance: Global and Local Perspectives. Editors: Atak, I. and Hudson, G., . Routledge

Kuskonmaz, EM. and Hörnle, J., (2021). Criminal Jurisdiction – Concurrent Jurisdiction, Sovereignty and the Urgent Requirement for Co-ordination. In: Internet Jurisdiction Law and Practice. Editors: Hörnle, J., . 9780198806929

Kuskonmaz, EM. and Guild, E., (2019). A Critical Take on Opinion 1/15: Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?. In: European Yearbook on Human Rights 2019. Editors: . Intersentia

Kuskonmaz, EM. and Guild, E., (2019). Rights-based Review of Border Surveillance. In: The Charter and the Court of Justice of the European Union: Notable Cases from 2016-2018. Editors: Pahladsingh, A. and Grimbergen, R., . Wolf Legal Publishers. 9789462405455

Kuskonmaz, EM., (2017). Following the digital footprints of airline passengers: An assessment of the EU-US PNR Agreement with respect to the EU right to privacy and data protection. In: Data Protection and Privacy under Pressure. Editors: Vermeulen, G. and Lievens, E., . Maklu

Reports and Papers (2)

Ragazzi, F., Kuskonmaz, EM., Ildikó, P., Ven, RVD. and Wagner, B., (2021). Biometric and behavioural mass surveillance in EU member states: report for the Greens/EFA in the European Parliament

Alegre, S., Bigo, D., Guild, E., Kuskonmaz, EM., Ben Jaffel, H. and Jeandesboz, J., (2017). The implications of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union for the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

Other (5)

Kuskonmaz, EM. and Guild, E., (2022).Deniability? Frontex and Border Violence in the EU

Guild, E. and Kuskonmaz, EM., (2020).Covid-19: European rules for using personal data. about:intel

Kuskonmaz, EM. and Guild, E., (2020).Coronavirus and Border Guards Powers,Refugee Law Initiative

Kuskonmaz, EM., (2019).GCM Indicators: Objective 11: Manage borders in an integrated, secure and coordinated manner,Refugee Law Initiative

Kuskonmaz, EM., (2018).GCM Commentary: Objective 11: Manage borders in an integrated, secure and coordinated manner,Refugee Law Initiative



5S.6.31, Colchester Campus

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