Edward Lee

el21690@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
- OuLiPo. OuTraPo. Gipsy.
I am enjoying a leisurely part-time attempt at a PhD in Creative Writing under the tutelage of Philip Terry and Mary Mazzilli. My focus is on Oulipo and theatre. Having completed a most elucidating and enjoyable MA at Essex in Scriptwriting in 2023, I decided to stay on. I had retired after 40+ years from the IT Industry in 2018 and the MA was a completely different direction for me, my original degree was IT focussed. I have been writing for decades with a couple of pantomimes to my name, one of which has been played in several countries, and have attempted a few books. I am proud of a serious 30 minute play of mine which was part of a student effort to raise awareness of testicular cancer and which contributed to our winning a student charity award. Most importantly I am a father of three and grandfather of three more. If you have anything to ask or say about Oulipo I guarantee that I will be interested. Drop me a line. Likewise, because of my families Gipsy background, I have an interest in that too. There are very few students at the university with such links.
MA Scriptwriting University of Essex (2023)
BSc (Hons) General Degree Open University (1998)
Research and professional activities
Working Title: "The Impact of the Clinamen on Oulipian Theatre"
Supervisor: Philip Terry , Mary Mazzilli