Sarah Lee

Email -
+44 (0) 1702 328285
GB.2.62, Southend Campus
Academic support hours
Sarah has been a registered nurse since 1987 and has held a range of clinical posts. She set up an older persons assessment unit and admission avoidance scheme for older people that gained national beacon status. During that time she had the opportunity to work as a research assistant on the phase 3 trials for cholinesterase inhibitors for Alzheimer Disease. After winning an Eastern Region Research Fellowship award to undertake her MSc she worked as a nursing research facilitator. She moved into education at Essex in 2004 to work on the Pre-registration MSc (Adult ) programme. Subsequently moving into leading the MSc Post Registration pathways developing advanced practice modules. Responding to the local need to develop community matron roles Sarah developed a long term conditions pathway at Masters level and working closely with the Dept of Health and other HEIs produced national competencies for community matrons and case managers. She has been programme lead for the BSc/MSc (Adult) pre-registration nursing programme working across both campuses. She has previously held the role as Head of Nursing within the school She has experience in curriculum development and successful validation. She currently contributes to and leads cross a variety of pre and post registration modules. Mobile:07827 880410
Registered General Nurse
Registered Nurse Teacher
BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies - University of London
MSc Public Health (Health Services Research) - LSHTM
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Fundamentals of Behavioural Sciences (HS182)
Person-Centred Care 1 (HS184)
Welfare, Wellbeing and Health (HS185)
Person-Centred Care 2 (HS187)
Developing Critical Appraisal Skills (HS602)
Biopsychosocial Science (HS701)
Public Health and Wellbeing (HS706)
Consultation and Assessment (HS955)
Research Activity (HS717)
The Therapeutic Practitioner (HS245)
The Autonomous Practitioner - Adult Nursing (HS249)
Academic support hours: