Professor Tracy Lawson

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 873327
3SW.5.47, Colchester Campus
2016-present University of Essex, Colchester, UK Professor- Plant Physiology 2015-2016 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Reader-Plant and Algae Physiology 2015-2015 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Senior Lecturer -Plant and Algae Physiology 2014- 2015 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Senior Research Fellow -Plant and Algae Physiology 2009- 2014 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Research Fellow -Plant and Algae Physiology 2007-2009 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Permanent Senior Research Officer -Plant and Algae Physiology 2002-2003 Australian National University, Canberra, Australia Visiting Research Fellow: Developing transgenic tobacco with altered guard cell metabolism 1999-2007 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Senior Research Officer: Evaluating contributions of guard and mesophyll cell photosynthesis in the regulation of stomatal movements 1998-1999 University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK Postdoctoral Research Associate: Investigating the effects of changing climate and potential impacts on potato yield and quality (CHIP) 1997-1998 University of Dundee, Scotland, UK Postdoctoral Research Assistant: Investigating soil microbial activity associated with buried archaeological material and the interactions between them 1993-1997 University of Dundee, Scotland, UK PhD: Heterogeneity in Stomatal characters 1989-1993 Liverpool, John Moore's University, Liverpool, UK BSc(Hons.) Applied Biology Lab no: 6.23 Lab ext: 3726 Current Group: Dr Pauline Lemonnier, RIPE: Assessing the speed of stomatal responses to improve photosynthesis and water use efficiency. Alexandra Milliken, PhD student, Improving yield potential by exploiting natural variation in pea Ece Imam Moustafa, PhD student, CTP-FCR: Improving cane crop resilience by overcoming the legacy effects on photosynthesis during the recovery from short-term combined stresses Mengjie Fan, PhD student: Optimizing photosynthesis performance, marketable yields, and berry quality using blue light. William Atkinson - PhD student - Examining the role of HXH and altered SD in strawberry. Dilsher Almahmada, - PhD student - The impact of silver NP on crop performance. Current funding: TSB Develop and demonstrate the environmental control technologies and cultivation processes that vertical farms need to achieve mass-market productivity. BBSRC PACE: Using gene technology for improving crop morphology for protected environments. BBSRC: Facing Forwards – Understanding epidermal development in cereals. Innovate UK Investigating the commercial viability of growing Alliums in a protected cropping environment. BBSRC PhenomUK RI: The UK Plants & Crop Phenotyping infrastructure Realizing Improving Photosynthetic Efficiency (RIPE), University of Illinois, Improving in RUBP regeneration and stomatal behaviour. EU Horizon 2020. Combining approaches for photosynthetic improvement to allow increased sustainability in European agriculture’ — ‘Capitalise'. Past lab members: Dr Leila Tavallali- PHD MARINE BIOLOGY Dr Laura Bretherton - PHD MARINE BIOLOGY. Effect of future CO2, temperature and nutrient regimes on primary production in the Western English Channel. Dr Lorna McAusland - The influence of stomata on intrinsic water-use efficiency Dr Wael Obaid - The influence of nanoparticals on plant performance (Co-I with Colbeck) Dr Narin Chansawang - The effects of growth conditions on the biochemical composition of marine microalgae (Co-I with Geider) Dr Stuart Fisk - The effect of increased plastid transketoloase activity on thiamine metabolism in transgenic tobacco (Co- I with Raines) Dr Gordon Murphy- PHD ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY Dr Duncan Sweeney- MPHD BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Dr William Passfield- PHD MARINE BIOLOGY Dr Silvere Vialet-Chabrand. PDRA. Wider and faster: high-throughout phenotypic exploration of novel genetic variation for breeding high biomass and yield in wheat. .(IWYP Grant); in collaboration with E. Murchie (Nottingham) 2016-2019. Dr Michele Faralli:PDRA. PHOTOWHEAT. (BBRSC IPA grant with NIAB and Bayer Ltd). 2017-2020. Mr Jack Matthews- PHD BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Scaling up dynamic responses of stomata to assess impacts on tree canopy carbon gain and water use efficiency.(NERC Env East DTP studentship). . Miss Kucheli Batta- PHD BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES.The role of guard cell chloroplasts in co-ordinating stomatal and mesophyll responses. Mr Ifeanyi Oyemike- MPHD CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. Manipulating Guard cell anatomy and physiology using biotechnological approaches to understanding impact on crop performance. Mr James Stevens- PHD BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Understanding water-use variation in elite barley varieties. (Funded by The Perry Foundation & School of Biological Sciences, University of Essex). Mr John Stamford- PhD Biological Sciences.Using spectral signatures as a toolbox for determining crop health status. (BBSRC Industrial Case Studentship, with industrial partners Environment Systems Ltd.). Mr Matthew Keys- PhD MARINE BIOLOGY. Effect of future CO2, temperature and nutrient regimes on primary production in the Western English Channel. Amnah Alamri: PhD student. The role of the guard cell chloroplasts in stomatal behaviour and co-ordination with mesophyll photosynthesis. Dr John Stamford. PDRA: Hy4Dense. Developing hydroponic systems for densely growing salads. Dr Martin Battle. PDRA: TIGR2ESS: Improving water use and yield stability in Pearl Millet and Sorghum Dr Shellie Wall: PDRA, RIPE. Manipuating stomata to improve photosynthesis and water use efficiency. Dr Jyotirmaya Mathan, PDDRA: Capitalise: Exploiting natural variation to improve crops. Robyn Emmerson, PhD student, Epigenetic regulation of acclimation to fluctuating light. Alexander Buckingham, Masters Student: Using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging as a method for detecting herbicidal modes of action
PhD Plant Science University of Dundee, (1997)
University of Essex
Director of Impact, University of Essex (1/10/2015 - present)
Director of Essex Plant Innovation Centre, Life Sciences, University of Essex (15/9/2019 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Plant ecophysiology
Electron transport and photosynthesis
Stomatal physiology, control of gas exchange and carbon metabolism
Plant growth and water use efficiency
Interaction between plants and their microclimate
Genetic manipulation of guard cell metabolism
Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging
Thermal imaging
Algal/cyanobacterial physiology
Photosynthesis and Nitrogen fixation
Ocean acidification, including tecniques to measure carbonate chemistry
Chlorophyll fluorescence
Systems biology led modelling of high light responses in Arabidopsis
Dynamic acclimation to increased light intensities is characterised by increased photosynthetic capacity leading to increase plant productivity or fitness. Using time series transcrptomics data from plant responding to an increase in light intensity, we have observed the beginnings at the molecular level of dynamic acclimation, several days before it is manifest as increased photosynthetic capacity. The initiation of acclimation is controlled by a photoreceptor and activates a network of transcription factors which are central to the acclimation process. These geens provide the means for articifically being able to increase photosynthetic capcity tapping in on the plant's intrinsic capacity to do this. For details of the genes involved contact Phil Mullineaux, who will be happy to discuss this with you. The datasets are available on GEO and a paper is being prepared for publication.
Current research
Research Details: Stomatal physiology - Climate change and increasing global population is intensifying the need to find suitable crop plants for sustainable food and fuel production for future generations. Drought conditions and reduced water availability severely impact plant productivity and are considered a global threat to world food security. Stomata and their function therefore play a central role in determining the amount of carbon gained per unit water lost, known as plant water use efficiency and consequently have significant implications for crop yields, as well as global hydrological and carbon cycles. Stomata must ensure an appropriate balance between CO2 demands for photosynthesis and water loss through transpiration by correlating stomatal conductance with mesophyll photosynthetic rates. The underlying mechanisms and signals that promote this relationship are currently unknown. Stomata and photosynthesis respond to a number of environmental cues, however responses are not synchronized, with stomatal adjustments generally an order of magnitude slower than mesophyll responses. The resulting disconnection between stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate means that under natural fluctuating environmental condition water use efficiency is most likely far from optimal. I am therefore interested in stomatal control of CO2 assimilation and the relation between mesophyll photosynthesis and stomatal behaviour and the signalling pathways that link these two fundamental processes. I also research the role of guard cell chloroplasts in stomatal function and how guard cell photosynthesis may provide a functional link between mesophyll photosynthesis and guard cell aperture.
Cyanobacterial physiology - Oceans play a major role in the global carbon cycle, with about 50% of the Earths photosynthesis each year occurring in aquatic marine environments, representing a major sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Primary productivity in many areas of the worlds oceans is limited by nitrogen and other nutrients such as phosphorous (P). Thus N2 fixing cyanobacteria including the dominant filamentous Trichodesmium are important in oligotrophic waters where they contribute the N that supports up to 50% of export production (Tyrrell et al., 2003; Capone et al., 2005). N2 fixation is an energy requiring process catalyzed by the enzyme nitrogenase, which is irreversibly damaged by molecular oxygen. Therefore, N2 fixing cyanobacteria must prevent nitrogenase from being damaged by molecular oxygen produced as a by-product of photosynthesis. Most diazotrophic cyanobacteria achieve this by separating photosynthesis and N2 fixation either spatially or temporally. Spatial separation is accomplished by conducting N2 fixation in specialized cells called heterocysts whilst temporal segregation relies on the use of respiratory energy to fix N2 at night. In contrast to these two strategies, the non-heterocyst cyanobacterium Trichodesmium executes both photosynthesis and N2 fixation during the light period without morphological differentiation of specialized cells. I am currently investigating the mechansims that allow photosynthesis and N2 fixation to occur simultaneously. I am also investigating the influence of elevated CO2 and nutrient limitation on photosynthetic processes and N2 fixation in two key cyanobacteria Trichodesmium and Crocosphaera.
Conferences and presentations
Manipulating Blue light resonses in wheat to improve performance
Keynote presentation, Translational Photosynthesis conference, Translational Photosynthesis conference, Brisbane, Australia, 1/7/2019
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Plant Molecular Physiology and Genetics (BS234)
Plant Biotechnology (BS323)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/3/2025

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 30/6/2023

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/3/2023

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/4/2022

Degree subject: Plant Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/4/2021

Degree subject: Environmental Biology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 28/9/2020

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/7/2020

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/7/2020

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/4/2020

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/7/2019

Degree subject: Cell and Molecular Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/4/2019

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 14/2/2019

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/12/2018

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/11/2018

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/2/2018

Degree subject: Microbiology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/5/2017

Degree subject: Environmental Biology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 20/4/2017

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/5/2016

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/1/2016

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/11/2015

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/10/2015

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/6/2015

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/11/2014

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/10/2014
Publications (7)
Sun, H., Schmidt, N., Lawson, T., Hagemann, M. and Timm, S., (2025). Guard cell photorespiration has a major impact on photosynthesis, growth and stomatal behavior in Arabidopsis
Emmerson, RA., Bechtold, U., Zabet, NR. and Lawson, T., (2024). DNA methylation contributes to plant acclimation to naturally fluctuating light
Stevens, J., Davey, P., Kasznicki, P., Hofmann, TA. and Lawson, T., (2024). Green Conversations: Harnessing Plant Communication to control growth light intensity
Chen, T., Hojka, M., Davey, P., Sun, Y., Zhou, F., Lawson, T., Nixon, PJ., Lin, Y. and Liu, L-N., (2024). Engineering Rubisco Condensation in Chloroplasts to Manipulate Plant Photosynthesis
Lemonnier, P., Wall, S., Gherli, H., Moreno-Garcia, B., Afamefule, C., Lawson, T., Raines, CA. and Lopez-Calcagno, PE., (2024). Simultaneous Overexpression of Three Enzymes of Chloroplast Metabolism Fails to Improve CO2Assimilation or Biomass
Ferguson, JN., Jithesh, T., Lawson, T. and Kromdijk, J., (2023). Leaf excision has minimal impact on photosynthetic parameters across crop functional types
Ferguson, JN., Caproni, L., Walter, J., Shaw, K., Thein, MS., Mager, S., Taylor, G., Cackett, L., Mathan, J., Vath, RL., Martin, L., Genty, B., Pe, E., Lawson, T., Dell’Acqua, M. and Kromdijk, J., (2023). The genetic basis of dynamic non-photochemical quenching and photosystem II efficiency in fluctuating light reveals novel molecular targets for maize (Zea mays) improvement
Journal articles (174)
Gill, AR., Phillips, AL., Tyerman, SD., Lawson, T., Cavagnaro, TR., Burton, RA. and Loveys, BR., (2025). Water conservation and assimilation is driven by stomatal behaviour in industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany. 232, 106119-106119
Eichelsbacher, S., Luksch, CR., Bienert, GP., Alcock, TD., Steppe, K., Marcelis, LFM., Orsini, F., Rosenqvist, E., Lambers, H., Runkle, E., Lawson, T. and Asseng, S., (2025). What Is the Limit of Vertical Farming Productivity?. Food and Energy Security. 14 (2)
Busch, FA., Ainsworth, EA., Amtmann, A., Cavanagh, AP., Driever, SM., Ferguson, JN., Kromdijk, J., Lawson, T., Leakey, ADB., Matthews, JSA., Meacham‐Hensold, K., Vath, RL., Vialet‐Chabrand, S., Walker, BJ. and Papanatsiou, M., (2024). A guide to photosynthetic gas exchange measurements: Fundamental principles, best practice and potential pitfalls. Plant, Cell & Environment. 47 (9), 3344-3364
Lemonnier, P. and Lawson, T., (2024). Calvin cycle and guard cell metabolism impact stomatal function.. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology. 155 (Pt A), 59-70
Croce, R., Carmo-Silva, E., Cho, YB., Ermakova, M., Harbinson, J., Lawson, T., McCormick, AJ., Niyogi, KK., Ort, DR., Patel-Tupper, D., Pesaresi, P., Raines, C., Weber, APM. and Zhu, X-G., (2024). Perspectives on improving photosynthesis to increase crop yield. The Plant Cell. 36 (10), 3944-3973
Faralli, M., Mellers, G., Wall, S., Vialet-Chabrand, S., Forget, G., Galle, A., Van Rie, J., Gardner, KA., Ober, ES., Cockram, J. and Lawson, T., (2024). Exploring natural genetic diversity in a bread wheat multi-founder population: Dual imaging of photosynthesis and stomatal kinetics.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 75 (21), 6733-6747
Lawson, T., Rolfe, S., Bray, G. and Hofmann, TA., (2024). Genes to ‘phenes’ To truly unlock the potential of plants, genomic and molecular advances need to be supported by high-tech plant phenotyping. Biologist. 71 (3)
Battle, MW., Vialet-Chabrand, S., Kasznicki, P., Simkin, AJ. and Lawson, T., (2024). Fast stomatal kinetics in sorghum enables tight coordination with photosynthetic responses to dynamic light intensity and safeguards high water use efficiency.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 75 (21), 6796-6809
Tanigawa, K., Yuchen, Q., Katsuhama, N., Sakoda, K., Wakabayashi, Y., Tanaka, Y., Sage, R., Lawson, T. and Yamori, W., (2024). C₄ monocots and C₄ dicots exhibit rapid photosynthetic induction response in contrast to C₃ plants.. Physiologia Plantarum. 176 (4), e14431-
Stamford, JD., Hofmann, TA. and Lawson, T., (2024). Sinusoidal LED light recipes can improve rocket edible biomass and reduce electricity costs in indoor growth environments. Frontiers in Plant Science. 15, 1447368-
Lauria, G., Ceccanti, C., Lo Piccolo, E., El Horri, H., Guidi, L., Lawson, T. and Landi, M., (2024). “Metabolight”: how light spectra shape plant growth, development and metabolism. Physiologia Plantarum. 176 (6), e14587-
Vialet-Chabrand, S., Matsubara, S. and Lawson, T., (2024). Editorial: Dynamic photosynthesis under non-steady conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science. 15, 1489818-
Lawson, T. and Leakey, ADB., (2024). Stomata: custodians of leaf gaseous exchange. Journal of Experimental Botany. 75 (21), 6677-6682
Zanella, CM., Rotondo, M., McCormick‐Barnes, C., Mellers, G., Corsi, B., Berry, S., Ciccone, G., Day, R., Faralli, M., Galle, A., Gardner, KA., Jacobs, J., Ober, ES., Sánchez del Rio, A., Van Rie, J., Lawson, T. and Cockram, J., (2023). Longer epidermal cells underlie a quantitative source of variation in wheat flag leaf size. New Phytologist. 237 (5), 1558-1573
Lawson, T. and Milliken, AL., (2023). Photosynthesis - beyond the leaf.. New Phytologist. 238 (1), 55-61
Chen, T., Riaz, S., Davey, P., Zhao, Z., Sun, Y., Dykes, GF., Zhou, F., Hartwell, J., Lawson, T., Nixon, PJ., Lin, Y. and Liu, L-N., (2023). Producing fast and active Rubisco in tobacco to enhance photosynthesis. The Plant Cell. 35 (2), 795-807
Stamford, JD., Stevens, J., Mullineaux, PM. and Lawson, T., (2023). LED Lighting: A Grower’s Guide to Light Spectra. HortScience. 58 (2), 180-196
Stamford, JD., Vialet-Chabrand, S., Cameron, I. and Lawson, T., (2023). Development of an accurate low cost NDVI imaging system for assessing plant health.. Plant Methods. 19 (1), 9-
Chen, T., Hojka, M., Davey, P., Sun, Y., Dykes, GF., Zhou, F., Lawson, T., Nixon, PJ., Lin, Y. and Liu, L-N., (2023). Engineering α-carboxysomes into plant chloroplasts to support autotrophic photosynthesis. Nature Communications. 14 (1), 2118-
Wall, S., Cockram, J., Vialet-Chabrand, S., Van Rie, J., Gallé, A. and Lawson, T., (2023). The impact of growth at elevated [CO2] on stomatal anatomy and behavior differs between wheat species and cultivars.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 74 (9), 2860-2874
Freitas, RS., Oliveira, LA., McAdam, SAM., Lawson, T., DaMatta, FM. and Cardoso, AA., (2023). Woody species grown under sun and shade present similar stomatal speed. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology. 35 (3), 275-286
Ferguson, JN., Jithesh, T., Lawson, T. and Kromdijk, J., (2023). Excised leaves show limited and species-specific effects on photosynthetic parameters across crop functional types. Journal of Experimental Botany. 74 (21), 6662-6676
Doddrell, NH., Lawson, T., Raines, CA., Wagstaff, C. and Simkin, AJ., (2023). Feeding the world: impacts of elevated [CO2] on nutrient content of greenhouse grown fruit crops and options for future yield gains.. Horticulture Research. 10 (4), uhad026-
Baghalian, K., Hajirezaei, M-R. and Lawson, T., (2023). Editorial: Current and future perspectives for controlled environment agriculture (CEA) in the 21st century. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14, 1334641-
Moolphuerk, N., Lawson, T. and Pattanagul, W., (2022). Chitosan mitigates the adverse effects and improves photosynthetic activity in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings under drought condition. Journal of Crop Improvement. 36 (5), 638-655
Faralli, M., Bontempo, L., Bianchedi, PL., Moser, C., Bertamini, M., Lawson, T., Camin, F., Stefanini, M. and Varotto, C., (2022). Natural variation in stomatal dynamics drives divergence in heat stress tolerance and contributes to the seasonal intrinsic water-use efficiency in Vitis vinifera (subsp. sativa and sylvestris). Journal of Experimental Botany. 73 (10), 3238-3250
Ruiz-Vera, UM., Acevedo-Siaca, LG., Brown, KL., Afamefule, C., Gherli, H., Simkin, AJ., Long, SP., Lawson, T. and Raines, CA., (2022). Field-grown ictB tobacco transformants show no difference in photosynthetic efficiency for biomass relative to the wild type.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 73 (14), 4897-4907
Wall, S., Vialet-Chabrand, S., Davey, P., Van Rie, J., Galle, A., Cockram, J. and Lawson, T., (2022). Stomata on the abaxial and adaxial leaf surface contribute differently to leaf gas exchange and photosynthesis in wheat.. New Phytologist. 235 (5), 1743-1756
Zhu, X-G., Hasanuzzaman, M., Jajoo, A., Lawson, T., Lin, R., Liu, C-M., Liu, L-N., Liu, Z., Lu, C., Moustakas, M., Roach, T., Song, Q., Yin, X. and Zhang, W., (2022). Improving photosynthesis through multidisciplinary efforts: The next frontier of photosynthesis research. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13, 967203-
(2022). Tracy Lawson. New Phytologist. 234 (2), 350-352
Simkin, AJ., Kapoor, L., Doss, CGP., Hofmann, TA., Lawson, T. and Ramamoorthy, S., (2022). The role of photosynthesis related pigments in light harvesting, photoprotection and enhancement of photosynthetic yield in planta.. Photosynthesis Research. 152 (1), 23-42
Long, SP., Taylor, SH., Burgess, SJ., Carmo-Silva, E., Lawson, T., De Souza, AP., Leonelli, L. and Wang, Y., (2022). Into the Shadows and Back into Sunlight: Photosynthesis in Fluctuating Light. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 73 (1), 617-648
Swift, TA., Fagan, D., Benito‐Alifonso, D., Hill, SA., Yallop, ML., Oliver, TAA., Lawson, T., Galan, MC. and Whitney, HM., (2021). Photosynthesis and crop productivity are enhanced by glucose‐functionalised carbon dots. New Phytologist. 229 (2), 783-790
Moore, CE., Meacham-Hensold, K., Lemonnier, P., Slattery, RA., Benjamin, C., Bernacchi, CJ., Lawson, T. and Cavanagh, AP., (2021). The effect of increasing temperature on crop photosynthesis: from enzymes to ecosystems.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 72 (8), 2822-2844
Eyland, D., van Wesemael, J., Lawson, T. and Carpentier, S., (2021). The impact of slow stomatal kinetics on photosynthesis and water use efficiency under fluctuating light.. Plant Physiology. 186 (2), 998-1012
Alvarez‐Fernandez, R., Penfold, CA., Galvez‐Valdivieso, G., Exposito‐Rodriguez, M., Stallard, EJ., Bowden, L., Moore, JD., Mead, A., Davey, PA., Matthews, JSA., Beynon, J., Buchanan‐Wollaston, V., Wild, DL., Lawson, T., Bechtold, U., Denby, KJ. and Mullineaux, PM., (2021). Time series transcriptomics reveals a BBX32-directed control of acclimation to high light in mature Arabidopsis leaves. The Plant Journal. 107 (5), 1363-1386
Stevens, J., Jones, MA. and Lawson, T., (2021). Diverse Physiological and Physical Responses among Wild, Landrace and Elite Barley Varieties Point to Novel Breeding Opportunities. Agronomy. 11 (5), 921-921
Vialet-Chabrand, S., Matthews, JSA. and Lawson, T., (2021). Light, power, action! Interaction of respiratory energy and blue light induced stomatal movements. New Phytologist. 231 (6), 2231-2246
Jezek, M., Silva-Alvim, FAL., Hills, A., Donald, N., Ishka, MR., Shadbolt, J., He, B., Lawson, T., Harper, JF., Wang, Y., Lew, VL. and Blatt, MR., (2021). Guard cell endomembrane Ca2+-ATPases underpin a ‘carbon memory’ of photosynthetic assimilation that impacts on water-use efficiency. Nature Plants. 7 (9), 1301-1313
Santos, MG., Davey, PA., Hofmann, TA., Borland, A., Hartwell, J. and Lawson, T., (2021). Stomatal Responses to Light, CO2, and Mesophyll Tissue in Vicia faba and Kalanchoë fedtschenkoi. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12, 740534-
Falco, WF., Scherer, MD., Oliveira, SL., Wender, H., Colbeck, I., Lawson, T. and Caires, ARL., (2020). Phytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles on Vicia faba: evaluation of particle size effects on photosynthetic performance and leaf gas exchange. Science of the Total Environment. 701, 134816-134816
Faralli, M. and Lawson, T., (2020). Natural genetic variation in photosynthesis: an untapped resource to increase crop yield potential?. The Plant Journal. 101 (3), 518-528
Simkin, AJ., Faralli, M., Ramamoorthy, S. and Lawson, T., (2020). Photosynthesis in non‐foliar tissues: implications for yield. The Plant Journal. 101 (4), 1001-1015
Murray, M., Soh, WK., Yiotis, C., Spicer, RA., Lawson, T. and McElwain, JC., (2020). Consistent Relationship between Field-Measured Stomatal Conductance and Theoretical Maximum Stomatal Conductance in C3Woody Angiosperms in Four Major Biomes. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 181 (1), 142-154
Matthews, JSA., Vialet-Chabrand, S. and Lawson, T., (2020). Role of blue and red light in stomatal dynamic behaviour. Journal of Experimental Botany. 71 (7), 2253-2269
Lawson, T. and Flexas, J., (2020). Fuelling life: recent advances in photosynthesis research.. The Plant Journal. 101 (4), 753-755
Lawson, T. and Matthews, J., (2020). Guard Cell Metabolism and Stomatal Function. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 71 (1), 273-302
Zandalinas, SI., Fritschi, FB. and Mittler, R., (2020). Signal transduction networks during stress combination. Journal of Experimental Botany. 71 (5), 1734-1741
Evans, JR. and Lawson, T., (2020). From green to gold: agricultural revolution for food security. Journal of Experimental Botany. 71 (7), 2211-2215
Vialet-Chabrand, S. and Lawson, T., (2020). Thermography methods to assess stomatal behaviour in a dynamic environment.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 71 (7), 2329-2338
Ahmad, N., Khan, MO., Islam, E., Wei, Z-Y., McAusland, L., Lawson, T., Johnson, GN. and Nixon, PJ., (2020). Contrasting Responses to Stress Displayed by Tobacco Overexpressing an Algal Plastid Terminal Oxidase in the Chloroplast. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11, 501-
Van Meeteren, U., Kaiser, E., Malcolm Matamoros, P., Verdonk, JC. and Aliniaeifard, S., (2020). Is nitric oxide a critical key factor in ABA-induced stomatal closure?. Journal of Experimental Botany. 71 (1), 399-410
Lopez-Calcagno, PE., Brown, KL., Simkin, AJ., Fisk, SJ., Vialet-Chabrand, S., Lawson, T. and Raines, C., (2020). Stimulating photosynthetic processes increases productivity and water use efficiency in the field. Nature Plants. 6 (8), 1054-1063
Pedruzzi, DP., Araujo, LO., Falco, WF., Machado, G., Casagrande, GA., Colbeck, I., Lawson, T., Oliveira, SL. and Caires, ARL., (2020). ZnO nanoparticles impact on the photosynthetic activity of Vicia faba: Effect of particle size and concentration. NanoImpact. 19, 100246-100246
Boatman, TG., Upton, GJG., Lawson, T. and Geider, RJ., (2020). Projected expansion of Trichodesmium’s geographical distribution and increase of growth potential in response to climate change. Global Change Biology. 26 (11), 6445-6456
McAusland, L., Vialet‐Chabrand, S., Jauregui, I., Burridge, A., Hubbart‐Edwards, S., Fryer, MJ., King, IP., King, J., Pyke, K., Edwards, KJ., Carmo‐Silva, E., Lawson, T. and Murchie, EH., (2020). Variation in key leaf photosynthetic traits across wheat wild relatives is accession dependent not species dependent. New Phytologist. 228 (6), 1767-1780
Flütsch, S., Wang, Y., Takemiya, A., Vialet-Chabrand, SRM., Klejchová, M., Nigro, A., Hills, A., Lawson, T., Blatt, MR. and Santelia, D., (2020). Guard Cell Starch Degradation Yields Glucose for Rapid Stomatal Opening in Arabidopsis.. The Plant Cell. 32 (7), 2325-2344
Eyland, D., van Wesemael, J., Lawson, T. and Carpentier, S., (2020). The impact of stomatal kinetics on diurnal photosynthesis and water use efficiency under fluctuating light
Lawson, T. and Vialet-Chabrand, S., (2019). Speedy stomata, photosynthesis and plant water use efficiency. New Phytologist. 221 (1), 93-98
Boatman, TG., Davey, PA., Lawson, T. and Geider, RJ., (2019). CO2 modulation of the rates of photosynthesis and light-dependent O2 consumption in Trichodesmium. Journal of Experimental Botany. 70 (2), 589-597
Bretherton, L., Poulton, AJ., Lawson, T., Balestreri, C., Schroeder, D., Moore, CM. and Suggett, DJ., (2019). Day length as a key factor moderating the response of coccolithophore growth to elevated pCO2. Limnology and Oceanography. 64 (3), 1284-1296
Vialet-Chabrand, S. and Lawson, T., (2019). Dynamic leaf energy balance: deriving stomatal conductance from thermal imaging in a dynamic environment. Journal of Experimental Botany. 70 (10), 2839-2855
Faralli, M., Matthews, J. and Lawson, T., (2019). Exploiting natural variation and genetic manipulation of stomatal conductance for crop improvement. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 49, 1-7
van Wesemael, J., Kissel, E., Eyland, D., Lawson, T., Swennen, R. and Carpentier, S., (2019). Using Growth and Transpiration Phenotyping Under Controlled Conditions to Select Water Efficient Banana Genotypes. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10, 352-
Faralli, M., Cockram, J., Ober, E., Wall, S., Galle, A., Van Rie, J., Raines, C. and Lawson, T., (2019). Genotypic, Developmental and Environmental Effects on the Rapidity of gs in Wheat: Impacts on Carbon Gain and Water-Use Efficiency. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10, 492-
Murray, M., Soh, WK., Yiotis, C., Batke, S., Parnell, AC., Spicer, RA., Lawson, T., Caballero, R., Wright, IJ., Purcell, C. and McElwain, JC., (2019). Convergence in Maximum Stomatal Conductance of C3 Woody Angiosperms in Natural Ecosystems Across Bioclimatic Zones. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10, 558-
Zhang, Q., Peng, S. and Li, Y., (2019). Increase rate of light-induced stomatal conductance is related to stomatal size in the genus Oryza. Journal of Experimental Botany. 70 (19), 5259-5269
Adachi, S., Yamamoto, T., Nakae, T., Yamashita, M., Uchida, M., Karimata, R., Ichihara, N., Soda, K., Ochiai, T., Ao, R., Otsuka, C., Nakano, R., Takai, T., Ikka, T., Kondo, K., Ueda, T., Ookawa, T. and Hirasawa, T., (2019). Genetic architecture of leaf photosynthesis in rice revealed by different types of reciprocal mapping populations. Journal of Experimental Botany. 70 (19), 5131-5144
Swift, TA., Fagan, D., Benito-Alifonso, D., Hill, SA., Yallop, ML., Oliver, TAA., Lawson, T., Galan, MC. and Whitney, HM., (2019). Photosynthesis and crop productivity is enhanced by glucose-functionalized fluorescent carbon dots
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Giannopoulos, A., Nikolopoulos, D., Bresta, P., Samantas, A., Reppa, C., Karaboiki, K., Dotsika, E., Fasseas, C., Liakopoulos, G. and Karabourniotis, G., (2019). Cystoliths of Parietaria judaica can serve as an internal source of CO2 for photosynthetic assimilation when stomata are closed. Journal of Experimental Botany. 70 (20), 5753-5763
McAusland, L., Atkinson, JA., Lawson, T. and Murchie, EH., (2019). High throughput procedure utilising chlorophyll fluorescence imaging to phenotype dynamic photosynthesis and photoprotection in leaves under controlled gaseous conditions. Plant Methods. 15 (1), 109-
Soh, WK., Yiotis, C., Murray, M., Parnell, A., Wright, IJ., Spicer, RA., Lawson, T., Caballero, R. and McElwain, JC., (2019). Rising CO 2 drives divergence in water use efficiency of evergreen and deciduous plants. Science Advances. 5 (12), eaax7906-
Pennacchi, JP., Carmo-Silva, E., Andralojc, PJ., Lawson, T., Allen, AM., Raines, CA. and Parry, MAJ., (2019). Stability of wheat grain yields over three field seasons in the UK. Food and Energy Security. 8 (2), e00147-
Matthews, J. and Lawson, T., (2019). Climate Change and Stomatal Physiology. Annual Plant Reviews Online. 2 (3), 713-752
Matthews, JSA., Vialet-Chabrand, SRM. and Lawson, T., (2018). Acclimation to fluctuating light impacts the rapidity and diurnal rhythm of stomatal conductance.. Plant Physiology. 176 (3), 1939-1951
Archer, SD., Stefels, J., Airs, RL., Lawson, T., Smyth, TJ., Rees, AP. and Geider, RJ., (2018). Limitation of dimethylsulfoniopropionate synthesis at high irradiance in natural phytoplankton communities of the Tropical Atlantic. Limnology and Oceanography. 63 (1), 227-242
Ferguson, JN., Humphry, M., Lawson, T., Brendel, O. and Bechtold, U., (2018). Natural variation of life-history traits, water use, and drought responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Direct. 2 (1), e00035-
Boatman, TG., Davey, PA., Lawson, T. and Geider, RJ., (2018). The physiological cost of diazotrophy for Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101. PLoS ONE. 13 (4), e0195638-e0195638
Boatman, TG., Mangan, NM., Lawson, T. and Geider, RJ., (2018). Inorganic carbon and pH dependency of Trichodesmium's photosynthetic rates.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 69 (15), 3651-3660
Boatman, TG., Oxborough, K., Gledhill, M., Lawson, T. and Geider, RJ., (2018). An integrated response of Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101 growth and photo-physiology to Iron, CO₂, and light intensity. Frontiers in Microbiology. 9 (APR), 624-
Murchie, EH., Kefauver, S., Araus, JL., Muller, O., Rascher, U., Flood, PJ. and Lawson, T., (2018). Measuring the dynamic photosynthome. Annals of Botany. 122 (2), 207-220
Keys, M., Tilstone, G., Findlay, HS., Widdicombe, CE. and Lawson, T., (2018). Effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on phytoplankton community biomass, species composition and photosynthesis during an experimentally induced autumn bloom in the western English Channel. Biogeosciences. 15 (10), 3203-3222
Simkin, AJ., Lopez-Calcagno, PE., Davey, PA., Headland, LR., Lawson, T., Timm, S., Bauwe, H. and Raines, CA., (2017). Simultaneous stimulation of sedoheptulose 1,7‐bisphosphatase, fructose 1,6‐bisphophate aldolase and the photorespiratory glycine decarboxylase‐H protein increases CO2 assimilation, vegetative biomass and seed yield in Arabidopsis. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 15 (7), 805-816
Boatman, TG., Lawson, T. and Geider, RJ., (2017). A Key Marine Diazotroph in a Changing Ocean: The Interacting Effects of Temperature, CO2 and Light on the Growth of Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101. PLOS ONE. 12 (1), e0168796-e0168796
Camp, EF., Dong, LF., Suggett, DJ., Smith, DJ., Boatman, TG., Crosswel, JR., Evenhuis, C., Scorfield, S., Walinjkar, A., Woods, J. and Lawson, T., (2017). A novel membrane inlet-infrared gas analysis (MI-IRGA) system for monitoring of seawater carbonate system. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 15 (1), 38-53
Vialet-Chabrand, S., Matthews, JSA., Simkin, AJ., Raines, CA. and Lawson, T., (2017). Importance of Fluctuations in Light on Plant Photosynthetic Acclimation. Plant Physiology. 173 (4), 2163-2179
Vialet-Chabrand, SRM., Matthews, JSA., McAusland, L., Blatt, MR., Griffiths, H. and Lawson, T., (2017). Temporal Dynamics of Stomatal Behavior: Modeling and Implications for Photosynthesis and Water Use. Plant Physiology. 174 (2), 603-613
Vialet-Chabrand, S., Hills, A., Wang, Y., Griffiths, H., Lew, VL., Lawson, T., Blatt, MR. and Rogers, S., (2017). Global Sensitivity Analysis of OnGuard Models Identifies Key Hubs for Transport Interaction in Stomatal Dynamics. Plant Physiology. 174 (2), 680-688
Matthews, JSA., Vialet-Chabrand, SRM. and Lawson, T., (2017). Diurnal Variation in Gas Exchange: The Balance between Carbon Fixation and Water Loss. Plant Physiology. 174 (2), 614-623
Elena López-Calcagno, P., Omar Abuzaid, A., Lawson, T. and Anne Raines, C., (2017). Arabidopsis CP12 mutants have reduced levels of phosphoribulokinase and impaired function of the Calvin–Benson cycle. Journal of Experimental Botany. 68 (9), 2285-2298
Keys, M., Tilstone, G., Findlay, HS., Widdicombe, CE. and Lawson, T., (2017). Effects of elevated CO2 on phytoplankton community biomass and species composition during a spring Phaeocystis spp. bloom in the western English Channel. Harmful Algae. 67, 92-106
Simkin, AJ., McAusland, L., Lawson, T. and Raines, CA., (2017). Overexpression of the RieskeFeS Protein Increases Electron Transport Rates and Biomass Yield. Plant Physiology. 175 (1), 134-145
Driever, SM., Simkin, AJ., Alotaibi, S., Fisk, S., Madgwick, PJ., Sparks, CA., Jones, HD., Lawson, T., Parry, MAJ. and Raines, CA., (2017). Increased SBPase activity improves photosynthesis and grain yield in wheat grown in greenhouse conditions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 372 (1730), 20160384-20160384
Carmo-Silva, E., Andralojc, PJ., Scales, JC., Driever, SM., Mead, A., Lawson, T., Raines, CA. and Parry, MAJ., (2017). Phenotyping of field-grown wheat in the UK highlights contribution of light response of photosynthesis and flag leaf longevity to grain yield. Journal of Experimental Botany. 68 (13), 3473-3486
Caspari, OD., Meyer, MT., Tolleter, D., Wittkopp, TM., Cunniffe, NJ., Lawson, T., Grossman, AR. and Griffiths, H., (2017). Pyrenoid loss in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii causes limitations in CO2 supply, but not thylakoid operating efficiency. Journal of Experimental Botany. 68 (14), 3903-3913
Wang, Y., Hills, A., Vialet-Chabrand, SRM., Papanatsiou, M., Griffiths, H., Rogers, S., Lawson, T., Lew, V. and Blatt, MR., (2017). Unexpected Connections between Humidity and Ion Transport Discovered using a Model to Bridge Guard Cell-to-Leaf Scales. The Plant Cell. 29 (11), 2921-2939
Bechtold, U., Penfold, CA., Jenkins, DJ., Legaie, R., Moore, JD., Lawson, T., Matthews, JSA., Vialet-Chabrand, SRM., Baxter, L., Subramaniam, S., Hickman, R., Florance, H., Sambles, C., Salmon, DL., Feil, R., Bowden, L., Hill, C., Baker, NR., Lunn, JE., Finkenstädt, B., Mead, A., Buchanan-Wollaston, V., Beynon, J., Rand, DA., Wild, DL., Denby, KJ., Ott, S., Smirnoff, N. and Mullineaux, PM., (2016). Time-series transcriptomics reveals that AGAMOUS-LIKE22 affects primary metabolism and developmental processes in drought-stressed arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 28 (2), 345-366
Sosan, A., Svistunenko, D., Straltsova, D., Tsiurkina, K., Smolich, I., Lawson, T., Subramaniam, S., Golovko, V., Anderson, D., Sokolik, A., Colbeck, I. and Demidchik, V., (2016). Engineered silver nanoparticles are sensed at the plasma membrane and dramatically modify the physiology of Arabidopsis thaliana plants. The Plant Journal. 85 (2), 245-257
Queiroz, AM., Mezacasa, AV., Graciano, DE., Falco, WF., M'Peko, J-C., Guimarães, FEG., Lawson, T., Colbeck, I., Oliveira, SL. and Caires, ARL., (2016). Quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence induced by silver nanoparticles. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 168, 73-77
Jacobs, M., Lopez-Garcia, M., Phrathep, O-P., Lawson, T., Oulton, R. and Whitney, HM., (2016). Photonic multilayer structure of Begonia chloroplasts enhances photosynthetic efficiency. Nature Plants. 2 (11), 16162-
McAusland, L., Vialet-Chabrand, S., Davey, P., Baker, NR., Brendel, O. and Lawson, T., (2016). Effects of kinetics of light-induced stomatal responses on photosynthesis and water-use efficiency. New Phytologist. 211 (4), 1209-1220
Vialet-Chabrand, S., Matthews, JSA., Brendel, O., Blatt, MR., Wang, Y., Hills, A., Griffiths, H., Rogers, S. and Lawson, T., (2016). Modelling water use efficiency in a dynamic environment: An example using Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Science. 251, 65-74
Elliott-Kingston, C., Haworth, M., Yearsley, JM., Batke, SP., Lawson, T. and McElwain, JC., (2016). Does Size Matter? Atmospheric CO2 May Be a Stronger Driver of Stomatal Closing Rate Than Stomatal Size in Taxa That Diversified under Low CO2. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7 (AUG2016), 1253-
Santelia, D. and Lawson, T., (2016). Rethinking Guard Cell Metabolism. Plant Physiology. 172 (3), 1371-1392
Webster, RJ., Driever, SM., Kromdijk, J., McGrath, J., Leakey, ADB., Siebke, K., Demetriades-Shah, T., Bonnage, S., Peloe, T., Lawson, T. and Long, SP., (2016). High C3 photosynthetic capacity and high intrinsic water use efficiency underlies the high productivity of the bioenergy grass Arundo donax. Scientific Reports. 6 (1), 20694-
Lawson, T. and McElwain, JC., (2016). Evolutionary trade-offs in stomatal spacing. New Phytologist. 210 (4), 1149-1151
Minguet-Parramona, C., Wang, Y., Hills, A., Vialet-Chabrand, S., Griffiths, H., Rogers, S., Lawson, T., Lew, VL. and Blatt, MR., (2016). An Optimal Frequency in Ca2+ Oscillations for Stomatal Closure Is an Emergent Property of Ion Transport in Guard Cells. Plant Physiology. 170 (1), 33-42
Beddow, J., Johnson, RJ., Lawson, T., Breckels, MN., Webster, RJ., Smith, BE., Rowland, SJ. and Whitby, C., (2016). The effect of oil sands process-affected water and model naphthenic acids on photosynthesis and growth in Emiliania huxleyi and Chlorella vulgaris. Chemosphere. 145, 416-423
Horrer, D., Flütsch, S., Pazmino, D., Matthews, JSA., Thalmann, M., Nigro, A., Leonhardt, N., Lawson, T. and Santelia, D., (2016). Blue Light Induces a Distinct Starch Degradation Pathway in Guard Cells for Stomatal Opening. Current Biology. 26 (3), 362-370
McElwain, JC., Yiotis, C. and Lawson, T., (2016). Using modern plant trait relationships between observed and theoretical maximum stomatal conductance and vein density to examine patterns of plant macroevolution. New Phytologist. 209 (1), 94-103
Reynolds, P., Leontiadi, S., Lawson, T., Otunla, T., Ejiwumi, O. and Holland, N., (2016). Stabilisation of premature infants in the delivery room with nasal high flow. Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition. 101 (4), F284-F287
Simkin, AJ., McAusland, L., Headland, LR., Lawson, T. and Raines, CA., (2015). Multigene manipulation of photosynthetic carbon assimilation increases CO2 fixation and biomass yield in tobacco. Journal of Experimental Botany. 66 (13), 4075-4090
Khozaei, M., Fisk, S., Lawson, T., Gibon, Y., Sulpice, R., Stitt, M., Lefebvre, SC. and Raines, CA., (2015). Overexpression of Plastid Transketolase in Tobacco Results in a Thiamine Auxotrophic Phenotype. The Plant Cell. 27 (2), 432-447
Litthauer, S., Battle, MW., Lawson, T. and Jones, MA., (2015). Phototropins maintain robust circadian oscillation of
de Torres Zabala, M., Littlejohn, G., Jayaraman, S., Studholme, D., Bailey, T., Lawson, T., Tillich, M., Licht, D., Bölter, B., Delfino, L., Truman, W., Mansfield, J., Smirnoff, N. and Grant, M., (2015). Chloroplasts play a central role in plant defence and are targeted by pathogen effectors. Nature Plants. 1 (6), 15074-
Johnson, GN., Lawson, T., Murchie, EH. and Raines, C., (2015). Photosynthesis in variable environments. Journal of Experimental Botany. 66 (9), 2371-2372
Pieruschka, R. and Lawson, T., (2015). Preface. Journal of Experimental Botany. 66 (18), 5385-5387
Driever, SM., Lawson, T., Andralojc, PJ., Raines, CA. and Parry, MAJ., (2014). Natural variation in photosynthetic capacity, growth, and yield in 64 field-grown wheat genotypes. Journal of Experimental Botany. 65 (17), 4959-4973
Lawson, T., Davey, PA., Yates, SA., Bechtold, U., Baeshen, M., Baeshen, N., Mutwakil, MZ., Sabir, J., Baker, NR. and Mullineaux, PM., (2014). C₃ photosynthesis in the desert plant Rhazya stricta is fully functional at high temperatures and light intensities. New Phytologist. 201 (3), 862-873
Yates, SA., Chernukhin, I., Alvarez-Fernandez, R., Bechtold, U., Baeshen, M., Baeshen, N., Mutwakil, MZ., Sabir, J., Lawson, T. and Mullineaux, PM., (2014). The temporal foliar transcriptome of the perennial C3 desert plant Rhazya stricta in its natural environment. BMC Plant Biology. 14 (1), 2-
Gorecka, M., Alvarez-Fernandez, R., Slattery, K., McAusland, L., Davey, PA., Karpinski, S., Lawson, T. and Mullineaux, PM., (2014). Abscisic acid signalling determines susceptibility of bundle sheath cells to photoinhibition in high light-exposed Arabidopsis leaves. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 369 (1640), 20130234-20130234
Lawson, T. and Blatt, MR., (2014). Stomatal Size, Speed, and Responsiveness Impact on Photosynthesis and Water Use Efficiency . Plant Physiology. 164 (4), 1556-1570
Lawson, T., Simkin, AJ., Kelly, G. and Granot, D., (2014). Mesophyll photosynthesis and guard cell metabolism impacts on stomatal behaviour. New Phytologist. 203 (4), 1064-1081
Barrera Zambrano, VA., Lawson, T., Olmos, E., Fernandez-Garcia, N. and Borland, AM., (2014). Leaf anatomical traits which accommodate the facultative engagement of crassulacean acid metabolism in tropical trees of the genus Clusia. Journal of Experimental Botany. 65 (13), 3513-3523
McKew, BA., Davey, P., Finch, SJ., Hopkins, J., Lefebvre, SC., Metodiev, MV., Oxborough, K., Raines, CA., Lawson, T. and Geider, RJ., (2013). The trade‐off between the light‐harvesting and photoprotective functions of fucoxanthin‐chlorophyll proteins dominates light acclimation in Emiliania huxleyi (clone
Bechtold, U., Albihlal, WS., Lawson, T., Fryer, MJ., Sparrow, PAC., Richard, F., Persad, R., Bowden, L., Hickman, R., Martin, C., Beynon, JL., Buchanan-Wollaston, V., Baker, NR., Morison, JIL., Schöffl, F., Ott, S. and Mullineaux, PM., (2013). Arabidopsis HEAT SHOCK TRANSCRIPTION FACTORA1b overexpression enhances water productivity, resistance to drought, and infection. Journal of Experimental Botany. 64 (11), 3467-3481
McAusland, L., Davey, PA., Kanwal, N., Baker, NR. and Lawson, T., (2013). A novel system for spatial and temporal imaging of intrinsic plant water use efficiency. Journal of Experimental Botany. 64 (16), 4993-5007
Chronopoulou, P., Fahy, A., Coulon, F., Païssé, S., Goñi‐Urriza, M., Peperzak, L., Acuña Alvarez, L., McKew, BA., Lawson, T., Timmis, KN., Duran, R., Underwood, GJC. and McGenity, TJ., (2013). Impact of a simulated oil spill on benthic phototrophs and nitrogen‐fixing bacteria in mudflat mesocosms. Environmental Microbiology. 15 (1), 242-252
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Suggett, DJ., Dong, LF., Lawson, T., Lawrenz, E., Torres, L. and Smith, DJ., (2013). Erratum to: Light availability determines susceptibility of reef building corals to ocean acidification. Coral Reefs. 32 (2), 339-339
Suggett, DJ., Dong, LF., Lawson, T., Lawrenz, E., Torres, L. and Smith, DJ., (2013). Light availability determines susceptibility of reef building corals to ocean acidification. Coral Reefs. 32 (2), 327-337
Honey, DJ., Gledhill, M., Bibby, TS., Legiret, FE., Pratt, NJ., Hickman, AE., Lawson, T. and Achterberg, EP., (2013). Heme b in marine phytoplankton and particulate material from the North Atlantic Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 483, 1-17
Murchie, EH. and Lawson, T., (2013). Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis: a guide to good practice and understanding some new applications. Journal of Experimental Botany. 64 (13), 3983-3998
Read, BA., Kegel, J., Klute, MJ., Kuo, A., Lefebvre, SC., Maumus, F., Mayer, C., Miller, J., Monier, A., Salamov, A., Young, J., Aguilar, M., Claverie, J-M., Frickenhaus, S., Gonzalez, K., Herman, EK., Lin, Y-C., Napier, J., Ogata, H., Sarno, AF., Shmutz, J., Schroeder, D., de Vargas, C., Verret, F., von Dassow, P., Valentin, K., Van de Peer, Y., Wheeler, G., Dacks, JB., Delwiche, CF., Dyhrman, ST., Glöckner, G., John, U., Richards, T., Worden, AZ., Zhang, X. and Grigoriev, IV., (2013). Pan genome of the phytoplankton Emiliania underpins its global distribution. Nature. 499 (7457), 209-213
Lawson, T., Kramer, DM. and Raines, CA., (2012). Improving yield by exploiting mechanisms underlying natural variation of photosynthesis. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 23 (2), 215-220
Oxborough, K., Moore, CM., Suggett, DJ., Lawson, T., Chan, HG. and Geider, RJ., (2012). Direct estimation of functional PSII reaction center concentration and PSII electron flux on a volume basis: a new approach to the analysis of Fast Repetition Rate fluorometry (FRRf) data. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 10 (3), 142-154
Suggett, DJ., Hall‐Spencer, JM., Rodolfo‐Metalpa, R., Boatman, TG., Payton, R., Tye Pettay, D., Johnson, VR., Warner, ME. and Lawson, T., (2012). Sea anemones may thrive in a high CO2 world. Global Change Biology. 18 (10), 3015-3025
BECHTOLD, U., LAWSON, T., MEJIA‐CARRANZA, J., MEYER, RC., BROWN, IR., ALTMANN, T., TON, J. and MULLINEAUX, PM., (2010). Constitutive salicylic acid defences do not compromise seed yield, drought tolerance and water productivity in the Arabidopsis accession C24. Plant, Cell & Environment. 33 (11), 1959-1973
Galvez-Valdivieso, G., Fryer, MJ., Lawson, T., Slattery, K., Truman, W., Smirnoff, N., Asami, T., Davies, WJ., Jones, AM., Baker, NR. and Mullineaux, PM., (2009). The High Light Response inArabidopsisInvolves ABA Signaling between Vascular and Bundle Sheath Cells. The Plant Cell. 21 (7), 2143-2162
Lawson, T., (2009). Guard cell photosynthesis and stomatal function. New Phytologist. 181 (1), 13-34
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MORISON, JIL. and LAWSON, T., (2007). Does lateral gas diffusion in leaves matter?. Plant, Cell & Environment. 30 (9), 1072-1085
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LAWSON, T., BRYANT, B., LEFEBVRE, S., LLOYD, JC. and RAINES, CA., (2006). Decreased SBPase activity alters growth and development in transgenic tobacco plants. Plant, Cell & Environment. 29 (1), 48-58
Lawson, T. and Morison, J., (2006). Visualising patterns of CO2 diffusion in leaves. New Phytologist. 169 (4), 641-643
Lefebvre, S., Lawson, T., Fryer, M., Zakhleniuk, OV., Lloyd, JC. and Raines, CA., (2005). Increased Sedoheptulose-1,7-Bisphosphatase Activity in Transgenic Tobacco Plants Stimulates Photosynthesis and Growth from an Early Stage in Development. Plant Physiology. 138 (1), 451-460
Morison, JIL., Gallouët, E., Lawson, T., Cornic, G., Herbin, R. and Baker, NR., (2005). Lateral Diffusion of CO2 in Leaves Is Not Sufficient to Support Photosynthesis. Plant Physiology. 139 (1), 254-266
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von Caemmerer, S., Lawson, T., Oxborough, K., Baker, NR., Andrews, TJ. and Raines, CA., (2004). Stomatal conductance does not correlate with photosynthetic capacity in transgenic tobacco with reduced amounts of Rubisco. Journal of Experimental Botany. 55 (400), 1157-1166
Maple, J., Fujiwara, MT., Kitahata, N., Lawson, T., Baker, NR., Yoshida, S. and Møller, SG., (2004). GIANT CHLOROPLAST 1 Is Essential for Correct Plastid Division in Arabidopsis. Current Biology. 14 (9), 776-781
Lawson, T., (2003). The responses of guard and mesophyll cell photosynthesis to CO2, O2, light, and water stress in a range of species are similar. Journal of Experimental Botany. 54 (388), 1743-1752
Lawson, T., Oxborough, K., Morison, JIL. and Baker, NR., (2002). Responses of Photosynthetic Electron Transport in Stomatal Guard Cells and Mesophyll Cells in Intact Leaves to Light, CO2, and Humidity. Plant Physiology. 128 (1), 52-62
Lawson, T., Craigon, J., Black, CR., Colls, JJ., Landon, G. and Weyers, JDB., (2002). Impact of elevated CO2 and O3 on gas exchange parameters and epidermal characteristics in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Journal of Experimental Botany. 53 (369), 737-746
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Vandermeiren, K., Black, C., Lawson, T., Casanova, MA. and Ojanperä, K., (2002). Photosynthetic and stomatal responses of potatoes grown under elevated CO2 and/or O3—results from the European CHIP-programme. European Journal of Agronomy. 17 (4), 337-352
Vorne, V., Ojanperä, K., De Temmerman, L., Bindi, M., Högy, P., Jones, MB., Lawson, T. and Persson, K., (2002). Effects of elevated carbon dioxide and ozone on potato tuber quality in the European multiple-site experiment ‘CHIP-project’. European Journal of Agronomy. 17 (4), 369-381
Baker, NR., (2001). High resolution imaging of photosynthetic activities of tissues, cells and chloroplasts in leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany. 52 (356), 615-621
Lawson, T., Craigon, J., Black, CR., Colls, JJ., Tulloch, A-M. and Landon, G., (2001). Effects of elevated carbon dioxide and ozone on the growth and yield of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) grown in open-top chambers. Environmental Pollution. 111 (3), 479-491
Lawson, T., Craigon, JIM., Tulloch, A-M., Black, CR., Colls, JJ. and Landon, G., (2001). Photosynthetic responses to elevated CO2and O3 in field-grown potato(Solanum tuberosum). Journal of Plant Physiology. 158 (3), 309-323
Donnelly, A., Lawson, T., Craigon, J., Black, CR., Colls, JJ. and Landon, G., (2001). Effects of elevated CO2 and O3 on tuber quality in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 87 (3), 273-285
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Lawson, T., (1999). Spatial and temporal variation in gas exchange over the lower surface of Phaseolus vulgaris L. primary leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany. 50 (337), 1381-1391
Lawson, T., James, W. and Weyers, J., (1998). A surrogate measure of stomatal aperture. Journal of Experimental Botany. 49 (325), 1397-1403
Lawson, T., Weyers, J. and A'Brook, R., (1998). The nature of heterogeneity in the stomatal behaviour of Phaseolus vulgaris L. primary leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany. 49 (325), 1387-1395
Lawson, T., (1998). A surrogate measure of stomatal aperture. Journal of Experimental Botany. 49 (325), 1397-1403
Lawson, T., (1998). The nature of heterogeneity in the stomatal behaviour of Phaseolus vulgaris L. primary leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany. 49 (325), 1387-1395
Parsons, R., Weyers, JDB., Lawson, T. and Godber, IM., (1997). Rapid and straightforward estimates of photosynthetic characteristics using a portable gas exchange system. Photosynthetica. 34 (2), 265-279
Weyers, JDB. and Lawson, T., (1997). Heterogeneity in Stomatal Characteristics. Advances in Botanical Research. 26 (C), 317-352
Poole, I., Weyers, JDB., Lawson, T. and Raven, JA., (1996). Variations in stomatal density and index: implications for palaeoclimatic reconstructions. Plant, Cell & Environment. 19 (6), 705-712
ABE, T., LAWSON, T., WEYERS, JDB. and CODD, GA., (1996). Microcystin‐LR inhibits photosynthesis ofPhaseolus vulgarisprimary leaves: implications for current spray irrigation practice. New Phytologist. 133 (4), 651-658
Book chapters (18)
Stamford, J., Aciksoz, SB. and Lawson, T., (2024). Remote Sensing Techniques: Hyperspectral Imaging and Data Analysis. In: Photosynthesis. Editors: Covshoff, S., . Springer US. 373- 390. 9781071637890
Fan, M., Stamford, J. and Lawson, T., (2024). Using Infrared Thermography for High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping. In: Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer US. 317- 332. 9781071637890
Walker, BJ., Driever, SM., Kromdijk, J., Lawson, T. and Busch, FA., (2024). Tools for Measuring Photosynthesis at Different Scales. In: Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer US. 1- 26. 9781071637890
Stamford, J., Kasznicki, P. and Lawson, T., (2024). Spectral Reflectance Measurements. In: Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer US. 333- 353. 9781071637890
Wall, S., Lemonnier, P., Milliken, AL., Davey, P. and Lawson, T., (2024). Simultaneous and Independent Abaxial and Adaxial Gas Exchange Measurements. In: Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer US. 63- 76. 9781071637890
Davey, P. and Lawson, T., (2024). Measurements of Carbon Assimilation in Aquatic Systems. In: Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer US. 95- 120. 9781071637890
Milliken, AL., Fan, M., Mathan, J., Davey, P. and Lawson, T., (2024). Measuring Nonfoliar Photosynthesis. In: Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer US. 77- 94. 9781071637890
Lawson, T. and Vialet-Chabrand, S., (2024). Imaging Spatial and Temporal Variation in Photosynthesis Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence. In: Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer US. 293- 316. 9781071637890
Lawson, T., Emmerson, R., Battle, M., Pullin, J., Wall, S. and Hofmann, TA., (2022). Carbon fixation. In: Photosynthesis in Action. Elsevier. 31- 58. 9780128237816
Stevens, J., Faralli, M., Wall, S., Stamford, J. and Lawson, T., (2021). Stomatal responses to climate change. In: Photosynthesis, respiration and climate change. Editors: Becklin, K., Ward, J. and Way, D., . Springer Nature. 17- 47. 978-3-030-64925-8
Lawson, T. and Vialet-Chabrand, S., (2018). Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. In: Photosynthesis. Editors: Covshoff, S., . Springer. 121- 140. 978-1-4939-7785-7
Walker, BJ., Busch, FA., Driever, SM., Kromdijk, J. and Lawson, T., (2018). Survey of tools for measuring in vivo photosynthesis. In: Photosynthesis. Editors: Covshoff, S., . Springer. 3- 24. 978-1-4939-7785-7
Lawson, T., Terashima, I., Fujita, T. and Wang, Y., (2018). Coordination Between Photosynthesis and Stomatal Behavior. In: Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration. Springer International Publishing. 141- 161. 9783319935928
McAusland, L., Vialet-Chabrand, SRM., Matthews, JSA. and Lawson, T., (2015). Spatial and Temporal Responses in Stomatal Behaviour, Photosynthesis and Implications for Water-Use Efficiency. In: Rhythms in Plants. Springer International Publishing. 97- 119. 9783319205168
Minguet-Parramona, C., Wang, Y., Hills, A., Vialet-Chabrand, S., Griffiths, H., Rogers, S., Lawson, T., Lew, V. and Blatt, MR., (2015). Emergent Oscillatory Properties in Modelling Ion Transport of Guard Cells. In: Rhythms in Plants. Springer International Publishing. 323- 342. 9783319205168
Lawson, T., von Caemmerer, S. and Baroli, I., (2010). Photosynthesis and Stomatal Behaviour. In: Progress in Botany. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 265- 304. 9783642131448
Mullineaux, PM. and Lawson, T., (2009). Measuring redox changes in vivo in leaves: prospects and technical challenges.. In: Redox-Mediated Signal Transduction: Methods and Protocols. Humana Press. 65- 75. 978-1617378027
Lawson, T. and Morison, JIL., (2004). Stomatal function and physiology. In: The Evolution of Plant Physiology. Elsevier. 217- 242. 9780123395528
Conferences (4)
Bretherton, L., Lawson, T., Moore, CM., Poulton, A., Geider, R. and Suggett, D., (2013). LIGHT AVAILABILITY AFFECTS THE OCEAN ACIDIFCATION RESPONSE IN COCCOLITHOPHORES
Suggett, DJ., Stambler, N., O, P., Kolber, Z., Quigg, A., Vázquez-Dominguez, E., Zohary, T., Berman, T., Iluz, D., Levitan, O., Lawson, T., Meeder, E., Lazar, B., Bar-Zeev, E., Medova, H. and Berman-Frank, I., (2009). Nitrogen and phosphorus limitation of oceanic microbial growth during spring in the Gulf of Aqaba
Lawson, T., Cornic, G. and Morision, J., (2007). Do homobaric and heterobaric leaves differ in internal lateral CO2 diffusion?
Reports and Papers (3)
Alvarez-Fernandez, R., Penfold, CA., Galvez-Valdivieso, G., Exposito-Rodriguez, M., Stallard, EJ., Bowden, L., Moore, JD., Mead, A., Davey, PA., Matthews, JSA., Beynon, J., Buchanan-Wollaston, V., Wild, DL., Lawson, T., Bechtold, U., Denby, K. and Mullineaux, PM., (2020). Time series transcriptomics reveals a BBX32-directed control of dynamic acclimation to high light in mature Arabidopsis leaves
López-Calcagno, PE., Brown, KL., Simkin, AJ., Fisk, SJ., Lawson, T. and Raines, CA., (2020). Simultaneous stimulation of RuBP regeneration and electron transport increases productivity and water use efficiency under field conditions
Simkin, AJ., McAusland, L., Lawson, T. and Raines, CA., (2017). Over-expression of the RieskeFeS protein increases electron transport rates and yield inArabidopsis
Grants and funding
PhenomUK-RI: The UK Plant & Crop Phenotyping Infrastructure (Additional Funding)
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Glaia Sugar Dots product in strawberries
Glaia Ltd
Using gene technology for improving crops morphology for protected environments
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Exploiting the genetic and nutritional potential of small-grains for generating climate smart crops for the future
University of Essex BBSRC Flexible Talent Mobility Award
Light Intensity for Optimal Growth in a Vertical Farming Environment
University of Essex (BBSRC IAA)
Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency for Sustainable Increases in Crop Yield (RIPE) Phase 3 Funding - Objective 5
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Photosynthesis enhancement in cucumber plants with sugar-dots
Glaia Ltd
PhenomUK-RI: The UK Plant & Crop Phenotyping Infrastructure
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Stomata and photosynthesis in wheat ears
The Royal Society
Dynamic Plant Phenotyping for future proofing crop productivity
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Investigation of variable intensity lighting as a tool for saving energy within a vertical farm
Vertically Urban
The carbon garden: Determining carbon capture from perennial planting
University of Essex (BBSRC IAA)
Investigate the commercial viability of growing Alliums in a protected cropping environment
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Epidermal patterning
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Explore the use of CFI techniques and protocols for screening pesticide targets for both efficiency and mode of action.
MoA Technology Limited
To quantify amount of Glaia sugar dots absorbed in living leaves of Arabidopsis
Glaia Ltd
Advanced live imaging for the Eastern ARC with dual inverted light-sheets and AI-led analysis
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Vertical Future KTP Application, Jan 2022 deadline
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Glaia Scientific Advisory Board Member
Glaia Ltd
Widening participation and upskilling the next generation through advanced LED plant growth
North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group
Developing a prototype digital feedback system to control LED lighting using the optiscience chlorophyll fluorescence monitoring system
University of Essex (BBSRC IAA)
Growing onions in a vertical or protected environment: a pilot
University of Essex (BBSRC IAA)
Chlorophyll Fluorescence Signatures
Gardin Ltd
Pre-symptomatic remote detection of leaf breakdown and disease in herb crops
Vitacress Ltd
Exploit and extend existing CFI techniques and protocols for screening herbicides and the influence of adjuvant on efficacy.
Advisory board & website
Gardin Ltd
Railscape Limited KTP Application (2021)
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Visit by Professor Siva Ramamoorthy (VIT India) to Essex
University of Essex (GCRF)
European Commission
RIPE: Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency for Sustainable increases in Crop Yield
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Foliair: Measuring the gas exchange of flat moss
Wilkin & Sons KTP application
Wilkin & Sons Ltd
Incoming Visiting Fellowship for Thailand colleague
University of Essex (GCRF)
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council � Fruit Crop Research Collaborative Training Partnerships PhD Studentships
Intelligent smart LED lighting for maximised crop yield
University of Essex (EIRA/Research England)
Genomics led improvement of biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in mustard rape for economic and environmental sustainability
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
BAYER- PHOTOWHEAT: Exploiting variation in stomatal dynamics and ear photosynthesis to optimise wheat productivity.
BASF Belgium Coordination Centre Comm. V
Imaging technologies to understand Septoria disease development in wheat.
RAGT Seeds Ltd
Developing an in situ chlorophyll fluorescence sensor to detect starch in apples and assess spectral changes in apples to determine correlations with nutrients and sugars.
Landseer Ltd
Assist in guiding the Company�s science program and provide advice on overall strategic vision and focus.
BioConsortia Inc
Stomata signalling pathways for increasing yield potential in wheat
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Towards optimising biofumigation and pest control with mustard and radish plants: monitoring the soil microbiome via volatile organic compounds and next generation sequencing
Enabling Innovation: Research to Application
Design, manufacture and marketing of off-grid DC based LED lit growing systems focusing on vertical farming.
iGrowing Ltd
Genomics led improvement of biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in mustard rape for economic and environmental sustainability
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Phenotyping Thai rice photosynthesis for sustainable rice production
British Council
Developing hydroponic systems for vegetables sown at high density
European Commission
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Innovation Voucher with BioConsortia
BioConsortia Inc
Gee Vee Innovation Voucher
Gee Vee Enterprises Ltd
Waveney Mushrooms Innovation Voucher project
Waveney Mushrooms
To develop an automated multi-channel gas exchange system capable of measuring plant photosynthesis for extended periods of time, unattended.
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Manipulating the stomatal blue light response in wheat to improve productivity
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Intelligent LED lighting for maximised crop yield and reduced energy use
Technology STrategy Board
Transforming India's Green Revolution by Research and Empowerment for Sustainable food Supplies
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Intelligent LED lighting solution for maximised crop yields and reduced energy use
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Disentangling plant-soil microbe-plant feedback loop interactions under soil drought stress conditions
ADC BioScientific Limited
PHOTOWHEAT: Exploiting variation in stomatal dynamics and ear photosynthesis to optimise wheat productivity.
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council
Role of protein phosphorylation in maintenance of photosystem two activity
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council
Identifying the mechanisms and resource use implications of acclimation to high-temperature in marine cyanobacteria
Natural Environment Research Council
Development of a novel multiple gas exchange system for plant phentyping
ADC BioScientific Limited
15-IWYP Realising increased photosynthetic efficiency to increase wheat yield
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council
Screening natural variation in stomatal responsiveness for increased transpiration and/ or CO2 assimilation
Bayer CropScience NV
15-IWYP - Wider and faster: high-throughout phenotypic exploration of novel genetic variation for breeding high biomass and yield in wheat
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council
Scaling up dynamic responses of stomatal to assess impacts on tree canopy carbon gain and water use efficency
Forest Research
Stomatal-based Systems Analysis of Water Use Efficiency
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council
OXYEVOL: Atmospheric oxygen as a driver in plant evolution over the past 400 million years
European Research Council
Microbial degradation of isoprene in the terrestial environment
Natural Environment Research Council
Manipulation of photosynthetic carbon metabolism in wheat to improve yield
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council
Metabolic engineering to enhance photosynthesis based on empirical data and in silico modelling
Biotechnology & Biology Science Res.Council
Ocean Acidification Impacts on Sea-Surface Biology
Natural Environment Research Council
Stomatal Function: Guard Cell Chloroplasts
Nuffield Foundation
A Community Metabolism Approach - Coral Growth
Natural Environment Research Council
Effect of light, CO2 and nutrient limitation on photosynthesis in marine diazotrophic cyanobacteria
Natural Environment Research Council
RIPE: Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency for Sustainable increases in Crop Yield
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
RIPE: Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency for Sustainable increases in Crop Yield
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
RIPE: Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency for Sustainable increases in Crop Yield
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
RIPE: Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency for Sustainable increases in Crop Yield
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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