Dr Azimjon Kuvandikov

azimjonk@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874409
EBS.3.78, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Wednesday: 15.30 – 16.30. Friday: 14.30 – 16.30;
Azimjon Kuvandikov is an interdisciplinary quantitative researcher in the areas of accounting, finance, management and corporate governance. He holds a PhD in Management from York Management School, University of York (UK) and a MA in Accounting and Finance from Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster University (UK). He teaches Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Corporate Governance and Research Methods in Accounting modules at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. His research interests include the corporate governance roles of the boards of directors, activist shareholders, managerial equity ownership and the market for corporate control. His research analyses the employment and performance impacts of such corporate governance mechanisms through mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and other corporate restructuring events. He has published several articles in leading academic journals such as the British Journal of Industrial Relations, the British Journal of Management and the Journal of Business Research. Before starting his academic career, Azimjon worked in one of the top four international accounting firms, providing financial consulting in accounting, auditing and company restructuring.
Ph.D. in Management, University of York,
M.A. in Accounting and Finance, Lancaster University,
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Accounting for intangible assets and their impairment disclosures
Corporate governance role of activist shareholders
Boards of directors and their diversity
Mergers and Acquisitions
Issues of Corporate Governance
Conferences and presentations
"Accountability and Corporate Governance: recent international developments in accounting".
Invited presentation, I was invited to speak on the above topic at the “Global and national economic trends: Uzbekistan – 2030” Conference: https://strategy2024.tsue.uz/, 18/10/2024
The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Labour Productivity: The Role of Workforce Rationalisation
The 38th edition of the BAM Conference, 2/9/2024
Activist hedge funds, labour cost savings and acquisition premiums
British Academy of Management 2023 Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom, 1/9/2023
The impact of institutional-blockholders on post-merger downsizing.
The 5th Annual International Corporate Governance Society 2019 Conference, Colchester, United Kingdom, 12/10/2019
The impact of activist blockholders on post-merger downsizing
British Academy of Management 2018 Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom, 5/9/2018
Do mergers and acquisitions create shareholder value at the expense of employees?
The International Conference on Applied Research in Economics and Finance (iCare) 2016, Colchester, United Kingdom, 15/9/2016
Shareholders, managers and employees: rent transfer or rent sharing in corporate takeovers
European Financial Management Association 2014 Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy, 25/6/2014
Shareholders, managers and employees: rent transfer or rent sharing in corporate takeovers
EURAM 2014 Conference, Valencia, Spain, 11/6/2014
Labour productivity impact of mergers and acquisitions
EURAM 2013 Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 26/6/2013
Operating performance consequences of different types of mergers and acquisitions
British Accounting and Finance Association 2012 Conference, London, United Kingdom, 9/4/2012
Shareholders, managers and employees: rent transfer or rent sharing in corporate takeovers
British Academy of Management 2011 Conference, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 12/4/2011
Employment effects of mergers and acquisitions
British Academy of Management 2010 Conference, "Best Paper Award" of the Corporate Governance stream, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 1/9/2010
Labour productivity impact of mergers and acquisitions
European Academy of Management 2010 Conference, Rome, Italy, 20/5/2010
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Corporate Governance and Sustainability (BE156)
Advanced Financial Reporting (BE170)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Accounting and Finance
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/8/2024

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/6/2023

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/11/2021

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/8/2021

Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/6/2018

Degree type: Master of Research
Awarded date: 1/10/2014
Journal articles (4)
Kuvandikov, A., Pendleton, A. and Goergen, M., (2022). Activist hedge funds and takeovers: their effects on employment and performance. British Journal of Management. 33 (1), 346-368
Malikov, K., Demirbag, M., Kuvandikov, A. and Manson, S., (2021). Workforce reductions and post-merger operating performance: The role of corporate governance. Journal of Business Research. 122, 109-120
Kuvandikov, A., Pendleton, A. and Higgins, D., (2020). The Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on Employees: Wealth Transfer, Gain-Sharing or Pain-Sharing?. British Journal of Management. 31 (3), 547-567
Kuvandikov, A., Pendleton, A. and Higgins, D., (2014). Employment Change after Takeovers: The Role of Executive Ownership. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 52 (2), 191-236
Grants and funding
Do activist hedge funds transfer wealth from employees to themselves in merger and acquisition deals?
British Academy of Management
Do activist hedge funds transfer wealth from employees to themselves in mergers and acquisitions?
British Academy
Academic support hours:
Wednesday: 15.30 – 16.30. Friday: 14.30 – 16.30;