Alison Lawrence

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Colchester Campus
Alison Lawrence is an Occupational Therapist working in the Health, Wellbeing and Care Hub. Within the Hub she works in the Neurorehabilitation Online Clinic (NROC) working with clients who have neurological challenges. She supports students on placements to acquire skills and experience to support and work with clients. Prior to joining the University, Alison worked in the Oliver Zangwill Centre in Ely supporting clients who had an acquired brain injury. Throughout her career Alison has worked with adults with multiple pathologies; inpatient, outpatient and community. Her clinical interests focus on adults with neurological difficulties, working as an interdisciplinary team.
BSc University of East Anglia, (1998)
Grants and funding
Neuro Virtual Consultation Online Coaching
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust
Neuro Virtual Consultation Online Coaching
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust
Neuro Virtual Consultation Online Training
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust