Dr Ebba Lekvall

ebba.lekvall@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872022
Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Academic support hours are by appointment only. If you want to schedule a meeting, please send me an email.
Ebba joined Essex Law School and Human Rights Centre in September 2021. She holds a PhD and an LLM in International Human Rights Law, both from University of Essex, a BA in Jurisprudence/LLB (Hons) from University of Oxford, and a BA in International and Comparative Politics from the American University of Paris. Ebba's PhD thesis examined the applicability of existing legal standards of reparation to domestic reparation programmes in transitional justice contexts. Her main research interests and areas of expertise are reparation, transitional justice, international criminal law, indigenous rights as well as international human rights law. Outside of academia, Ebba has experience in the fields of EU policy, refugee law, and international criminal law. Before returning to Essex for her PhD, Ebba worked as an international research fellow and EU policy expert at Group for Legal and Political Studies, a local think tank in Prishtina, Kosovo, and as a case officer/refugee status determination officer at the Swedish Migration Agency, interviewing asylum seekers and writing decisions on asylum applications. She has also worked as a law clerk in the Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), where she assisted the Chamber in the writing of the judgment in the Stanisic and Zupljanin case and in the pre-trial phase of the Hadzic case. Ebba also spent some time at the International Criminal Court, working in the Office of the Prosecutor, Jurisdiction, Complementarity and Cooperation Division, Situation Analysis Section.
PhD University of Essex, (2021)
LLM in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law University of Essex, (2014)
BA in Jurisprudence (Hons)/LLB (Hons) University of Oxford, (2013)
BA in International and Comparative Politics The American University of Paris, (2010)
University of Essex
Lecturer in Law, Law School, University of Essex (15/9/2021 - present)
Assistant Lecturer / Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Essex (9/10/2017 - 31/7/2020)
Other academic
Lecturer in Law, School of Law, Birmingham City University (1/10/2020 - 14/9/2021)
Associate Fellowship, Higher Education Academy (3/7/2019 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Transitional Justice
International Criminal Law
International Human Rights Law
Indigenous rights
Conferences and presentations
‘Repairing “historical” wrongs: The Church of Sweden’s approach to redressing colonial abuses against the Sami’
Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI), 14/9/2024
Legal Standards of Reparation in International Human Rights Law Applicable in Transitional Justice Contexts
Law and Society Global Meeting, 16/7/2022
Regional Human rights Court and Domestic Reparation Programmes: Are Standards of Reparation Changing?
Law and Society Annual Meeting, 27/5/2021
Reparation in Transitional Justice: Challenges to the Implementation of International Standards of Reparation Redressing Mass Violations of International Human Rights Law
Socio Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, 5/4/2019
Reparation in Times of Transition: Challenges to the Implementation of International Standards of Reparation Redressing Mass Violations of International Human Rights Law
Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI), 6/9/2018
Operationalising Reparations: International Standards for the Implementation of Domestic Reparations Programs Redressing Mass Violations of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
Research Students’ Conference, University of Essex, 15/5/2018
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Essex Law Key Skills (LW100)
Criminal Law (LW104)
International Criminal Law (LW805)
International Human Rights Law: Law and Practice (LW901)
Transitional Justice (LW927)
Current supervision
Journal articles (2)
Lekvall, E., The Danish ‘Coil Campaign’ in Greenland: Indigenous Genocide Through Forced Birth Control?. Nordic Journal of International Law
Lekvall, E. and Martinsson, D., (2020). The Mens Rea Element of Intent in the Context of International Criminal Trials in Sweden. Scandinavian Studies in Law. 66, 99-130
Book chapters (2)
Lekvall, E., (2025). Repairing “historical” wrongs: The Church of Sweden’s approach to redressing colonial abuses against the Sami. In: Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2022 - Reparations in International Law: A Critical Reflection. Editors: Spijkers, O., Fraser, J. and Giakoumakis, E., . T.M.C. Asser Press (Springer). 978-94-6265-626-0
Lekvall, E. and Martinsson, D., (2020). Uppsåt [Translation: ‘Intent’]. In: Lagföring av internationella brott i Sverige [Translation: Prosecution of International Crimes in Sweden]. Editors: Klamberg, M., . Jure. 9789172237902
Thesis dissertation (1)
Lekvall, E., (2021). Addressing challenges for the application of existing legal standards of reparation to domestic reparation programmes in transitional justice contexts
Other (6)
Lekvall, E., Changing Standards of Reparation – The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and Domestic Reparation Mechanisms. Juris Poiesis. 24(36)
Lekvall, E., (2022).Church of Sweden Apologizes to Sami for Involvement in Colonial Oppression & Past Abuses,Essex Law Research Blog
O'Brien, M., Van Ho, T. and Lekvall, E., (2021).To Address Vaccine Hoarding Do Not Look to International Criminal or Human Rights Law,Opinio Juris
Lekvall, E., (2021).Sweden indicts business leaders for war crimes in Sudan,Essex Human Rights Centre Blog
Lekvall, E., Moffett, L., Lawther, C. and Gilmore, S., (2019).The Limits of the Law: Putting Reparations into Practice,EJIL Talk
Lekvall, E., Van Ho, T. and Comer, C., (2016).In (Limited) Defence of the Al Mahdi ICC Case,Justice Hub
Academic support hours:
Academic support hours are by appointment only. If you want to schedule a meeting, please send me an email.