Professor Caleb Kwong

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+44 (0) 1702 328394
GB.3.31, Southend Campus
Caleb is a Professor at the Essex Business School, University of Essex. His research interests include entrepreneurship, human resource management and not-for-profit sector management, and has published in a number of international journals including Academy of Management: Learning and Education, Journal of Small Business Management, International Small Business Journal, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Journal of Business Research, Regional Studies, Journal of General Management, Local Economy and International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. Prior to joining the University of Essex, Caleb was a member of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (Wales/UK) team (funded by the EU). He was responsible for producing various regional reports for policy makers in the Welsh Assembly Government and the EU, as well as organising events ranging from international conferences (ISBE and RENT) to local workshops on entrepreneurship development.He was the UK lead on the Humane Entrepreneurship project. Caleb is an Associate Editor of Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility. He is also an Editorial Board member for the International Small Business Journal, Journal of General Management and the Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies (formerly Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship), and an Editorial Review Board member for the Journal of Small Business Management. He has reviewed for JMS, ETP, ISBJ, SBE, JSBM, ERD, BJM, JBR, AMLE, IJHRM, IJEBR, JGM, JCE, IJME, Cross Cultural Research, Social Inclusion, Journal of Management and Organization, ESRC, UKRI-GCRF, Newton Fund, Sage Business Case, Palgrave, OUP, Routledge, ISBE, RENT, ICSB Caleb has conducted external examinations and validations for Bangor, Middlesex, South Wales, Coventry University London, University of Law and St Mary's University Twickenham. He has also been involved in PhD examinations, both as external assessor and internal examiner. Caleb is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy Research Degree Supervision Completions C. Brownson - on entrepreneurship education (as 2nd supervisor), 2010 A. Abrar - on creative female entrepreneurs (1st supervisor), 2012 H. Manzoor on emotion in boardrooms (2nd supervisor), 2012 S. Abbas on organisational commitment (2nd supervisor), 2012 K. Maddox-Danes on university organisational identity(2nd supervisor), 2014 A. Tariq on downsizing and human resource management (1st supervisor), 2015 J. Ladner on organisational identity of the children workforce (2nd supervisor), 2015 H. Krkjie on "Ambidexterity in academia" (2nd supervisor), 2017 C. Bhattarai on "Organisational capabilities of social enterprises" (joint), 2018 T. van der Spek on "Social Entrepreneurship & blended value creation" (first supervisor), 2018 F.Q. Chai on "IHRM and recruitment in British colonial Hong Kong" (joint), 2019 W. Liu on "Market orientation and social enterprise performance" (joint), 2019 M. Shaaban on "Expatriate job deprivation and thriving at workplace" (joint), 2021 M. Danho on "Women entrepreneurial ecosystem in northern France" (1st), 2022 C. Arranz on "Machine learning methods and the circular economy" (2nd), 2022
BSc (Bath)
MPhil taught (Glasgow)
PhD (Leeds)
PgCHEP (Essex)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
social entrepreneurship, humane entrepreneurship and microfinance
entrepreneurship amongst the disabled population
entrepreneurship amongst refugees, Inernal Displaed Persons (IDPs) and those in the conflict zones
female and ethnic entrepreneurship
management education and enterprise education
human resource management (international)
Entrepreneurship within the circular economy/ sustainability
Conferences and presentations
Understanding the relationship between government financial support to migrant enterprises (MEs) during the COVID-19 pandemic and mental wellbeing of their entrepreneurs
Akita International University Research Showcase 2023, Akita International University, Japan (recorded video submitted), 3/11/2023
Liu, W., Kim, Y. and Kwong, C. (2019), Bricolage as a Path from Strategic Alliances to Radical Innovation for Social Enterprises
Invited presentation, Knowledge Networks: An Interdisciplinary Paper Development Workshop, 9/10/2019
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
International Human Resource Management (BE443)
Sustainable Business (BE463)
Professional and Academic Development (BE905)
Dissertation (BE948)
Research Methods (BE955)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Entrepreneurship
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/3/2025

Degree subject: Entrepreneurship
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/1/2024

Degree subject: Entrepreneurship
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/11/2023

Degree subject: Business Analytics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/11/2022

Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/1/2022

Degree subject: Entrepreneurship
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/6/2020

Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/5/2020

Degree subject: Entrepreneurship
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/1/2019

Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/4/2018

Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Master of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/3/2018

Degree subject: Entrepreneurship
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/2/2018

Degree subject: Business Administration
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/7/2016

Degree subject: Business Administration
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/9/2015

Degree subject: Business Administration
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/12/2014

Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 19/4/2011

Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 6/10/2010

Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 6/10/2010

Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 6/10/2010

Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 6/10/2010

Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 6/10/2010

Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 6/10/2010

Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 6/10/2010

Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 1/10/2010
Journal articles (40)
Abulhaija, S., Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, M., Kwong, C. and Zeng, W., (2025). Exploring the Impact of External Rewards on E-Government Services Adoption: Empirical Evidence from Jordan. Public Management Review, 1-27
Arranz, CFA., Sena, V. and Kwong, C., (2024). Dynamic Capabilities and Institutional Complexity: Exploring the Impact of Innovation and Financial Support Policies on the Circular Economy.. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, 9966-9980
Karim, S., Kwong, C., Shrivastava, M. and Tamvada, JP., (2023). My Mother-in-Law Doesn’t Like It: Resources, Social Norms, and Entrepreneurial Intentions of Women in an Emerging Economy. Small Business Economics: an international journal. 60 (2), 409-431
Arranz, CFA., Kwong, C. and Sena, V., (2023). The effect of consumption and production policies on circular economy business models: A Machine Learning Approach. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 27 (4), 1089-1104
Bhattarai, C., Kwong, C., Cheung, C. and Bhandari, M., (2023). Does social performance contribute to economic performance of social enterprises? The role of social enterprise reputation building. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. 29 (8), 1906-1926
Kwong, C., Cheung, C., Bhattarai, C. and Fieldhouse, S., (2022). How entrepreneurial are social entrepreneurship education providers? The role of universities’ entrepreneurial ecosystems in the provision of elective social entrepreneurship courses to business students. Studies in Higher Education. 47 (5), 1046-1056
Arranz, CFA., Sena, V. and Kwong, C., (2022). Institutional pressures as drivers of circular economy in firms: A machine learning approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. 355, 131738-131738
Karim, S., Kwong, C., Shrivastava, M. and Tamvada, JP., (2022). My Mother-in-Law Doesn’t Like It: Resources, Social Norms, and Entrepreneurial Intentions of Women in an Emerging Economy. Small Business Economics: an international journal
Kwong, C., Demirbag, M., Wood, G. and Lee Cooke, F., (2021). Human Resource Management in the Context of High Uncertainties. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 32 (17), 3569-3599
Liu, W., Kwong, C., Kim, Y-A. and Liu, H., (2021). The More the Better vs. Less is More: Strategic Alliances, Bricolage and Social Performance in Social Enterprises. Journal of Business Research. 137, 128-142
Kwong, C., Cheung, C. and Bhattarai, C., (2019). The role of social media in the collaboration, interaction, co-creation and co-delivery of a social venture in an uncertain conflict environment. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. 23 (6), 640-666
Bhattarai, C., Kwong, CCY. and Tasavori, M., (2019). Market orientation, market disruptiveness capability and social enterprise performance: an empirical study from the United Kingdom. Journal of Business Research. 96, 47-60
Kwong, C., Cheung, C., Manzoor, H. and Ur Rashid, M., (2019). Entrepreneurship through Bricolage. A Study of Displaced Entrepreneurs at Times of War and Conflict. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 31 (5-6), 435-455
Cheung, C., Kwong, CCY., Manzoor, H., Rashid, MU., Bhattarai, C. and Kim, Y-A., (2019). The co-creation of social ventures through bricolage, for the displaced, by the displaced. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. 25 (5), 1093-1127
Tasavori, M., Kwong, CCY. and Pruthi, S., (2018). Resource bricolage and growth of product and market scope in social enterprises. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 30 (3-4), 336-361
Cheung, CWM., Fieldhouse, S. and Kwong, CY., (2018). An Exploratory Quantitative Study into the Relationship between Catholic Affiliation and the Development of Social Entrepreneurship Education in the USA. International Studies in Catholic Education. 10 (2), 203-219
Wood, G., Cooke, FL., Demirbag, M. and Kwong, C., (2018). International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM) Special Issue on:International human resource management in contexts of high uncertainties. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 29 (7), 1365-1373
Thompson, P., Williams, R. and Kwong, CCY., (2017). Factors Holding Back Small Third Sector Organizations' Engagement with the Local Public Sector. Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 27 (4), 513-531
Kwong, CCY. and Cheung, C., (2017). Path-and Place-dependence of entrepreneurial ventures at times of war and conflict.. International Small Business Journal. 35 (8), 903-927
Kwong, C., Tasavori, M. and Cheung, CW-M., (2017). Bricolage, Collaboration and Mission Drift in Social Enterprises. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 29 (7-8), 609-938
Chai, Q., Cheung, C. and Kwong, CCY., (2016). Early Global Trotters and their Entrepreneurial Employment Practices. A Case Study of the Colonial Hong Kong Government, 1845-1850.. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 8 (3), 378-384
Cheung, C., Zheng, V., Kwong, CCY. and Wong, S., (2016). Editorial: Understanding Chinese entrepreneurship from a historical perspective: What can we Learn from our Entrepreneurship heritage and How?. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 8 (3), 298-303
Thompson, P. and Kwong, C., (2016). Compulsory School-Based Enterprise Education as a Gateway to an Entrepreneurial Career. International Small Business Journal. 34 (6), 838-869
Cheung, CWM. and Kwong, CCY., (2016). Constructing a historical case for the teaching of business and management subjects. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 8 (3), 355-377
Kwong, CCY. and Tompson, P., (2016). The When and Why: Student Entrepreneurial Aspirations. Journal of Small Business Management. 54 (1), 299-318
Eng, TY., Kwong, C., Yang, S-JS. and Michelson, G., (2016). Special issue editorial. Journal of General Management. 42 (1), 1-3
Kwong, C., (2016). Henry Fok Tells his Story. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 8 (3), 385-386
Eng, TY., Kwong, C., Yang, S-JS. and Michelson, G., (2016). Entrepreneurial competencies of small and medium-sized enterprises. JOURNAL OF GENERAL MANAGEMENT. 42 (1), 1-3
Thompson, P., Williams, R., Kwong, CCY. and Thomas, B., (2015). The potential of trading activity income to fund Third Sector organisations operating in deprived areas. Local Economy. 30 (6), 627-649
Kwong, CCY., Eng, T. and Thompson, P., (2014). Foreword to the Autumn 2014 Special Issue: Coming out of an economic crisis: the role of entrepreneurship in fostering innovation in times of greater uncertainty. Journal of General Management. 40 (1), 1-7
Eng, TY., Kwong, C. and Thompson, P., (2014). Foreword to the Autumn 2014 Special Issue: Coming out of an economic crisis: the role of entrepreneurship in fostering innovation in times of greater uncertainty. Journal of General Management. 40 (1), 1-5
Kwong, CCY., Jones-Evans, D. and Thompson, P., (2012). Differences in perceptions of access to finance between potential male and female entrepreneurs: Evidence from the UK. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research. 18 (1), 75-97
Kwong, CCY., Thompson, P. and Cheung, CWM., (2012). The Effectiveness of Social Business Plan Competitions in Developing Social and Civic Awareness and Participation. Academy of Management Learning & Education. 11 (3), 324-348
Thompson, P., Jones-Evans, D. and Kwong, CCY., (2012). Entrepreneurship in Deprived Urban Communities: The Case of Wales. Entrepreneurship Research Journal. 2 (1), 1-33
Kwong, CCY., Thompson, P., Cheung, CWM. and Manzoor, H., (2012). The Role of Environment in Fostering Conductive Entrepreneurial Learning - Teaching the 'Art' of Entrepreneurship in Summer Boot Camps. Journal of General Management. 38 (1), 45-71
Jones-Evans, D., Thompson, P. and Kwong, CCY., (2011). Entrepreneurship amongst Minority Language Speakers: The Case of Wales. Regional Studies. 45 (2), 219-238
Kwong, CCY., (2011). Transforming the human resource management of microfinance institutions: The case of Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Enterprise Development and Microfinance. 22 (2), 45-58
Thompson, P., Jones-Evans, D. and Kwong, CCY., (2010). Education and entrepreneurial activity: A comparison of White and South Asian Men. International Small Business Journal. 28 (2), 147-162
Kwong, CCY., Thompson, P., Jones-Evans, D. and Brooksbank, D., (2009). Nascent entrepreneurial activity within female ethnic minority groups. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research. 15 (3), 262-281
Thompson, P., Jones-Evans, D. and Kwong, CCY., (2009). Women and Home-based Entrepreneurship: Evidence from the United Kingdom. International Small Business Journal. 27 (2), 227-239
Book chapters (6)
Kwong, C., Cheung, C. and Fieldhouse, S., (2022). The Role of Entrepreneurship and Spirituality in the Provision of Elective Social Enterprise Courses in Business Schools. In: World Scientific Encyclopedia of Business Sustainability, Ethics and Entrepreneurship. World Scientific Publisher. 261- 288. 9789811241581
Manzoor, H., Rashid Ur, M., Cheung, C. and Kwong, CY., (2019). Internally Displaced Entrepreneur in Pakistan: The Case Study of Abdullah. In: Refugee Entrepreneurship: A Case Based Topography. Editors: Heilbrunn, S., Freiling, J. and Harima, A., . Palgrave Macmillan. 195- 205. 978-3-319-92533-2
Tasavori, M., Kwong, C. and Pruthi, S., (2019). Resource bricolage and growth of product and market scope in social enterprises. In: Social Entrepreneurship and Bricolage Taking Stock and Looking Ahead. Editors: Fayolle, A., Janssen, F., Le Loarne-Lemaire, S. and Maalaoui, A., . Routledge. 9780367208578
Thompson, P., Jones-Evans, D. and Kwong, CCY., (2015). Educational Attainment and its Influence on Entrepreneurial Activity: a Comparison of White and South Asian Men. In: Asian Entrepreneurship. Editors: Dana, LP., . Sage. 9781473913813
Yang, Y. and Kwong, CCY., (2013). The Role of Language on Affiliates' Competence-creation: Evidence from the MNE Linkage across 45 Countries. In: The Changing Geography of International Business. Editors: Cook, G. and Johns, J., . Palgrave Macmillan. 114- 135. 9781137277497
Thompson, P., Kwong, CCY. and Jones-Evans, D., (2012). Enterprise Education and the Adoption of New Technologies Within Small Firms. In: New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium. Editors: Groen, A., Oakey, R., Van Der Sijde, P. and Cook, G., . Emerald. 5- 22. 9781780521183
Conferences (1)
Bhattarai, C., Kwong, C. and Tasavori, M., Learning Orientation and Social Enterprise Performance: The Mediating Role of New Product Development Capability
Reports and Papers (3)
Kwong, C., Street, C. and Cheung, WM., (2023). Accelerating Women’s Enterprise Enterprise bootcamp held at the University of Essex: Review and Reflection
Danho, EJ-M., dann, Z., Johnston, K., Kwong, C. and Adebola-Akande, O., (2023). The impact of AWE programme on women entrepreneurs in France and the UK
McCracken, K., Marquez, S., Kwong, CCY., Stephan, U., Castagnoli, A. and Dlouh�, M., (2015). Women's Entrepreneurship: Closing the Gender Gap in Access to Financial and Other Services and in Social Entrepreneurship
Grants and funding
Accelerating Women�s Enterprise
European Commission
Entrepreneurship amongst refugees and migrants arriving from conflict affected countries � challenges and solutions in the context of Botswana
University of Essex (GCRF)
Accelerating Women�s Enterprise
European Commission